talexandria-tests.asd - clic - Clic is an command line interactive client for gopher written in Common LISP
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       talexandria-tests.asd (565B)
            1 (defsystem "alexandria-tests"
            2   :licence "Public Domain / 0-clause MIT"
            3   :description "Tests for Alexandria, which is a collection of portable public domain utilities."
            4   :author "Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@sb-studio.net>, and others."
            5   :depends-on (:alexandria #+sbcl :sb-rt #-sbcl :rt)
            6   :components ((:file "tests"))
            7   :perform (test-op (o c)
            8              (flet ((run-tests (&rest args)
            9                       (apply (intern (string '#:run-tests) '#:alexandria-tests) args)))
           10                (run-tests :compiled nil)
           11                (run-tests :compiled t))))