Rewrite dedup from scratch - dedup - deduplicating backup program
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/dedup/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/dedup/
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   DIR commit 54776ab6b2b26aea19f77b7876e80cff4b602913
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  HTML Author: sin <sin@2f30.org>
       Date:   Thu, 25 Apr 2019 13:05:40 +0100
       Rewrite dedup from scratch
       The new design provides 3 abstractions.
        * The snapshot layer
        * The block layer
        * The chunker interface
       The snapshot layer manages snapshots.  A snapshot is a collection of
       block hashes.  Each snapshot is a separate file in <repo>/archive/.
       The name of the snapshot file is selected by the user.
       The block layer is composed of 3 sub-layers.
         * Generic layer
         * Compression layer
         * Storage layer
       The generic layer provides the top-level block interface and deals
       with user provided buffers.  When a write goes through the generic
       layer it is passed down to the compression layer which compresses the
       payload, prepends a compression descriptor and passes it down to the
       storage layer.
       The storage layer hashes the payload and prepends a storage
       descriptor.  The final buffer is written to the storage file.  The
       storage layer also maintains a cache of hashes which is used to
       determine if a block exists in the storage or not.
       The chunker interface is basically unchanged.
         M Makefile                            |     115 ++++++-------------------------
         M README                              |      25 ++++++++-----------------
         M TODO                                |       1 -
         A bcompress.c                         |     260 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         D blake2bp-ref.c                      |     359 -------------------------------
         D blake2s-ref.c                       |     367 ------------------------------
         D blake2sp-ref.c                      |     359 -------------------------------
         A block.c                             |     114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A block.h                             |      34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bstorage.c                          |     564 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M chunker.c                           |     174 +++++++++++++++++--------------
         A chunker.h                           |       8 ++++++++
         D compress-lz4.c                      |      54 -------------------------------
         D compress-none.c                     |      41 -------------------------------
         D compress-snappy.c                   |      54 -------------------------------
         D compress.c                          |     112 -------------------------------
         M config.h                            |      11 +++++++----
         M config.mk                           |       5 +++--
         D dedup.h                             |     233 -------------------------------
         D dup-check.1                         |      25 -------------------------
         D dup-check.c                         |     157 -------------------------------
         D dup-info.1                          |      37 -------------------------------
         D dup-info.c                          |     141 -------------------------------
         M dup-init.1                          |       6 +++---
         M dup-init.c                          |      83 ++++++-------------------------
         D dup-list.1                          |      25 -------------------------
         D dup-list.c                          |     113 -------------------------------
         D dup-migrate                         |      28 ----------------------------
         D dup-migrate.1                       |      26 --------------------------
         M dup-pack.1                          |      20 ++++++++++----------
         M dup-pack.c                          |     228 +++++++------------------------
         M dup-unpack.1                        |      17 ++++++++---------
         M dup-unpack.c                        |     170 +++++++++++++------------------
         D hash-blake2b.c                      |      26 --------------------------
         D hash-blake2bp.c                     |      26 --------------------------
         D hash-blake2s.c                      |      26 --------------------------
         D hash-blake2sp.c                     |      26 --------------------------
         D hash.c                              |      94 -------------------------------
         D icache.c                            |     114 -------------------------------
         A queue.h                             |     534 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A snap.c                              |     249 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A snap.h                              |       8 ++++++++
         D types.c                             |     192 -------------------------------
         D utils.c                             |     288 -------------------------------
       44 files changed, 2063 insertions(+), 3486 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -1,143 +1,68 @@
        include config.mk
       -VERSION = 1.0
       -PREFIX = /usr/local
       -MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/man
       -BIN = dup-check dup-info dup-init dup-list dup-pack dup-unpack
       -SCRIPTS = dup-migrate
       -MAN = \
       -        dup-check.1 \
       -        dup-info.1 \
       -        dup-init.1 \
       -        dup-list.1 \
       -        dup-migrate.1 \
       -        dup-pack.1 \
       -        dup-unpack.1 \
       +BIN = dup-init dup-pack dup-unpack
       +MAN = dup-init.1 dup-pack.1 dup-unpack.1
        HDR = \
                arg.h \
                blake2-impl.h \
                blake2.h \
       +        block.h \
       +        chunker.h \
                config.h \
       -        dedup.h \
       +        queue.h \
       +        snap.h \
                tree.h \
       -SRC = \
       -        $(HDR) \
       -        blake2b-ref.c \
       -        blake2bp-ref.c \
       -        blake2s-ref.c \
       -        blake2sp-ref.c \
       -        chunker.c \
       -        compress-lz4.c \
       -        compress-none.c \
       -        compress-snappy.c \
       -        compress.c \
       -        dup-check.c \
       -        dup-info.c \
       -        dup-init.c \
       -        dup-list.c \
       -        dup-pack.c \
       -        dup-unpack.c \
       -        hash-blake2b.c \
       -        hash-blake2bp.c \
       -        hash-blake2s.c \
       -        hash-blake2sp.c \
       -        hash.c \
       -        icache.c \
       -        pack.c \
       -        types.c \
       -        unpack.c \
       -        utils.c \
        COMMOBJ = \
       +        bcompress.o \
                blake2b-ref.o \
       -        blake2bp-ref.o \
       -        blake2s-ref.o \
       -        blake2sp-ref.o \
       +        block.o \
       +        bstorage.o \
                chunker.o \
       -        compress-lz4.o \
       -        compress-none.o \
       -        compress-snappy.o \
       -        compress.o \
       -        hash-blake2b.o \
       -        hash-blake2bp.o \
       -        hash-blake2s.o \
       -        hash-blake2sp.o \
       -        hash.o \
       -        icache.o \
                pack.o \
       -        types.o \
       +        snap.o \
                unpack.o \
       -        utils.o \
       -DCHECKOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-check.o
       -DINFOOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-info.o
        DINITOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-init.o
       -DLISTOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-list.o
        DPACKOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-pack.o
        DUNPACKOBJ = $(COMMOBJ) dup-unpack.o
       -DISTFILES = \
       -        $(MAN) \
       -        $(SRC) \
       -        $(SCRIPTS) \
       -        CHANGELOG \
       -        LICENSE \
       -        Makefile \
       -        README \
       -        config.mk \
       -CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall $(OPENMPCFLAGS)
       -CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
       -LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
       -LDLIBS = -llz4 -lsnappy $(OPENMPLDLIBS)
       +LDLIBS = -llz4 -lsnappy
        all: $(BIN)
       -        rm -f $(DCHECKOBJ) $(DINFOOBJ) $(DINITOBJ) $(DLISTOBJ) $(DPACKOBJ) $(DUNPACKOBJ) $(BIN) dedup-$(VERSION).tar.gz
       +        rm -f $(DINITOBJ) $(DPACKOBJ) $(DUNPACKOBJ) $(BIN)
       +        rm -rf dedup-$(VERSION) dedup-$(VERSION).tar.gz
        install: all
                mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
                cp -f $(BIN) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
       -        cp -f $(SCRIPTS) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
                mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
                cp -f $(MAN) $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1
       -        cd $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin && rm -f $(BIN) $(SCRIPTS)
       +        cd $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin && rm -f $(BIN)
                cd $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1 && rm -f $(MAN)
       +dist: clean
                mkdir -p dedup-$(VERSION)
       -        cp $(DISTFILES) dedup-$(VERSION)
       -        tar -cf dedup-$(VERSION).tar dedup-$(VERSION)
       -        gzip dedup-$(VERSION).tar
       -        rm -rf dedup-$(VERSION)
       -.PHONY: all clean install uninstall dist
       +        cp `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f` dedup-$(VERSION)
       +        tar -cf - dedup-$(VERSION) | gzip > dedup-$(VERSION).tar.gz
        .SUFFIXES: .c .o
                $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
       -dup-check: $(DCHECKOBJ)
       -        $(CC) -o $@ $(DCHECKOBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
       -dup-info: $(DINFOOBJ)
       -        $(CC) -o $@ $(DINFOOBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
        dup-init: $(DINITOBJ)
                $(CC) -o $@ $(DINITOBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
       -dup-list: $(DLISTOBJ)
       -        $(CC) -o $@ $(DLISTOBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
        dup-pack: $(DPACKOBJ)
                $(CC) -o $@ $(DPACKOBJ) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
   DIR diff --git a/README b/README
       @@ -6,32 +6,25 @@ dedup is a simple data deduplication program.
        Getting started
       -To use dedup you have to first initialize the repository.
       +To use dedup you have to first initialize the repository:
            dup-init repo
       -This will create .{snapshots,store} files in the repo directory.  The
       -store file contains all the unique blocks.  The snapshots file
       -contains all the revisions of files that have been deduplicated.
       +dup-init(1) will create a storage file and an archive directory inside
       +the repository.  The storage file contains all the unique blocks of
       +the repository.  The archive directory contains the snapshots.
        dedup only handles a single file at a time, so using tar is advised.
        For example, to dedup a directory tree you can invoke dup-pack(1) as
       -    tar -c ~/dir | dup-pack -m "$(date)" repo
       +    tar -c ~/dir | dup-pack -r repo foo
       -The -m flag is used to attach an arbitrary message to the snapshot.
       +This will create a new snapshot called foo under repo/archive/.
       -To list all known revisions run:
       +To extract a snapshot:
       -    dup-list repo
       -You will get a list of hashes.  Each hash corresponds to a single file
       -(in this case, a tar archive).
       -To extract a file from the deduplicated store run:
       -    dup-unpack <hash> repo > snapshot.tar
       +    dup-unpack -r repo foo > dir.tar
       @@ -41,9 +34,7 @@ dedup works on Linux, *BSD, macOS and possibly other UNIX-like systems.
       -  - liblz4
          - snappy
       -  - libgomp (optional, see config.mk)
   DIR diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
       @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
        Use a ring buffer in the chunker (avoid memmove() call)
        Create a library archive out of the blake2b files and link with it
        pledge/unveil support
       -Create libdedup
   DIR diff --git a/bcompress.c b/bcompress.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
       +/* Compression layer implementation */
       +#include <sys/types.h>
       +#include <sys/stat.h>
       +#include <assert.h>
       +#include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <stdint.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include <unistd.h>
       +#include <snappy-c.h>
       +#include "block.h"
       +#define CDNONETYPE        0x200
       +#define CDSNAPPYTYPE        0x201
       +#define CDSIZE                (8 + 8)
       +extern int pack(unsigned char *dst, char *fmt, ...);
       +extern int unpack(unsigned char *src, char *fmt, ...);
       +static int bccreat(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +static int bcopen(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +static int bcput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
       +static int bcget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n);
       +static int bcsync(struct bctx *bctx);
       +static int bcclose(struct bctx *bctx);
       +static struct bops bops = {
       +        .creat = bccreat,
       +        .open = bcopen,
       +        .put = bcput,
       +        .get = bcget,
       +        .sync = bcsync,
       +        .close = bcclose,
       +struct cctx {
       +        uint64_t type;
       +/* Compression descriptor */
       +struct cd {
       +        uint64_t type;
       +        uint64_t size;
       +/* Read compression descriptor */
       +static int
       +unpackcd(void *buf, struct cd *cd)
       +        int n;
       +        n = unpack(buf, "qq",
       +                   &cd->type,
       +                   &cd->size);
       +        assert(n == CDSIZE);
       +        return n;
       +/* Write compression descriptor */
       +static int
       +packcd(void *buf, struct cd *cd)
       +        int n;
       +        n = pack(buf, "qq",
       +                 cd->type,
       +                 cd->size);
       +        assert(n == CDSIZE);
       +        return n;
       +static int
       +bccreat(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar)
       +        struct cctx *cctx;
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        int type;
       +        if (strcmp(bpar->calgo, "none") == 0)
       +                type = CDNONETYPE;
       +        else if (strcmp(bpar->calgo, "snappy") == 0)
       +                type = CDSNAPPYTYPE;
       +        else
       +                return -1;
       +        bctx->cctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cctx));
       +        if (bctx->cctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        cctx = bctx->cctx;
       +        cctx->type = type;
       +        bops = bstorageops();
       +        if (bops->creat(bctx, path, mode, bpar) < 0) {
       +                free(cctx);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +bcopen(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar)
       +        struct cctx *cctx;
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        bctx->cctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct cctx));
       +        if (bctx->cctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        cctx = bctx->cctx;
       +        bops = bstorageops();
       +        if (bops->open(bctx, path, flags, mode, bpar) < 0) {
       +                free(cctx);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        if (strcmp(bpar->calgo, "none") == 0)
       +                cctx->type = CDNONETYPE;
       +        else if (strcmp(bpar->calgo, "snappy") == 0)
       +                cctx->type = CDSNAPPYTYPE;
       +        else {
       +                bops->close(bctx);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +bcput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
       +        struct cctx *cctx;
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        struct cd cd;
       +        char *cbuf;
       +        size_t cn;
       +        cctx = bctx->cctx;
       +        switch (cctx->type) {
       +        case CDNONETYPE:
       +                cn = n;
       +                cbuf = malloc(CDSIZE + cn);
       +                if (cbuf == NULL)
       +                        return -1;
       +                memcpy(&cbuf[CDSIZE], buf, cn);
       +                break;
       +        case CDSNAPPYTYPE:
       +                cn = snappy_max_compressed_length(n);
       +                cbuf = malloc(CDSIZE + cn);
       +                if (cbuf == NULL)
       +                        return -1;
       +                if (snappy_compress(buf, n, &cbuf[CDSIZE], &cn) != SNAPPY_OK) {
       +                        free(cbuf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +                break;
       +        default:
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* Prepend compression descriptor */
       +        cd.type = cctx->type;
       +        cd.size = cn;
       +        packcd(cbuf, &cd);
       +        bops = bstorageops();
       +        if (bops->put(bctx, cbuf, CDSIZE + cn, md) < 0) {
       +                free(cbuf);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        free(cbuf);
       +        return cd.size;
       +static int
       +bcget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        struct cd cd;
       +        char *cbuf;
       +        size_t cn, un, size;
       +        size = *n;
       +        cn = snappy_max_compressed_length(size);
       +        if (cn > size)
       +                size = cn;
       +        size += CDSIZE;
       +        cbuf = malloc(size);
       +        if (cbuf == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bstorageops();
       +        if (bops->get(bctx, md, cbuf, &size) < 0) {
       +                free(cbuf);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        unpackcd(cbuf, &cd);
       +        switch (cd.type) {
       +        case CDNONETYPE:
       +                un = cd.size;
       +                if (*n < un) {
       +                        free(cbuf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +                memcpy(buf, &cbuf[CDSIZE], un);
       +                break;
       +        case CDSNAPPYTYPE:
       +                if (snappy_uncompressed_length(&cbuf[CDSIZE], cd.size,
       +                                               &un) != SNAPPY_OK || *n < un) {
       +                        free(cbuf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +                if (snappy_uncompress(&cbuf[CDSIZE], cd.size, buf,
       +                                      &un) != SNAPPY_OK) {
       +                        free(cbuf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +                break;
       +        default:
       +                free(cbuf);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        free(cbuf);
       +        *n = un;
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +bcsync(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct bops *bops = bstorageops();
       +        return bops->sync(bctx);
       +static int
       +bcclose(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct cctx *cctx = bctx->cctx;
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        free(cctx);
       +        bops = bstorageops();
       +        return bops->close(bctx);
       +struct bops *
       +        return &bops;
   DIR diff --git a/blake2bp-ref.c b/blake2bp-ref.c
       @@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
       -   BLAKE2 reference source code package - reference C implementations
       -   Copyright 2012, Samuel Neves <sneves@dei.uc.pt>.  You may use this under the
       -   terms of the CC0, the OpenSSL Licence, or the Apache Public License 2.0, at
       -   your option.  The terms of these licenses can be found at:
       -   - CC0 1.0 Universal : http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
       -   - OpenSSL license   : https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
       -   - Apache 2.0        : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
       -   More information about the BLAKE2 hash function can be found at
       -   https://blake2.net.
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -#include <omp.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "blake2-impl.h"
       -#define PARALLELISM_DEGREE 4
       -  blake2b_init_param defaults to setting the expecting output length
       -  from the digest_length parameter block field.
       -  In some cases, however, we do not want this, as the output length
       -  of these instances is given by inner_length instead.
       -static int blake2bp_init_leaf_param( blake2b_state *S, const blake2b_param *P )
       -  int err = blake2b_init_param(S, P);
       -  S->outlen = P->inner_length;
       -  return err;
       -static int blake2bp_init_leaf( blake2b_state *S, size_t outlen, size_t keylen, uint64_t offset )
       -  blake2b_param P[1];
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length = (uint8_t)keylen;
       -  P->fanout = PARALLELISM_DEGREE;
       -  P->depth = 2;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, offset );
       -  store32( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth = 0;
       -  P->inner_length = BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES;
       -  memset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
       -  memset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  return blake2bp_init_leaf_param( S, P );
       -static int blake2bp_init_root( blake2b_state *S, size_t outlen, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2b_param P[1];
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length = (uint8_t)keylen;
       -  P->fanout = PARALLELISM_DEGREE;
       -  P->depth = 2;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth = 1;
       -  P->inner_length = BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES;
       -  memset( P->reserved, 0, sizeof( P->reserved ) );
       -  memset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  return blake2b_init_param( S, P );
       -int blake2bp_init( blake2bp_state *S, size_t outlen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  memset( S->buf, 0, sizeof( S->buf ) );
       -  S->buflen = 0;
       -  S->outlen = outlen;
       -  if( blake2bp_init_root( S->R, outlen, 0 ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2bp_init_leaf( S->S[i], outlen, 0, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S->R->last_node = 1;
       -  S->S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1;
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2bp_init_key( blake2bp_state *S, size_t outlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( !key || !keylen || keylen > BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  memset( S->buf, 0, sizeof( S->buf ) );
       -  S->buflen = 0;
       -  S->outlen = outlen;
       -  if( blake2bp_init_root( S->R, outlen, keylen ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2bp_init_leaf( S->S[i], outlen, keylen, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S->R->last_node = 1;
       -  S->S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1;
       -  {
       -    uint8_t block[BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES];
       -    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2b_update( S->S[i], block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
       -  }
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2bp_update( blake2bp_state *S, const void *pin, size_t inlen )
       -  const unsigned char * in = (const unsigned char *)pin;
       -  size_t left = S->buflen;
       -  size_t fill = sizeof( S->buf ) - left;
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( left && inlen >= fill )
       -  {
       -    memcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2b_update( S->S[i], S->buf + i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    in += fill;
       -    inlen -= fill;
       -    left = 0;
       -  }
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -  #pragma omp parallel shared(S), num_threads(PARALLELISM_DEGREE)
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -    size_t      i = omp_get_thread_num();
       -    size_t inlen__ = inlen;
       -    const unsigned char *in__ = ( const unsigned char * )in;
       -    in__ += i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -    while( inlen__ >= PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      blake2b_update( S->S[i], in__, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    }
       -  }
       -  in += inlen - inlen % ( PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -  if( inlen > 0 )
       -    memcpy( S->buf + left, in, inlen );
       -  S->buflen = left + inlen;
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2bp_final( blake2bp_state *S, void *out, size_t outlen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if(out == NULL || outlen < S->outlen) {
       -    return -1;
       -  }
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -    if( S->buflen > i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      size_t left = S->buflen - i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      if( left > BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ) left = BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      blake2b_update( S->S[i], S->buf + i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES, left );
       -    }
       -    blake2b_final( S->S[i], hash[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES );
       -  }
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    blake2b_update( S->R, hash[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES );
       -  return blake2b_final( S->R, out, S->outlen );
       -int blake2bp( void *out, size_t outlen, const void *in, size_t inlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2b_state S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE][1];
       -  blake2b_state FS[1];
       -  size_t i;
       -  /* Verify parameters */
       -  if ( NULL == in && inlen > 0 ) return -1;
       -  if ( NULL == out ) return -1;
       -  if( NULL == key && keylen > 0 ) return -1;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( keylen > BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2bp_init_leaf( S[i], outlen, keylen, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1; /* mark last node */
       -  if( keylen > 0 )
       -  {
       -    uint8_t block[BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES];
       -    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2b_update( S[i], block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
       -  }
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -  #pragma omp parallel shared(S,hash), num_threads(PARALLELISM_DEGREE)
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -    size_t      i = omp_get_thread_num();
       -    size_t inlen__ = inlen;
       -    const unsigned char *in__ = ( const unsigned char * )in;
       -    in__ += i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -    while( inlen__ >= PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      blake2b_update( S[i], in__, BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    }
       -    if( inlen__ > i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      const size_t left = inlen__ - i * BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      const size_t len = left <= BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES ? left : BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      blake2b_update( S[i], in__, len );
       -    }
       -    blake2b_final( S[i], hash[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES );
       -  }
       -  if( blake2bp_init_root( FS, outlen, keylen ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  FS->last_node = 1; /* Mark as last node */
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    blake2b_update( FS, hash[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES );
       -  return blake2b_final( FS, out, outlen );;
       -#if defined(BLAKE2BP_SELFTEST)
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2-kat.h"
       -int main( void )
       -  uint8_t key[BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES];
       -  uint8_t buf[BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH];
       -  size_t i, step;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES; ++i )
       -    key[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -    buf[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  /* Test simple API */
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -  {
       -    uint8_t hash[BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES];
       -    blake2bp( hash, BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES, buf, i, key, BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES );
       -    if( 0 != memcmp( hash, blake2bp_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES ) )
       -    {
       -      goto fail;
       -    }
       -  }
       -  /* Test streaming API */
       -  for(step = 1; step < BLAKE2B_BLOCKBYTES; ++step) {
       -    for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i) {
       -      uint8_t hash[BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES];
       -      blake2bp_state S;
       -      uint8_t * p = buf;
       -      size_t mlen = i;
       -      int err = 0;
       -      if( (err = blake2bp_init_key(&S, BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES, key, BLAKE2B_KEYBYTES)) < 0 ) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      while (mlen >= step) {
       -        if ( (err = blake2bp_update(&S, p, step)) < 0 ) {
       -          goto fail;
       -        }
       -        mlen -= step;
       -        p += step;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2bp_update(&S, p, mlen)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2bp_final(&S, hash, BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if (0 != memcmp(hash, blake2bp_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2B_OUTBYTES)) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -    }
       -  }
       -  puts( "ok" );
       -  return 0;
       -  puts("error");
       -  return -1;
   DIR diff --git a/blake2s-ref.c b/blake2s-ref.c
       @@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
       -   BLAKE2 reference source code package - reference C implementations
       -   Copyright 2012, Samuel Neves <sneves@dei.uc.pt>.  You may use this under the
       -   terms of the CC0, the OpenSSL Licence, or the Apache Public License 2.0, at
       -   your option.  The terms of these licenses can be found at:
       -   - CC0 1.0 Universal : http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
       -   - OpenSSL license   : https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
       -   - Apache 2.0        : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
       -   More information about the BLAKE2 hash function can be found at
       -   https://blake2.net.
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "blake2-impl.h"
       -static const uint32_t blake2s_IV[8] =
       -  0x6A09E667UL, 0xBB67AE85UL, 0x3C6EF372UL, 0xA54FF53AUL,
       -  0x510E527FUL, 0x9B05688CUL, 0x1F83D9ABUL, 0x5BE0CD19UL
       -static const uint8_t blake2s_sigma[10][16] =
       -  {  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 } ,
       -  { 14, 10,  4,  8,  9, 15, 13,  6,  1, 12,  0,  2, 11,  7,  5,  3 } ,
       -  { 11,  8, 12,  0,  5,  2, 15, 13, 10, 14,  3,  6,  7,  1,  9,  4 } ,
       -  {  7,  9,  3,  1, 13, 12, 11, 14,  2,  6,  5, 10,  4,  0, 15,  8 } ,
       -  {  9,  0,  5,  7,  2,  4, 10, 15, 14,  1, 11, 12,  6,  8,  3, 13 } ,
       -  {  2, 12,  6, 10,  0, 11,  8,  3,  4, 13,  7,  5, 15, 14,  1,  9 } ,
       -  { 12,  5,  1, 15, 14, 13,  4, 10,  0,  7,  6,  3,  9,  2,  8, 11 } ,
       -  { 13, 11,  7, 14, 12,  1,  3,  9,  5,  0, 15,  4,  8,  6,  2, 10 } ,
       -  {  6, 15, 14,  9, 11,  3,  0,  8, 12,  2, 13,  7,  1,  4, 10,  5 } ,
       -  { 10,  2,  8,  4,  7,  6,  1,  5, 15, 11,  9, 14,  3, 12, 13 , 0 } ,
       -static void blake2s_set_lastnode( blake2s_state *S )
       -  S->f[1] = (uint32_t)-1;
       -/* Some helper functions, not necessarily useful */
       -static int blake2s_is_lastblock( const blake2s_state *S )
       -  return S->f[0] != 0;
       -static void blake2s_set_lastblock( blake2s_state *S )
       -  if( S->last_node ) blake2s_set_lastnode( S );
       -  S->f[0] = (uint32_t)-1;
       -static void blake2s_increment_counter( blake2s_state *S, const uint32_t inc )
       -  S->t[0] += inc;
       -  S->t[1] += ( S->t[0] < inc );
       -static void blake2s_init0( blake2s_state *S )
       -  size_t i;
       -  memset( S, 0, sizeof( blake2s_state ) );
       -  for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) S->h[i] = blake2s_IV[i];
       -/* init2 xors IV with input parameter block */
       -int blake2s_init_param( blake2s_state *S, const blake2s_param *P )
       -  const unsigned char *p = ( const unsigned char * )( P );
       -  size_t i;
       -  blake2s_init0( S );
       -  /* IV XOR ParamBlock */
       -  for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
       -    S->h[i] ^= load32( &p[i * 4] );
       -  S->outlen = P->digest_length;
       -  return 0;
       -/* Sequential blake2s initialization */
       -int blake2s_init( blake2s_state *S, size_t outlen )
       -  blake2s_param P[1];
       -  /* Move interval verification here? */
       -  if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) ) return -1;
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length    = 0;
       -  P->fanout        = 1;
       -  P->depth         = 1;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, 0 );
       -  store16( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth    = 0;
       -  P->inner_length  = 0;
       -  /* memset(P->reserved, 0, sizeof(P->reserved) ); */
       -  memset( P->salt,     0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  return blake2s_init_param( S, P );
       -int blake2s_init_key( blake2s_state *S, size_t outlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2s_param P[1];
       -  if ( ( !outlen ) || ( outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) ) return -1;
       -  if ( !key || !keylen || keylen > BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length    = (uint8_t)keylen;
       -  P->fanout        = 1;
       -  P->depth         = 1;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, 0 );
       -  store16( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth    = 0;
       -  P->inner_length  = 0;
       -  /* memset(P->reserved, 0, sizeof(P->reserved) ); */
       -  memset( P->salt,     0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  if( blake2s_init_param( S, P ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  {
       -    uint8_t block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES];
       -    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
       -    blake2s_update( S, block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
       -  }
       -  return 0;
       -#define G(r,i,a,b,c,d)                      \
       -  do {                                      \
       -    a = a + b + m[blake2s_sigma[r][2*i+0]]; \
       -    d = rotr32(d ^ a, 16);                  \
       -    c = c + d;                              \
       -    b = rotr32(b ^ c, 12);                  \
       -    a = a + b + m[blake2s_sigma[r][2*i+1]]; \
       -    d = rotr32(d ^ a, 8);                   \
       -    c = c + d;                              \
       -    b = rotr32(b ^ c, 7);                   \
       -  } while(0)
       -#define ROUND(r)                    \
       -  do {                              \
       -    G(r,0,v[ 0],v[ 4],v[ 8],v[12]); \
       -    G(r,1,v[ 1],v[ 5],v[ 9],v[13]); \
       -    G(r,2,v[ 2],v[ 6],v[10],v[14]); \
       -    G(r,3,v[ 3],v[ 7],v[11],v[15]); \
       -    G(r,4,v[ 0],v[ 5],v[10],v[15]); \
       -    G(r,5,v[ 1],v[ 6],v[11],v[12]); \
       -    G(r,6,v[ 2],v[ 7],v[ 8],v[13]); \
       -    G(r,7,v[ 3],v[ 4],v[ 9],v[14]); \
       -  } while(0)
       -static void blake2s_compress( blake2s_state *S, const uint8_t in[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES] )
       -  uint32_t m[16];
       -  uint32_t v[16];
       -  size_t i;
       -  for( i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) {
       -    m[i] = load32( in + i * sizeof( m[i] ) );
       -  }
       -  for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
       -    v[i] = S->h[i];
       -  }
       -  v[ 8] = blake2s_IV[0];
       -  v[ 9] = blake2s_IV[1];
       -  v[10] = blake2s_IV[2];
       -  v[11] = blake2s_IV[3];
       -  v[12] = S->t[0] ^ blake2s_IV[4];
       -  v[13] = S->t[1] ^ blake2s_IV[5];
       -  v[14] = S->f[0] ^ blake2s_IV[6];
       -  v[15] = S->f[1] ^ blake2s_IV[7];
       -  ROUND( 0 );
       -  ROUND( 1 );
       -  ROUND( 2 );
       -  ROUND( 3 );
       -  ROUND( 4 );
       -  ROUND( 5 );
       -  ROUND( 6 );
       -  ROUND( 7 );
       -  ROUND( 8 );
       -  ROUND( 9 );
       -  for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) {
       -    S->h[i] = S->h[i] ^ v[i] ^ v[i + 8];
       -  }
       -#undef G
       -#undef ROUND
       -int blake2s_update( blake2s_state *S, const void *pin, size_t inlen )
       -  const unsigned char * in = (const unsigned char *)pin;
       -  if( inlen > 0 )
       -  {
       -    size_t left = S->buflen;
       -    size_t fill = BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES - left;
       -    if( inlen > fill )
       -    {
       -      S->buflen = 0;
       -      memcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill ); /* Fill buffer */
       -      blake2s_increment_counter( S, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -      blake2s_compress( S, S->buf ); /* Compress */
       -      in += fill; inlen -= fill;
       -      while(inlen > BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES) {
       -        blake2s_increment_counter(S, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES);
       -        blake2s_compress( S, in );
       -        in += BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -        inlen -= BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      }
       -    }
       -    memcpy( S->buf + S->buflen, in, inlen );
       -    S->buflen += inlen;
       -  }
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2s_final( blake2s_state *S, void *out, size_t outlen )
       -  uint8_t buffer[BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES] = {0};
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( out == NULL || outlen < S->outlen )
       -    return -1;
       -  if( blake2s_is_lastblock( S ) )
       -    return -1;
       -  blake2s_increment_counter( S, ( uint32_t )S->buflen );
       -  blake2s_set_lastblock( S );
       -  memset( S->buf + S->buflen, 0, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES - S->buflen ); /* Padding */
       -  blake2s_compress( S, S->buf );
       -  for( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) /* Output full hash to temp buffer */
       -    store32( buffer + sizeof( S->h[i] ) * i, S->h[i] );
       -  memcpy( out, buffer, outlen );
       -  secure_zero_memory(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2s( void *out, size_t outlen, const void *in, size_t inlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2s_state S[1];
       -  /* Verify parameters */
       -  if ( NULL == in && inlen > 0 ) return -1;
       -  if ( NULL == out ) return -1;
       -  if ( NULL == key && keylen > 0) return -1;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( keylen > BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( keylen > 0 )
       -  {
       -    if( blake2s_init_key( S, outlen, key, keylen ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  }
       -  else
       -  {
       -    if( blake2s_init( S, outlen ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  }
       -  blake2s_update( S, ( const uint8_t * )in, inlen );
       -  blake2s_final( S, out, outlen );
       -  return 0;
       -#if defined(SUPERCOP)
       -int crypto_hash( unsigned char *out, unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen )
       -  return blake2s( out, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES, in, inlen, NULL, 0 );
       -#if defined(BLAKE2S_SELFTEST)
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2-kat.h"
       -int main( void )
       -  uint8_t key[BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES];
       -  uint8_t buf[BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH];
       -  size_t i, step;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES; ++i )
       -    key[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -    buf[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  /* Test simple API */
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -  {
       -    uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES];
       -    blake2s( hash, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES, buf, i, key, BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES );
       -    if( 0 != memcmp( hash, blake2s_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) )
       -    {
       -      goto fail;
       -    }
       -  }
       -  /* Test streaming API */
       -  for(step = 1; step < BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES; ++step) {
       -    for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i) {
       -      uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES];
       -      blake2s_state S;
       -      uint8_t * p = buf;
       -      size_t mlen = i;
       -      int err = 0;
       -      if( (err = blake2s_init_key(&S, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES, key, BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES)) < 0 ) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      while (mlen >= step) {
       -        if ( (err = blake2s_update(&S, p, step)) < 0 ) {
       -          goto fail;
       -        }
       -        mlen -= step;
       -        p += step;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2s_update(&S, p, mlen)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2s_final(&S, hash, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if (0 != memcmp(hash, blake2s_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES)) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -    }
       -  }
       -  puts( "ok" );
       -  return 0;
       -  puts("error");
       -  return -1;
   DIR diff --git a/blake2sp-ref.c b/blake2sp-ref.c
       @@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
       -   BLAKE2 reference source code package - reference C implementations
       -   Copyright 2012, Samuel Neves <sneves@dei.uc.pt>.  You may use this under the
       -   terms of the CC0, the OpenSSL Licence, or the Apache Public License 2.0, at
       -   your option.  The terms of these licenses can be found at:
       -   - CC0 1.0 Universal : http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
       -   - OpenSSL license   : https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
       -   - Apache 2.0        : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
       -   More information about the BLAKE2 hash function can be found at
       -   https://blake2.net.
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -#include <omp.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "blake2-impl.h"
       -#define PARALLELISM_DEGREE 8
       -  blake2sp_init_param defaults to setting the expecting output length
       -  from the digest_length parameter block field.
       -  In some cases, however, we do not want this, as the output length
       -  of these instances is given by inner_length instead.
       -static int blake2sp_init_leaf_param( blake2s_state *S, const blake2s_param *P )
       -  int err = blake2s_init_param(S, P);
       -  S->outlen = P->inner_length;
       -  return err;
       -static int blake2sp_init_leaf( blake2s_state *S, size_t outlen, size_t keylen, uint64_t offset )
       -  blake2s_param P[1];
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length = (uint8_t)keylen;
       -  P->fanout = PARALLELISM_DEGREE;
       -  P->depth = 2;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, offset );
       -  store16( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth = 0;
       -  P->inner_length = BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES;
       -  memset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  return blake2sp_init_leaf_param( S, P );
       -static int blake2sp_init_root( blake2s_state *S, size_t outlen, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2s_param P[1];
       -  P->digest_length = (uint8_t)outlen;
       -  P->key_length = (uint8_t)keylen;
       -  P->fanout = PARALLELISM_DEGREE;
       -  P->depth = 2;
       -  store32( &P->leaf_length, 0 );
       -  store32( &P->node_offset, 0 );
       -  store16( &P->xof_length, 0 );
       -  P->node_depth = 1;
       -  P->inner_length = BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES;
       -  memset( P->salt, 0, sizeof( P->salt ) );
       -  memset( P->personal, 0, sizeof( P->personal ) );
       -  return blake2s_init_param( S, P );
       -int blake2sp_init( blake2sp_state *S, size_t outlen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  memset( S->buf, 0, sizeof( S->buf ) );
       -  S->buflen = 0;
       -  S->outlen = outlen;
       -  if( blake2sp_init_root( S->R, outlen, 0 ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2sp_init_leaf( S->S[i], outlen, 0, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S->R->last_node = 1;
       -  S->S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1;
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2sp_init_key( blake2sp_state *S, size_t outlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( !key || !keylen || keylen > BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  memset( S->buf, 0, sizeof( S->buf ) );
       -  S->buflen = 0;
       -  S->outlen = outlen;
       -  if( blake2sp_init_root( S->R, outlen, keylen ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2sp_init_leaf( S->S[i], outlen, keylen, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S->R->last_node = 1;
       -  S->S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1;
       -  {
       -    uint8_t block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES];
       -    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2s_update( S->S[i], block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
       -  }
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2sp_update( blake2sp_state *S, const void *pin, size_t inlen )
       -  const unsigned char * in = (const unsigned char *)pin;
       -  size_t left = S->buflen;
       -  size_t fill = sizeof( S->buf ) - left;
       -  size_t i;
       -  if( left && inlen >= fill )
       -  {
       -    memcpy( S->buf + left, in, fill );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2s_update( S->S[i], S->buf + i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    in += fill;
       -    inlen -= fill;
       -    left = 0;
       -  }
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -  #pragma omp parallel shared(S), num_threads(PARALLELISM_DEGREE)
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -    size_t      i = omp_get_thread_num();
       -    size_t inlen__ = inlen;
       -    const unsigned char *in__ = ( const unsigned char * )in;
       -    in__ += i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -    while( inlen__ >= PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      blake2s_update( S->S[i], in__, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    }
       -  }
       -  in += inlen - inlen % ( PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -  if( inlen > 0 )
       -    memcpy( S->buf + left, in, inlen );
       -  S->buflen = left + inlen;
       -  return 0;
       -int blake2sp_final( blake2sp_state *S, void *out, size_t outlen )
       -  size_t i;
       -  if(out == NULL || outlen < S->outlen) {
       -    return -1;
       -  }
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -    if( S->buflen > i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      size_t left = S->buflen - i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      if( left > BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES ) left = BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      blake2s_update( S->S[i], S->buf + i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES, left );
       -    }
       -    blake2s_final( S->S[i], hash[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES );
       -  }
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    blake2s_update( S->R, hash[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES );
       -  return blake2s_final( S->R, out, S->outlen );
       -int blake2sp( void *out, size_t outlen, const void *in, size_t inlen, const void *key, size_t keylen )
       -  blake2s_state S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE][1];
       -  blake2s_state FS[1];
       -  size_t i;
       -  /* Verify parameters */
       -  if ( NULL == in && inlen > 0 ) return -1;
       -  if ( NULL == out ) return -1;
       -  if ( NULL == key && keylen > 0) return -1;
       -  if( !outlen || outlen > BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) return -1;
       -  if( keylen > BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES ) return -1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    if( blake2sp_init_leaf( S[i], outlen, keylen, i ) < 0 ) return -1;
       -  S[PARALLELISM_DEGREE - 1]->last_node = 1; /* mark last node */
       -  if( keylen > 0 )
       -  {
       -    uint8_t block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES];
       -    memset( block, 0, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    memcpy( block, key, keylen );
       -    for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -      blake2s_update( S[i], block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    secure_zero_memory( block, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES ); /* Burn the key from stack */
       -  }
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -  #pragma omp parallel shared(S,hash), num_threads(PARALLELISM_DEGREE)
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -  {
       -#if defined(_OPENMP)
       -    size_t      i = omp_get_thread_num();
       -    size_t inlen__ = inlen;
       -    const unsigned char *in__ = ( const unsigned char * )in;
       -    in__ += i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -    while( inlen__ >= PARALLELISM_DEGREE * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      blake2s_update( S[i], in__, BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES );
       -    }
       -    if( inlen__ > i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES )
       -    {
       -      const size_t left = inlen__ - i * BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      const size_t len = left <= BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES ? left : BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES;
       -      blake2s_update( S[i], in__, len );
       -    }
       -    blake2s_final( S[i], hash[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES );
       -  }
       -  if( blake2sp_init_root( FS, outlen, keylen ) < 0 )
       -    return -1;
       -  FS->last_node = 1;
       -  for( i = 0; i < PARALLELISM_DEGREE; ++i )
       -    blake2s_update( FS, hash[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES );
       -  return blake2s_final( FS, out, outlen );
       -#if defined(BLAKE2SP_SELFTEST)
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2-kat.h"
       -int main( void )
       -  uint8_t key[BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES];
       -  uint8_t buf[BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH];
       -  size_t i, step;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES; ++i )
       -    key[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -    buf[i] = ( uint8_t )i;
       -  /* Test simple API */
       -  for( i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i )
       -  {
       -    uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES];
       -    blake2sp( hash, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES, buf, i, key, BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES );
       -    if( 0 != memcmp( hash, blake2sp_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES ) )
       -    {
       -      goto fail;
       -    }
       -  }
       -  /* Test streaming API */
       -  for(step = 1; step < BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES; ++step) {
       -    for (i = 0; i < BLAKE2_KAT_LENGTH; ++i) {
       -      uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES];
       -      blake2sp_state S;
       -      uint8_t * p = buf;
       -      size_t mlen = i;
       -      int err = 0;
       -      if( (err = blake2sp_init_key(&S, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES, key, BLAKE2S_KEYBYTES)) < 0 ) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      while (mlen >= step) {
       -        if ( (err = blake2sp_update(&S, p, step)) < 0 ) {
       -          goto fail;
       -        }
       -        mlen -= step;
       -        p += step;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2sp_update(&S, p, mlen)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if ( (err = blake2sp_final(&S, hash, BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES)) < 0) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -      if (0 != memcmp(hash, blake2sp_keyed_kat[i], BLAKE2S_OUTBYTES)) {
       -        goto fail;
       -      }
       -    }
       -  }
       -  puts( "ok" );
       -  return 0;
       -  puts("error");
       -  return -1;
   DIR diff --git a/block.c b/block.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
       +#include <sys/types.h>
       +#include <sys/stat.h>
       +#include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <stdint.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include "block.h"
       +bcreat(char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar, struct bctx **bctx)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        if (path == NULL || bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (bpar == NULL)
       +                bpar = bparamdef();
       +        *bctx = calloc(1, sizeof(**bctx));
       +        if (*bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        if (bops->creat(*bctx, path, mode, bpar) < 0) {
       +                free(*bctx);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +bopen(char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar, struct bctx **bctx)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        if (path == NULL || bpar == NULL || bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        *bctx = calloc(1, sizeof(**bctx));
       +        if (*bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        if (bops->open(*bctx, path, flags, mode, bpar) < 0) {
       +                free(*bctx);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +bput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        if (bctx == NULL || buf == NULL || n == 0 || md == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        return bops->put(bctx, buf, n, md);
       +bget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        if (bctx == NULL || md == NULL || buf == NULL || n == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        return bops->get(bctx, md, buf, n);
       +bsync(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        if (bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        return bops->sync(bctx);
       +bclose(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct bops *bops;
       +        int r;
       +        if (bctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (bsync(bctx) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bops = bcompressops();
       +        r = bops->close(bctx);
       +        free(bctx);
       +        return r;
       +struct bparam *
       +        static struct bparam bpar = { .calgo = "snappy", .halgo = "blake2b" };
       +        return &bpar;
   DIR diff --git a/block.h b/block.h
       @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
       +struct bctx {
       +        void *rctx;        /* raw layer context */
       +        void *cctx;        /* compression layer context */
       +        void *sctx;        /* storage layer context */
       +struct bparam {
       +        char *calgo;
       +        char *halgo;
       +struct bops {
       +        int (*creat)(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +        int (*open)(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +        int (*put)(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
       +        int (*get)(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n);
       +        int (*sync)(struct bctx *bctx);
       +        int (*close)(struct bctx *bctx);
       +/* block.c */
       +extern int bcreat(char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar, struct bctx **bctx);
       +extern int bopen(char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar, struct bctx **bctx);
       +extern int bput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
       +extern int bget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n);
       +extern int bsync(struct bctx *bctx);
       +extern int bclose(struct bctx *bctx);
       +struct bparam *bparamdef(void);
       +/* bcompress.c */
       +extern struct bops *bcompressops(void);
       +/* bstorage.c */
       +extern struct bops *bstorageops(void);
   DIR diff --git a/bstorage.c b/bstorage.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
       + * Storage layer implementation using a single backing file.
       + * The file format is as follows:
       + *
       + * [storage header]
       + * [storage descriptor 0]
       + * [data]
       + * [storage descriptor 1]
       + * [data]
       + * ...
       + */
       +#include <sys/types.h>
       +#include <sys/stat.h>
       +#include <assert.h>
       +#include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <stdint.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include <unistd.h>
       +#include "blake2.h"
       +#include "block.h"
       +#include "config.h"
       +#include "tree.h"
       +#define VMIN                0
       +#define VMAJ                1
       +#define VMINMASK        0xff
       +#define VMAJSHIFT        8
       +#define VMAJMASK        0xff
       +#define HALGOSHIFT        19
       +#define HALGOMASK        0x7
       +#define CALGOSHIFT        16
       +#define CALGOMASK        0x7
       +#define BHDRSIZE        16
       +#define BDTYPE                0x100
       +#define BDSIZE                (8 + 8 + 8 + (MDSIZE))
       +#define CSNAPPYTYPE        0
       +#define HBLAKE2BTYPE        0
       +extern int pack(unsigned char *dst, char *fmt, ...);
       +extern int unpack(unsigned char *src, char *fmt, ...);
       +static int bscreat(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +static int bsopen(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar);
       +static int bsput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md);
       +static int bsget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n);
       +static int bssync(struct bctx *bctx);
       +static int bsclose(struct bctx *bctx);
       +static struct bops bops = {
       +        .creat = bscreat,
       +        .open = bsopen,
       +        .put = bsput,
       +        .get = bsget,
       +        .sync = bssync,
       +        .close = bsclose,
       +/* Block header structure */
       +struct bhdr {
       +        uint64_t flags;
       +        uint64_t nent;
       +/* Block descriptor */
       +struct bd {
       +        uint64_t type;
       +        uint64_t offset;
       +        uint64_t size;
       +        unsigned char md[MDSIZE];
       +        RB_ENTRY(bd) entry;
       +RB_HEAD(bdcache, bd);
       +struct sctx {
       +        struct bdcache bdcache;
       +        struct bhdr bhdr;
       +        int fd;
       +        int rdonly;
       +static char *ctbl[] = {
       +        "snappy",
       +        NULL,
       +static char *htbl[] = {
       +        "blake2b",
       +        NULL,
       +static int
       +bd_cmp(struct bd *b1, struct bd *b2)
       +        int r;
       +        r = memcmp(b1->md, b2->md, MDSIZE);
       +        if (r > 0)
       +                return 1;
       +        else if (r < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        return 0;
       +static RB_PROTOTYPE(bdcache, bd, entry, bd_cmp)
       +static RB_GENERATE(bdcache, bd, entry, bd_cmp)
       +static int
       +bhash(void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
       +        blake2b_state ctx;
       +        if (blake2b_init(&ctx, MDSIZE) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (blake2b_update(&ctx, buf, n) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        return blake2b_final(&ctx, md, MDSIZE);
       +static ssize_t
       +xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       +        unsigned char *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = read(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       +        }
       +        return total;
       +static ssize_t
       +xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       +        unsigned char *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = write(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       +        }
       +        return total;
       +/* Read block header */
       +static int
       +unpackbhdr(int fd, struct bhdr *bhdr)
       +        unsigned char buf[BHDRSIZE];
       +        int n;
       +        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf))
       +                return -1;        
       +        n = unpack(buf, "qq",
       +                   &bhdr->flags,
       +                   &bhdr->nent);
       +        assert(n == sizeof(buf));
       +        return n;
       +/* Write block header */
       +static int
       +packbhdr(int fd, struct bhdr *bhdr)
       +        unsigned char buf[BHDRSIZE];
       +        int n;
       +        n = pack(buf, "qq",
       +                 bhdr->flags,
       +                 bhdr->nent);
       +        assert(n == BHDRSIZE);
       +        if (xwrite(fd, buf, n) != n)
       +                return -1;
       +        return n;
       +/* Read block descriptor */
       +static int
       +unpackbd(int fd, struct bd *bd)
       +        unsigned char buf[BDSIZE];
       +        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       +        int n;
       +        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf))
       +                return -1;
       +        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "qqq'%d", MDSIZE);
       +        n = unpack(buf, fmt,
       +                   &bd->type,
       +                   &bd->offset,
       +                   &bd->size,
       +                   bd->md);
       +        assert(n == BDSIZE);
       +        return n;
       +/* Write block descriptor */
       +static int
       +packbd(int fd, struct bd *bd)
       +        unsigned char buf[BDSIZE];
       +        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       +        int n;
       +        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "qqq'%d", MDSIZE);
       +        n = pack(buf, fmt,
       +                 bd->type,
       +                 bd->offset,
       +                 bd->size,
       +                 bd->md);
       +        assert(n == BDSIZE);
       +        if (xwrite(fd, buf, n) != n)
       +                return -1;
       +        return n;
       +/* Insert block descriptor to cache */
       +static int
       +loadbd(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        struct bd *bd;
       +        bd = calloc(1, sizeof(*bd));
       +        if (bd == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (unpackbd(sctx->fd, bd) < 0) {
       +                free(bd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        if (bd->type != BDTYPE) {
       +                free(bd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* Move to the next block descriptor */
       +        if (lseek(sctx->fd, bd->size, SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
       +                free(bd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        RB_INSERT(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, bd);
       +        return 0;
       +/* Initialize block descriptor cache */
       +static int
       +initbdcache(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        struct bhdr *bhdr;
       +        uint64_t i;
       +        bhdr = &sctx->bhdr;
       +        for (i = 0; i < bhdr->nent; i++) {
       +                struct bd *bd, *tmp;
       +                if (loadbd(sctx) == 0)
       +                        continue;
       +                /* Cleanup */
       +                RB_FOREACH_SAFE(bd, bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, tmp) {
       +                        RB_REMOVE(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, bd);
       +                        free(bd);
       +                }
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +/* Create a new store */
       +static int
       +bscreat(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int mode, struct bparam *bpar)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bhdr *bhdr;
       +        char **algo;
       +        int fd;
       +        fd = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, mode);
       +        if (fd < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bctx->sctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sctx));
       +        if (bctx->sctx == NULL) {
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        RB_INIT(&sctx->bdcache);
       +        bhdr = &sctx->bhdr;
       +        bhdr->flags = (VMAJ << VMAJSHIFT) | VMIN;
       +        /* Set compression algorithm */
       +        for (algo = ctbl; algo; algo++) {
       +                if (strcmp(*algo, bpar->calgo) == 0) {
       +                        uint64_t v;
       +                        v = algo - ctbl;
       +                        bhdr->flags |= v << CALGOSHIFT;
       +                        break;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        if (algo == NULL) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* Set hash algorithm */
       +        for (algo = htbl; algo; algo++) {
       +                if (strcmp(*algo, bpar->halgo) == 0) {
       +                        uint64_t v;
       +                        v = algo - htbl;
       +                        bhdr->flags |= v << HALGOSHIFT;
       +                        break;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        if (algo == NULL) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        bhdr->nent = 0;
       +        sctx->fd = fd;
       +        if (packbhdr(fd, bhdr) < 0) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +/* Open an existing store */
       +static int
       +bsopen(struct bctx *bctx, char *path, int flags, int mode, struct bparam *bpar)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bhdr *bhdr;
       +        char **algo;
       +        int fd, calgo, halgo;
       +        fd = open(path, flags, mode);
       +        if (fd < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bctx->sctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sctx));
       +        if (bctx->sctx == NULL) {
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        RB_INIT(&sctx->bdcache);
       +        bhdr = &sctx->bhdr;
       +        if (unpackbhdr(fd, bhdr) < 0) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* If the major version is different, the format is incompatible */
       +        if (((bhdr->flags >> VMAJSHIFT) & VMAJMASK) != VMAJ) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* Get compression algorithm */
       +        calgo = (bhdr->flags >> CALGOSHIFT) & CALGOMASK;
       +        for (algo = ctbl; algo; algo++) {
       +                uint64_t v = algo - ctbl;
       +                if (v == calgo) {
       +                        bpar->calgo = ctbl[v];
       +                        break;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        if (algo == NULL) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        /* Get hash algorithm */
       +        halgo = (bhdr->flags >> CALGOSHIFT) & CALGOMASK;
       +        for (algo = htbl; algo; algo++) {
       +                uint64_t v = algo - htbl;
       +                if (v == halgo) {
       +                        bpar->halgo = htbl[v];
       +                        break;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        if (algo == NULL) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        sctx->fd = fd;
       +        sctx->rdonly = flags == O_RDONLY;
       +        if (initbdcache(sctx) < 0) {
       +                free(sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +/* Write a new block */
       +static int
       +bsput(struct bctx *bctx, void *buf, size_t n, unsigned char *md)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bhdr *bhdr;
       +        struct bd key, *bd;
       +        off_t offs;
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        if (bhash(buf, n, key.md) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bd = RB_FIND(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, &key);
       +        if (bd != NULL) {
       +                memcpy(md, bd->md, MDSIZE);
       +                return 0;
       +        }
       +        offs = lseek(sctx->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
       +        if (offs < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bd = calloc(1, sizeof(*bd));
       +        if (bd == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        bd->type = BDTYPE;
       +        bd->offset = offs + BDSIZE;
       +        bd->size = n;
       +        memcpy(bd->md, key.md, MDSIZE);
       +        if (packbd(sctx->fd, bd) < 0) {
       +                free(bd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        if (xwrite(sctx->fd, buf, n) != n) {
       +                ftruncate(sctx->fd, offs);
       +                free(bd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        bhdr = &sctx->bhdr;
       +        bhdr->nent++;
       +        RB_INSERT(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, bd);
       +        memcpy(md, bd->md, MDSIZE);
       +        return bd->size;
       +/* Read a block */
       +static int
       +bsget(struct bctx *bctx, unsigned char *md, void *buf, size_t *n)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bd key, *bd;
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        /* Lookup block in the cache */
       +        memcpy(key.md, md, MDSIZE);
       +        bd = RB_FIND(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, &key);
       +        if (bd == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (*n < bd->size)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (lseek(sctx->fd, bd->offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (xread(sctx->fd, buf, bd->size) != bd->size)
       +                return -1;
       +        *n = bd->size;
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +bssync(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bhdr *bhdr;
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        if (sctx->rdonly)
       +                return 0;
       +        if (lseek(sctx->fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        bhdr = &sctx->bhdr;
       +        if (packbhdr(sctx->fd, bhdr) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        fsync(sctx->fd);
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +bsclose(struct bctx *bctx)
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bd *bd, *tmp;
       +        int r;
       +        if (bssync(bctx) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        sctx = bctx->sctx;
       +        RB_FOREACH_SAFE(bd, bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, tmp) {
       +                RB_REMOVE(bdcache, &sctx->bdcache, bd);
       +                free(bd);
       +        }
       +        r = close(sctx->fd);
       +        free(sctx);
       +        return r;
       +struct bops *
       +        return &bops;
   DIR diff --git a/chunker.c b/chunker.c
       @@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
       -#include <err.h>
        #include <stdint.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <string.h>
        #include <unistd.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
        #define ROTL(x, y) (((x) << (y)) | ((x) >> (32 - (y))))
        struct chunker {
       -        uint8_t *buf;
       +        unsigned char *buf;
                int fd;
       -        size_t rpos;
       -        size_t wpos;
       -        size_t min_size;
       -        size_t max_size;
       +        size_t rp;
       +        size_t wp;
       +        size_t minsize;
       +        size_t maxsize;
                size_t mask;
       -        size_t win_size;
       +        size_t winsize;
       @@ -30,7 +26,7 @@ struct chunker {
         * exactly 50% chance that a XOR operation would flip all the bits in
         * the hash.
       -static const uint32_t buz[] = {
       +static const uint32_t buztbl[] = {
       @@ -65,36 +61,55 @@ static const uint32_t buz[] = {
       +static ssize_t
       +xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       +        unsigned char *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = read(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       +        }
       +        return total;
        /* Buzhash: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_hash#Cyclic_polynomial */
        static inline uint32_t
       -buzh_init(uint8_t *buf, size_t size)
       +hinit(unsigned char *buf, size_t size)
                uint32_t sum;
                size_t i;
                for (i = 1, sum = 0; i < size; i++, buf++)
       -                sum ^= ROTL(buz[*buf], (size - i) % 32);
       -        return sum ^ buz[*buf];
       +                sum ^= ROTL(buztbl[*buf], (size - i) % 32);
       +        return sum ^ buztbl[*buf];
        static inline uint32_t
       -buzh_update(uint32_t sum, uint8_t out, uint8_t in, size_t size)
       +hupdate(uint32_t sum, unsigned char out, unsigned char in, size_t size)
       -        return ROTL(sum, 1) ^ ROTL(buz[out], size % 32) ^ buz[in];
       +        return ROTL(sum, 1) ^ ROTL(buztbl[out], size % 32) ^ buztbl[in];
        static size_t
       -get_chunk_size(struct chunker *chunker)
       +cgetsize(struct chunker *c)
       -        size_t max_chunk_size, win_size, i;
       +        size_t maxcsize, winsize, i;
                uint32_t sum;
       -        uint8_t *bp;
       +        unsigned char *bp;
       -        max_chunk_size = chunker->wpos - chunker->rpos;
       -        win_size = chunker->win_size;
       -        if (max_chunk_size < win_size)
       -                return max_chunk_size;
       +        maxcsize = c->wp - c->rp;
       +        winsize = c->winsize;
       +        if (maxcsize < winsize)
       +                return maxcsize;
                 * To achieve better deduplication, we chunk blocks based on a
       @@ -104,93 +119,96 @@ get_chunk_size(struct chunker *chunker)
                 * When the rolling hash matches a given pattern the block is chunked
                 * at the end of that window.
       -        bp = &chunker->buf[chunker->rpos];
       -        sum = buzh_init(bp, win_size);
       -        for (i = 0; i < max_chunk_size - win_size; i++) {
       -                size_t chunk_size = i + win_size;
       +        bp = &c->buf[c->rp];
       +        sum = hinit(bp, winsize);
       +        for (i = 0; i < maxcsize - winsize; i++) {
       +                size_t csize = i + winsize;
                        if (i > 0) {
       -                        uint8_t out = bp[i - 1];
       -                        uint8_t in = bp[chunk_size - 1];
       +                        unsigned char out = bp[i - 1];
       +                        unsigned char in = bp[csize - 1];
       -                        sum = buzh_update(sum, out, in, win_size);
       +                        sum = hupdate(sum, out, in, winsize);
       -                if (chunk_size < chunker->min_size)
       +                if (csize < c->minsize)
       -                if ((sum & chunker->mask) == 0)
       -                        return chunk_size;
       +                if ((sum & c->mask) == 0)
       +                        return csize;
       -        return max_chunk_size;
       +        return maxcsize;
        struct chunker *
       -alloc_chunker(int fd, size_t min_size, size_t max_size,
       -              size_t mask, size_t win_size)
       +copen(int fd, size_t minsize, size_t maxsize,
       +      size_t mask, size_t winsize)
       -        struct chunker *chunker;
       +        struct chunker *c;
       -        chunker = calloc(1, sizeof(*chunker));
       -        if (chunker == NULL)
       -                err(1, "calloc");
       -        chunker->buf = calloc(1, max_size);
       -        if (chunker->buf == NULL)
       -                err(1, "calloc");
       +        c = calloc(1, sizeof(*c));
       +        if (c == NULL)
       +                return NULL;
       -        chunker->fd = fd;
       -        chunker->min_size = min_size;
       -        chunker->max_size = max_size;
       -        chunker->mask = mask;
       -        chunker->win_size = win_size;
       +        c->buf = calloc(1, maxsize);
       +        if (c->buf == NULL) {
       +                free(c);
       +                return NULL;
       +        }
       -        return chunker;
       +        c->fd = fd;
       +        c->minsize = minsize;
       +        c->maxsize = maxsize;
       +        c->mask = mask;
       +        c->winsize = winsize;
       +        return c;
       -free_chunker(struct chunker *chunker)
       +cclose(struct chunker *c)
       -        free(chunker->buf);
       -        free(chunker);
       +        free(c->buf);
       +        free(c);
       +        return 0;
       -fill_chunker(struct chunker *chunker)
       +cfill(struct chunker *c)
       -        uint8_t *bp;
       +        unsigned char *bp;
                ssize_t n;
       -        bp = &chunker->buf[chunker->wpos];
       -        n = xread(chunker->fd, bp, chunker->max_size - chunker->wpos);
       -        chunker->wpos += n;
       -        return chunker->wpos;
       +        bp = &c->buf[c->wp];
       +        n = xread(c->fd, bp, c->maxsize - c->wp);
       +        c->wp += n;
       +        return c->wp;
       -uint8_t *
       -get_chunk(struct chunker *chunker, size_t *chunk_size)
       +void *
       +cget(struct chunker *c, size_t *csize)
       -        uint8_t *bp;
       +        unsigned char *bp;
       -        if (chunker->rpos == chunker->wpos) {
       -                *chunk_size = 0;
       +        if (c->rp == c->wp) {
       +                *csize = 0;
                        return NULL;
       -        bp = &chunker->buf[chunker->rpos];
       -        *chunk_size = get_chunk_size(chunker);
       -        chunker->rpos += *chunk_size;
       +        bp = &c->buf[c->rp];
       +        *csize = cgetsize(c);
       +        c->rp += *csize;
                return bp;
       -drain_chunker(struct chunker *chunker)
       +cdrain(struct chunker *c)
       -        uint8_t *src, *dst;
       -        src = &chunker->buf[chunker->rpos];
       -        dst = chunker->buf;
       -        memmove(dst, src, chunker->wpos - chunker->rpos);
       -        chunker->wpos -= chunker->rpos;
       -        chunker->rpos = 0;
       +        unsigned char *src, *dst;
       +        src = &c->buf[c->rp];
       +        dst = c->buf;
       +        memmove(dst, src, c->wp - c->rp);
       +        c->wp -= c->rp;
       +        c->rp = 0;
       +        return c->wp;
   DIR diff --git a/chunker.h b/chunker.h
       @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
       +struct chunker;
       +extern struct chunker *copen(int fd, size_t minsize, size_t maxsize,
       +                             size_t mask, size_t winsize);
       +extern int cclose(struct chunker *c);
       +extern ssize_t cfill(struct chunker *c);
       +extern void *cget(struct chunker *c, size_t *csize);
       +extern int cdrain(struct chunker *c);
   DIR diff --git a/compress-lz4.c b/compress-lz4.c
       @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <lz4.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -lz4_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
       -lz4_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return LZ4_compressBound(n);
       -lz4_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -          size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        int n;
       -        n = LZ4_compress_default((char *)in, (char *)out, insize,
       -                                 outsize);
       -        if (n < 0)
       -                errx(1, "LZ4_compress_default failed");
       -        return n;
       -lz4_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -            size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        int n;
       -        n = LZ4_decompress_safe((char *)in, (char *)out, insize,
       -                                outsize);
       -        if (n < 0)
       -                errx(1, "LZ4_decompress_safe failed");
       -        return n;
       -lz4_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/compress-none.c b/compress-none.c
       @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -none_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
       -none_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return n;
       -none_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -           size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        memcpy(out, in, insize);
       -        return insize;
       -none_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -             size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        memcpy(out, in, insize);
       -        return insize;
       -none_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/compress-snappy.c b/compress-snappy.c
       @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <snappy-c.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -snappy_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
       -snappy_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return snappy_max_compressed_length(n);
       -snappy_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -             size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        size_t n = outsize;
       -        snappy_status ret;
       -        ret = snappy_compress((char *)in, insize, (char *)out, &n);
       -        if (ret != SNAPPY_OK)
       -                errx(1, "snappy_compress failed: %d", ret);
       -        return n;
       -snappy_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -               size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        size_t n = outsize;
       -        snappy_status ret;
       -        ret = snappy_uncompress((char *)in, insize, (char *)out, &n);
       -        if (ret != SNAPPY_OK)
       -                errx(1, "snappy_uncompress failed: %d", ret);
       -        return n;
       -snappy_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/compress.c b/compress.c
       @@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <strings.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct compr_ops {
       -        int (*init)(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -        size_t (*size)(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -        size_t (*compr)(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                        size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -        size_t (*decompr)(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                          size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -        int (*final)(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -} comprs[NR_COMPRS] = {
       -        {
       -                .init = none_init,
       -                .size = none_size,
       -                .compr = none_compr,
       -                .decompr = none_decompr,
       -                .final = none_final,
       -        },
       -        {
       -                .init = lz4_init,
       -                .size = lz4_size,
       -                .compr = lz4_compr,
       -                .decompr = lz4_decompr,
       -                .final = lz4_final,
       -        },
       -        {
       -                .init = snappy_init,
       -                .size = snappy_size,
       -                .compr = snappy_compr,
       -                .decompr = snappy_decompr,
       -                .final = snappy_final,
       -        },
       -static char *algomap[NR_COMPRS] = {
       -        [COMPR_NONE] = "none",
       -        [COMPR_LZ4] = "lz4",
       -        [COMPR_SNAPPY] = "snappy",
       -compr_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx, int type)
       -        if (type < 0 || type >= NR_COMPRS)
       -                return -1;
       -        ctx->ops = &comprs[type];
       -        return (*ctx->ops->init)(ctx);
       -compr_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->size)(ctx, n);
       -compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -      size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->compr)(ctx, in, out, insize, outsize);
       -decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -        size_t insize, size_t outsize)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->decompr)(ctx, in, out, insize, outsize);
       -compr_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->final)(ctx);
       -compr_name2type(char *name)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < NR_COMPRS; i++)
       -                if (strcasecmp(algomap[i], name) == 0)
       -                        return i;
       -        return -1;
       -char *
       -compr_type2name(int type)
       -        if (type < 0 || type >= NR_HASHES)
       -                return NULL;
       -        return algomap[type];
       -compr_list(int fd)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < NR_COMPRS; i++)
       -                dprintf(fd, "%s\n", algomap[i]);
   DIR diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
       @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
       -#define BLKSIZE_AVG ((size_t)(1ul << 21))
       -#define BLKSIZE_MIN ((size_t)524288)
       -#define BLKSIZE_MAX ((size_t)8388608)
       -#define HASHMASK_BITS (BLKSIZE_AVG - 1)
       +#define ARCHIVEPATH "archive"
       +#define STORAGEPATH "storage"
       +#define MDSIZE 32
       +#define BSIZEAVG ((size_t)(1ul << 21))
       +#define BSIZEMIN ((size_t)524288)
       +#define BSIZEMAX ((size_t)8388608)
       +#define HMASKBITS (BSIZEAVG - 1)
        #define WINSIZE ((size_t)4095)
   DIR diff --git a/config.mk b/config.mk
       @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
       -#OPENMPCFLAGS = -fopenmp
       -#OPENMPLDLIBS = -lgomp
       +VERSION = 1.0
       +PREFIX = /usr/local
       +MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/man
   DIR diff --git a/dedup.h b/dedup.h
       @@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
       -#include "config.h"
       -#define SNAPSF ".snapshots"
       -#define STOREF ".store"
       - * These are the actual sizes of the structs in the
       - * file format itself.  The types are serialized/deserialized
       - * using the helpers from types.c.  Any modification made to
       - * the structs below will need to be reflected here and in types.c.
       - */
       -#define MSG_SIZE        256
       -#define MD_SIZE                32
       -#define SNAP_HDR_SIZE        104
       -#define BLK_HDR_SIZE        16
       -#define BLK_DESC_SIZE        (MD_SIZE + 16)
       -#define SNAPSHOT_SIZE        (8 + MSG_SIZE + MD_SIZE + 8)
       -/* file format version */
       -#define VER_MIN        2
       -#define VER_MAJ        0
       -/* snapshot header and block header flags */
       -#define VER_MIN_MASK        0xff
       -#define VER_MAJ_SHIFT        8
       -#define VER_MAJ_MASK        0xff
       -/* block header flags */
       -#define HASH_ALGO_SHIFT                19
       -#define HASH_ALGO_MASK                0x7        /* max 8 hash algos */
       -#define COMPR_ALGO_SHIFT        16
       -#define COMPR_ALGO_MASK                0x7        /* max 8 compression algos */
       -enum {
       -        WALK_CONTINUE,
       -        WALK_STOP
       -enum compr_algo {
       -        COMPR_NONE,
       -        COMPR_LZ4,
       -        COMPR_SNAPPY,
       -        NR_COMPRS,
       -enum hash_algo {
       -        HASH_BLAKE2B,
       -        HASH_BLAKE2BP,
       -        HASH_BLAKE2S,
       -        HASH_BLAKE2SP,
       -        NR_HASHES,
       -struct chunker;
       -struct icache;
       -struct stats {
       -        uint64_t orig_size;        /* original store size */
       -        uint64_t compr_size;        /* compressed store size */
       -        uint64_t dedup_size;        /* deduplicated store size */
       -        uint64_t min_blk_size;
       -        uint64_t max_blk_size;
       -        uint64_t nr_blks;        /* number of unique blocks */
       -        uint64_t reserved[4];
       -struct snap_hdr {
       -        uint64_t flags;
       -        uint64_t size;                /* size of snapshots file */
       -        uint64_t nr_snaps;
       -        struct stats st;
       -struct blk_hdr {
       -        uint64_t flags;
       -        uint64_t size;                /* size of store file */
       -struct blk_desc {
       -        uint8_t md[MD_SIZE];        /* hash of block */
       -        uint64_t offset;        /* offset into store file */
       -        uint64_t size;                /* size of block */
       -struct snap {
       -        uint64_t size;                /* size of snapshot (including block descriptors) */
       -        uint8_t msg[MSG_SIZE];        /* arbitrary message attached to snapshot */
       -        uint8_t md[MD_SIZE];        /* hash of snapshot (hash of all block descriptor hashes) */
       -        uint64_t nr_blk_descs;
       -        struct blk_desc blk_desc[];
       -struct compr_ctx {
       -        struct compr_ops *ops;
       -struct hash_ctx {
       -        union {
       -                blake2b_state blake2b_ctx;
       -                blake2bp_state blake2bp_ctx;
       -                blake2s_state blake2s_ctx;
       -                blake2sp_state blake2sp_ctx;
       -        } u;
       -        struct hash_ops *ops;
       -/* dedup.c */
       -extern int verbose;
       -/* chunker.c */
       -struct chunker *alloc_chunker(int fd, size_t min_size, size_t max_size,
       -                              size_t mask, size_t win_size);
       -void free_chunker(struct chunker *chunker);
       -ssize_t fill_chunker(struct chunker *chunker);
       -uint8_t *get_chunk(struct chunker *chunker, size_t *chunk_size);
       -void drain_chunker(struct chunker *chunker);
       -/* compress-none.c */
       -int none_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -size_t none_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -size_t none_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                  size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -size_t none_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                    size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -int none_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -/* compress-lz4.c */
       -int lz4_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -size_t lz4_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -size_t lz4_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                 size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -size_t lz4_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                   size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -int lz4_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -/* compress-snappy.c */
       -int snappy_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -size_t snappy_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -size_t snappy_compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                    size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -size_t snappy_decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -                      size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -int snappy_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -/* compress.c */
       -int compr_init(struct compr_ctx *ctx, int type);
       -int compr_size(struct compr_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -size_t compr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -             size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -size_t decompr(struct compr_ctx *ctx, const void *in, void *out,
       -               size_t insize, size_t outsize);
       -int compr_final(struct compr_ctx *ctx);
       -int compr_name2type(char *name);
       -char *compr_type2name(int type);
       -void compr_list(int fd);
       -/* hash-blake2b.c */
       -int blake2bi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -int blake2bu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -int blake2bf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -/* hash-blake2bp.c */
       -int blake2bpi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -int blake2bpu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -int blake2bpf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -/* hash-blake2s.c */
       -int blake2si(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -int blake2su(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -int blake2sf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -/* hash-blake2sp.c */
       -int blake2spi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -int blake2spu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -int blake2spf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -/* hash.c */
       -int hash_init(struct hash_ctx *ctx, int type, size_t n);
       -int hash_update(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -int hash_final(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -int hash_name2type(char *name);
       -char *hash_type2name(int type);
       -void hash_list(int fd);
       -/* icache.c */
       -struct icache *alloc_icache(void);
       -void free_icache(struct icache *icache);
       -void insert_icache(struct icache *icache, struct blk_desc *desc);
       -int lookup_icache(struct icache *icache, struct blk_desc *desc);
       -void icache_stats(struct icache *icache, unsigned long long *hits,
       -                  unsigned long long *misses);
       -/* pack.c */
       -int pack(unsigned char *dst, char *fmt, ...);
       -/* unpack.c */
       -int unpack(unsigned char *src, char *fmt, ...);
       -/* types.c */
       -void read_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr);
       -void write_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr);
       -void read_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr);
       -void write_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr);
       -void read_blk_desc(int fd, struct blk_desc *desc);
       -void write_blk_desc(int fd, struct blk_desc *desc);
       -void read_snap(int fd, struct snap *snap);
       -void read_snap_descs(int fd, struct snap *snap);
       -void write_snap(int fd, struct snap *snap);
       -void write_snap_blk_descs(int fd, struct snap *snap);
       -/* utils.c */
       -void str2bin(char *s, uint8_t *d);
       -off_t xlseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
       -ssize_t xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
       -ssize_t xwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes);
       -void init_blk_hdr(struct blk_hdr *hdr, int compr_algo, int hash_algo);
       -void init_snap_hdr(struct snap_hdr *hdr);
       -void load_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr, int *compr_algo, int *hash_algo);
       -void load_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr);
       -struct snap *alloc_snap(void);
       -void free_snap(struct snap *snap);
       -struct snap *grow_snap(struct snap *snap, uint64_t nr_blk_descs);
       -void append_snap(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr, struct snap *snap);
       -void hash_snap(struct snap *snap, uint8_t *md, int hash_algo);
       -void walk_snap(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr,
       -               int (*fn)(struct snap *, void *), void *arg);
       -uint8_t *alloc_buf(size_t size);
       -void free_buf(uint8_t *buf);
       -void read_blk(int fd, uint8_t *buf, struct blk_desc *blk_desc);
       -void append_blk(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr, uint8_t *buf,
       -                struct blk_desc *blk_desc);
       -void hash_blk(uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint8_t *md, int hash_algo);
   DIR diff --git a/dup-check.1 b/dup-check.1
       @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       -.Dt DUP-CHECK 1
       -.Sh NAME
       -.Nm dup-check
       -.Nd Perform consistency checks on a dedup repo
       -.Sh SYNOPSIS
       -.Nm dup-check
       -.Op Fl v
       -.Op repo
       -performs consistency checks on a dedup repo.
       -If no
       -.Ar repo
       -is specified, then the current directory
       -is assumed to be the repository.
       -.Sh OPTIONS
       -.Bl -tag -width "-v"
       -.It Fl v
       -Enable verbose mode.
       -.Sh AUTHORS
       -.An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
       -.An z3bra Aq Mt contactatz3bradotorg .
   DIR diff --git a/dup-check.c b/dup-check.c
       @@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <fcntl.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <unistd.h>
       -#include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       -int verbose;
       -char *argv0;
       -static void
       -print_md(FILE *fp, uint8_t *md, size_t size)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
       -                fprintf(fp, "%02x", md[i]);
       - * Hash every block referenced by the given snapshot
       - * and compare its hash with the one stored in the corresponding
       - * block descriptor.
       - */
       -static int
       -check_snap(struct snap *snap, void *arg)
       -        struct compr_ctx ctx;
       -        uint8_t *buf;
       -        int *ret = arg;
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        if (verbose > 0) {
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Checking snapshot: ");
       -                print_md(stderr, snap->md, sizeof(snap->md));
       -                fputc('\n', stderr);
       -        }
       -        if (compr_init(&ctx, compr_algo) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "compr_init failed");
       -        buf = alloc_buf(compr_size(&ctx, BLKSIZE_MAX));
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++) {
       -                uint8_t md[MD_SIZE];
       -                struct blk_desc *blk_desc;
       -                blk_desc = &snap->blk_desc[i];
       -                read_blk(sfd, buf, blk_desc);
       -                hash_blk(buf, blk_desc->size, md, hash_algo);
       -                if (memcmp(blk_desc->md, md, sizeof(blk_desc->md)) == 0)
       -                        continue;
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Block hash mismatch\n");
       -                fprintf(stderr, "  Expected hash: ");
       -                print_md(stderr, blk_desc->md, sizeof(blk_desc->md));
       -                fputc('\n', stderr);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "  Actual hash: ");
       -                print_md(stderr, md, sizeof(md));
       -                fputc('\n', stderr);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "  Offset: %llu\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)blk_desc->offset);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "  Size: %llu\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)blk_desc->size);
       -                *ret = -1;
       -        }
       -        free_buf(buf);
       -        compr_final(&ctx);
       -        return WALK_CONTINUE;
       -static void
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr, &compr_algo, &hash_algo);
       -static void
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       -static void
       -        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [repo]\n", argv0);
       -        exit(1);
       -main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        char *repo = NULL;
       -        int ret;
       -        ARGBEGIN {
       -        case 'v':
       -                verbose++;
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        } ARGEND
       -        switch (argc) {
       -        case 0:
       -                repo = ".";
       -                break;
       -        case 1:
       -                repo = argv[0];
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        };
       -        if (chdir(repo) < 0)
       -                err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       -        init();
       -        ret = 0;
       -        walk_snap(ifd, &snap_hdr, check_snap, &ret);
       -        if (ret != 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s or %s is corrupted", SNAPSF, STOREF);
       -        term();
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/dup-info.1 b/dup-info.1
       @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       -.Dt DUP-INFO 1
       -.Sh NAME
       -.Nm dup-info
       -.Nd Print information about a dedup repository
       -.Sh SYNOPSIS
       -.Nm dup-info
       -.Op Fl tv
       -.Op repo
       -prints information about a dedup repository.
       -If no
       -.Ar repo
       -is specified, then the current directory
       -is assumed to be the repository.
       -.Sh OPTIONS
       -.Bl -tag -width "-v"
       -.It Fl t
       -Enable terse mode.
       -The output fields are as follows:
       -[original dataset size]
       -[compressed dataset size]
       -[deduplicated dataset size]
       -[deduplication ratio]
       -[min block size]
       -[average block size]
       -[max block size]
       -[number of unique blocks]
       -.It Fl v
       -Enable verbose mode.
       -.Sh AUTHORS
       -.An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
       -.An z3bra Aq Mt contactatz3bradotorg .
   DIR diff --git a/dup-info.c b/dup-info.c
       @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <fcntl.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <unistd.h>
       -#include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       -int verbose;
       -char *argv0;
       -static void
       -print_info(int tflag)
       -        struct stats *st = &snap_hdr.st;
       -        if (verbose > 0) {
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Compression algorithm: %s\n",
       -                        compr_type2name(compr_algo));
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Hash algorithm: %s\n",
       -                        hash_type2name(hash_algo));
       -        }
       -        if (st->nr_blks == 0)
       -                return;
       -        if (!tflag) {
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Original size: %llu bytes\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->orig_size);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Compressed size: %llu bytes\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->compr_size);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Deduplicated size: %llu bytes\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->dedup_size);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Deduplication ratio: %.2f\n",
       -                        (double)st->orig_size / st->dedup_size);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Min/avg/max block size: %llu/%llu/%llu bytes\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->min_blk_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->dedup_size / st->nr_blks,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->max_blk_size);
       -                fprintf(stderr, "Number of unique blocks: %llu\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->nr_blks);
       -        } else {
       -                /* terse mode */
       -                fprintf(stderr, "%llu %llu %llu %.2f %llu %llu %llu %llu\n",
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->orig_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->compr_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->dedup_size,
       -                        (double)st->orig_size / st->dedup_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->min_blk_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->dedup_size / st->nr_blks,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->max_blk_size,
       -                        (unsigned long long)st->nr_blks);
       -        }
       -static void
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr, &compr_algo, &hash_algo);
       -static void
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       -static void
       -        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-tv] [repo]\n", argv0);
       -        exit(1);
       -main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        char *repo = NULL;
       -        int tflag = 0;
       -        ARGBEGIN {
       -        case 't':
       -                tflag = 1;
       -                break;
       -        case 'v':
       -                verbose++;
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        } ARGEND
       -        switch (argc) {
       -        case 0:
       -                repo = ".";
       -                break;
       -        case 1:
       -                repo = argv[0];
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        };
       -        if (chdir(repo) < 0)
       -                err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       -        init();
       -        print_info(tflag);
       -        term();
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/dup-init.1 b/dup-init.1
       @@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ Enable verbose mode.
        .It Fl H Ar hash
        The cryptographic hash function used to identify
        unique blocks in the store.
       -The supported hash functions are blake2b, blake2bp, blake2s and blake2sp.
       +The supported hash functions are blake2b.
        This flag only has an effect when initializing the repository.
        By default blake2b is used.
        .It Fl Z Ar compressor
        The compressor function used to compress the blocks
        in the store.
       -The supported compressor functions are none, lz4 and snappy.
       +The supported compressor functions are none and snappy.
        This flag only has an effect when initializing the repository.
       -By default lz4 is used.
       +By default snappy is used.
        .Sh AUTHORS
        .An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
   DIR diff --git a/dup-init.c b/dup-init.c
       @@ -1,67 +1,21 @@
        #include <sys/types.h>
        #include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
        #include <err.h>
        #include <fcntl.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
        #include <unistd.h>
        #include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       +#include "config.h"
       +#include "block.h"
       +#include "snap.h"
        int verbose;
        char *argv0;
        static void
       -        int flags;
       -        flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL;
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, flags, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, flags, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        init_snap_hdr(&snap_hdr);
       -        init_blk_hdr(&blk_hdr, compr_algo, hash_algo);
       -static void
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        write_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        write_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr);
       -        fsync(ifd);
       -        fsync(sfd);
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       -static void
                fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-H hash] [-Z compressor] [repo]\n", argv0);
       @@ -71,29 +25,19 @@ usage(void)
        main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        char *hash_name = NULL, *compr_name = NULL;
       +        struct bctx *bctx;        /* block context */
       +        struct bparam bpar;
                char *repo;
       +        bpar.calgo = bparamdef()->calgo;
       +        bpar.halgo = bparamdef()->halgo;
                ARGBEGIN {
                case 'H':
       -                hash_name = EARGF(usage());
       -                if (strcmp(hash_name, "?") == 0) {
       -                        hash_list(STDERR_FILENO);
       -                        return 0;
       -                }
       -                hash_algo = hash_name2type(hash_name);
       -                if (hash_algo < 0)
       -                        errx(1, "unknown hash: %s", hash_name);
       +                bpar.halgo = EARGF(usage());
                case 'Z':
       -                compr_name = EARGF(usage());
       -                if (strcmp(compr_name, "?") == 0) {
       -                        compr_list(STDERR_FILENO);
       -                        return 0;
       -                }
       -                compr_algo = compr_name2type(compr_name);
       -                if (compr_algo < 0)
       -                        errx(1, "unknown compressor: %s", compr_name);
       +                bpar.calgo = EARGF(usage());
                case 'v':
       @@ -117,7 +61,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                if (chdir(repo) < 0)
                        err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       -        init();
       -        term();
       +        mkdir(ARCHIVEPATH, 0700);
       +        if (bcreat(STORAGEPATH, 0600, &bpar, &bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "bcreat: failed");
       +        if (bclose(bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "bclose: failed");
                return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/dup-list.1 b/dup-list.1
       @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       -.Dt DUP-LIST 1
       -.Sh NAME
       -.Nm dup-list
       -.Nd List snapshots from a dedup repository
       -.Sh SYNOPSIS
       -.Nm dup-list
       -.Op Fl v
       -.Op repo
       -lists snapshots from a dedup repository.
       -If no
       -.Ar repo
       -is specified, then the current directory
       -is assumed to be the repository.
       -.Sh OPTIONS
       -.Bl -tag -width "-v"
       -.It Fl v
       -Enable verbose mode.
       -.Sh AUTHORS
       -.An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
       -.An z3bra Aq Mt contactatz3bradotorg .
   DIR diff --git a/dup-list.c b/dup-list.c
       @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <fcntl.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <unistd.h>
       -#include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       -int verbose;
       -char *argv0;
       -static void
       -print_md(FILE *fp, uint8_t *md, size_t size)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
       -                fprintf(fp, "%02x", md[i]);
       -static int
       -list(struct snap *snap, void *arg)
       -        print_md(stdout, snap->md, sizeof(snap->md));
       -        if (snap->msg[0] != '\0')
       -                printf("\t%s\n", snap->msg);
       -        else
       -                putchar('\n');
       -        return WALK_CONTINUE;
       -static void
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr, &compr_algo, &hash_algo);
       -static void
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       -static void
       -        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [repo]\n", argv0);
       -        exit(1);
       -main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        char *repo = NULL;
       -        ARGBEGIN {
       -        case 'v':
       -                verbose++;
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        } ARGEND
       -        switch (argc) {
       -        case 0:
       -                repo = ".";
       -                break;
       -        case 1:
       -                repo = argv[0];
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                usage();
       -        };
       -        if (chdir(repo) < 0)
       -                err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       -        init();
       -        walk_snap(ifd, &snap_hdr, list, NULL);
       -        term();
       -        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/dup-migrate b/dup-migrate
       @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
       -# Migrate an old dedup repo to a new one.
       -# This is useful when there is an ABI break
       -# in the deduplication repository file format.
       -set -e
       -        echo usage: dup-migrate old-repo new-repo >&2
       -        exit 1
       -if [ ! "$#" -eq 2 ]
       -        usage
       -dup-init "$newrepo"
       -dup-list-old "$oldrepo" | awk '{print $1}' | while read id
       -        dup-unpack-old "$id" "$oldrepo" | dup-pack "$newrepo"
   DIR diff --git a/dup-migrate.1 b/dup-migrate.1
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       -.Dt DUP-MIGRATE 1
       -.Sh NAME
       -.Nm dup-migrate
       -.Nd Migrate a dedup repository
       -.Sh SYNOPSIS
       -.Nm dup-migrate
       -.Ar old-repo
       -.Ar new-repo
       -migrates the
       -.Ar old-repo
       -to the
       -.Ar new-repo .
       -script requires that the dup-list-old and
       -dup-unpack-old binaries are in the PATH.
       -These should be the most up to date binaries
       -that can operate on the
       -.Ar old-repo .
       -.Sh AUTHORS
       -.An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
       -.An z3bra Aq Mt contactatz3bradotorg .
   DIR diff --git a/dup-pack.1 b/dup-pack.1
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       +.Dd April 25, 2019
        .Dt DUP-PACK 1
        .Sh NAME
       @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@
        .Sh SYNOPSIS
        .Nm dup-pack
        .Op Fl v
       -.Op Fl m Ar message
       -.Op repo
       +.Op Fl r Ar repo
       +.Ar name
        deduplicates data from stdin.
       -If no
       -.Ar repo
       -is specified, then the current directory
       -is assumed to be the repository.
       +It creates a snapshot with the given
       +.Ar name
       +and stores it in the repository.
        does not track any file metadata so to deduplicate
       @@ -24,11 +23,12 @@ directory trees, an archival tool like
        should be used and piped into
        .Nm .
        .Sh OPTIONS
       -.Bl -tag -width "-m message"
       +.Bl -tag -width "-r repo"
       +.It Fl r Ar repo
       +Set repository directory.
       +By default the current working directory is used.
        .It Fl v
        Enable verbose mode.
       -.It Fl m Ar message
       -Attach a descriptive message to the snapshot.
        .Sh AUTHORS
        .An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org ,
   DIR diff --git a/dup-pack.c b/dup-pack.c
       @@ -1,202 +1,73 @@
        #include <sys/types.h>
        #include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
        #include <err.h>
        #include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <limits.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <unistd.h>
        #include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static struct icache *icache;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       +#include "block.h"
       +#include "chunker.h"
       +#include "config.h"
       +#include "snap.h"
        int verbose;
        char *argv0;
       -static void
       -dedup_chunk(struct snap *snap, uint8_t *chunkp, size_t chunk_size)
       -        uint8_t md[MD_SIZE];
       -        struct blk_desc blk_desc;
       -        struct compr_ctx ctx;
       -        uint8_t *compr_buf;
       -        size_t n, csize;
       -        if (compr_init(&ctx, compr_algo) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "compr_init failed");
       -        csize = compr_size(&ctx, BLKSIZE_MAX);
       -        compr_buf = alloc_buf(csize);
       -        n = compr(&ctx, chunkp, compr_buf, chunk_size, csize);
       -        hash_blk(compr_buf, n, md, hash_algo);
       -        snap_hdr.st.orig_size += chunk_size;
       -        snap_hdr.st.compr_size += n;
       -        memcpy(blk_desc.md, md, sizeof(blk_desc.md));
       -        if (lookup_icache(icache, &blk_desc) < 0) {
       -                blk_desc.offset = blk_hdr.size;
       -                blk_desc.size = n;
       -                snap->blk_desc[snap->nr_blk_descs++] = blk_desc;
       -                append_blk(sfd, &blk_hdr, compr_buf, &blk_desc);
       -                insert_icache(icache, &blk_desc);
       -                snap_hdr.st.dedup_size += blk_desc.size;
       -                snap_hdr.st.nr_blks++;
       -                if (blk_desc.size > snap_hdr.st.max_blk_size)
       -                        snap_hdr.st.max_blk_size = blk_desc.size;
       -                if (blk_desc.size < snap_hdr.st.min_blk_size)
       -                        snap_hdr.st.min_blk_size = blk_desc.size;
       -        } else {
       -                snap->blk_desc[snap->nr_blk_descs++] = blk_desc;
       -        }
       -        free(compr_buf);
       -        compr_final(&ctx);
       -static void
       -dedup(int fd, char *msg)
       +static int
       +pack(struct sctx *sctx, struct bctx *bctx)
       -        struct snap *snap;
       -        struct chunker *chunker;
       +        struct chunker *c;
       -        snap = alloc_snap();
       -        chunker = alloc_chunker(fd, BLKSIZE_MIN, BLKSIZE_MAX,
       -                                HASHMASK_BITS, WINSIZE);
       +        if ((c = copen(0, BSIZEMIN, BSIZEMAX, HMASKBITS, WINSIZE)) == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       -        while (fill_chunker(chunker) > 0) {
       -                uint8_t *chunkp;
       -                size_t chunk_size;
       -                chunkp = get_chunk(chunker, &chunk_size);
       -                snap = grow_snap(snap, snap->nr_blk_descs + 1);
       -                dedup_chunk(snap, chunkp, chunk_size);
       -                drain_chunker(chunker);
       -        }
       +        while (cfill(c) > 0) {
       +                unsigned char md[MDSIZE];
       +                void *buf;
       +                size_t n;
       -        if (snap->nr_blk_descs > 0) {
       -                if (msg != NULL) {
       -                        size_t size;
       -                        size = strlen(msg) + 1;
       -                        if (size > sizeof(snap->msg))
       -                                size = sizeof(snap->msg);
       -                        memcpy(snap->msg, msg, size);
       -                        snap->msg[size - 1] = '\0';
       +                buf = cget(c, &n);
       +                if (bput(bctx, buf, n, md) < 0) {
       +                        cclose(c);
       +                        return -1;
       -                hash_snap(snap, snap->md, hash_algo);
       -                append_snap(ifd, &snap_hdr, snap);
       -                if (verbose > 0) {
       -                        unsigned long long hits, misses;
       -                        double hitratio;
       -                        icache_stats(icache, &hits, &misses);
       -                        hitratio = (double)hits / (hits + misses);
       -                        fprintf(stderr, "Index cache hit percentage: %.2f%%\n",
       -                                100 * hitratio);
       +                if (sput(sctx, md) < 0) {
       +                        cclose(c);
       +                        return -1;
       -        }
       -        free_chunker(chunker);
       -        free_snap(snap);
       -static int
       -build_icache(struct snap *snap, void *arg)
       -        struct compr_ctx ctx;
       -        uint8_t *buf;
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        if (compr_init(&ctx, compr_algo) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "compr_init failed");
       -        buf = alloc_buf(compr_size(&ctx, BLKSIZE_MAX));
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++) {
       -                struct blk_desc *blk_desc;
       -                blk_desc = &snap->blk_desc[i];
       -                insert_icache(icache, blk_desc);
       +                if (cdrain(c) < 0) {
       +                        cclose(c);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       -        free(buf);
       -        compr_final(&ctx);
       -        return WALK_CONTINUE;
       -static void
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, O_RDWR, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, O_RDWR, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr, &compr_algo, &hash_algo);
       -        icache = alloc_icache();
       -        walk_snap(ifd, &snap_hdr, build_icache, NULL);
       -static void
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        write_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        write_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr);
       -        fsync(ifd);
       -        fsync(sfd);
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       -        free_icache(icache);
       +        return cclose(c);
        static void
       -        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-m message] [repo]\n", argv0);
       +        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-r repo] name\n", argv0);
        main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        char *repo, *msg = NULL;
       +        char path[PATH_MAX];
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bctx *bctx;
       +        struct bparam bparam;
       +        char *repo = ".";
                ARGBEGIN {
       -        case 'm':
       -                msg = EARGF(usage());
       -                break;
       +        case 'r':
       +                repo = EARGF(usage());
       +                break;                
                case 'v':
       @@ -204,22 +75,23 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                } ARGEND
       -        switch (argc) {
       -        case 0:
       -                repo = ".";
       -                break;
       -        case 1:
       -                repo = argv[0];
       -                break;
       -        default:
       +        if (argc != 1)
       -        };
       -        if (chdir(repo) < 0)
       -                err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       +        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/archive/%s", repo, argv[0]);
       +        if (screat(path, 0600, &sctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "screat: %s: failed", path);
       +        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/storage", repo);
       +        if (bopen(path, O_RDWR, 0600, &bparam, &bctx) <0)
       +                errx(1, "bopen: %s: failed", path);
       +        if (pack(sctx, bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "pack: failed");
       -        init();
       -        dedup(STDIN_FILENO, msg);
       -        term();
       +        if (bclose(bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "bclose: failed");
       +        if (sclose(sctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "sclose: failed");
                return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/dup-unpack.1 b/dup-unpack.1
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -.Dd April 18, 2019
       +.Dd April 25, 2019
        .Dt DUP-UNPACK 1
        .Sh NAME
       @@ -7,19 +7,18 @@
        .Sh SYNOPSIS
        .Nm dup-unpack
        .Op Fl v
       -.Ar id
       -.Op repo
       +.Op Fl r Ar repo
       +.Ar name
        extracts the snapshot specified by
       -.Ar id
       +.Ar name
        from the dedup repository and writes the data to stdout.
       -If no
       -.Ar repo
       -is specified, then the current directory
       -is assumed to be the repository.
        .Sh OPTIONS
       -.Bl -tag -width "-v"
       +.Bl -tag -width "-r repo"
       +.It Fl r Ar repo
       +Set repository directory.
       +By default the current working directory is used.
        .It Fl v
        Enable verbose mode.
   DIR diff --git a/dup-unpack.c b/dup-unpack.c
       @@ -1,109 +1,89 @@
        #include <sys/types.h>
        #include <sys/stat.h>
       -#include <sys/file.h>
        #include <err.h>
        #include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <limits.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
        #include <unistd.h>
        #include "arg.h"
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -struct extract_args {
       -        uint8_t *md;
       -        int fd;
       -        int ret;
       -static struct snap_hdr snap_hdr;
       -static struct blk_hdr blk_hdr;
       -static int ifd;
       -static int sfd;
       -static int hash_algo = HASH_BLAKE2B;
       -static int compr_algo = COMPR_LZ4;
       +#include "block.h"
       +#include "config.h"
       +#include "snap.h"
        int verbose;
        char *argv0;
       -static int
       -extract(struct snap *snap, void *arg)
       +static ssize_t
       +xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       -        uint8_t *buf[2];
       -        struct extract_args *args = arg;
       -        struct compr_ctx ctx;
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        if (memcmp(snap->md, args->md, sizeof(snap->md)) != 0)
       -                return WALK_CONTINUE;
       -        if (compr_init(&ctx, compr_algo) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "compr_init failed");
       -        buf[0] = alloc_buf(BLKSIZE_MAX);
       -        buf[1] = alloc_buf(compr_size(&ctx, BLKSIZE_MAX));
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++) {
       -                struct blk_desc *blk_desc;
       -                size_t blksize;
       -                blk_desc = &snap->blk_desc[i];
       -                read_blk(sfd, buf[1], blk_desc);
       -                blksize = decompr(&ctx, buf[1], buf[0], blk_desc->size, BLKSIZE_MAX);
       -                xwrite(args->fd, buf[0], blksize);
       +        unsigned char *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = write(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       -        free_buf(buf[1]);
       -        free_buf(buf[0]);
       -        compr_final(&ctx);
       -        args->ret = 0;
       -        return WALK_STOP;
       -static void
       -        ifd = open(SNAPSF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (ifd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", SNAPSF);
       -        sfd = open(STOREF, O_RDONLY, 0600);
       -        if (sfd < 0)
       -                err(1, "open %s", STOREF);
       -        if (flock(ifd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0 ||
       -            flock(sfd, LOCK_NB | LOCK_EX) < 0)
       -                err(1, "flock");
       -        xlseek(ifd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_snap_hdr(ifd, &snap_hdr);
       -        xlseek(sfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
       -        load_blk_hdr(sfd, &blk_hdr, &compr_algo, &hash_algo);
       +        return total;
       -static void
       +static int
       +unpack(struct sctx *sctx, struct bctx *bctx)
       -        close(ifd);
       -        close(sfd);
       +        unsigned char md[MDSIZE];
       +        void *buf;
       +        int sn;
       +        buf = malloc(BSIZEMAX);
       +        if (buf == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        while ((sn = sget(sctx, md)) == MDSIZE) {
       +                size_t n = BSIZEMAX;
       +                if (bget(bctx, md, buf, &n) < 0) {
       +                        free(buf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +                if (xwrite(1, buf, n) != n) {
       +                        free(buf);
       +                        return -1;
       +                }
       +        }
       +        free(buf);
       +        if (sn < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        return 0;
        static void
       -        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] id [repo]\n", argv0);
       +        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-v] [-r repo] name\n", argv0);
        main(int argc, char *argv[])
       -        uint8_t md[MD_SIZE];
       -        char *repo, *id = NULL;
       -        struct extract_args args;
       +        char path[PATH_MAX];
       +        struct sctx *sctx;
       +        struct bctx *bctx;
       +        struct bparam bparam;
       +        char *repo = ".";
                ARGBEGIN {
       +        case 'r':
       +                repo = EARGF(usage());
       +                break;
                case 'v':
       @@ -111,30 +91,24 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                } ARGEND
       -        switch (argc) {
       -        case 1:
       -                id = argv[0];
       -                repo = ".";
       -                break;
       -        case 2:
       -                id = argv[0];
       -                repo = argv[1];
       -                break;
       -        default:
       +        if (argc != 1)
       -        };
       -        if (chdir(repo) < 0)
       -                err(1, "chdir: %s", repo);
       -        init();
       -        str2bin(id, md);
       -        args.md = md;
       -        args.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
       -        args.ret = -1;
       -        walk_snap(ifd, &snap_hdr, extract, &args);
       -        if (args.ret != 0)
       -                errx(1, "unknown snapshot: %s", id);
       -        term();
       +        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/archive/%s", repo, argv[0]);
       +        if (sopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0600, &sctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "sopen: %s: failed", path);
       +        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/storage", repo);
       +        if (bopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0600, &bparam, &bctx) <0)
       +                errx(1, "bopen: %s: failed", path);
       +        if (unpack(sctx, bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "dedup: failed");
       +        if (bclose(bctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "bclose: failed");
       +        if (sclose(sctx) < 0)
       +                errx(1, "sclose: failed");
                return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/hash-blake2b.c b/hash-blake2b.c
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -blake2bi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return blake2b_init(&ctx->u.blake2b_ctx, n);
       -blake2bu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2b_update(&ctx->u.blake2b_ctx, buf, n);
       -blake2bf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2b_final(&ctx->u.blake2b_ctx, buf, n);
   DIR diff --git a/hash-blake2bp.c b/hash-blake2bp.c
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -blake2bpi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return blake2bp_init(&ctx->u.blake2bp_ctx, n);
       -blake2bpu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2bp_update(&ctx->u.blake2bp_ctx, buf, n);
       -blake2bpf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2bp_final(&ctx->u.blake2bp_ctx, buf, n);
   DIR diff --git a/hash-blake2s.c b/hash-blake2s.c
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -blake2si(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return blake2s_init(&ctx->u.blake2s_ctx, n);
       -blake2su(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2s_update(&ctx->u.blake2s_ctx, buf, n);
       -blake2sf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2s_final(&ctx->u.blake2s_ctx, buf, n);
   DIR diff --git a/hash-blake2sp.c b/hash-blake2sp.c
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -blake2spi(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n)
       -        return blake2sp_init(&ctx->u.blake2sp_ctx, n);
       -blake2spu(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2sp_update(&ctx->u.blake2sp_ctx, buf, n);
       -blake2spf(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return blake2sp_final(&ctx->u.blake2sp_ctx, buf, n);
   DIR diff --git a/hash.c b/hash.c
       @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <strings.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static struct hash_ops {
       -        int (*init)(struct hash_ctx *ctx, size_t n);
       -        int (*update)(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n);
       -        int (*final)(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n);
       -} hashes[NR_HASHES] = {
       -        {
       -                .init = blake2bi,
       -                .update = blake2bu,
       -                .final = blake2bf,
       -        },
       -        {
       -                .init = blake2bpi,
       -                .update = blake2bpu,
       -                .final = blake2bpf,
       -        },
       -        {
       -                .init = blake2si,
       -                .update = blake2su,
       -                .final = blake2sf,
       -        },
       -        {
       -                .init = blake2spi,
       -                .update = blake2spu,
       -                .final = blake2spf,
       -        },
       -static char *algomap[NR_HASHES] = {
       -        [HASH_BLAKE2B] = "blake2b",
       -        [HASH_BLAKE2BP] = "blake2bp",
       -        [HASH_BLAKE2S] = "blake2s",
       -        [HASH_BLAKE2SP] = "blake2sp",
       -hash_init(struct hash_ctx *ctx, int type, size_t n)
       -        if (type < 0 || type >= NR_HASHES)
       -                return -1;
       -        ctx->ops = &hashes[type];
       -        return (*ctx->ops->init)(ctx, n);
       -hash_update(struct hash_ctx *ctx, const void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->update)(ctx, buf, n);
       -hash_final(struct hash_ctx *ctx, void *buf, size_t n)
       -        return (*ctx->ops->final)(ctx, buf, n);
       -hash_name2type(char *name)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < NR_HASHES; i++)
       -                if (strcasecmp(algomap[i], name) == 0)
       -                        return i;
       -        return -1;
       -char *
       -hash_type2name(int type)
       -        if (type < 0 || type >= NR_HASHES)
       -                return NULL;
       -        return algomap[type];
       -hash_list(int fd)
       -        size_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < NR_HASHES; i++)
       -                dprintf(fd, "%s\n", algomap[i]);
   DIR diff --git a/icache.c b/icache.c
       @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -#include "tree.h"
       -struct node {
       -        struct blk_desc desc;
       -        RB_ENTRY(node) e;
       -RB_HEAD(icache_head, node);
       -struct icache {
       -        struct icache_head nodes;
       -        unsigned long long hits;
       -        unsigned long long misses;
       -static int
       -node_cmp(struct node *e1, struct node *e2)
       -        int r;
       -        r = memcmp(e1->desc.md, e2->desc.md, sizeof(e1->desc.md));
       -        if (r > 0)
       -                return 1;
       -        else if (r < 0)
       -                return -1;
       -        return 0;
       -static RB_PROTOTYPE(icache_head, node, e, node_cmp);
       -static RB_GENERATE(icache_head, node, e, node_cmp);
       -static struct node *
       -alloc_node(struct blk_desc *desc)
       -        struct node *node;
       -        node = calloc(1, sizeof(*node));
       -        if (node == NULL)
       -                err(1, "calloc");
       -        node->desc = *desc;
       -        return node;
       -static void
       -free_node(struct node *node)
       -        free(node);
       -struct icache *
       -        struct icache *icache;
       -        icache = calloc(1, sizeof(*icache));
       -        if (icache == NULL)
       -                err(1, "calloc");
       -        RB_INIT(&icache->nodes);
       -        return icache;
       -free_icache(struct icache *icache)
       -        struct node *node, *tmp;
       -        RB_FOREACH_SAFE(node, icache_head, &icache->nodes, tmp) {
       -                RB_REMOVE(icache_head, &icache->nodes, node);
       -                free_node(node);
       -        }
       -        free(icache);
       -insert_icache(struct icache *icache, struct blk_desc *desc)
       -        struct node *node;
       -        node = alloc_node(desc);
       -        if (RB_INSERT(icache_head, &icache->nodes, node) != NULL)
       -                free_node(node);
       -lookup_icache(struct icache *icache, struct blk_desc *desc)
       -        struct node *node, key;
       -        key.desc = *desc;
       -        node = RB_FIND(icache_head, &icache->nodes, &key);
       -        if (node != NULL) {
       -                icache->hits++;
       -                *desc = node->desc;
       -                return 0;
       -        }
       -        icache->misses++;
       -        return -1;
       -icache_stats(struct icache *icache, unsigned long long *hits,
       -             unsigned long long *misses)
       -        *hits = icache->hits;
       -        *misses = icache->misses;
   DIR diff --git a/queue.h b/queue.h
       @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
       +/*        $OpenBSD: queue.h,v 1.45 2018/07/12 14:22:54 sashan Exp $        */
       +/*        $NetBSD: queue.h,v 1.11 1996/05/16 05:17:14 mycroft Exp $        */
       + * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993
       + *        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
       + *
       + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
       + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
       + * are met:
       + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
       + *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
       + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
       + *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
       + *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
       + * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
       + *    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
       + *    without specific prior written permission.
       + *
       + * SUCH DAMAGE.
       + *
       + *        @(#)queue.h        8.5 (Berkeley) 8/20/94
       + */
       +#ifndef        _SYS_QUEUE_H_
       +#define        _SYS_QUEUE_H_
       + * This file defines five types of data structures: singly-linked lists,
       + * lists, simple queues, tail queues and XOR simple queues.
       + *
       + *
       + * A singly-linked list is headed by a single forward pointer. The elements
       + * are singly linked for minimum space and pointer manipulation overhead at
       + * the expense of O(n) removal for arbitrary elements. New elements can be
       + * added to the list after an existing element or at the head of the list.
       + * Elements being removed from the head of the list should use the explicit
       + * macro for this purpose for optimum efficiency. A singly-linked list may
       + * only be traversed in the forward direction.  Singly-linked lists are ideal
       + * for applications with large datasets and few or no removals or for
       + * implementing a LIFO queue.
       + *
       + * A list is headed by a single forward pointer (or an array of forward
       + * pointers for a hash table header). The elements are doubly linked
       + * so that an arbitrary element can be removed without a need to
       + * traverse the list. New elements can be added to the list before
       + * or after an existing element or at the head of the list. A list
       + * may only be traversed in the forward direction.
       + *
       + * A simple queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one to the head of the
       + * list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are singly
       + * linked to save space, so elements can only be removed from the
       + * head of the list. New elements can be added to the list before or after
       + * an existing element, at the head of the list, or at the end of the
       + * list. A simple queue may only be traversed in the forward direction.
       + *
       + * A tail queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one to the head of the
       + * list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are doubly
       + * linked so that an arbitrary element can be removed without a need to
       + * traverse the list. New elements can be added to the list before or
       + * after an existing element, at the head of the list, or at the end of
       + * the list. A tail queue may be traversed in either direction.
       + *
       + * An XOR simple queue is used in the same way as a regular simple queue.
       + * The difference is that the head structure also includes a "cookie" that
       + * is XOR'd with the queue pointer (first, last or next) to generate the
       + * real pointer value.
       + *
       + * For details on the use of these macros, see the queue(3) manual page.
       + */
       +#if defined(QUEUE_MACRO_DEBUG) || (defined(_KERNEL) && defined(DIAGNOSTIC))
       +#define _Q_INVALID ((void *)-1)
       +#define _Q_INVALIDATE(a) (a) = _Q_INVALID
       +#define _Q_INVALIDATE(a)
       + * Singly-linked List definitions.
       + */
       +#define SLIST_HEAD(name, type)                                                \
       +struct name {                                                                \
       +        struct type *slh_first;        /* first element */                        \
       +#define        SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head)                                        \
       +        { NULL }
       +#define SLIST_ENTRY(type)                                                \
       +struct {                                                                \
       +        struct type *sle_next;        /* next element */                        \
       + * Singly-linked List access methods.
       + */
       +#define        SLIST_FIRST(head)        ((head)->slh_first)
       +#define        SLIST_END(head)                NULL
       +#define        SLIST_EMPTY(head)        (SLIST_FIRST(head) == SLIST_END(head))
       +#define        SLIST_NEXT(elm, field)        ((elm)->field.sle_next)
       +#define        SLIST_FOREACH(var, head, field)                                        \
       +        for((var) = SLIST_FIRST(head);                                        \
       +            (var) != SLIST_END(head);                                        \
       +            (var) = SLIST_NEXT(var, field))
       +#define        SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)                        \
       +        for ((var) = SLIST_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) && ((tvar) = SLIST_NEXT(var, field), 1);                \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       + * Singly-linked List functions.
       + */
       +#define        SLIST_INIT(head) {                                                \
       +        SLIST_FIRST(head) = SLIST_END(head);                                \
       +#define        SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(slistelm, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.sle_next = (slistelm)->field.sle_next;                \
       +        (slistelm)->field.sle_next = (elm);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.sle_next = (head)->slh_first;                        \
       +        (head)->slh_first = (elm);                                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define        SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(elm, field) do {                                \
       +        (elm)->field.sle_next = (elm)->field.sle_next->field.sle_next;        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define        SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do {                                \
       +        (head)->slh_first = (head)->slh_first->field.sle_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SLIST_REMOVE(head, elm, type, field) do {                        \
       +        if ((head)->slh_first == (elm)) {                                \
       +                SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD((head), field);                        \
       +        } else {                                                        \
       +                struct type *curelm = (head)->slh_first;                \
       +                                                                        \
       +                while (curelm->field.sle_next != (elm))                        \
       +                        curelm = curelm->field.sle_next;                \
       +                curelm->field.sle_next =                                \
       +                    curelm->field.sle_next->field.sle_next;                \
       +        }                                                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.sle_next);                                \
       +} while (0)
       + * List definitions.
       + */
       +#define LIST_HEAD(name, type)                                                \
       +struct name {                                                                \
       +        struct type *lh_first;        /* first element */                        \
       +#define LIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head)                                        \
       +        { NULL }
       +#define LIST_ENTRY(type)                                                \
       +struct {                                                                \
       +        struct type *le_next;        /* next element */                        \
       +        struct type **le_prev;        /* address of previous next element */        \
       + * List access methods.
       + */
       +#define        LIST_FIRST(head)                ((head)->lh_first)
       +#define        LIST_END(head)                        NULL
       +#define        LIST_EMPTY(head)                (LIST_FIRST(head) == LIST_END(head))
       +#define        LIST_NEXT(elm, field)                ((elm)->field.le_next)
       +#define LIST_FOREACH(var, head, field)                                        \
       +        for((var) = LIST_FIRST(head);                                        \
       +            (var)!= LIST_END(head);                                        \
       +            (var) = LIST_NEXT(var, field))
       +#define        LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)                        \
       +        for ((var) = LIST_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) && ((tvar) = LIST_NEXT(var, field), 1);                \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       + * List functions.
       + */
       +#define        LIST_INIT(head) do {                                                \
       +        LIST_FIRST(head) = LIST_END(head);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define LIST_INSERT_AFTER(listelm, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.le_next = (listelm)->field.le_next) != NULL)        \
       +                (listelm)->field.le_next->field.le_prev =                \
       +                    &(elm)->field.le_next;                                \
       +        (listelm)->field.le_next = (elm);                                \
       +        (elm)->field.le_prev = &(listelm)->field.le_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define        LIST_INSERT_BEFORE(listelm, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.le_prev = (listelm)->field.le_prev;                \
       +        (elm)->field.le_next = (listelm);                                \
       +        *(listelm)->field.le_prev = (elm);                                \
       +        (listelm)->field.le_prev = &(elm)->field.le_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define LIST_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {                                \
       +        if (((elm)->field.le_next = (head)->lh_first) != NULL)                \
       +                (head)->lh_first->field.le_prev = &(elm)->field.le_next;\
       +        (head)->lh_first = (elm);                                        \
       +        (elm)->field.le_prev = &(head)->lh_first;                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define LIST_REMOVE(elm, field) do {                                        \
       +        if ((elm)->field.le_next != NULL)                                \
       +                (elm)->field.le_next->field.le_prev =                        \
       +                    (elm)->field.le_prev;                                \
       +        *(elm)->field.le_prev = (elm)->field.le_next;                        \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.le_prev);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.le_next);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define LIST_REPLACE(elm, elm2, field) do {                                \
       +        if (((elm2)->field.le_next = (elm)->field.le_next) != NULL)        \
       +                (elm2)->field.le_next->field.le_prev =                        \
       +                    &(elm2)->field.le_next;                                \
       +        (elm2)->field.le_prev = (elm)->field.le_prev;                        \
       +        *(elm2)->field.le_prev = (elm2);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.le_prev);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.le_next);                                \
       +} while (0)
       + * Simple queue definitions.
       + */
       +#define SIMPLEQ_HEAD(name, type)                                        \
       +struct name {                                                                \
       +        struct type *sqh_first;        /* first element */                        \
       +        struct type **sqh_last;        /* addr of last next element */                \
       +#define SIMPLEQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head)                                        \
       +        { NULL, &(head).sqh_first }
       +#define SIMPLEQ_ENTRY(type)                                                \
       +struct {                                                                \
       +        struct type *sqe_next;        /* next element */                        \
       + * Simple queue access methods.
       + */
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_FIRST(head)            ((head)->sqh_first)
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_END(head)            NULL
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(head)            (SIMPLEQ_FIRST(head) == SIMPLEQ_END(head))
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_NEXT(elm, field)    ((elm)->field.sqe_next)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)                                \
       +        for((var) = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) != SIMPLEQ_END(head);                                        \
       +            (var) = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(var, field))
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)                        \
       +        for ((var) = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) && ((tvar) = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(var, field), 1);                \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       + * Simple queue functions.
       + */
       +#define        SIMPLEQ_INIT(head) do {                                                \
       +        (head)->sqh_first = NULL;                                        \
       +        (head)->sqh_last = &(head)->sqh_first;                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqe_next = (head)->sqh_first) == NULL)        \
       +                (head)->sqh_last = &(elm)->field.sqe_next;                \
       +        (head)->sqh_first = (elm);                                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.sqe_next = NULL;                                        \
       +        *(head)->sqh_last = (elm);                                        \
       +        (head)->sqh_last = &(elm)->field.sqe_next;                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(head, listelm, elm, field) do {                \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqe_next = (listelm)->field.sqe_next) == NULL)\
       +                (head)->sqh_last = &(elm)->field.sqe_next;                \
       +        (listelm)->field.sqe_next = (elm);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((head)->sqh_first = (head)->sqh_first->field.sqe_next) == NULL) \
       +                (head)->sqh_last = &(head)->sqh_first;                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_AFTER(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqe_next = (elm)->field.sqe_next->field.sqe_next) \
       +            == NULL)                                                        \
       +                (head)->sqh_last = &(elm)->field.sqe_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define SIMPLEQ_CONCAT(head1, head2) do {                                \
       +        if (!SIMPLEQ_EMPTY((head2))) {                                        \
       +                *(head1)->sqh_last = (head2)->sqh_first;                \
       +                (head1)->sqh_last = (head2)->sqh_last;                        \
       +                SIMPLEQ_INIT((head2));                                        \
       +        }                                                                \
       +} while (0)
       + * XOR Simple queue definitions.
       + */
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_HEAD(name, type)                                        \
       +struct name {                                                                \
       +        struct type *sqx_first;        /* first element */                        \
       +        struct type **sqx_last;        /* addr of last next element */                \
       +        unsigned long sqx_cookie;                                        \
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_ENTRY(type)                                                \
       +struct {                                                                \
       +        struct type *sqx_next;        /* next element */                        \
       + * XOR Simple queue access methods.
       + */
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, ptr)            ((__typeof(ptr))((head)->sqx_cookie ^ \
       +                                        (unsigned long)(ptr)))
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_FIRST(head)            XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, ((head)->sqx_first))
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_END(head)            NULL
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_EMPTY(head)            (XSIMPLEQ_FIRST(head) == XSIMPLEQ_END(head))
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_NEXT(head, elm, field)    XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, ((elm)->field.sqx_next))
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)                                \
       +        for ((var) = XSIMPLEQ_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) != XSIMPLEQ_END(head);                                \
       +            (var) = XSIMPLEQ_NEXT(head, var, field))
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)                        \
       +        for ((var) = XSIMPLEQ_FIRST(head);                                \
       +            (var) && ((tvar) = XSIMPLEQ_NEXT(head, var, field), 1);        \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       + * XOR Simple queue functions.
       + */
       +#define        XSIMPLEQ_INIT(head) do {                                        \
       +        arc4random_buf(&(head)->sqx_cookie, sizeof((head)->sqx_cookie)); \
       +        (head)->sqx_first = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL);                        \
       +        (head)->sqx_last = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(head)->sqx_first);        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqx_next = (head)->sqx_first) ==                \
       +            XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL))                                        \
       +                (head)->sqx_last = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(elm)->field.sqx_next); \
       +        (head)->sqx_first = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, (elm));                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.sqx_next = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL);                \
       +        *(XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, (head)->sqx_last)) = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, (elm)); \
       +        (head)->sqx_last = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(elm)->field.sqx_next);        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(head, listelm, elm, field) do {                \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqx_next = (listelm)->field.sqx_next) ==        \
       +            XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL))                                        \
       +                (head)->sqx_last = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(elm)->field.sqx_next); \
       +        (listelm)->field.sqx_next = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, (elm));                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(head, field) do {                                \
       +        if (((head)->sqx_first = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head,                        \
       +            (head)->sqx_first)->field.sqx_next) == XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL)) \
       +                (head)->sqx_last = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(head)->sqx_first); \
       +} while (0)
       +#define XSIMPLEQ_REMOVE_AFTER(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.sqx_next = XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head,                        \
       +            (elm)->field.sqx_next)->field.sqx_next)                        \
       +            == XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, NULL))                                \
       +                (head)->sqx_last =                                         \
       +                    XSIMPLEQ_XOR(head, &(elm)->field.sqx_next);                \
       +} while (0)
       + * Tail queue definitions.
       + */
       +#define TAILQ_HEAD(name, type)                                                \
       +struct name {                                                                \
       +        struct type *tqh_first;        /* first element */                        \
       +        struct type **tqh_last;        /* addr of last next element */                \
       +#define TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(head)                                        \
       +        { NULL, &(head).tqh_first }
       +#define TAILQ_ENTRY(type)                                                \
       +struct {                                                                \
       +        struct type *tqe_next;        /* next element */                        \
       +        struct type **tqe_prev;        /* address of previous next element */        \
       + * Tail queue access methods.
       + */
       +#define        TAILQ_FIRST(head)                ((head)->tqh_first)
       +#define        TAILQ_END(head)                        NULL
       +#define        TAILQ_NEXT(elm, field)                ((elm)->field.tqe_next)
       +#define TAILQ_LAST(head, headname)                                        \
       +        (*(((struct headname *)((head)->tqh_last))->tqh_last))
       +/* XXX */
       +#define TAILQ_PREV(elm, headname, field)                                \
       +        (*(((struct headname *)((elm)->field.tqe_prev))->tqh_last))
       +#define        TAILQ_EMPTY(head)                                                \
       +        (TAILQ_FIRST(head) == TAILQ_END(head))
       +#define TAILQ_FOREACH(var, head, field)                                        \
       +        for((var) = TAILQ_FIRST(head);                                        \
       +            (var) != TAILQ_END(head);                                        \
       +            (var) = TAILQ_NEXT(var, field))
       +#define        TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(var, head, field, tvar)                        \
       +        for ((var) = TAILQ_FIRST(head);                                        \
       +            (var) != TAILQ_END(head) &&                                        \
       +            ((tvar) = TAILQ_NEXT(var, field), 1);                        \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       +#define TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(var, head, headname, field)                \
       +        for((var) = TAILQ_LAST(head, headname);                                \
       +            (var) != TAILQ_END(head);                                        \
       +            (var) = TAILQ_PREV(var, headname, field))
       +#define        TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE_SAFE(var, head, headname, field, tvar)        \
       +        for ((var) = TAILQ_LAST(head, headname);                        \
       +            (var) != TAILQ_END(head) &&                                        \
       +            ((tvar) = TAILQ_PREV(var, headname, field), 1);                \
       +            (var) = (tvar))
       + * Tail queue functions.
       + */
       +#define        TAILQ_INIT(head) do {                                                \
       +        (head)->tqh_first = NULL;                                        \
       +        (head)->tqh_last = &(head)->tqh_first;                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm)->field.tqe_next = (head)->tqh_first) != NULL)        \
       +                (head)->tqh_first->field.tqe_prev =                        \
       +                    &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                                \
       +        else                                                                \
       +                (head)->tqh_last = &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                \
       +        (head)->tqh_first = (elm);                                        \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_prev = &(head)->tqh_first;                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(head, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_next = NULL;                                        \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_prev = (head)->tqh_last;                        \
       +        *(head)->tqh_last = (elm);                                        \
       +        (head)->tqh_last = &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                        \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_INSERT_AFTER(head, listelm, elm, field) do {                \
       +        if (((elm)->field.tqe_next = (listelm)->field.tqe_next) != NULL)\
       +                (elm)->field.tqe_next->field.tqe_prev =                        \
       +                    &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                                \
       +        else                                                                \
       +                (head)->tqh_last = &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                \
       +        (listelm)->field.tqe_next = (elm);                                \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_prev = &(listelm)->field.tqe_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define        TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(listelm, elm, field) do {                        \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_prev = (listelm)->field.tqe_prev;                \
       +        (elm)->field.tqe_next = (listelm);                                \
       +        *(listelm)->field.tqe_prev = (elm);                                \
       +        (listelm)->field.tqe_prev = &(elm)->field.tqe_next;                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_REMOVE(head, elm, field) do {                                \
       +        if (((elm)->field.tqe_next) != NULL)                                \
       +                (elm)->field.tqe_next->field.tqe_prev =                        \
       +                    (elm)->field.tqe_prev;                                \
       +        else                                                                \
       +                (head)->tqh_last = (elm)->field.tqe_prev;                \
       +        *(elm)->field.tqe_prev = (elm)->field.tqe_next;                        \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.tqe_prev);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.tqe_next);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_REPLACE(head, elm, elm2, field) do {                        \
       +        if (((elm2)->field.tqe_next = (elm)->field.tqe_next) != NULL)        \
       +                (elm2)->field.tqe_next->field.tqe_prev =                \
       +                    &(elm2)->field.tqe_next;                                \
       +        else                                                                \
       +                (head)->tqh_last = &(elm2)->field.tqe_next;                \
       +        (elm2)->field.tqe_prev = (elm)->field.tqe_prev;                        \
       +        *(elm2)->field.tqe_prev = (elm2);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.tqe_prev);                                \
       +        _Q_INVALIDATE((elm)->field.tqe_next);                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#define TAILQ_CONCAT(head1, head2, field) do {                                \
       +        if (!TAILQ_EMPTY(head2)) {                                        \
       +                *(head1)->tqh_last = (head2)->tqh_first;                \
       +                (head2)->tqh_first->field.tqe_prev = (head1)->tqh_last;        \
       +                (head1)->tqh_last = (head2)->tqh_last;                        \
       +                TAILQ_INIT((head2));                                        \
       +        }                                                                \
       +} while (0)
       +#endif        /* !_SYS_QUEUE_H_ */
   DIR diff --git a/snap.c b/snap.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
       +/* Snapshot archive implementation */
       +#include <sys/types.h>
       +#include <sys/stat.h>
       +#include <fcntl.h>
       +#include <limits.h>
       +#include <stdint.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include <unistd.h>
       +#include "config.h"
       +#include "queue.h"
       +#include "snap.h"
       +extern int pack(unsigned char *dst, char *fmt, ...);
       +extern int unpack(unsigned char *src, char *fmt, ...);
       +struct mdnode {
       +        unsigned char md[MDSIZE];
       +        SLIST_ENTRY(mdnode) e;
       +struct sctx {
       +        SLIST_HEAD(mdhead, mdnode) mdhead;
       +        struct mdnode *mdnext;
       +        int fd;
       +        int rdonly;
       +static ssize_t
       +xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       +        uint8_t *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = read(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       +        }
       +        return total;
       +static ssize_t
       +xwrite(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       +        uint8_t *bp = buf;
       +        ssize_t total = 0;
       +        while (nbytes > 0) {
       +                ssize_t n;
       +                n = write(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       +                if (n < 0)
       +                        return -1;
       +                else if (n == 0)
       +                        return total;
       +                total += n;
       +                nbytes -= n;
       +        }
       +        return total;
       +static int
       +loadmd(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +        mdnode = calloc(1, sizeof(*mdnode));
       +        if (mdnode == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (xread(sctx->fd, mdnode->md, MDSIZE) != MDSIZE) {
       +                free(mdnode);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sctx->mdhead, mdnode, e);
       +        return 0;
       +static int
       +initmdhead(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        struct stat st;
       +        uint64_t i, n;
       +        if (fstat(sctx->fd, &st) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        n = st.st_size / MDSIZE;
       +        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       +                if (loadmd(sctx) == 0)
       +                        continue;
       +                /* Cleanup */
       +                while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&sctx->mdhead)) {
       +                        struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +                        mdnode = SLIST_FIRST(&sctx->mdhead);
       +                        SLIST_REMOVE(&sctx->mdhead, mdnode, mdnode, e);
       +                        free(mdnode);
       +                }
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +screat(char *path, int mode, struct sctx **sctx)
       +        int fd;
       +        if (path == NULL || sctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        fd = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, mode);
       +        if (fd < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        *sctx = calloc(1, sizeof(**sctx));
       +        if (*sctx == NULL) {
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        SLIST_INIT(&(*sctx)->mdhead);
       +        (*sctx)->mdnext = NULL;
       +        (*sctx)->fd = fd;
       +        return 0;
       +sopen(char *path, int flags, int mode, struct sctx **sctx)
       +        int fd;
       +        if (path == NULL || sctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        fd = open(path, flags, mode);
       +        if (fd < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        *sctx = calloc(1, sizeof(*sctx));
       +        if (*sctx == NULL) {
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        SLIST_INIT(&(*sctx)->mdhead);
       +        (*sctx)->mdnext = NULL;
       +        (*sctx)->fd = fd;
       +        (*sctx)->rdonly = flags == O_RDONLY;
       +        if (initmdhead(*sctx) < 0) {
       +                free(*sctx);
       +                close(fd);
       +                return -1;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +sget(struct sctx *sctx, unsigned char *md)
       +        struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +        if (sctx == NULL || md == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        mdnode = sctx->mdnext;
       +        if (mdnode == NULL)
       +                mdnode = SLIST_FIRST(&sctx->mdhead);
       +        else
       +                mdnode = SLIST_NEXT(mdnode, e);
       +        sctx->mdnext = mdnode;
       +        if (mdnode != NULL) {
       +                memcpy(md, mdnode->md, MDSIZE);
       +                return MDSIZE;
       +        }
       +        return 0;
       +sput(struct sctx *sctx, unsigned char *md)
       +        struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +        if (sctx == NULL || md == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        mdnode = calloc(1, sizeof(*mdnode));
       +        if (mdnode == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        memcpy(mdnode->md, md, MDSIZE);
       +        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sctx->mdhead, mdnode, e);
       +        return 0;
       +ssync(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +        if (sctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (sctx->rdonly)
       +                return 0;
       +        if (lseek(sctx->fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        SLIST_FOREACH(mdnode, &sctx->mdhead, e) {
       +                if (xwrite(sctx->fd, mdnode->md, MDSIZE) != MDSIZE)
       +                        return -1;
       +        }
       +        fsync(sctx->fd);
       +        return 0;
       +sclose(struct sctx *sctx)
       +        int r;
       +        if (sctx == NULL)
       +                return -1;
       +        if (ssync(sctx) < 0)
       +                return -1;
       +        /* Cleanup */
       +        while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&sctx->mdhead)) {
       +                struct mdnode *mdnode;
       +                mdnode = SLIST_FIRST(&sctx->mdhead);
       +                SLIST_REMOVE(&sctx->mdhead, mdnode, mdnode, e);
       +                free(mdnode);
       +        }
       +        r = close(sctx->fd);
       +        free(sctx);
       +        return r;
   DIR diff --git a/snap.h b/snap.h
       @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
       +struct sctx;
       +extern int screat(char *path, int mode, struct sctx **sctx);
       +extern int sopen(char *path, int flags, int mode, struct sctx **sctx);
       +extern int sget(struct sctx *sctx, unsigned char *md);
       +extern int sput(struct sctx *sctx, unsigned char *md);
       +extern int ssync(struct sctx *sctx);
       +extern int sclose(struct sctx *sctx);
   DIR diff --git a/types.c b/types.c
       @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <assert.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -read_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr)
       -        uint8_t buf[SNAP_HDR_SIZE];
       -        int n;
       -        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s: unexpected EOF", __func__);
       -        n = unpack(buf, "qqq",
       -                   &hdr->flags,
       -                   &hdr->size,
       -                   &hdr->nr_snaps);
       -        n += unpack(&buf[n], "qqqqqq",
       -                    &hdr->st.orig_size,
       -                    &hdr->st.compr_size,
       -                    &hdr->st.dedup_size,
       -                    &hdr->st.min_blk_size,
       -                    &hdr->st.max_blk_size,
       -                    &hdr->st.nr_blks);
       -        n += unpack(&buf[n], "qqqq",
       -                    &hdr->st.reserved[0],
       -                    &hdr->st.reserved[1],
       -                    &hdr->st.reserved[2],
       -                    &hdr->st.reserved[3]);
       -        assert(n == SNAP_HDR_SIZE);
       -write_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr)
       -        uint8_t buf[SNAP_HDR_SIZE];
       -        int n;
       -        n = pack(buf, "qqq",
       -                 hdr->flags,
       -                 hdr->size,
       -                 hdr->nr_snaps);
       -        n += pack(&buf[n], "qqqqqq",
       -                  hdr->st.orig_size,
       -                  hdr->st.compr_size,
       -                  hdr->st.dedup_size,
       -                  hdr->st.min_blk_size,
       -                  hdr->st.max_blk_size,
       -                  hdr->st.nr_blks);
       -        n += pack(&buf[n], "qqqq",
       -                  hdr->st.reserved[0],
       -                  hdr->st.reserved[1],
       -                  hdr->st.reserved[2],
       -                  hdr->st.reserved[3]);
       -        assert(n == SNAP_HDR_SIZE);
       -        xwrite(fd, buf, n);
       -read_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr)
       -        uint8_t buf[BLK_HDR_SIZE];
       -        int n;
       -        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s: unexpected EOF", __func__);
       -        n = unpack(buf, "qq",
       -                   &hdr->flags,
       -                   &hdr->size);
       -        assert(n == BLK_HDR_SIZE);
       -write_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr)
       -        uint8_t buf[BLK_HDR_SIZE];
       -        int n;
       -        n = pack(buf, "qq",
       -                 hdr->flags,
       -                 hdr->size);
       -        assert(n == BLK_HDR_SIZE);
       -        xwrite(fd, buf, n);
       -read_blk_desc(int fd, struct blk_desc *desc)
       -        uint8_t buf[BLK_DESC_SIZE];
       -        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       -        int n;
       -        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s: unexpected EOF", __func__);
       -        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "'%dqq", MD_SIZE);
       -        n = unpack(buf, fmt,
       -                   desc->md,
       -                   &desc->offset,
       -                   &desc->size);
       -        assert(n == BLK_DESC_SIZE);
       -write_blk_desc(int fd, struct blk_desc *desc)
       -        uint8_t buf[BLK_DESC_SIZE];
       -        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       -        int n;
       -        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "'%dqq", MD_SIZE);
       -        n = pack(buf, fmt,
       -                 desc->md,
       -                 desc->offset,
       -                 desc->size);
       -        assert(n == BLK_DESC_SIZE);
       -        xwrite(fd, buf, n);
       -read_snap(int fd, struct snap *snap)
       -        uint8_t buf[SNAPSHOT_SIZE];
       -        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       -        int n;
       -        if (xread(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s: unexpected EOF", __func__);
       -        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "q'%d'%dq", MSG_SIZE, MD_SIZE);
       -        n = unpack(buf, fmt,
       -                   &snap->size,
       -                   snap->msg,
       -                   snap->md,
       -                   &snap->nr_blk_descs);
       -        assert(n == SNAPSHOT_SIZE);
       -read_snap_descs(int fd, struct snap *snap)
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++)
       -                read_blk_desc(fd, &snap->blk_desc[i]);
       -write_snap(int fd, struct snap *snap)
       -        uint8_t buf[SNAPSHOT_SIZE];
       -        char fmt[BUFSIZ];
       -        int n;
       -        snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "q'%d'%dq", MSG_SIZE, MD_SIZE);
       -        n = pack(buf, fmt,
       -                 snap->size,
       -                 snap->msg,
       -                 snap->md,
       -                 snap->nr_blk_descs);
       -        assert(n == SNAPSHOT_SIZE);
       -        xwrite(fd, buf, n);
       -write_snap_blk_descs(int fd, struct snap *snap)
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++)
       -                write_blk_desc(fd, &snap->blk_desc[i]);
   DIR diff --git a/utils.c b/utils.c
       @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
       -#include <sys/types.h>
       -#include <err.h>
       -#include <stdint.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <unistd.h>
       -#include "blake2.h"
       -#include "dedup.h"
       -static void
       -match_ver(uint64_t v)
       -        uint8_t maj, min;
       -        min = v & VER_MIN_MASK;
       -        maj = (v >> VER_MAJ_SHIFT) & VER_MAJ_MASK;
       -        if (maj == VER_MAJ && min == VER_MIN)
       -                return;
       -        errx(1, "format version mismatch: expected %u.%u but got %u.%u",
       -             VER_MAJ, VER_MIN, maj, min);
       -str2bin(char *s, uint8_t *d)
       -        size_t i, size = strlen(s) / 2;
       -        for (i = 0; i < size; i++, s += 2)
       -                sscanf(s, "%2hhx", &d[i]);
       -xlseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
       -        off_t ret;
       -        ret = lseek(fd, offset, whence);
       -        if (ret < 0)
       -                err(1, "lseek");
       -        return ret;
       -xread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       -        uint8_t *bp = buf;
       -        ssize_t total = 0;
       -        while (nbytes > 0) {
       -                ssize_t n;
       -                n = read(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       -                if (n < 0)
       -                        err(1, "read");
       -                else if (n == 0)
       -                        return total;
       -                total += n;
       -                nbytes -= n;
       -        }
       -        return total;
       -xwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t nbytes)
       -        const uint8_t *bp = buf;
       -        ssize_t total = 0;
       -        while (nbytes > 0) {
       -                ssize_t n;
       -                n = write(fd, &bp[total], nbytes);
       -                if (n < 0)
       -                        err(1, "write");
       -                else if (n == 0)
       -                        return total;
       -                total += n;
       -                nbytes -= n;
       -        }
       -        return total;
       -init_blk_hdr(struct blk_hdr *hdr, int compr_algo, int hash_algo)
       -        hdr->flags = (VER_MAJ << VER_MAJ_SHIFT) | VER_MIN;
       -        hdr->flags |= compr_algo << COMPR_ALGO_SHIFT;
       -        hdr->flags |= hash_algo << HASH_ALGO_SHIFT;
       -        hdr->size = BLK_HDR_SIZE;
       -init_snap_hdr(struct snap_hdr *hdr)
       -        hdr->flags = (VER_MAJ << VER_MAJ_SHIFT) | VER_MIN;
       -        hdr->size = SNAP_HDR_SIZE;
       -        hdr->st.min_blk_size = UINT64_MAX;
       -load_blk_hdr(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr, int *compr_algo, int *hash_algo)
       -        uint64_t v;
       -        read_blk_hdr(fd, hdr);
       -        match_ver(hdr->flags);
       -        v = hdr->flags >> COMPR_ALGO_SHIFT;
       -        v &= COMPR_ALGO_MASK;
       -        *compr_algo = v;
       -        if (*compr_algo < 0 || *compr_algo >= NR_COMPRS)
       -                errx(1, "unsupported compression algorithm: %d", *compr_algo);
       -        v = hdr->flags >> HASH_ALGO_SHIFT;
       -        v &= HASH_ALGO_MASK;
       -        *hash_algo = v;
       -        if (*hash_algo < 0 || *hash_algo >= NR_HASHES)
       -                errx(1, "unsupported hash algorithm: %d", *hash_algo);
       -load_snap_hdr(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr)
       -        read_snap_hdr(fd, hdr);
       -        match_ver(hdr->flags);
       -struct snap *
       -        struct snap *snap;
       -        snap = calloc(1, sizeof(*snap));
       -        if (snap == NULL)
       -                err(1, "%s", __func__);
       -        return snap;
       -free_snap(struct snap *snap)
       -        free(snap);
       -struct snap *
       -grow_snap(struct snap *snap, uint64_t nr_blk_descs)
       -        size_t size;
       -        if (nr_blk_descs > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(snap->blk_desc[0]))
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        size = nr_blk_descs * sizeof(snap->blk_desc[0]);
       -        if (size > SIZE_MAX - sizeof(*snap))
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        size += sizeof(*snap);
       -        snap = realloc(snap, size);
       -        if (snap == NULL)
       -                err(1, "%s", __func__);
       -        return snap;
       -append_snap(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr, struct snap *snap)
       -        if (snap->nr_blk_descs > UINT64_MAX / BLK_DESC_SIZE)
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        snap->size = snap->nr_blk_descs * BLK_DESC_SIZE;
       -        if (snap->size > UINT64_MAX - SNAPSHOT_SIZE)
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        snap->size += SNAPSHOT_SIZE;
       -        xlseek(fd, hdr->size, SEEK_SET);
       -        write_snap(fd, snap);
       -        write_snap_blk_descs(fd, snap);
       -        if (hdr->size > UINT64_MAX - snap->size)
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        hdr->size += snap->size;
       -        if (hdr->nr_snaps > UINT64_MAX - 1)
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        hdr->nr_snaps++;
       - * The snapshot hash is calculated over the
       - * hash of its block descriptors.
       - */
       -hash_snap(struct snap *snap, uint8_t *md, int hash_algo)
       -        struct hash_ctx ctx;
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        if (hash_init(&ctx, hash_algo, MD_SIZE) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "hash_init failed");
       -        for (i = 0; i < snap->nr_blk_descs; i++) {
       -                struct blk_desc *blk_desc;
       -                blk_desc = &snap->blk_desc[i];
       -                hash_update(&ctx, blk_desc->md, sizeof(blk_desc->md));
       -        }
       -        hash_final(&ctx, md, MD_SIZE);
       -/* Walk through all snapshots and call fn() on each one */
       -walk_snap(int fd, struct snap_hdr *hdr,
       -          int (*fn)(struct snap *, void *), void *arg)
       -        uint64_t i;
       -        xlseek(fd, SNAP_HDR_SIZE, SEEK_SET);
       -        for (i = 0; i < hdr->nr_snaps; i++) {
       -                struct snap *snap;
       -                int ret;
       -                snap = alloc_snap();
       -                read_snap(fd, snap);
       -                snap = grow_snap(snap, snap->nr_blk_descs);
       -                read_snap_descs(fd, snap);
       -                ret = (*fn)(snap, arg);
       -                free_snap(snap);
       -                if (ret == WALK_STOP)
       -                        break;
       -        }
       -uint8_t *
       -alloc_buf(size_t size)
       -        void *p;
       -        p = calloc(1, size);
       -        if (p == NULL)
       -                err(1, "%s", __func__);
       -        return p;
       -free_buf(uint8_t *buf)
       -        free(buf);
       -read_blk(int fd, uint8_t *buf, struct blk_desc *blk_desc)
       -        ssize_t n;
       -        xlseek(fd, blk_desc->offset, SEEK_SET);
       -        n = xread(fd, buf, blk_desc->size);
       -        if (n == 0)
       -                errx(1, "%s: unexpected EOF", __func__);
       -        if (n != blk_desc->size)
       -                errx(1, "%s: short read", __func__);
       -append_blk(int fd, struct blk_hdr *hdr, uint8_t *buf, struct blk_desc *blk_desc)
       -        xlseek(fd, hdr->size, SEEK_SET);
       -        xwrite(fd, buf, blk_desc->size);
       -        if (hdr->size > UINT64_MAX - blk_desc->size)
       -                errx(1, "%s: overflow", __func__);
       -        hdr->size += blk_desc->size;
       -hash_blk(uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint8_t *md, int hash_algo)
       -        struct hash_ctx ctx;
       -        if (hash_init(&ctx, hash_algo, MD_SIZE) < 0)
       -                errx(1, "hash_init failed");
       -        hash_update(&ctx, buf, size);
       -        hash_final(&ctx, md, MD_SIZE);