deodorant.1 - deodorant - a tool to make things suck less
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       deodorant.1 (670B)
            1 .Dd July 30, 2023
            2 .Dt DEODORANT 1
            3 .Os
            4 .
            5 .Sh NAME
            6 .Nm deodorant
            7 .Nd a tool to make things suck less
            8 .
            9 .Sh SYNOPSIS
           10 .Nm
           11 .Ek
           12 .
           13 .Sh DESCRIPTION
           14 .Bd -filled
           15 .Nm
           16 simply runs
           17 .Em rm(1).
           18 .
           19 .Sh FILES
           20 LICENSE
           21 .
           22 .Sh SEE ALSO
           23 rm(1)
           24 .
           25 .Sh HISTORY
           26 .Bd -filled
           27 The idea for deodorant came up on 2023-07-31 on #bitreich-en on
           28 irc.bitreichorg, while again people were discussing what
           29 the term 'suckless' means. Now everyone has a tool to easily make things
           30 suck less.
           31 .Ed
           32 .
           33 .Sh AUTHORS
           34 See LICENSE file for authors in the distribution.
           35 .
           36 .Sh LICENSE
           37 deodorant is released under the MIT/X Consortium License.
           38 .
           39 .Ss "Reporting Bugs"
           40 Report bugs to:
           41 .An "Christoph Lohmann" Aq 20h@R-36.net