SQlite Version (for history) - dossier - console collection manager
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   DIR commit 67938e405b6efa96c2815577e70c7ec6d367fcab
   DIR parent 9720541044836a4a509a41f038fcd22f64ec1116
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Sun, 15 Jul 2018 01:42:51 +0200
       SQlite Version (for history)
         A cdb_sqlite                          |     142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 142 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/cdb_sqlite b/cdb_sqlite
       @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
       +if [ ! -f "database.sqlite" ]
       +        printf 'CREATE TABLE collection ( id text primary key );' | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite || exit 1
       +#mkdir -p "${REPO}" || exit 1
       +# displays the values of an identifier
       +# $1 identifier
       +show() {
       +    printf "SELECT * FROM collection WHERE id = '%s';" \
       +                "$1" | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite -line
       +    if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
       +    then
       +        exit 0
       +    else
       +        printf '%s is not in the library.\n' "$1"
       +        exit 1
       +    fi
       +# export the data in csv format "data","data","data"
       +# we assume it'll works with the dataset
       +export_csv() {
       +    sqlite3 database.sqlite -header -csv 'select * from collection;'
       +    exit $?
       +# delete identifier from attributes
       +# $1 identifier
       +delete() {
       +    printf "DELETE from collection where id = '%s';" "$1" | \
       +            sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +    if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
       +    then
       +        printf "%s is not in the library!\n" "$1"
       +        exit 1
       +    else
       +        exit 0
       +    fi
       +# displays list of identifiers
       +show_list() {
       +    printf "SELECT id from collection;" | \
       +            sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +    exit 0
       +# displays attributes used
       +show_attributes() {
       +    sqlite3 database.sqlite 'PRAGMA table_info(collection)' | \
       +                cut -d '|' -f 2
       +    exit 0
       +# add/modify a value
       +# $@ identifier / attr / value / attr / value / ....
       +# shift to have attr / value again and again
       +add_value() {
       +    ID="$1"
       +    shift
       +    while [ "$#" -gt 1 ]
       +    do
       +        ATTRIBUTE="$1"
       +        VALUE="$2"
       +        shift 2
       +        # add a column if it doesn't exist
       +        if [ -z "$(sqlite3 database.sqlite 'PRAGMA table_info(collection);' | grep "|${ATTRIBUTE}|")" ]
       +        then
       +                printf 'ALTER TABLE collection ADD COLUMN %s text;' "${ATTRIBUTE}" | \
       +                        sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +        fi
       +        printf "INSERT INTO collection('id') VALUES ('%s');" "$ID" | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite >/dev/null 2>&1
       +        printf "UPDATE collection SET %s = '%s' WHERE id = '%s';" \
       +                "$ATTRIBUTE" "$VALUE" "$ID" | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +    done
       +    exit 0
       +# returns identifiers having attribute=value
       +# $1 attribute
       +# $2 value
       +search_value() {
       +    printf "SELECT id FROM collection WHERE %s = '%s';" \
       +                "$1" "$2" | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +    exit 0
       +# returns list of identifiers in a attribute
       +# $1 attribute
       +list() {
       +    printf "SELECT id,%s as attribute FROM collection WHERE attribute <> '';" \
       +                "$1" | \
       +                sqlite3 database.sqlite
       +    exit 0
       +# displays usage
       +usage() {
       +    printf '%s\n' \
       +           "cdb help" \
       +           "cdb export" \
       +           "cdb show [identifier]" \
       +           "cdb search [attribute [value]]" \
       +           "cdb identifier attribute value ... attribute value ..."
       +    exit 0   
       +if [ "$1" = "export" ] ; then export_csv ; fi
       +if [ "$1" = "rm" ] && [ "$#" -eq 2 ] ; then delete "$2" ; fi
       +if [ "$1" = "help" ]                 ; then usage ; fi
       +# dealing with identifiers
       +if [ "$1" = "show" ]
       +    if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then show_list ; fi
       +    if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then show "$2" ; fi
       +# dealing with attributes
       +if [ "$1" = "search" ];
       +    if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then show_attributes        ; fi
       +    if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then list "$2"              ; fi
       +    if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then search_value "$2" "$3" ; fi
       +if [ "$#" -ge 3 ]; then add_value "$@" ; fi