Clarify the »arguments« argument to [d]cgi scripts. - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
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  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Thu, 24 Nov 2016 22:27:42 +0100
       Clarify the »arguments« argument to [d]cgi scripts.
         M geomyidae.8                         |      11 ++++++-----
       1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/geomyidae.8 b/geomyidae.8
       @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Both .cgi and .dcgi scripts have the same argument call structure (as seen by ge
        .D1 search = query string (type 7) or Qo Qc (type 0)
       -.D1 arguments = Qo Qc
       +.D1 arguments = string after Qo ? Qc in the path or Qo Qc
        .D1 host = server's hostname ("localhost" by default)
        .D1 port = server's port ("70" by default)
       @@ -333,23 +333,24 @@ ex. hello.cgi - standard CGI with query
        #  hello.cgi - welcome user
        echo ""
       -echo Hello $NAME - welcome to Frog.bog
       +echo Hello $NAME - welcome to $HOSTNAME
        exit 0
        Call the above with the following index.gph entry:
       -.D1 [7|Hello You - Please enter your name|/hello.cgi?|frog.bog|70]
       +.D1 [7|Hello You - Please enter your name|/hello.cgi?FROG.bog|frog.bog|70]
        And do a simple
        .Xr snarf 1
        query (note the inserted TAB):
       -.D1 % snarf Qo gopher://frog.bog/7/hello.cgi?[TAB]Christoph Qc -
       -.D1 Hello Christoph - welcome to Frog.bog
       +.D1 % snarf Qo gopher://frog.bog/7/hello.cgi?FROG.bog[TAB]Christoph Qc -
       +.D1 Hello Christoph - welcome to FROG.bog
        Dynamic CGI entries are similar to above except that the script