Fixing some dir handling. A path does not need to end in '/'. - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/geomyidae/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR commit 7b14b6e74778cf0ddb328cf3e049a302be614b36
   DIR parent 5be8d044ed4e832c4c6a6b7f748b81a30695dc39
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Wed,  4 Jan 2017 21:54:49 +0100
       Fixing some dir handling. A path does not need to end in '/'.
         M handlr.c                            |      67 +++++++++++++++----------------
       1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/handlr.c b/handlr.c
       @@ -33,46 +33,45 @@ handledir(int sock, char *path, char *port, char *base, char *args,
                pa = gstrdup(path);
       -        e = strrchr(pa, '/');
       -        if(e != nil) {
       +        e = pa + strlen(pa) - 1;
       +        if(e[0] == '/')
                        *e = '\0';
       -                par = gstrdup(pa);
       -                b = strrchr(par + strlen(base), '/');
       -                if(b != nil) {
       -                        *b = '\0';
       -                        tprintf(sock, "1..\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n",
       -                                par + strlen(base), ohost, port);
       -                }
       -                free(par);
       -                ndir = scandir(pa, &dirent, 0, alphasort);
       -                if(ndir < 0) {
       -                        perror("scandir");
       -                        free(pa);
       -                        return;
       -                } else {
       -                        for(i = 0; i < ndir; i++) {
       -                                if(dirent[i]->d_name[0] == '.') {
       -                                        free(dirent[i]);
       -                                        continue;
       -                                }
       -                                type = gettype(dirent[i]->d_name);
       -                                file = smprintf("%s/%s", pa,
       -                                                dirent[i]->d_name);
       -                                if(stat(file, &st) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
       -                                        type = gettype("index.gph");
       -                                e = file + strlen(base);
       -                                tprintf(sock, "%c%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n", *type->type,
       -                                        dirent[i]->d_name, e, ohost, port);
       -                                free(file);
       +        par = gstrdup(pa);
       +        b = strrchr(par + strlen(base), '/');
       +        if(b != nil) {
       +                *b = '\0';
       +                tprintf(sock, "1..\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n",
       +                        par + strlen(base), ohost, port);
       +        }
       +        free(par);
       +        ndir = scandir(pa, &dirent, 0, alphasort);
       +        if(ndir < 0) {
       +                perror("scandir");
       +                free(pa);
       +                return;
       +        } else {
       +                for(i = 0; i < ndir; i++) {
       +                        if(dirent[i]->d_name[0] == '.') {
       +                                continue;
       -                        free(dirent);
       +                        type = gettype(dirent[i]->d_name);
       +                        file = smprintf("%s/%s", pa,
       +                                        dirent[i]->d_name);
       +                        if(stat(file, &st) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
       +                                type = gettype("index.gph");
       +                        e = file + strlen(base);
       +                        tprintf(sock, "%c%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\r\n", *type->type,
       +                                dirent[i]->d_name, e, ohost, port);
       +                        free(file);
       +                        free(dirent[i]);
       -                tprintf(sock, ".\r\n");
       +                free(dirent);
       +        tprintf(sock, ".\r\n");