Adding a new mandoc manpage and NetBSD rc.d. - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/geomyidae/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR commit a417296299b8fd5073a1fd237562d08ad6ff6100
   DIR parent c61be869c93eb515c12f8b773b153b53c9a9409f
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Tue, 26 Feb 2013 18:49:20 +0100
       Adding a new mandoc manpage and NetBSD rc.d.
       Thanks Jeff W <jgw@sdf.org>!
         M geomyidae.8                         |     136 ++++++-------------------------
         M rc.d/NetBSD.rc.d                    |      14 ++++++++------
       2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/geomyidae.8 b/geomyidae.8
       @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
        .Op Fl d
        .Op Fl l Ar logfile
        .Op Fl v Ar loglevel
       -.Op Fl b Ar base 
       +.Op Fl b Ar base
        .Op Fl p Ar port
        .Op Fl o Ar sport
        .Op Fl u Ar user
       @@ -32,22 +32,20 @@ is a daemon for serving the protocol specified in
        dynamic content, automatic file/directory indexing, logging and privilege
       -.Bd -filled
        Installation is straightforward: grab the zipped tar file, expand it in
        an appropriate temp directory, change to the
        .Qq "../geomyidae-x.xx"
        directory, tweak the Makefile if desired (installs in
        .Qq "/usr/bin"
       -by default), then run the 
       +by default), then run the
        .Sq "make ; make install"
        commands.  The resulting executable should be run by root.
        .Ss Basic Installation and Startup:
        .Bd -literal
             % wget http://www.r-36.net/src/geomyidae/geomyidae-current.tgz;
             % tar -xzvf geomyidae-*.tgz;
             % cd geomyidae-*;
       @@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ commands.  The resulting executable should be run by root.
        .Ss Running
       -.Bd -filled
        geomyidae should normally be started by root, although it can be started
        by a regular user provided that the base directory and its contents are owned
        by the same user.  geomyidae will only serve content within the base directory
       @@ -75,27 +72,19 @@ values if set.  See
        below for specifics.  Launching geomyidae automatically is best done via a UNIX
        run-time (rc.d) script; several sample rc.d scripts are included in the geomyidae
        source archive.
        .Sh OPTIONS
        geomyidae options and default settings:
       -.Bl -tag -width ".Fl test Ao Ar string Ac"
       +.Bl -tag -width Ds
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl d
        Don't fork into background
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl l Ar logfile
        Specify file where log output is written (no default)
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl v Ar loglevel
        Set the logging level (default: 7)
        .Bd -literal
       @@ -109,53 +98,38 @@ Loglevels:
                (files + directories + HTTP + errors)
       -.Bd -filled
       -.It Fl b Ar base 
       +.It Fl b Ar base
        Root directory to serve (default: /var/gopher)
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl p Ar port
        Port geomyidae should listen on (default: 70)
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl o Ar sport
        Port geomyidae displays within base directory (default: 70).
        Use in conjunction with
        .Ic -p
        for obfuscating actual port geomyidae is running on.
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl u Ar user
        Sets the user to which privileges drop when geomyidae is ready
        to accept network connections (default: user geomyidae runs as).
        Helps improve security by reducing privileges during request
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl g Ar group
        Sets the group to which privileges drop when geomyidae is ready
        to accept network connections (default: group geomyidae runs as).
        Helps improve security by reducing privileges during request
       -.Ed -filled
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl h Ar host
        Host to use in directory listings (default: localhost)
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Fl i Ar IP
        IP to which geomyidae binds to (default:
        .Sh FORMATTING
       -.Bd -filled
        Structured Gopher space(s) can be created with geomyidae through the
        use of special indexing files of the form
        .Ic <name>.gph
       @@ -169,13 +143,9 @@ multiple index files to create a layered gopher environment without the
        use of sub-directories: ie. pictures.gph, music.gph, documents.gph could
        be "directories" within main.gph, yet all reside in /var/gopher along with
        their respective files (*.jpg, *.mp3, *.pdf for example).
        .Ss Anatomy of an index.gph file
       -.Bd -filled
        In general, each line of an index.gph file has the following structure:
        .Bl -inset -offset indent
        .It Ic [<type>|<desc>|<path>|<host>|<port>]
       @@ -206,12 +176,10 @@ In addition, geomyidae provides these:
         i   Informational Item (used for descriptive purposes)
        .Bd -filled
        Unknown file types default to Type "9" (binary).
        .Bd -filled
        Note: geomyidae doesn't require "informational" text to be formally
        Typed as "[i|...]"; any line
       @@ -224,44 +192,33 @@ it may be desirable to either formally Type informational text or run
        it through a filter to add a second "t" - .ie sed 's/^t/&&/' .
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Ic <desc>
        = description of gopher item. Most printable characters should work.
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Ic <path>
        = full path to gopher item (base value is
        .Qq "/"
        ). Use the
        .Qq "Err"
        path for items not intended to be served.
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Ic <host>
        = hostname or IP hosting the gopher item. Must be resolvable for the
        intended clients. If this is set to
        .Qq "server"
        , the server's hostname is used.
       -.Bd -filled
        .It Ic <port>
        = TCP port number (usually 70)
        If this is set to
        .Qq "port"
        , the default port of the server is used.
        .Ss index.gph Example
       -.Bd -filled
        A root.gph file for a server running on host=frog.bog, port=70.  Note use
        of optional [i]nformational Item (line 2) for vertical space insertion:
        .Bd -literal -offset indent
        Welcome to Frog.bog
       @@ -280,12 +237,10 @@ Links and Searches
       -.Bd -filled
        The above looks something like this in a text-based gopher client:
        .Bl -tag -width ".It Ic WIDTHS" -compact -offset indent
       -.D1 Welcome to Frog.bog
       +.It Ic Welcome to Frog.bog
        .It Ic (FILE)
        About this server
       @@ -300,7 +255,7 @@ Snowflake picture
        .Bl -tag -width ".It Ic WIDTHS" -compact -offset indent
       -.D1 Links and Searches
       +.It Ic Links and Searches
        .It Ic (DIR)
        Go to R-36.net
        .It Ic (HTML)
       @@ -312,9 +267,7 @@ Search Veronica II
        .It Ic (TEL)
        Telnet to SDF Public Access Unix System
        .Sh DYNAMIC CONTENT (gopher CGI)
       -.Bd -filled
        There are two options provided for dynamic content creation: standard CGI (
        .Ic .cgi
        ) and dynamic CGI
       @@ -327,11 +280,8 @@ creation of on-the-fly gopher directories much easier (see examples).
        All scripts must be under the gopher root directory and be executable by
        the same user:group running geomyidae.  Consequently, it is best to use
        the -u and -g server options to avoid running as root.
       -.Bd -filled
        Both .cgi and .dcgi scripts have the same argument call structure (as seen by geomyidae):
        .D1  executable.[d]cgi $search $arguments $host $port
       @@ -342,22 +292,15 @@ where
        .D1 host = server's hostname ("localhost" by default)
        .D1 port = server's port ("70" by default)
       -.Bd -filled
        All terms are tab-separated (per gopher protocol) which can cause some
        surprises depending on how a script is written.  See the CGI file (included
        in the geomyidae source archive) for further elaboration.
        .Ss Some CGI Examples
       -.Bd -filled
        Note: these are a very simple examples with no fitness checks with respect
        to safety/security.
       -.Bd -filled
        ex. uptime.cgi - standard CGI, no queries
        .Bd -literal -offset indent
       @@ -367,21 +310,15 @@ exit 0
       -.Bd -filled
        Call the above with the following index.gph entry:
        .D1 [0|System Uptime|/uptime.cgi|frog.bog|70]
       -.Bd -filled
        A search query request must have an item Type of "7" to be called
        from an index.gph file.  It also needs a "?" suffix in the <path>
       -.Bd -filled
        ex. hello.cgi - standard CGI with query
        .Bd -literal -offset indent
       @@ -393,33 +330,25 @@ exit 0
       -.Bd -filled
        Call the above with the following index.gph entry:
        .D1 [7|Hello You - Please enter your name|/hello.cgi?|frog.bog|70]
       -.Bd -filled
        And do a simple
        .Xr snarf 1
       +query (note the inserted TAB):
       -.D1 % snarf Qo gopher://frog.bog/7/hello.cgi?Christoph Qc -
       +.D1 % snarf Qo gopher://frog.bog/7/hello.cgi?[TAB]Christoph Qc -
        .D1 Hello Christoph - welcome to Frog.bog
       -.Bd -filled
        Dynamic CGI entries are similar to above except that the script
       -needs to create output as described in the 
       +needs to create output as described in the
        .Ic FORMATTING
       -.Bd -filled
        ex. jughead.dcgi - dynamic CGI script with query
        .Bd -literal -offset indent
       @@ -427,8 +356,8 @@ ex. jughead.dcgi - dynamic CGI script with query
        echo "[i|Search results for \\"${KWRD}\\":|Err||]"
       -echo "[i|----|Err||]"
       -# grep(1) recursive, case-insensitive KWRD search of ARCHIVE: 
       +echo "[i||Err||]"
       +# grep(1) recursive, case-insensitive KWRD search of ARCHIVE:
        for RESULT in $(/usr/bin/grep -i -l -m1 ${KWRD} -r $ARCHIVE)
                DESC=$(/usr/bin/basename ${RESULT})
       @@ -439,19 +368,15 @@ exit 0
       -.Bd -filled
        Call the above with the following index.gph entry:
        .D1 [7|Search this Gopher|/jughead.dcgi?|frog.bog|70]
       -.Bd -filled
        A successful query might look like this:
       -.Bl -tag -width ".It Ic WIDTHS" -compact -offset indent
       -.D1 Search results for Qo fubar Qc :
       -.D1 ----
       +.Bl -tag -width Ds -compact -offset indent
       +.It Search results for Qo fubar Qc :
        .It Ic (FILE)
        .It Ic (FILE)
       @@ -461,16 +386,10 @@ Phrases_of_the_Ages.txt
       -.Bd -filled
        Care should to be exercised to avoid creating miss-Typed entries, unwanted
        recursions, and/or unintended writes in the working directory.
        .Sh LOG FILES
       -.Bd -filled
        The log file (ie. /var/log/gopherd.log) has the following structure:
        .Ic [<date>|<IP:port>] <item path> <query> (<status>)
       @@ -481,38 +400,32 @@ where,
        .Bl -inset
        .It Ic <date>
        = access date and time (std 'date' format)
       -.Bl -inset -offset indent
       + ex.
        .Qq "Sun Feb 17 06:11:10 PST 2008"
        .It Ic <IP:port>
        = client IP address and port served
       -.Bl -inset -offset indent
        .Qq ""
        .It Ic <item path>
        = full path to item served
       -.Bl -inset -offset indent
        .D1 Qo "/PICS/simple2.jpg" Qc for an image file
        .D1 Qo "/PICS" Qc for a directory access
        .It Ic <query>
        = query term submitted (Type 7 requests only)
       -.Bl -inset -offset indent
        .Dl % snarf Qq "gopher://frog.bog/7/hello.cgi?Christoph"
        .Dl would log Qo "Christoph" Qc as the query term.
        .It Ic (<status>)
        = status of client request
       -.Bl -inset -offset indent
        ex. - some common status entries:
       -.Bl -hang -width XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -compact -offset XXXXXXXXXXXX
        .It Qo (serving) Qc
        => a successful request
        .It Qo (not found) Qc
       @@ -522,17 +435,15 @@ ex. - some common status entries:
        .It Qo (dir listing) Qc
        => unindexed directory listing
        .Sh FILES
        README, LICENSE, CGI, index.gph, rc.d/
       -.Sh "SEE ALSO"
       +.Sh SEE ALSO
        Links for further information on gopher:
        .D1 Pa gopher://gopher.floodgap.com
        .D1 Pa gopher://gopher.gopherproject.org
        .Sh STANDARDS
        .Em Internet RFC 1436
       @@ -553,7 +464,6 @@ geomyidae is released under the MIT/X Consortium License.
        .Sh BUGS
        Dynamic content functionality may vary across gopher clients.
        .Ss "Reporting Bugs"
        Report bugs to:
   DIR diff --git a/rc.d/NetBSD.rc.d b/rc.d/NetBSD.rc.d
       @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
       -# REQUIRE: local
        # PROVIDE: geomyidae
       +# REQUIRE: LOGIN
       +# KEYWORD: shutdown
        $_rc_subr_loaded . /etc/rc.subr
        # Geomyidae Options Section - "?" => geomyidae(8)   #
        #  Uncomment & define options (defaults are shown)  #
       -#LOGFILE="-l /var/log/gopherd.log"
       +#LOGFILE="-l /var/log/gopherlog"
        #LOGLEVEL="-v 7"
        #HTDOCS="-b /var/gopher"
        #PORT="-p 70"
       @@ -26,10 +27,11 @@ command="/usr/pkg/sbin/${name}"
       -# Now remove any UNDEFINED options from line below:  #
       +# Next, add all DEFINED options to command_args=     #
       @@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ command_args="$LOGFILE $LOGLEVEL $HTDOCS $PORT $SPORT $USR $GRP $HOST $IP"
        #        echo "Starting $name"
        #        $command $command_args
       -#        pgrep -x $name > $pidfile
       +#        pgrep -n $name > $pidfile