Add UMN .Links etc. directory parsing example. - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/geomyidae/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit a541c4f4710d4e11847d082a623e11ab8fca6c31
   DIR parent 27c94c92d5fdf7294ee1905c381d0ce2f4ccebca
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Sun,  3 Apr 2022 12:22:57 +0200
       Add UMN .Links etc. directory parsing example.
       Reduce dirlisting.dcgi to bare example.
         M cgi-examples/dirlisting.dcgi        |      22 +---------------------
         A cgi-examples/umnlisting.dcgi        |     181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/cgi-examples/dirlisting.dcgi b/cgi-examples/dirlisting.dcgi
       @@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
        # Dir listing example.
       -# Entry definition in .Links, .cap/$file or .names:
       -#  Name=, Type=, Path=, Host=, Port=, Numb=, Abstract=, Admin=, URL=, TTL=
       -[ -f .abstract ] && cat .abstract | sed 's/^t/&&/'
        find . -maxdepth 1 \
        | sort -r \
       @@ -14,26 +9,11 @@ find . -maxdepth 1 \
        | grep -v "^\." \
        | while read -r entry;
       -        [ "${entry}" == ".cap" ] && continue
       -        [ "${entry}" == ".Links" ] && continue
       -        [ "${entry}" == ".names" ] && continue
                [ -d "${entry}" ] && entrytype="1"
       -        entryserver="server"
       -        entryport="port"
       -        entryname="%f"
       -        if [ -f ".cap/$entry" ];
       -        then
       -                entryname="$(cat ".cap/$entry" \
       -                        | grep "^Name=" \
       -                        | cut -d'=' -f 2-)"
       -        fi
       -        [ -z "${entryname}" ] && entryname="%f"
                find "${entry}" \
                        -maxdepth 0 \
       -                -printf "[${entrytype}|%TY-%Tm-%Td    ${entryname}|%f|${entryserver}|${entryport}]\r\n"
       +                -printf "[${entrytype}|%TY-%Tm-%Td    %f|%f|server|port]\r\n"
   DIR diff --git a/cgi-examples/umnlisting.dcgi b/cgi-examples/umnlisting.dcgi
       @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env python
       +# coding=utf-8
       +# Dir listing like in UMN gopher.
       +# Files: .abstract, .names, .cap/$file, .Links
       +# Entries: Name=, Type=, Path=, Host=, Port=, Abstract=, Admin=, URL=,
       +#          TTL=
       +import os
       +import sys
       +def dcgifilterprint(lines):
       +        for line in lines:
       +                line = line.strip()
       +                if line[0] == 't':
       +                        print("t%s" % (line))
       +                else:
       +                        print("%s" % (line))
       +def parselinksfile(filepath, link={}):
       +        fd = open(filepath, "r")
       +        links = {}
       +        while 1:
       +                line = fd.readline()
       +                if not line:
       +                        if "path" in link:
       +                                links[link["path"]] = link
       +                                link = {}
       +                        break
       +                line = line.strip()
       +                if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#"):
       +                        if "path" in link:
       +                                links[link["path"]] = link
       +                                link = {}
       +                        continue
       +                elif line.startswith("Type="):
       +                        link["type"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("Name="):
       +                        link["name"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("Path="):
       +                        link["path"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("Host="):
       +                        link["host"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("Port="):
       +                        link["port"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("Numb="):
       +                        try:
       +                                link["number"] = int(line.split("=", 1)[1])
       +                        except ValueError:
       +                                pass
       +                elif line.startswith("Abstract="):
       +                        link["abstract"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                        while link["abstract"][-1] == "\\":
       +                                link["abstract"] = link["abstract"][:-1]
       +                                link["abstract"] += "\n"
       +                                link["abstract"] += fd.readline().strip()
       +                        # Undefined case in UMN. Handle it nicely.
       +                        if link["abstract"][-1] == "\\":
       +                                link["abstract"][-1] = "\n"
       +                elif line.startswith("Admin="):
       +                        link["admin"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("URL="):
       +                        link["url"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +                elif line.startswith("TTL="):
       +                        link["ttl"] = line.split("=", 1)[1]
       +        fd.close()
       +        return links
       +def usage(app):
       +        print("usage: %s search arguments host port" % (app),
       +                        file=sys.stderr)
       +        sys.exit(1)
       +def main(args):
       +        scriptname = os.path.basename(args[0])
       +        if len(args) < 5:
       +                usage(scriptname)
       +        search = args[1]
       +        arguments = args[2]
       +        host = args[3]
       +        port = args[4]
       +        basedir = "."
       +        if len(arguments) > 0 and arguments[0] == "/":
       +                basedir = arguments[0].split("?")[0]
       +        # First print every .abstract file content.
       +        abstractpath = "%s/.abstract" % (basedir)
       +        if os.path.exists(abstractpath):
       +                fd = open(abstractpath, "r")
       +                dcgifilterprint(fd.readlines())
       +                fd.close()
       +        outputlinks = {}
       +        linkspath = "%s/.Links" % (basedir)
       +        if os.path.exists(linkspath):
       +                linkslinks = parselinksfile(linkspath)
       +                for linkkey in linkslinks.keys():
       +                        outputlinks[linkkey]  = linkslinks[linkkey]
       +        entries = os.listdir(basedir)
       +        for entry in entries:
       +                entrylink = {}
       +                entrylink["type"] = "9"
       +                if os.path.isdir(entry):
       +                        entrylink["type"] = "1"
       +                entrylink["path"] = "./%s" % (entry)
       +                entrylink["name"] = entry
       +                capspath = "%s/.cap/%s" % (basedir, entry)
       +                if os.path.exists(capspath):
       +                        caplink = parselinksfile(capspath, entrylink)
       +                outputlinks[entrylink["path"]] = entrylink
       +        namespath = "%s/.names" % (basedir)
       +        if os.path.exists(namespath):
       +                nameslinks = parselinksfile(namespath)
       +                for namekey in nameslinks.keys():
       +                        namelink = nameslinks[namekey]
       +                        if namekey in outputlinks.keys():
       +                                for key in namelink:
       +                                        outputlinks[namekey][key] = \
       +                                                namelink[key]
       +                        else:
       +                                outputlinks[namekey] = nameslinks[namekey]
       +        displaylinks = {}
       +        for link in outputlinks.keys():
       +                if "name" in outputlinks[link]:
       +                        displaylinks[outputlinks[link]["name"]] = link
       +                elif "path" in outputlinks[link]:
       +                        if outputlinks[link]["path"].startswith("./"):
       +                                displaylinks[outputlinks[link]["path"][2:]] = \
       +                                        link
       +                        else:
       +                                displaylinks[outputlinks[link]["path"]] = \
       +                                        link
       +                else:
       +                        displaylinks[link] = link
       +        displaykeys = sorted(displaylinks)
       +        for key in displaykeys:
       +                path = displaylinks[key]
       +                if path == "./.Links" or \
       +                                path == "./.cap" or \
       +                                path == "./.names" or \
       +                                path == "./.abstract":
       +                        continue
       +                link = outputlinks[path]
       +                if "port" not in link:
       +                        link["port"] = "port"
       +                if "host" not in link:
       +                        link["host"] = "server"
       +                if "name" not in link:
       +                        if link["path"].startswith("./"):
       +                                link["name"] = link["path"][2:]
       +                        else:
       +                                link["name"] = link["path"]
       +                if "type" not in link:
       +                        link["type"] = "9"
       +                # dcgi escaping.
       +                link["name"].replace("|", "\\|")
       +                print("[%s|%s|%s|%s|%s]" % (link["type"][0],\
       +                        link["name"], link["path"], link["host"],\
       +                        link["port"]))
       +                if "abstract" in link:
       +                        dcgifilterprint(link["abstract"].split("\n"))
       +        return 0
       +if __name__ == "__main__":
       +        sys.exit(main(sys.argv))