rc.d: clean up and update FreeBSD rc script for easier configuration - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
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  HTML Author: Nico Sonack <nsonack@herrhotzenplotz.de>
       Date:   Fri,  5 Jul 2024 17:51:17 +0200
       rc.d: clean up and update FreeBSD rc script for easier configuration
       I was working on a Ports Makefile and looked for a rc script for
       geomyidae. The one distributed in the source tarball seemed very
       out-of-date and contained anti-patterns regarding the rc system in
       Basically I went in and made it configurable through rc.conf which
       is the central place for FreeBSD's rc configuration. I also updated
       variable names such that they align with the patterns of rc.subr.
       The reason for the change is simple: you don't want to edit the
       files installed from ports/pkg because if you update they get
       overwritten and all your configuration is lost.
       Documentation for the configuration variables are in the comments
       in the rc script.
       I don't know if the TLS stuff works as I haven't configured it (and
       don't need it atm). Everything else works fine on a FreeBSD
       14.1-RELEASE-p2 amd64 box.
       Signed-off-by: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
         M rc.d/FreeBSD.rc.d                   |     116 +++++++++++++++++++------------
       1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/rc.d/FreeBSD.rc.d b/rc.d/FreeBSD.rc.d
       @@ -1,61 +1,89 @@
        # PROVIDE: geomyidae
        # BEFORE:  LOGIN
        # KEYWORD: shutdown
       +# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable this service
       +# geomyidae_enable (bool):             Set to NO by default.
       +#                                      Set to YES to enable geomyidae
       +# geomyidae_flags (string):            Additional command line options to
       +#                                      pass to geomyidae(8).
       +# geomyidae_user (string):             Set to the user to run geomyidae as
       +#                                      Default is "geomyidae"
       +# geomyidae_group (string):            Set to the group to run geomyidae as
       +#                                      Default is "geomyidae"
       +# geomyidae_htdocs (string):           Directory to server files from
       +#                                      Default is "/var/gopher"
       +# geomyidae_logfile (string):          File to use as a logfile
       +#                                      Default is "/var/log/gopherlog"
       +# geomyidae_bindhost (string):         IP Address to bind to
       +#                                      Default is all addresses
       +# geomyidae_port (int):                Port to listen on
       +#                                      Default is 70
       +# geomyidae_sport (int):               Port to display within base directory
       +#                                      Default is 70
       +# geomyidae_keyfile (string):          Path to private key in case TLS support is desired
       +#                                      Default is empty
       +# geomyidae_certfile (string):         Path to public key in case TLS support is desired
       +#                                      Default is empty
       +# NOTE: You need to install geomyidae setuid root:wheel for this
       +#       to work when listening on priviledged ports.
       +# Create users and group accordingly, e.g.:
       +#   # pw groupadd geomyidae -g 542
       +#   # pw useradd geomyidae -g geomyidae -u 542 -s /usr/sbin/nologin -d /nonexistent
       +# Create logfile, pidfile and htdocs:
       +#    # mkdir /var/gopher
       +#    # touch /var/run/geomyidae.pid
       +#    # touch /var/log/gopherlog
       +#    # chown geomyidae:geomyidae /var/gopher /var/run/geomyidae.pid /var/log/gopherlog
        . /etc/rc.subr
       +load_rc_config $name
       +: ${geomyidae_enable:="NO"}
       +: ${geomyidae_user:="geomyidae"}
       +: ${geomyidae_group:="geomyidae"}
       +: ${geomyidae_flags:=""}
       +: ${geomyidae_htdocs:="/var/gopher"}
       +: ${geomyidae_logfile:="/var/log/gopherlog"}
       +: ${geomyidae_bindhost:=""}
       +: ${geomyidae_host:="localhost"}
       +: ${geomyidae_port:="70"}
       +: ${geomyidae_sport:="70"}
       +: ${geomyidae_command:="/usr/local/bin/geomyidae"}
       +: ${geomyidae_certfile:=""}
       +: ${geomyidae_keyfile:=""}
       -# Geomyidae Options Section - "?" => geomyidae(8)   #
       -#  Uncomment & define options (defaults are shown)  #
       -#LOGFILE="-l /var/log/gopherlog"
       -#LOGLEVEL="-v 7"
       -#HTDOCS="-b /var/gopher"
       -#PORT="-p 70"
       -#SPORT="-o 70"
       -#USR="-u $USER"
       -#GRP="-g $GROUP"
       -#HOST="-h localhost"
       -# Next, add all DEFINED options to command_args=     #
       +command_args="-S -T geomyidae -m 3 -f -p ${pidfile} ${geomyidae_command} -d -l ${geomyidae_logfile} \
       +        -b ${geomyidae_htdocs} -p ${geomyidae_port} -o ${geomyidae_sport} \
       +        -u ${geomyidae_user} -g ${geomyidae_group} -h ${geomyidae_host}"
       +# Append bindhost if set
       +[ ! -z "${geomyidae_bindhost}" ] && command_args="${command_args} -i ${geomyidae_bindhost}"
       -#  Uncomment this section if a PID file is desired   #
       +# TLS setup
       +[ ! -z "${geomyidae_keyfile}" -a ! -z "${geomyidae_certfile}" ] && \
       +        command_args="${command_args} -t ${geomyidae_keyfile} ${geomyidae_certfile}"
       -#        echo "Starting $name"
       -#        $command $command_args
       -#        pgrep -n $name > $pidfile
       -#  Lastly, add the following to /etc/rc.conf:        #
       -#  "geomyidae=YES"  (without the quotes)             #
       +# Lastly append flags by user
       +command_args="${command_args} ${geomyidae_flags}"
       +required_files="${pidfile} ${geomyidae_logfile}"
       -load_rc_config $name
        run_rc_command "$1"