Fixing permissions in the repository. - geomyidae - A small C-based gopherd.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/geomyidae/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit d9f4fcf65858a9e26d03fa9629c785b083714300
   DIR parent 8eff8ae493a6f02e1a2b11cf69ac6cc84e4cace5
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:50:55 +0100
       Fixing permissions in the repository.
         M LICENSE                             |       0 
         M Makefile                            |       0 
         M README                              |       0 
         M arg.h                               |       0 
         M geomyidae.8                         |       0 
         M handlr.c                            |       0 
         M handlr.h                            |       0 
         M ind.c                               |       0 
         M ind.h                               |       0 
         M index.gph                           |       0 
         M main.c                              |       0 
         M rc.d/Archlinux.rc.d                 |       0 
         M rc.d/Gentoo.init.d                  |       0 
       13 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
   DIR diff --git a/README b/README
   DIR diff --git a/arg.h b/arg.h
   DIR diff --git a/geomyidae.8 b/geomyidae.8
   DIR diff --git a/handlr.c b/handlr.c
   DIR diff --git a/handlr.h b/handlr.h
   DIR diff --git a/ind.c b/ind.c
   DIR diff --git a/ind.h b/ind.h
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph b/index.gph
   DIR diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
   DIR diff --git a/rc.d/Archlinux.rc.d b/rc.d/Archlinux.rc.d
   DIR diff --git a/rc.d/Gentoo.init.d b/rc.d/Gentoo.init.d