Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bitreich.org/scm/gopher-lawn - gopher-lawn - The gopher lawn gopher directory project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-lawn/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit a663fb95de6339dfa63f8107fed01bd61e3ab7b6
   DIR parent 32cd850fc50c9199da7ed11e7aa6c6c7a4764cfb
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Fri, 28 Aug 2020 22:27:56 +0200
       Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bitreich.org/scm/gopher-lawn
         A db/bitreich.org-.link               |      10 ++++++++++
         A db/bitreich.org-cooking.link        |       9 +++++++++
         A db/ed68a458-_.link                  |       9 +++++++++
         A db/ed68a458-onion_.link             |       9 +++++++++
         A db/lumidify.org-cooking.link        |       9 +++++++++
         M lawn-mower/lawn-mower.py            |       2 +-
       6 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
   DIR diff --git a/db/bitreich.org-.link b/db/bitreich.org-.link
       @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
       +Type: search
       +Selector: /hypochondria
       +Host: bitreich.org
       +Port: 70
       +LinkName: Bitreich.org
       +Description: Bitreich.org is a community spreading the word of simplicity
       +  using gopher technology.
       +Category: community, gopher
       +Keywords: community, gopher
   DIR diff --git a/db/bitreich.org-cooking.link b/db/bitreich.org-cooking.link
       @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
       +Type: search
       +Selector: /cooking
       +Host: bitreich.org
       +Port: 70
       +LinkName: Bitreich.org Cooking
       +Description: Bitreich.org cooking showing simple cooking.
       +Category: cooking
       +Keywords: cooking
   DIR diff --git a/db/ed68a458-_.link b/db/ed68a458-_.link
       @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
       +Type: link
       +Selector: /
       +Host: ed68a458.xyz
       +Port: 70
       +LinkName: ed68a548's gopherhole.
       +Description: ed68a548's gopherhole with his phlog and other ideas.
       +Category: homepage, phlog, cryptocoin
       +Keywords: homepage, phlog, cryptocoin
   DIR diff --git a/db/ed68a458-onion_.link b/db/ed68a458-onion_.link
       @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
       +Type: link
       +Selector: /
       +Host: g6kqadfjeyenuiqulesg4t4mzfpvi6zupkcybxwxd5xg6kl4e67jhrid.onion
       +Port: 70
       +LinkName: ed68a548's gopherhole (onion)
       +Description: ed68a548's gopherhole, with his phlog and ideas. (onion)
       +Category: homepage, phlog, cryptocoin
       +Keywords: homepage, phlog, cryptocoin
   DIR diff --git a/db/lumidify.org-cooking.link b/db/lumidify.org-cooking.link
       @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
       +Type: link
       +Host: lumidify.org
       +Port: 70
       +LinkName: Lumidify's recipes
       +Description: Lumidify's recipes of various kinds.
       +Category: cooking
       +Keywords: cooking
   DIR diff --git a/lawn-mower/lawn-mower.py b/lawn-mower/lawn-mower.py
       @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def main(args):
                                        if line[0] in ["\f", "\t", "\v", " "]:
                                                if dbkey != None:
       -                                                dbobj[dbkey] += line.lstrip()
       +                                                dbobj[dbkey] += " %s" % (line.lstrip())