improve formatting and Markdown and reword a few things - gopher-protocol - Gopher Protocol Extension Project
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-protocol git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-protocol
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  HTML Author: Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo@codemadness.org>
       Date:   Sun, 14 Aug 2022 11:40:17 +0200
       improve formatting and Markdown and reword a few things
         M gopher-extension.md                 |     460 ++++++++++++++++---------------
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   DIR diff --git a/gopher-extension.md b/gopher-extension.md
       @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
        Gopher Extension
        # Goals of this document
       @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ section 3.8: "Characters '0' through 'Z' are reserved.".
        These are types that are commonly used.
        * The 'h' type: HTML file, with the "URL:" prefix in the selector it points to
       -  an URL, see historical mail conversation (embedded below).
       +  an URL, see historical mail conversation (embedded and referenced below).
        * The 'i' type, Informational message: display as text.
          i Some message <TAB> empty selector server TAB port CR LF
          The server and port should be included for compatibility.
       @@ -61,72 +61,82 @@ These are types that are commonly used.
        # Accessibility
       -* From the Gopher RFC standard:
       -  "It is *highly* recommended that the User_Name field contain only
       -   printable characters, since many different clients will be using
       -   it.  However if eight bit characters are used, the characters
       -   should conform with the ISO Latin1 Character Set.  The length of
       -   the user-displayable line should be less than 70 characters; longer
       -   lines may not fit across some screens."
       -  New Recommendation: Don't use longer than 79 columns of UTF-8 encoded displayed
       -  "username" text.
       -  New Recommendation: Try to reduce the amount of ASCII art which can contain
       -  non-printable characters. Think of the blind or tools used to parse actual
       -  textual content.
       -  Reason: A clarification of the term characters is needed.
       +* Printable characters and line width, from the Gopher RFC standard:
       +        It is *highly* recommended that the User_Name field contain only
       +        printable characters, since many different clients will be using
       +        it.  However if eight bit characters are used, the characters
       +        should conform with the ISO Latin1 Character Set.  The length of
       +        the user-displayable line should be less than 70 characters; longer
       +        lines may not fit across some screens."
       +New recommendations:
       +* Don't use longer than 79 columns of UTF-8 encoded displayed "username" text.
       +* Try to reduce the amount of ASCII art which can contain non-printable
       +  characters. Think of the blind or tools used to parse actual textual content.
       +Reason: A clarification of the term characters is needed.
        * "The selector string should be no longer than 255 characters."
       -  Recommendation: use no longer than 255 bytes.
       -  Reasons:
       -  * A clarification of the term characters is needed. "characters" could be
       -    interpreted as columns.
       -  * Clients can simply use a static buffer to fit 255 bytes.
       -  * Although Gopher does not have to map to a filesystem, filesystems typically
       -    have a limit of around 255 bytes also.
       +Recommendation: use no longer than 255 bytes.
       +Reasons for this are:
       +* A clarification of the term "characters" is needed. Characters could
       +  nowadays be interpreted as unicode characters or column size of unicode
       +  characters instead of bytes.
       +* Clients can simply use a static buffer to fit 255 bytes.
       +* Although Gopher does not have to map to a filesystem, filesystems typically
       +  have a limit of around 255 bytes also.
        * From section 3.5:
       -  "If a client does not understand what a, say, type 'B' item (not a core
       -   item) is, then it may simply ignore the item in the directory
       -   listing; the user never even has to see it.  Alternatively, the item
       -   could be displayed as an unknown type."
       -  Recommendation: For clients, do not silently ignore an item, but display it
       -  as an unknown type.
       -  Reason: Define a recommendation for consistent behaviour in clients.
       +        If a client does not understand what a, say, type 'B' item (not a core
       +        item) is, then it may simply ignore the item in the directory
       +        listing; the user never even has to see it.  Alternatively, the item
       +        could be displayed as an unknown type.
       +Recommendation: For clients, do not silently ignore an item, but display it
       +as an unknown type.
       +Reason: Define a recommendation for consistent behaviour in clients.
        # Server and client handling of text file types
        The RFC defines:
       -  "Textfile Entity
       -  TextFile  ::= {TextBlock} Lastline"
       +        Textfile Entity
       +        TextFile  ::= {TextBlock} Lastline
       -  "Note:  Lines beginning with periods must be prepended with an extra
       -       period to ensure that the transmission is not terminated early.
       -       The client should strip extra periods at the beginning of the line."
       -  "Note:  The client should be prepared for the server closing the
       -         connection without sending the Lastline.  This allows the
       -         client to use fingerd servers."
       +        Note:  Lines beginning with periods must be prepended with an extra
       +               period to ensure that the transmission is not terminated early.
       +               The client should strip extra periods at the beginning of the line.
       -  From section 4:
       +        Note:  The client should be prepared for the server closing the
       +               connection without sending the Lastline.  This allows the
       +               client to use fingerd servers.
       -        "(b) The well-tempered server ought to send "text" (unless a file
       -        must be transferred as raw binary).  Should this text include
       -        tabs, formfeeds, frufru?  Probably not, but rude servers will
       -        probably send them anyway.  Publishers of documents should be
       -        given simple tools (filters) that will alert them if there are any
       -        funny characters in the documents they wish to publish, and give
       -        them the opportunity to strip the questionable characters out; the
       -        publisher may well refuse.
       +From section 4:
       -        (c) The well-tempered client should do something reasonable with
       -        funny characters received in text; filter them out, leave them in,
       -        whatever."
       +        (b) The well-tempered server ought to send "text" (unless a file
       +        must be transferred as raw binary).  Should this text include
       +        tabs, formfeeds, frufru?  Probably not, but rude servers will
       +        probably send them anyway.  Publishers of documents should be
       +        given simple tools (filters) that will alert them if there are any
       +        funny characters in the documents they wish to publish, and give
       +        them the opportunity to strip the questionable characters out; the
       +        publisher may well refuse.
       +        (c) The well-tempered client should do something reasonable with
       +        funny characters received in text; filter them out, leave them in,
       +        whatever.
        The above description we think is too vague and it can be simpler.
       @@ -139,179 +149,173 @@ Reason: Simplify the implementation of handling text types. Make the behaviour
        of text output consistent for clients.
       -# The 'h' type: h_type.txt
       -Below is an archived conversation about the Gopher 'h' type:
       -  "Received: with LISTAR (v1.0.0; list gopher); Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:19:47 -0500 (EST)
       -  Return-Path: <jgoerzen@complete.org>
       -  Delivered-To: gopher@complete.org
       -  To: gopher@complete.org
       -  Subject: [gopher] Links to URL
       -  From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
       -  Date: 12 Feb 2002 14:19:46 -0500
       -  Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
       -  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
       -  I think it is best to start small with modifications to the protocol.
       -  Therefore, I propose the following:
       -  Method to link to URLs from Gopherspace
       -  ---------------------------------------
       -  1. Protocol issues
       -  Links to URLs from a gopher directory shall be defined as follows:
       -   Type -- the appropriate character corresponding to the type of the
       -   document on the remote end; h if HTML.
       -   Path -- the full URL, preceeded by "URL:".  For instance:
       -           URL:http://www.complete.org/
       -   Host, Port -- pointing back to the gopher server that provided
       -   the directory for compatibility reasons.
       -   Name -- as usual for a Gopher directory entry.
       -  2. Conforming client requirements
       -  A client adhering to this specification will, when it sees a Gopher
       -  selector with a path starting with URL:, interpret the path as a URL.
       -  It will ignore the host and port components of the Gopher selector,
       -  using those components from the URL instead (if applicable).
       -  3. Conforming server requirements
       -  A server with Gopher URL support will not, in most cases, need to take
       -  extra steps to provide this support beyond those outlined in
       -  Compatibility below.  Servers not implementing those steps outlined in
       -  Compatibility will be deemed to be not in compliance.
       -  4. Authoring compliance
       -  The use of URL: selectors should be avoided wherever possible.  In
       -  particular, it should be avoided when pre-existing gopher facilities
       -  exist for the type of content linked.  The following URL types are
       -  explicitly prohibited by this specification:
       -    gopher
       -    telnet
       -    tn3270
       -  Authors should avoid links to any document not of HTML type whenever
       -  possible.  Linking to non-HTML documents will break compatibility with
       -  Gopher browsers that do not implement this specification.  The ranks
       -  of these browsers include most Web browsers, so that is a significant
       -  audience.
       -  5. Compatibility
       -  Links to HTML pages may be accomodated even for non-comforming
       -  browsers by providing additional capabilities in the server.
       -  When a non-conforming browser is instructed to follow a link to a URL,
       -  it will contact the Gopher server that provided the menu (since these
       -  are specified per section 1).
       -  When a conforming Gopher server receives a request whose path begins
       -  with URL:, it will write out a HTML document that will send the
       -  non-compliant browser to the appropriate place.  One such conforming
       -  document is:
       -    <HTML>
       -    <HEAD>
       -    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="2;URL=http://www.acm.org/classics/">
       -    </HEAD>
       -    <BODY>
       -    You are following a link from gopher to a web site.  You will be
       -    automatically taken to the web site shortly.  If you do not get sent
       -    there, please click
       -    <A HREF="http://www.acm.org/classics/">here</A> to go to the web site.
       -    <P>
       -    The URL linked is:
       -    <P>
       -    <A HREF="http://www.acm.org/classics/">http://www.acm.org/classics/</A>
       -    <P>
       -    Thanks for using gopher!
       -    </BODY>
       -    </HTML>
       -  This document may be any desired by the server authors, but must
       -  adhere to these requirements:
       -   * It must provide a refresh of a duration of 10 seconds or less
       -   * It must not use IMG tags, frames, or have any reference whatsoever
       -     to content outside that particular file -- other than the link
       -     to the real destination.
       -   * It must not use JavaScript.
       -   * It must adhere to the W3C HTML 3.2 standard.
       -  When a non-conforming Gopher client finds a reference to a HTML file
       -  (type h), it will open up the file via Gopher (getting the redirect
       -  document) but using a web browser.  The web browser will then be
       -  redirected to the actual link destination.  Conforming clients will
       -  follow the link directly.
       -  END
       -  Comments?
       +# The 'h' type: extract from the file references/h_type.txt
       +        Below is an archived conversation about the Gopher 'h' type:
       +        Received: with LISTAR (v1.0.0; list gopher); Tue, 12 Feb 2002 14:19:47 -0500 (EST)
       +        Return-Path: <jgoerzen@complete.org>
       +        Delivered-To: gopher@complete.org
       +        To: gopher@complete.org
       +        Subject: [gopher] Links to URL
       +        From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
       +        Date: 12 Feb 2002 14:19:46 -0500
       +        Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
       +        Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
       +        I think it is best to start small with modifications to the protocol.
       +        Therefore, I propose the following:
       +        Method to link to URLs from Gopherspace
       +        ---------------------------------------
       +        1. Protocol issues
       +        Links to URLs from a gopher directory shall be defined as follows:
       +         Type -- the appropriate character corresponding to the type of the
       +         document on the remote end; h if HTML.
       +         Path -- the full URL, preceeded by "URL:".  For instance:
       +                 URL:http://www.complete.org/
       +         Host, Port -- pointing back to the gopher server that provided
       +         the directory for compatibility reasons.
       +         Name -- as usual for a Gopher directory entry.
       +        2. Conforming client requirements
       +        A client adhering to this specification will, when it sees a Gopher
       +        selector with a path starting with URL:, interpret the path as a URL.
       +        It will ignore the host and port components of the Gopher selector,
       +        using those components from the URL instead (if applicable).
       +        3. Conforming server requirements
       +        A server with Gopher URL support will not, in most cases, need to take
       +        extra steps to provide this support beyond those outlined in
       +        Compatibility below.  Servers not implementing those steps outlined in
       +        Compatibility will be deemed to be not in compliance.
       +        4. Authoring compliance
       +        The use of URL: selectors should be avoided wherever possible.  In
       +        particular, it should be avoided when pre-existing gopher facilities
       +        exist for the type of content linked.  The following URL types are
       +        explicitly prohibited by this specification:
       +          gopher
       +          telnet
       +          tn3270
       +        Authors should avoid links to any document not of HTML type whenever
       +        possible.  Linking to non-HTML documents will break compatibility with
       +        Gopher browsers that do not implement this specification.  The ranks
       +        of these browsers include most Web browsers, so that is a significant
       +        audience.
       +        5. Compatibility
       +        Links to HTML pages may be accomodated even for non-comforming
       +        browsers by providing additional capabilities in the server.
       +        When a non-conforming browser is instructed to follow a link to a URL,
       +        it will contact the Gopher server that provided the menu (since these
       +        are specified per section 1).
       +        When a conforming Gopher server receives a request whose path begins
       +        with URL:, it will write out a HTML document that will send the
       +        non-compliant browser to the appropriate place.  One such conforming
       +        document is:
       +          <HTML>
       +          <HEAD>
       +          <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="2;URL=http://www.acm.org/classics/">
       +          </HEAD>
       +          <BODY>
       +          You are following a link from gopher to a web site.  You will be
       +          automatically taken to the web site shortly.  If you do not get sent
       +          there, please click
       +          <A HREF="http://www.acm.org/classics/">here</A> to go to the web site.
       +          <P>
       +          The URL linked is:
       +          <P>
       +          <A HREF="http://www.acm.org/classics/">http://www.acm.org/classics/</A>
       +          <P>
       +          Thanks for using gopher!
       +          </BODY>
       +          </HTML>
       +        This document may be any desired by the server authors, but must
       +        adhere to these requirements:
       +         * It must provide a refresh of a duration of 10 seconds or less
       +         * It must not use IMG tags, frames, or have any reference whatsoever
       +           to content outside that particular file -- other than the link
       +           to the real destination.
       +         * It must not use JavaScript.
       +         * It must adhere to the W3C HTML 3.2 standard.
       +        When a non-conforming Gopher client finds a reference to a HTML file
       +        (type h), it will open up the file via Gopher (getting the redirect
       +        document) but using a web browser.  The web browser will then be
       +        redirected to the actual link destination.  Conforming clients will
       +        follow the link directly.
       +        END
        # TLS support
        From: 2020-06-07  Gopher TLS prototype in geomyidae by 20h at
       -  # 2020-06-07 18:28:23.863932 UTC (+0000)
       -  Gopher TLS prototype in geomyidae
       -  We are  happy and proud  to announce, that there  is now a  prototype of
       -  gopher tls in geomyidae
       -          git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       -  How does it work?
       -  When a  client tries to  connect via TLS, the  first byte of  the packet
       -  will be 0x16 or 22 decimal, which  is forbidden as a selector in Gopher.
       -  This  gives the  server a  hint to  start TLS.  Old servers  will simply
       -  reject such a connection attempt.
       -  For now clic supports  TLS. We are working on hurl  TLS support. And for
       -  sacc it is on its way.
       -          git://bitreich.org/clic
       -          git://bitreich.org/sacc
       -          git://codemadness.org/hurl
       -  Hopefully further support will come to other clients.
       -  If you do not have anything at hand, here are some commandline clients:
       -  Plain old Gopher:
       -          printf "/\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70
       -  And with TLS:
       -          printf "/\r\n" | socat openssl-connect:bitreich.org:70,verify=0 -
       -  Have fun using TLS on gopher!
       -  All patches and recommendations are welcome.
       -  Sincerely yours,
       -  20h
       -  Senior Security Manager (SSM)
       -/post by 20h
       +        # 2020-06-07 18:28:23.863932 UTC (+0000)
       +        Gopher TLS prototype in geomyidae
       +        We are  happy and proud  to announce, that there  is now a  prototype of
       +        gopher tls in geomyidae
       +                        git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       +        How does it work?
       +        When a  client tries to  connect via TLS, the  first byte of  the packet
       +        will be 0x16 or 22 decimal, which  is forbidden as a selector in Gopher.
       +        This  gives the  server a  hint to  start TLS.  Old servers  will simply
       +        reject such a connection attempt.
       +        For now clic supports  TLS. We are working on hurl  TLS support. And for
       +        sacc it is on its way.
       +                git://bitreich.org/clic
       +                git://bitreich.org/sacc
       +                git://codemadness.org/hurl
       +        Hopefully further support will come to other clients.
       +        If you do not have anything at hand, here are some commandline clients:
       +        Plain old Gopher:
       +                printf "/\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70
       +        And with TLS:
       +                printf "/\r\n" | socat openssl-connect:bitreich.org:70,verify=0 -
       +        Have fun using TLS on gopher!
       +        All patches and recommendations are welcome.
       +        Sincerely yours,
       +        20h
       +        Senior Security Manager (SSM)
        # Gopher TLS URI
       @@ -345,20 +349,20 @@ line, but ignore these additional fields.
        # Other references:
        * RFC1436 - The Internet Gopher Protocol
       -  https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1436.txt
       -  or references/rfc1436.txt
       +  <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1436.txt>
       +  or see the file references/rfc1436.txt
        * RFC4266 - The gopher URI Scheme
       -  https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4266.txt
       -  or references/rfc4266.txt
       +  <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4266.txt>
       +  or see the file references/rfc4266.txt
        * Gopher+:
       -  https://github.com/gopher-protocol/gopher-plus/blob/main/gopherplus.txt
       +  <https://github.com/gopher-protocol/gopher-plus/blob/main/gopherplus.txt>
          or references/gopherplus.txt
        * geomyidae Gopher server:
       -  git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       +  <git://bitreich.org/geomyidae>
        * Helper tool to validate gopher and DirEntities:
       -  git://bitreich.org/gopher-validator
       +  <git://bitreich.org/gopher-validator>