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  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Sat,  6 Aug 2022 14:06:48 +0200
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         A LICENSE                             |      12 ++++++++++++
         A README.md                           |      29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A TODO.md                             |       7 +++++++
         A references/gopherplus.txt           |    1267 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A references/rfc1436.txt              |     906 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A references/rfc4266.txt              |     339 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       6 files changed, 2560 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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       @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
       + * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
       + * The authors of this repository wrote this file.  As long as you retain this
       + * notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day,
       + * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a frikandel in return.
       + * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
       + *
       + * Authors:
       + *    Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo@codemadness.org>
       + *    Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       + */
   DIR diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
       +# Gopher Protocol
       +## Introduction
       +Gopher is a  really old protocol. It has much  history to preserve. Over
       +time and development  the usage changed from the original  RFC 1436 (see
       +rfc1436.txt) to usage now (2018). We  now use UTF-8, we have other media
       +format, file  type detection  is more  advanced, the  web has  grown and
       +brought use URIs and gopher+ has failed.
       +The goal  of this repository  is to gather and  document recommendations
       +for how to use gopher today so errors of the past are not redone.
       +We do not plan to write a  new RFC, since the recommendations are rather
       +small  and  do not  require  a  big  redefinition  of the  basic  gopher
       +## Recommendations
       +See the gopher-extension.md for the current state.
       +## License
       +See LICENSE file.
       +## Have Fun
       +We all should have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/TODO.md b/TODO.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +## TODO
       +* define more types such as 'd', 's', 'a'?
       +        * TODO: add all historical item types found
       +* define robots.txt? (probably out of scope for this document)?
       +        * search for mailing list post about robots.txt of 20h
   DIR diff --git a/references/gopherplus.txt b/references/gopherplus.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@
       +upward compatible enhancements to
       +the Internet Gopher protocol
       +Farhad Anklesaria, Paul Lindner, Mark P.  McCahill,
       +Daniel Torrey, David Johnson, Bob Alberti
       +Microcomputer and Workstation  Networks Center /
       +Computer and Information Systems
       +University of Minnesota
       +July 30, 1993
       +gopher+  n.  1. Hardier strains of mammals of the
       +family  Geomyidae.  2. (Amer. colloq.) Native or
       +inhabitant of  Minnesota, the Gopher state, in full
       +winter regalia (see  PARKA).  3. (Amer. colloq.)
       +Executive secretary.  4.  (computer tech.) Software
       +following a simple protocol for  burrowing through a
       +TCP/IP internet, made more powerful by  simple
       +enhancements (see CREEPING FEATURISM).
       +The internet Gopher protocol was designed for
       +distributed  document search and retrieval. The
       +documents "The internet  Gopher protocol: a
       +distributed document search and retrieval protocol"
       +and internet RFC 1436 describe the basic  protocol and
       +has an overview of how to implement new client  and
       +server applications. This document describes a set of
       +enhancements to the syntax, semantics and
       +functionality of  the original Gopher protocol.
       +Distribution of this document is unlimited.  Please
       +send  comments to the Gopher development team:
       +<gopher@boombox.micro.umn.edu>.  Implementation of
       +the  mechanisms described here is encouraged.
       +1.      Introduction
       +The Internet Gopher protocol was designed primarily to
       +act as a distributed document  delivery system.  It
       +has enjoyed increasing popularity, and  is being used
       +for purposes that were not visualized when the
       +protocol was first outlined.  The rest of this
       +document  describes the Gopher+ enhancements in a non-
       +rigorous but easily read and understood  way.  There
       +is a short BNF-like section at the end for exact
       +syntax descriptions.  Throughout the document, "F"
       +stands  for the ASCII TAB character. There is an
       +implicit carriage  return and linefeed at the ends of
       +lines; these will only be explicitly  mentioned where
       +necessary to avoid confusion. To understand  this
       +document, you really must be familiar with the basic
       +Gopher protocol.
       +Servers and clients understanding the Gopher+
       +extensions will transmit extra information at the ends
       +of list and request lines.  Old, basic gopher clients
       +ignore such information.  New  Gopher+ aware servers
       +continue to work at their old level  with unenhanced
       +clients.  The extra information that can be
       +communicated by Gopher+ clients may be used to summon
       +new capabilities to bridge  the most keenly felt
       +shortcomings of the venerable old  Gopher.
       +2.      How does Gopher+ work?
       +Gopher+ enhancements rely on transmitting an "extra"
       +tab  delimited fields beyond what regular (old) Gopher
       +servers and clients now use.  If most existing (old)
       +clients were to encounter extra stuff beyond the
       +"port"  field in a list (directory), most would ignore
       +it. Gopher+  servers will return item descriptions in
       +this form:
       +1Display stringFselector stringFhostFportFextra
       +If an existing (old) client has problems with
       +additional  information beyond the port, it should not
       +take much more  than a simple tweak to have it discard
       +unneeded stuff.
       +2.1     Advisory issued to client maintainers.
       +If it does not do this already, your existing client
       +should be modified  as soon as possible to ignore
       +extra fields beyond what it  expects to find.  This
       +will ensure thatyour clients does not break  when it
       +encounters Gopher+ servers in gopherspace.
       +All the regular Gopher protocol info remains intact
       +except for:
       +(1)  Instead of just a CRLF after the port field in
       +any item  of a list (directory) there may be an
       +optional TAB followed  by extra stuff as noted above
       +(explanation to follow).
       +(2) In the original Gopher protocol, there was
       +provision for a date-time descriptor (sec 3.6) to be
       +sent  after the selector (for use by autoindexer
       +beasts).  As far  as we know, while the descriptor is
       +implemented in the Mac  server, it is not in any other
       +server and no clients or  daemons use it.  This is a
       +good time to withdraw this feature. The basic gopher
       +protocol has been revised for the final time and will
       +be  frozen.
       +2.2     Gopher+ item lists.
       +Gopher servers that can utilize the Gopher+
       +enhancements  will send some additional stuff
       +(frequently the character "+") after the port field
       +describing any list item.  eg:
       +1Some old directoryFfoo selectorFhost1Fport1
       +1Some new directoryFbar selectorFhost1Fport1F+
       +0Some file or otherFmoo selectorFhost2Fport2F+
       +The first line is the regular old gopher item
       +description. The second line is new Gopher+  item
       +description.  The third line is a Gopher+ description
       +of a document. Old  gopher clients can request the
       +latter two items using old  format gopher selector
       +strings and retrieve the items. New,  Gopher+ savvy
       +clients will notice the trailing + and know that they
       +can do extra  things with these kinds of items.
       +2.3     Gopher+ data transfer.
       +If a client sends out a Gopher+ type request to a
       +server (by  tagging on a tab and a "+" to the
       +        bar selectorF+
       +The server may return the response in one of three
       +ways; examples  below:
       +  +5340<CRLF><data>
       +  +-1<CRLF><data><CRLF>.<CRLF>
       +  +-2<CRLF><data>
       +The first response means: I am going to send exactly
       +5340 bytes at you and they will begin right after this
       +line.  The second response means: I have no idea how
       +many bytes I  have to send (or I am lazy), but I will
       +send a period on a  line by itself when I am done.
       +The  third means:  I really  have no idea how many
       +bytes I have to send, and what's more,  they COULD
       +contain the <CRLF>.<CRLF> pattern, so just read until
       +I close  the connection.
       +The first character of a response to a Gopher+ query
       +denotes  success (+) or failure (-). Following that is
       +a token to be  interpreted as a decimal number. If the
       +number is >= 0, it  describes the length of the
       +dataBlock. If = -1, it means the  data is period
       +terminated. If = -2, it means the data ends  when the
       +connection closes.
       +The server may return an error also, as in:
       +The (short!) error message will be in ASCII text in
       +the data part.  The first token on the  first line of
       +the error text (data) contains an error-code  (an
       +integer).  It is recommended that the first line also
       +contain  the e-mail address of the administrator of
       +the  server (in angle brackets). Both the error-code
       +and the email address may easily be  extracted by the
       +client.  Subsequent lines contain a short  error
       +message that may be displayed to the user. Basic error
       +codes are:
       +        1       Item is not available.
       +        2       Try again later ("eg.  My load is too high
       +right now.")
       +        3       Item has moved.  Following the error-code is
       +the  gopher descriptor
       +                of where it now lives.
       +More error codes may be defined as the need arises.
       +This should be obvious: if the client sends out an
       +"old"  Gopher kind of request:
       +    bar selector
       +the server will know that it is talking to an old
       +client and  will respond in the old way. This means
       +that old gopher  clients can still access information
       +on Gopher+ servers.
       +2.4     Gopher+ client requests.
       +Clients can send requests to retrieve the contents of
       +an item in this form:
       +If dataFlag is '0', or nonexistent, then the client
       +will not  send any data besides the selector string.
       +If the dataFlag  is '1' then a block of data will
       +follow in the same format as Section 2.3.  The  client
       +can send a large amount of data to the server in the
       +dataBlock.  Representations or alternative views of an
       +item's contents may be discovered by interrogating the
       +server about the item's attribute information; this is
       +explained below.
       +Note that in the original Gopher protocol, a query
       +submitted to an index server might have a selector
       +string followed by a TAB and the words for which the
       +index server was being asked to search. In Gopher+,
       +the extra TAB and Gopher+ information follow the words
       +for which the server is being asked to search. Gopher+
       +client have to be smart enough to know that in the
       +case of a type 7 item (an index server) they append
       +the Gopher+ information after the words being searched
       +2.5     Gopher+ Item Attribute Information.
       +The most basic enhancement of Gopher+ items is the
       +ability  to associate information about an item such
       +as size, alternative views, the administrator, an
       +abstract, etc. with the item. To get Attribute
       +Information, a client can  send out a request to the
       +gopher server that looks like  this:
       +        selector stringF!<CRLF>
       +(think of "!" as an upside-down i for "information").
       +To the  server this means "Instead of returning the
       +contents of the item, return the item's Attribute
       +Information". The Attribute Information is returned as
       +an  ASCII text stream containing blocks of
       +information.For  example, a server might return:
       +        +INFO: 0Some file or otherFmoo
       +        +ADMIN:
       +         Admin: Frodo Gophermeister <fng@bogus.edu>
       +         Mod-Date: Wed Jul 28 17:02:01 1993
       +        +VIEWS:
       +         Text/plain: <10k>
       +         application/postscript: <100k>
       +         Text/plain De_DE: <15k>
       +       application/MacWriteII: <45K>
       +        +ABSTRACT:
       +         This is a short (but multi-line) abstract about
       +         item. Two or three lines ought to be enough
       +The beginning of a block of information is denoted by
       +a "+"  in column 1 of  a line. Another way to think of
       +it is: the  name of each block begins with a + and the
       +rest of the name cannot contain a +. Each line of
       +information within a block  begins with a space so
       +that it is easy to locate the beginning of a block.
       +There can be multiple blocks of information about an
       +item,  but the first block must be the one-line +INFO
       +block  containing the keyword +INFO followed by the
       +gopher item  description. This is done to make it easy
       +to associate  informational attributes with the gopher
       +items to which they  refer (see section 2.7 for some
       +good reasons for doing  this). The very first line of
       +Attribute Information for an item contains a one-line
       ++INFO block  containing the gopher descriptor for the
       +item.  All Gopher+  servers must return an "+INFO"
       +block for all items listed by  the server. Also
       +present may be an +ADMIN block that can be  many lines
       +long.  The server must also send an +ADMIN block when
       +asked to  send all the item's attributes (as in the
       +example above).   The +ADMIN block must contain at
       +least an Admin attribute  and Mod-Date attributes,
       +though there may be many other  administrative items
       +also present in the +ADMIN block.  The Admin (the
       +administrator of the item) and Date (the date of the
       +item's  last modification) attributes are required to
       +be returned by  the server, and other optional
       +attributes may be returned as  well.  In this example,
       +there are two pieces of information within the +ADMIN
       +block  (Admin and Mod-Date). The Admin attribute must
       +contain the  e-mail address of an administrator inside
       +angle brackets.  The Admin line might also contain the
       +administrator's name  and phone number. The Date line
       +must contain the modification date in angle  brackets.
       +The format of the date is <YYYYMMDDhhmmss> where  YYYY
       +is year, MM is month, DD is day, hh is hours, mm is
       +minutes, and ss is seconds.
       +The third block in the example is the +VIEWS block.
       +This block lists different formats in which the
       +document can be  retrieved. The first format listed is
       +what the server  believes to be the preferred format.
       +A gopher client might  display the list of possible
       +view labels of the item to the  user and let the user
       +select the view they prefer. Alternatively, a smart
       +client  might look at the content of the labels and
       +preferentially  retrieve Postscript views of items.
       +Note that the view  labels are structured. View labels
       +specify a Content-Type  (application/Postscript,
       +Text/plain, etc.), an optional language (En_US, De_DE,
       +etc.)  and an optional size. Note that the View labels
       +for content type use the MIME content types to specify
       +names of the variious views. The optional language
       +descriptors use the ISO-639 codes for representing
       +languages to name the language. Smart clients might
       +want to translate these rather cryptic codes into
       +something mere mortals can read and understand.
       +The client software can pick off the  size of each
       +view IF there are any angle brackets on the  line.
       +There might not be a size that the server cares to
       +tell you about. Also this might NOT be the exact size
       +that the server will wind up  delivering to you if you
       +ask for it... but it should be  reasonably close. This
       +information makes it possible for  clever clients to
       +select views based on size, data  representation, or
       +language. See section 2.6 for how alternate
       +representations (views) are  retrieved.
       +The next block in the example is an (optional)
       ++ABSTRACT.  Here the block consists of lines of text
       +that might be  displayed to the user.
       +Other blocks of information can defined and added as
       +the need arises. For instance, a Neuromancer-esque 3-D
       +cyberspace attribute might be accommodated by
       +including a  3D-ICON block (with an image to display
       +in 3-space) and a  3D-COORDINATE block (with y,x, and
       +z coordinates). More  immediate needs can also
       +addressed by defining other information blocks. For
       +instance, a SCRIPT block would be a natural place to
       +put  information for scripting telnet sessions.
       +Information  blocks give us an extensible way of
       +adding attributes (or  what Macintosh programmers call
       +resources) to gopher items.
       +Some of the really cool ideas we have for information
       +attributes may require sending large amounts of data,
       +some  of which may not be easily represented as ASCII
       +text, but  the idea of the attributes information is
       +that it is a relatively compact list of attributes.
       +These somewhat  conflicting desires can be reconciled
       +by allowing references  to gopher items in an
       +attribute. For example, an +ABSTRACT  block might be
       +returned this way:
       +        +ABSTRACT: 0long abstractFselectorFhost2Fport2F+
       +In this example, the abstract is a document that
       +resides on  a gopher server. By allowing references to
       +to gopher items,  we can also accommodate data that
       +must be sent in an 8-bit  clear stream by using the
       +Gopher+ methods for retrieving  binary data.
       +If both a reference to an attribute and an explicit
       +value for  the attribute are present in an attribute
       +list, the  preferred version is the explicit value. In
       +the example  below, the preferred version is "the
       +short abstract goes  here".
       +        +ABSTRACT: 0long abstractFselectorFhost2Fport2F+
       +       the short abstract goes here
       +Note that if you want to have several views of (for
       +example)  an +ABSTRACT this is possible by using a
       +reference to a item  residing on a gopher server
       +because the item can have its  own attributes.
       +Attributes names are case sensitive (easier to match
       +and  more of them).  There is no need to "preregister"
       +all  possible attributes since we cannot anticipate
       +all possible  future needs. However it would be
       +reasonable to maintain a  registry for implementors
       +and administrators so duplication can be avoided.
       +Server implementors or administrators can request that
       +new  attributes be included in the attribute registry.
       +Dream on: What gets us excited are alternate
       +representations  for directory lists.  Sure, the
       +standard representation for a gopher directory list
       +is known to us  all.  But isn't hypertext (in a WWW
       +sense) an alternate kind  of directory list?  We also
       +envisioned a "geographical view"  (GView?) mapping
       +servers onto a map of the world (throw up a  gif
       +picture and then overlay dots based on latitude and
       +longitude or xy  coordinates).  OK.  Dream off.
       + Note that interested parties outside gopherspace have
       +long  and complex wish-lists for "attributes" that all
       +well-dressed Internet citizens should have.  We don't
       +want to comment on the use or value of these laundry-
       +lists.  Suffice it to say that nothing precludes
       +server  administrators from including whatever
       +attributes they see  fit to include. Certainly IAFA
       +blocks are desirable, bearing  UDIs, URL's or whatever
       +else is desired.  The gopher community will probably
       +arrive at a  list of "recommended" attributes that
       +server administrators  should try to support.  Because
       +not every server  administrator sees advantage to
       +cluttering Attribute Info  files with information
       +their  primary users will never need, it does not seem
       +fair to   "force" folks to include them; most will
       +just ignore the  harsh protocol guideline and the
       +value of the protocol will  be diminished.  We want to
       +mandate as little as we possibly  can.
       +2.6     Using Attribute Info: Alternate
       +representations (+VIEWS).
       +The user may locate a document and wonder if there are
       +representations of it besides, say, the standard Text.
       +Using the appropriate client incantation (Option
       +Double-Click? or whatever) the user indicates a wish
       +to see what's  available.  The client retrieves the
       +Attribute Information, displays the list of views to
       +the  user in some kind of scrolling list dialog.  User
       +selects a  line and client now requests the document
       +in say, Postscript  representation:
       +   the selectorF+application/Postscript
       +Smart clients are not precluded from doing things like
       +"Always get Postscript if you can" or "Always get
       +Postscript if that is less than 700K in size." etc.
       +And the  "smarter" you make it, the hairier your
       +client will become - unless you are a user interface
       +wizard of awesome  proportions. While the example
       +above is of fetching a  document's postscript view,
       +there is nothing precluding  having different views
       +for directories. In the dream  sequence earlier, we
       +imagined a geographic view of a directory. For a
       +client to fetch that  view, it would say this:
       +   the selectorF+GView
       +2.7     Getting attributes for all items in a
       +directory in one  transaction.
       +Heavyweight/clever/special-purpose clients may want to
       +know  all the attributes of items in a given directory
       +in one transaction. The  "$" command is used to
       +request all the attributes of a  directory at once.
       +For instance, a client might sent the  request:
       +    selector stringF$
       + and the server might return this:
       +        +INFO: 0Salmon dogsFsome selectorFhost2Fport2F+
       +        +ADMIN:
       +         Admin: Frodo Gophermeister <fng@bogus.edu>
       +         Mod-Date: August 15, 1992 <19920815185503>
       +        +VIEWS:
       +         Text/plain: <10k>
       +         application/Postscript De_DE: <100k>
       +        +ABSTRACT:
       +       A great recipe for making salmon
       +        +INFO: 0Hot pupsFother selectorFhost3Fport3F+
       +        +ADMIN:
       +         Admin: Bilbo Gophernovice <bng@bogus.edu>
       +         Date: <19910101080003>
       +In this example, the server returned the attribute
       +lists for  two items because there were only two items
       +in the  directory.. The client software can easily
       +separate the attributes for the  items since each
       +attribute list starts with "+INFO". It is  also easy
       +for the client to use the "$" command to get
       +directory listings since the gopher item descriptor is
       +on  the +INFO line for each item.
       +Note that the $ command is the only way to find the
       +administrator of a remote link.  To get the full
       +attribute  information for a link on another machine
       +may require asking  the master machine for the item
       +information.  It is possible  to append which
       +attributes you are interested in retrieving after the
       +$, eg:
       +        some directory selectorF$+VIEWS
       +        other directory selectorF$+VIEWS+ABSTRACT
       +The $ command makes it possible for a client that does
       +not  mind burning bandwidth to get attribute
       +information for all items as the user navigates
       +gopherspace. Clients using  2400 bps SLIP links will
       +probably not use this method... but  clients on
       +Ethernet may not mind. This command may also be useful
       +for building smart indexes of items in gopherspace.
       +Note that the specific requested  attributes are only
       +suggestions to the server that the  client would like
       +less than a full set of attributes.  The  server may
       +choose to ignore the request (if it is not  capable of
       +extracting the required attributes) and return the
       +client the full set anyway.   Other caveats:  even if
       +the attributes requested are not  available, the
       +server WILL NOT return an error, but will  send
       +whatever IS available.  It is the client's
       +responsibility inspect the returned attributes.
       +Analogous to use of the $ command, the ! command can
       +also be  used to request certain attribute blocks.
       +2.8     Gopher+ Interactive Query items.
       +The principle here is based on Roland Schemer's "Q/q"
       +type  ideas. We're calling it the Interactive Query
       +The server may list items that have a "?" following
       +the port  field:
       +   0A fileFfile selectorFhostFportF?
       +   1A directoryFdir selectorFhostFportF?
       +Now the fact that there's something after the port
       +field means that these are Gopher+ items.  Old clients
       +will still be able to show such items in lists, but
       +if they simply send the old style plain selector
       +string to  retrieve them, the server will respond with
       +an old style  error telling them to get an updated
       +client.  New clients will know that before getting one
       +of these items, it will be necessary to  retrieve
       +questions from the server, have the user answer  them,
       +and then feed the answers back to the server along
       +with the selector. The questions to be asked of the
       +user are  retrieved from the server by looking at the
       ++ASK attribute in the item's attribute  information.
       +When the user selects a query item, the client quickly
       +connects to the server and requests the Attribute
       +Information for the item.  Then the client extracts
       +the  information in the +ASK attribute block. Here's
       +an example:
       +        +INFO: 0inquisitiveFmoo moo
       +        +ADMIN
       +         Admin: Frank Gophermeister <fng@bogus.edu>
       +         Mod-Date: August 15, 1992 <19920815185503>
       +      +ASK:
       +       Ask: How many volts?
       +       Choose: Deliver electric shock to administrator
       +The client will use all lines in the order they appear
       +in  the +ASK attribute block.  The content will be
       +presented to  the user as questions or prompts or
       +dialogs or something  like that.
       +The "Ask" presents the user with a question, supplies
       +a default text answer if it  exists and allows the
       +user to enter a one-line responce.
       +The "AskP" presents the user with a question, and
       +bullets out the responce typed in by the user so that
       +someone watching over the user's sholder cannot read
       +the responce.
       +The "AskL" presents the user with a question, and
       +ideally should allo the user to enter several lines of
       +The "AskF" requests the user for a new local filename,
       +presumably for stashing the response returned by the
       +server.  It may supply a default filename.
       +The "Select" presents the user with a set of options
       +from which the use can select one or many. This is
       +equivalent to Macintosh check boxes.
       +The "Choose" presents the user with a few short
       +choices only one of which may be selected at a time.
       +This is equivalent to Macintosh radio buttons.
       +The "ChooseF" requests that the user select an
       +existing  local file, presumably for sending to the
       +server.  On some  systems, the client writer or
       +administrator might want to  restrict the selection of
       +such files to the current directory  (ie. not allow
       +paths in the filename to prevent sending   things like
       +password files).
       +The n responses harvested from the user are sent on to
       +the  server as the first n lines in the dataBlock.
       +There can only be one file sent, and it will be the
       +remainder of  the dataBlock if any. If there is an
       +AskL the responce is returned with a count of the
       +number of lines entered by the user on a line by
       +itself, followed by the lines entered by the user.
       +Gopher was originally designed as an essentially
       +anonymous  document retrieval protocol to facilitate
       +easy access to  information rather than limited
       +access.  Various kinds of  restrictive mechanisms have
       +been implemented at the server  end (for example,
       +access restriction by source IP address);  however if
       +you have sensitive information, we emphasize that
       +putting it under a  Gopher's nose is not a good idea.
       +The folks with a hirsute tendency will have noticed
       +that all  these interactions  are static rather than
       +truly dynamic and  interactive.  In other words, the
       +server cannot ask different questions in response to
       +different answers.   +ASK does not constitute a
       +scripting language by any  means.
       +To do "true" scripting, we have to do one of two
       +1.  Write a full language parser/interpreter into
       +clients.  The server loads a whole script into the
       +client's brain, and the client  "runs" it.   This
       +rather grossly violates the spirit of  simplicity in
       +cross-platform gopher implementation.   However, when
       +and if a standard scripting language is  adopted,
       +there will be room for it in a SCRIPT attribute block.
       +2.  Client enters a complex back-and-forth transaction
       +with  the server. This requires the server, client, or
       +both to  save rather a lot of state.  NOPE!  Server
       +saving state  means holding open a connection or
       +(worse) the server retaining tokens between
       +connections.  Client saving state  means the server
       +has an even worse job to do.
       +As Opus the Penguin would say:  a Hairball.
       +2.9     Gopher+ Pictures, Sounds, Movies.
       +A lot of folks need ability to retrieve and display
       +pictures, but there is no real consensus on ONE format
       +for these pictures.  We don't want to define a type
       +character for every oddball  picture type.  Gopher+
       +handles Pictures, Movies, and Sounds  by defining
       +three item types: ":" for bitmap images, ";" for
       +movies, and "<" for sounds (originally I, M, and S
       +were suggested, but they  were informally in use in
       +other ways; the only thing magic   about ":", ";", and
       +"<", is that they are the first  characters after '9')
       +Note that there is NO default format  for Pictures,
       +Movies and Sounds; the specific format of the image,
       +movie, or sound  must be gleaned from the +VIEWS
       +information for the item  (eg. Gif, PICT, TIFF, etc.).
       +Appendix I
       +Required attributes and suggested attributes.
       +A1.0 The +INFO attribute block
       +The +INFO atttribute block is sent whenever an item's
       +attributes are requested.   It is required that the
       +Attribute Information list for an  item must contain a
       +one-line +INFO attribute, and the +INFO  attribute
       +must contain the gopher+ descriptor for the item.
       +        +INFO: 1Nice stuffF/selectorFhostFportF+
       +A2.0 The +ADMIN attribute
       + A Gopher+ server is required to have an +ADMIN block
       +for  every item and the +ADMIN block must contain
       +Admin and a  Mod-Date lines:
       +        +ADMIN:
       +         Admin: [comments] <administrator e-mail address>
       +         Mod-Date: [comments] <YYYYMMDDhhmmss>
       +In addition to the required lines, we recommend that
       +the  +ADMIN attribute of items returned by a full-text
       +search  engine contain a SCORE attribute. The SCORE
       +attribute should  contain the relevance ranking (an
       +integer) of the item.
       +         Score: relevance-ranking
       +We recommend that the +ADMIN attribute of a full-text
       +search  engine contain a Score-Range attribute. This
       +attribute is  used to specify the range of values
       +taken on by the  relevance ranking scores of items
       +returned by the search engine. The Score-Range makes
       +it possible to  normalize scores from different search
       +engine technologies.  The first number is the lower
       +bound, the second number is  the upper bound.
       +         Score-range: lower-bound upper-bound
       +We also recommend that the +ADMIN attribute for the
       +root of the server (i.e. what  you get back when you
       +ask for the attributes of the item  with the empty
       +selector string) also contain these fields:
       +      Site: the name of the site
       +      Org: organization or group owning the site
       +      Loc: city, state, country
       +      Geog: latitude longitude
       +       TZ: timezone as gmt-offset
       +Other useful attributes might include:
       +      Provider: who provided this item
       +        Author: who wrote this item
       +        Creation-Date: when it was born <YYYYMMDDhhmmss>
       +        Expiration-Date: when it expires <YYYYMMDDhhmmss>
       +A3.0 The +VIEWS attribute
       +The +VIEWS attribute is used to specify alternative
       +representations of an item. The form of the +VIEWS
       +attribute  is:
       +        +VIEWS: [gopher descriptor]
       +         Content-Type[ viewLanguage]: [<56K>]
       +         Content-Type[ viewLanguage]: [<93K>]
       +         Content-Type[ viewLanguage]: [<77K>]
       +Some values for Content-Type are
       +    Text/plain, application/Postscript, image/Gif,
       +Content Types are defined by the Internet Assigned
       +Numbers  Authority (IANA).  To register a new content
       +type send e-mail to  IANA@isi.edu.  For a
       +comprehensive list, consult the most  up-to-date MIME
       +Request for Comments (RFC).  A list of  currently
       +defined views may be retrieved by anonymous ftp  from
       +isi.edu in the directory
       +All gopher servers must support the Text/plain view
       +for  readable documents and the application/gopher-
       +menu view (the  basic Gopher+ directory list) for
       +directories.  These are  the views that must be
       +returned by default.  If all a server supports is the
       +default views, then it may  omit the +VIEWS attribute
       +block (although we suggest that it  not do so).
       +The viewLanguage is defined as a concatanation of two
       +ISO  standard values, the ISO 639 language code and
       +the ISO-3166 country  code.
       +Some values for viewLanguage are:
       +    En_US, De_DE, Es_ES, Se_SE
       +A4.0 The +ABSTRACT attribute
       +The +ABSTRACT attribute is used to specify a short
       +abstract  for the item. The form of the +ABSTRACT
       +attribute is:
       +        +ABSTRACT: [gopher reference]
       +         A line of text<CRLF>
       +         another line of text<CRLF>
       +         still another line of text.<CRLF>
       +We recommend that a description of the sorts of
       +information  at the site,  a postal address, a phone
       +number, and the  administrator name for the site be
       +included in the +ABSTRACT attribute for the server
       +root (i.e. what you  get when you ask for the
       +attribute list of the server with  no selector
       +Appendix II
       +Paul's NQBNF (Not Quite BNF) for the Gopher+
       +Note:  This is modified BNF (as used by the Pascal
       +people) with a few English modifiers thrown in.
       +Stuff enclosed in '{}' can be repeated zero or more
       +times.  Stuff  in '[]' denotes a set of items.  The '-
       +' operator denotes set  subtraction.
       +This section is not quite solid yet.  Please send us
       +information on any errors you might notice.
       +Directory Entity
       +CR-LF     ::= Carriage Return Character followed by
       +Line Feed  character.
       +Tab       ::= ASCII Tab character
       +NUL       ::= ASCII NUL character
       +PLUS      ::= ASCII '+' character
       +LEFT      ::= ASCII '<' character
       +RIGHT      ::= ASCII '>' character
       +OCTET     ::= $00 -> $ff
       +UNASCII   ::= OCTET - [Tab CR-LF NUL]
       +Lastline  ::= '.'CR-LF
       +TextBlock ::= Block of ASCII text not containing
       +Lastline pattern.
       +Type      ::= UNASCII
       +DisplayString ::= {UNASCII}
       +Selector  ::= {UNASCII}
       +Otherflds ::= {UNASCII + TAB}
       +Host      ::= {{UNASCII - ['.']} '.'} {UNASCII -
       +Note: This is a Fully Qualified Domain Name as defined
       +in RFC  830. (e.g. gopher.micro.umn.edu)  Hosts that
       +have a CR-LF  TAB or NUL  in their name get what they
       +Digit     ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6'
       +| '7' | '8'  | '9'
       +DigitSeq  ::= digit {digit}.
       +Port      ::= DigitSeq.
       +Note: Port corresponds the the TCP Port Number, its
       +value should be in the range  [0..65535]; port 70 is
       +officially assigned to gopher.
       +Bool      ::= '0' | '1'
       +G+Field   ::= '+' | '?'
       +Success   ::= '+' | '-'.
       +Transfer  ::= DigitSeq | '-1' | '-2'
       +DataHead  ::= Success Transfer CR-LF
       +DataBlock ::= DataHead {OCTET}
       +G1DirEntity ::= Type DisplayString Tab Selector Tab
       +Host Tab Port  Tab Otherflds CR-LF
       +G+DirEntity ::= Type DisplayString Tab Selector Tab
       +Host Tab Port  Tab G+Field
       +                CR-LF
       +   It is *highly* recommended that the DisplayString
       +field contain only printable  characters, since many
       +different clients will be using it.   However if eight
       +bit characters are used, the characters should
       +conform with the ISO-Latin1 Character Set.  The length
       +of the  User displayable line should be less than 70
       +Characters; longer lines  may not fit across some
       +screens. Warning! The Selector string can  be longer
       +than 255 characters.
       +Menu Entity
       +Menu      ::= DataHead {G+DirEntity}.
       +Continues ::= Bool
       +Representation ::= 'Text' | 'List'  | 'Postscript' |
       +'MacWriteII' | 'RTF' |{UNASCII}
       +Retrieving a document/menu/etc.:
       +C: Opens Connection
       +S: Accepts Connection
       +C: Sends Selector String Tab '+' Representation [Tab
       +C: [Optional] Client sends a DataBlock depending on
       +value of DataFlag.
       +S: Sends DataBlock
       +Connection is closed by either client or server
       +(typically  server).
       +Spaceline    ::= ' ' {UNASCII} CR-LF
       +Blockname        ::=  '+' {UNASCIINOPLUS}
       +Attrblock    ::= Blockname ' ' [G+Direntry] CR-LF
       +Attrval      ::= SPACE {UNASCII} CR-LF
       +E-Mail       ::= {UNASCII} s.t. it conforms to RFC 822
       +Adminval     ::= ' Admin:' {UNASCII} '<'  E-Mailaddr
       +'>' CR-LF
       +Dateval      ::= ' Mod-Date:' {UNASCII} '<'
       +YYYYMMDDhhmmss '>'  CR-LF
       +AdminReq     ::= AdminVal Dateval
       +Infoblock    ::= '+INFO: ' G+Direntry CR-LF
       +AdminBlock    ::= '+ADMIN: ' {G+Direntry} CR-LF
       +AdminReq  {Attrval}
       +Language     ::= 'English' | 'French' | 'German' |
       +ViewVal      ::= ' ' Representation [' ' Language] ":"
       +ASCIINOANGLE '<'
       +                 Size 'k>' CR-LF
       +ViewBlock    ::= '+VIEWS: ' {G+Direntry} CR-LF
       +AttrBlocks   ::= InfoBlock ViewBlock {AttrBlock}
       +Retrieving item Information.
       +For non-index server (non-type 7 items)
       +C: Opens Connection
       +S: Accepts Connection
       +C: Sends Selector String Tab '!' {BlockName}CR-LF
       +S: Sends DataBlock with data in AttrrBlocks format.
       +Connection is closed by either client or server
       +(typically  server).
       +For index server (type 7 items) the client asks the
       +search engine to so a search for nothing
       +(i.e. the client does not provide any words to search
       +for) and appends a TAB and a "!" after the null-
       +C: Opens Connection
       +S: Accepts Connection
       +C: Sends Selector String Tab Tab '!' {BlockName}CR-LF
       +S: Sends DataBlock with data in AttrrBlocks format.
       +Connection is closed by either client or server
       +(typically  server).
       +Attributes ::= {AttrBlocks}
       +Retrieving all Item Information entries for a
       +C: Opens Connection
       +S: Accepts Connection
       +C: Sends Selector String Tab '$'{BlockName} CR-LF
       +S: Sends DataBlock with data in Attributes format.
       +Connection is closed by either client or server
       +(typically  server).
   DIR diff --git a/references/rfc1436.txt b/references/rfc1436.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
       +Network Working Group                                     F. Anklesaria
       +Request for Comments: 1436                                  M. McCahill
       +                                                             P. Lindner
       +                                                             D. Johnson
       +                                                              D. Torrey
       +                                                             B. Alberti
       +                                                University of Minnesota
       +                                                             March 1993
       +                      The Internet Gopher Protocol
       +         (a distributed document search and retrieval protocol)
       +Status of this Memo
       +   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
       +   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is
       +   unlimited.
       +   The Internet Gopher protocol is designed for distributed document
       +   search and retrieval.  This document describes the protocol, lists
       +   some of the implementations currently available, and has an overview
       +   of how to implement new client and server applications.  This
       +   document is adapted from the basic Internet Gopher protocol document
       +   first issued by the Microcomputer Center at the University of
       +   Minnesota in 1991.
       +   gopher  n.  1. Any of various short tailed, burrowing mammals of the
       +   family Geomyidae, of North America.  2. (Amer. colloq.) Native or
       +   inhabitant of Minnesota: the Gopher State.  3. (Amer. colloq.) One
       +   who runs errands, does odd-jobs, fetches or delivers documents for
       +   office staff.  4. (computer tech.) software following a simple
       +   protocol for burrowing through a TCP/IP internet.
       +   The Internet Gopher protocol and software follow a client-server
       +   model.  This protocol assumes a reliable data stream; TCP is assumed.
       +   Gopher servers should listen on port 70 (port 70 is assigned to
       +   Internet Gopher by IANA).  Documents reside on many autonomous
       +   servers on the Internet.  Users run client software on their desktop
       +   systems, connecting to a server and sending the server a selector (a
       +   line of text, which may be empty) via a TCP connection at a well-
       +   known port.  The server responds with a block of text terminated by a
       +   period on a line by itself and closes the connection.  No state is
       +   retained by the server.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 1]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   While documents (and services) reside on many servers, Gopher client
       +   software presents users with a hierarchy of items and directories
       +   much like a file system.  The Gopher interface is designed to
       +   resemble a file system since a file system is a good model for
       +   organizing documents and services; the user sees what amounts to one
       +   big networked information system containing primarily document items,
       +   directory items, and search items (the latter allowing searches for
       +   documents across subsets of the information base).
       +   Servers return either directory lists or documents.  Each item in a
       +   directory is identified by a type (the kind of object the item is),
       +   user-visible name (used to browse and select from listings), an
       +   opaque selector string (typically containing a pathname used by the
       +   destination host to locate the desired object), a host name (which
       +   host to contact to obtain this item), and an IP port number (the port
       +   at which the server process listens for connections). The user only
       +   sees the user-visible name.  The client software can locate and
       +   retrieve any item by the trio of selector, hostname, and port.
       +   To use a search item, the client submits a query to a special kind of
       +   Gopher server: a search server.  In this case, the client sends the
       +   selector string (if any) and the list of words to be matched. The
       +   response yields "virtual directory listings" that contain items
       +   matching the search criteria.
       +   Gopher servers and clients exist for all popular platforms.  Because
       +   the protocol is so sparse and simple, writing servers or clients is
       +   quick and straightforward.
       +1.  Introduction
       +   The Internet Gopher protocol is designed primarily to act as a
       +   distributed document delivery system.  While documents (and services)
       +   reside on many servers, Gopher client software presents users with a
       +   hierarchy of items and directories much like a file system.  In fact,
       +   the Gopher interface is designed to resemble a file system since a
       +   file system is a good model for locating documents and services.  Why
       +   model a campus-wide information system after a file system?  Several
       +   reasons:
       +      (a) A hierarchical arrangement of information is familiar to many
       +      users.  Hierarchical directories containing items (such as
       +      documents, servers, and subdirectories) are widely used in
       +      electronic bulletin boards and other campus-wide information
       +      systems. People who access a campus-wide information server will
       +      expect some sort of hierarchical organization to the information
       +      presented.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 2]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +      (b) A file-system style hierarchy can be expressed in a simple
       +      syntax.  The syntax used for the internet Gopher protocol is
       +      easily understandable, and was designed to make debugging servers
       +      and clients easy.  You can use Telnet to simulate an internet
       +      Gopher client's requests and observe the responses from a server.
       +      Special purpose software tools are not required.  By keeping the
       +      syntax of the pseudo-file system client/server protocol simple, we
       +      can also achieve better performance for a very common user
       +      activity: browsing through the directory hierarchy.
       +      (c) Since Gopher originated in a University setting, one of the
       +      goals was for departments to have the option of publishing
       +      information from their inexpensive desktop machines, and since
       +      much of the information can be presented as simple text files
       +      arranged in directories, a protocol modeled after a file system
       +      has immediate utility.  Because there can be a direct mapping from
       +      the file system on the user's desktop machine to the directory
       +      structure published via the Gopher protocol, the problem of
       +      writing server software for slow desktop systems is minimized.
       +      (d) A file system metaphor is extensible.  By giving a "type"
       +      attribute to items in the pseudo-file system, it is possible to
       +      accommodate documents other than simple text documents.  Complex
       +      database services can be handled as a separate type of item.  A
       +      file-system metaphor does not rule out search or database-style
       +      queries for access to documents.  A search-server type is also
       +      defined in this pseudo-file system.  Such servers return "virtual
       +      directories" or list of documents matching user specified
       +      criteria.
       +2.  The internet Gopher Model
       +   A detailed BNF rendering of the internet Gopher syntax is available
       +   in the appendix...but a close reading of the appendix may not be
       +   necessary to understand the internet Gopher protocol.
       +   In essence, the Gopher protocol consists of a client connecting to a
       +   server and sending the server a selector (a line of text, which may
       +   be empty) via a TCP connection.  The server responds with a block of
       +   text terminated with a period on a line by itself, and closes the
       +   connection.  No state is retained by the server between transactions
       +   with a client. The simple nature of the protocol stems from the need
       +   to implement servers and clients for the slow, smaller desktop
       +   computers (1 MB Macs and DOS machines), quickly, and efficiently.
       +   Below is a simple example of a client/server interaction; more
       +   complex interactions are dealt with later.  Assume that a "well-
       +   known" Gopher server (this may be duplicated, details are discussed
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 3]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   later) listens at a well known port for the campus (much like a
       +   domain-name server).  The only configuration information the client
       +   software retains is this server's name and port number (in this
       +   example that machine is rawBits.micro.umn.edu and the port 70). In
       +   the example below the F character denotes the TAB character.
       + Client:          {Opens connection to rawBits.micro.umn.edu at port 70}
       + Server:          {Accepts connection but says nothing}
       + Client: <CR><LF> {Sends an empty line: Meaning "list what you have"}
       + Server:          {Sends a series of lines, each ending with CR LF}
       + 0About internet GopherFStuff:About usFrawBits.micro.umn.eduF70
       + 1Around University of MinnesotaFZ,5692,AUMFunderdog.micro.umn.eduF70
       + 1Microcomputer News & PricesFPrices/Fpserver.bookstore.umn.eduF70
       + 1Courses, Schedules, CalendarsFFevents.ais.umn.eduF9120
       + 1Student-Staff DirectoriesFFuinfo.ais.umn.eduF70
       + 1Departmental PublicationsFStuff:DP:FrawBits.micro.umn.eduF70
       +                    {.....etc.....}
       + .                  {Period on a line by itself}
       +                    {Server closes connection}
       +   The first character on each line tells whether the line describes a
       +   document, directory, or search service (characters '0', '1', '7';
       +   there are a handful more of these characters described later).  The
       +   succeeding characters up to the tab form a user display string to be
       +   shown to the user for use in selecting this document (or directory)
       +   for retrieval.  The first character of the line is really defining
       +   the type of item described on this line. In nearly every case, the
       +   Gopher client software will give the users some sort of idea about
       +   what type of item this is (by displaying an icon, a short text tag,
       +   or the like).
       +   The characters following the tab, up to the next tab form a selector
       +   string that the client software must send to the server to retrieve
       +   the document (or directory listing).  The selector string should mean
       +   nothing to the client software; it should never be modified by the
       +   client.  In practice, the selector string is often a pathname or
       +   other file selector used by the server to locate the item desired.
       +   The next two tab delimited fields denote the domain-name of the host
       +   that has this document (or directory), and the port at which to
       +   connect.  If there are yet other tab delimited fields, the basic
       +   Gopher client should ignore them.  A CR LF denotes the end of the
       +   item.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 4]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   In the example, line 1 describes a document the user will see as
       +   "About internet Gopher".  To retrieve this document, the client
       +   software must send the retrieval string: "Stuff:About us" to
       +   rawBits.micro.umn.edu at port 70.  If the client does this, the
       +   server will respond with the contents of the document, terminated by
       +   a period on a line by itself.  A client might present the user with a
       +   view of the world something like the following list of items:
       +      About Internet Gopher
       +      Around the University of Minnesota...
       +      Microcomputer News & Prices...
       +      Courses, Schedules, Calendars...
       +      Student-Staff Directories...
       +      Departmental Publications...
       +   In this case, directories are displayed with an ellipsis and files
       +   are displayed without any.  However, depending on the platform the
       +   client is written for and the author's taste, item types could be
       +   denoted by other text tags or by icons.  For example, the UNIX
       +   curses-based client displays directories with a slash (/) following
       +   the name; Macintosh clients display directories alongside an icon of
       +   a folder.
       +   The user does not know or care that the items up for selection may
       +   reside on many different machines anywhere on the Internet.
       +   Suppose the user selects the line "Microcomputer News & Prices...".
       +   This appears to be a directory, and so the user expects to see
       +   contents of the directory upon request that it be fetched.  The
       +   following lines illustrate the ensuing client-server interaction:
       +    Client:           (Connects to pserver.bookstore.umn.edu at port 70)
       +    Server:           (Accepts connection but says nothing)
       +    Client: Prices/   (Sends the magic string terminated by CRLF)
       +    Server:           (Sends a series of lines, each ending with CR LF)
       +    0About PricesFPrices/AboutusFpserver.bookstore.umn.eduF70
       +    0Macintosh PricesFPrices/MacFpserver.bookstore.umn.eduF70
       +    0IBM PricesFPrices/IckFpserver.bookstore.umn.eduF70
       +    0Printer & Peripheral PricesFPrices/PPPFpserver.bookstore.umn.eduF70
       +                      (.....etc.....)
       +    .                 (Period on a line by itself)
       +                      (Server closes connection)
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 5]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +3. More details
       +3.1  Locating services
       +   Documents (or other services that may be viewed ultimately as
       +   documents, such as a student-staff phonebook) are linked to the
       +   machine they are on by the trio of selector string, machine domain-
       +   name, and IP port.  It is assumed that there will be one well-known
       +   top-level or root server for an institution or campus.  The
       +   information on this server may be duplicated by one or more other
       +   servers to avoid a single point of failure and to spread the load
       +   over several servers.  Departments that wish to put up their own
       +   departmental servers need to register the machine name and port with
       +   the administrators of the top-level Gopher server, much the same way
       +   as they register a machine name with the campus domain-name server.
       +   An entry which points to the departmental server will then be made at
       +   the top level server.  This ensures that users will be able to
       +   navigate their way down what amounts to a virtual hierarchical file
       +   system with a well known root to any campus server if they desire.
       +   Note that there is no requirement that a department register
       +   secondary servers with the central top-level server; they may just
       +   place a link to the secondary servers in their own primary servers.
       +   They may indeed place links to any servers they desire in their own
       +   server, thus creating a customized view of thethe Gopher information
       +   universe; links can of course point back at the top-level server.
       +   The virtual (networked) file system is therefore an arbitrary graph
       +   structure and not necessarily a rooted tree.  The top-level node is
       +   merely one convenient, well-known point of entry.  A set of Gopher
       +   servers linked in this manner may function as a campus-wide
       +   information system.
       +   Servers may of course point links at other than secondary servers.
       +   Indeed servers may point at other servers offering useful services
       +   anywhere on the internet.  Viewed in this manner, Gopher can be seen
       +   as an Internet-wide information system.
       +3.2 Server portability and naming
       +   It is recommended that all registered servers have alias names
       +   (domain name system CNAME) that are used by Gopher clients to locate
       +   them.  Links to these servers should use these alias names rather
       +   than the primary names.  If information needs to be moved from one
       +   machine to another, a simple change of domain name system alias
       +   (CNAME) allows this to occur without any reconfiguration of clients
       +   in the field.  In short, the domain name system may be used to re-map
       +   a server to a new address.  There is nothing to prevent secondary
       +   servers or services from running on otherwise named servers or ports
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 6]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   other than 70, however these should be reachable via a primary
       +   server.
       +3.3 Contacting server administrators
       +   It is recommended that every server administrator have a document
       +   called something like: "About Bogus University's Gopher server" as
       +   the first item in their server's top level directory.  In this
       +   document should be a short description of what the server holds, as
       +   well as name, address, phone, and an e-mail address of the person who
       +   administers the server.  This provides a way for users to get word to
       +   the administrator of a server that has inaccurate information or is
       +   not running correctly.  It is also recommended that administrators
       +   place the date of last update in files for which such information
       +   matters to the users.
       +3.4  Modular addition of services
       +   The first character of each line in a server-supplied directory
       +   listing indicates whether the item is a file (character '0'), a
       +   directory (character '1'), or a search (character '7').  This is the
       +   base set of item types in the Gopher protocol.  It is desirable for
       +   clients to be able to use different services and speak different
       +   protocols (simple ones such as finger; others such as CSO phonebook
       +   service, or Telnet, or X.500 directory service) as needs dictate.
       +   CSO phonebook service is a client/server phonebook system typically
       +   used at Universities to publish names, e-mail addresses, and so on.
       +   The CSO phonebook software was developed at the University of
       +   Illinois and is also sometimes refered to as ph or qi.  For example,
       +   if a server-supplied directory listing marks a certain item with type
       +   character '2', then it means that to use this item, the client must
       +   speak the CSO protocol.  This removes the need to be able to
       +   anticipate all future needs and hard-wire them in the basic Internet
       +   Gopher protocol; it keeps the basic protocol extremely simple.  In
       +   spite of this simplicity, the scheme has the capability to expand and
       +   change with the times by adding an agreed upon type-character for a
       +   new service.  This also allows the client implementations to evolve
       +   in a modular fashion, simply by dropping in a module (or launching a
       +   new process) for some new service.  The servers for the new service
       +   of course have to know nothing about Internet Gopher; they can just
       +   be off-the shelf CSO, X.500, or other servers.  We do not however,
       +   encourage arbitrary or machine-specific proliferation of service
       +   types in the basic Gopher protocol.
       +   On the other hand, subsets of other document retrieval schemes may be
       +   mapped onto the Gopher protocol by means of "gateway-servers".
       +   Examples of such servers include Gopher-to-FTP gateways, Gopher-to-
       +   archie gateways, Gopher-to-WAIS gateways, etc.  There are a number of
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 7]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   advantages of such mechanisms. First, a relatively powerful server
       +   machine inherits both the intelligence and work, rather than the more
       +   modest, inexpensive desktop system that typically runs client
       +   software or basic server software.  Equally important, clients do not
       +   have to be modified to take advantage of a new resource.
       +3.5  Building clients
       +   A client simply sends the retrieval string to a server if it wants to
       +   retrieve a document or view the contents of a directory.  Of course,
       +   each host may have pointers to other hosts, resulting in a "graph"
       +   (not necessarily a rooted tree) of hosts.  The client software may
       +   save (or rather "stack") the locations that it has visited in search
       +   of a document.  The user could therefore back out of the current
       +   location by unwinding the stack.  Alternatively, a client with
       +   multiple-window capability might just be able to display more than
       +   one directory or document at the same time.
       +   A smart client could cache the contents of visited directories
       +   (rather than just the directory's item descriptor), thus avoiding
       +   network transactions if the information has been previously
       +   retrieved.
       +   If a client does not understand what a say, type 'B' item (not a core
       +   item) is, then it may simply ignore the item in the directory
       +   listing; the user never even has to see it.  Alternatively, the item
       +   could be displayed as an unknown type.
       +   Top-level or primary servers for a campus are likely to get more
       +   traffic than secondary servers, and it would be less tolerable for
       +   such primary servers to be down for any long time.  So it makes sense
       +   to "clone" such important servers and construct clients that can
       +   randomly choose between two such equivalent primary servers when they
       +   first connect (to balance server load), moving to one if the other
       +   seems to be down.  In fact, smart client implementations do this
       +   clone server and load balancing.  Alternatively, it may make sense to
       +   have the domain name system return one of a set of redundant of
       +   server's IP address to load balance betwen redundant sets of
       +   important servers.
       +3.6  Building ordinary internet Gopher servers
       +   The retrieval string sent to the server might be a path to a file or
       +   directory.  It might be the name of a script, an application or even
       +   a query that generates the document or directory returned.  The basic
       +   server uses the string it gets up to but not including a CR-LF or a
       +   TAB, whichever comes first.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 8]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   All intelligence is carried by the server implementation rather than
       +   the protocol.  What you build into more exotic servers is up to you.
       +   Server implementations may grow as needs dictate and time allows.
       +3.7  Special purpose servers
       +   There are two special server types (beyond the normal Gopher server)
       +   also discussed below:
       +      1.  A server directory listing can point at a CSO nameserver (the
       +      server returns a type character of '2') to allow a campus
       +      student-staff phonebook lookup service.  This may show up on the
       +      user's list of choices, perhaps preceded by the icon of a phone-
       +      book.  If this item is selected, the client software must resort
       +      to a pure CSO nameserver protocol when it connects to the
       +      appropriate host.
       +      2.  A server can also point at a "search server" (returns a first
       +      character of '7').  Such servers may implement campus network (or
       +      subnet) wide searching capability.  The most common search servers
       +      maintain full-text indexes on the contents of text documents held
       +      by some subset of Gopher servers.  Such a "full-text search
       +      server" responds to client requests with a list of all documents
       +      that contain one or more words (the search criteria).  The client
       +      sends the server the selector string, a tab, and the search string
       +      (words to search for). If the selector string is empty, the client
       +      merely sends the search string.  The server returns the equivalent
       +      of a directory listing for documents matching the search criteria.
       +      Spaces between words are usually implied Boolean ANDs (although in
       +      different implementations or search types, this may not
       +      necessarily be true).
       +   The CSO addition exists for historical reasons: at time of design,
       +   the campus phone-book servers at the University of Minnesota used the
       +   CSO protocol and it seemed simplest to just engulf them.  The index-
       +   server is however very much a Gopher in spirit, albeit with a slight
       +   twist in the meaning of the selector-string.  Index servers are a
       +   natural place to incorperate gateways to WAIS and WHOIS services.
       +3.7.1  Building CSO-servers
       +   A CSO Nameserver implementation for UNIX and associated documentation
       +   is available by anonymous ftp from uxa.cso.uiuc.edu.  We do not
       +   anticipate implementing it on other machines.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti         [Page 9]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +3.7.2  Building full-text search servers
       +   A full-text search server is a special-purpose server that knows
       +   about the Gopher scheme for retrieving documents.  These servers
       +   maintain a full-text index of the contents of plain text documents on
       +   Gopher servers in some specified domain.  A Gopher full-text search
       +   server was implemented using several NeXTstations because it was easy
       +   to take advantage of the full-text index/search engine built into the
       +   NeXT system software.  A search server for generic UNIX systems based
       +   on the public domain WAIS search engine, is also available and
       +   currently an optional part of the UNIX gopher server.  In addition,
       +   at least one implementation of the gopher server incorperates a
       +   gateway to WAIS servers by presenting the WAIS servers to gopherspace
       +   as full-text search servers.  The gopher<->WAIS gateway servers does
       +   the work of translating from gopher protocol to WAIS so unmodified
       +   gopher clients can access WAIS servers via the gateway server.
       +   By using several index servers (rather than a monolithic index
       +   server) indexes may be searched in parallel (although the client
       +   software is not aware of this).  While maintaining full-text indexes
       +   of documents distributed over many machines may seem a daunting task,
       +   the task can be broken into smaller pieces (update only a portion of
       +   the indexes, search several partial indexes in parallel) so that it
       +   is manageable.  By spreading this task over several small, cheap (and
       +   fast) workstations it is possible to take advantage of fine-grain
       +   parallelism.  Again, the client software is not aware of this. Client
       +   software only needs to know that it can send a search string to an
       +   index server and will receive a list of documents that contain the
       +   words in the search string.
       +3.8  Item type characters
       +   The client software decides what items are available by looking at
       +   the first character of each line in a directory listing.  Augmenting
       +   this list can extend the protocol.  A list of defined item-type
       +   characters follows:
       +   0   Item is a file
       +   1   Item is a directory
       +   2   Item is a CSO phone-book server
       +   3   Error
       +   4   Item is a BinHexed Macintosh file.
       +   5   Item is DOS binary archive of some sort.
       +       Client must read until the TCP connection closes.  Beware.
       +   6   Item is a UNIX uuencoded file.
       +   7   Item is an Index-Search server.
       +   8   Item points to a text-based telnet session.
       +   9   Item is a binary file!
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 10]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +       Client must read until the TCP connection closes.  Beware.
       +   +   Item is a redundant server
       +   T   Item points to a text-based tn3270 session.
       +   g   Item is a GIF format graphics file.
       +   I   Item is some kind of image file.  Client decides how to display.
       +   Characters '0' through 'Z' are reserved.  Local experiments should
       +   use other characters.  Machine-specific extensions are not
       +   encouraged.  Note that for type 5 or type 9 the client must be
       +   prepared to read until the connection closes.  There will be no
       +   period at the end of the file; the contents of these files are binary
       +   and the client must decide what to do with them based perhaps on the
       +   .xxx extension.
       +3.9  User display strings and server selector strings
       +   User display strings are intended to be displayed on a line on a
       +   typical screen for a user's viewing pleasure.  While many screens can
       +   accommodate 80 character lines, some space is needed to display a tag
       +   of some sort to tell the user what sort of item this is.  Because of
       +   this, the user display string should be kept under 70 characters in
       +   length.  Clients may truncate to a length convenient to them.
       +4.   Simplicity is intentional
       +   As far as possible we desire any new features to be carried as new
       +   protocols that will be hidden behind new document-types.  The
       +   internet Gopher philosophy is:
       +      (a) Intelligence is held by the server.  Clients have the option
       +      of being able to access new document types (different, other types
       +      of servers) by simply recognizing the document-type character.
       +      Further intelligence to be borne by the protocol should be
       +      minimized.
       +      (b) The well-tempered server ought to send "text" (unless a file
       +      must be transferred as raw binary).  Should this text include
       +      tabs, formfeeds, frufru?  Probably not, but rude servers will
       +      probably send them anyway.  Publishers of documents should be
       +      given simple tools (filters) that will alert them if there are any
       +      funny characters in the documents they wish to publish, and give
       +      them the opportunity to strip the questionable characters out; the
       +      publisher may well refuse.
       +      (c) The well-tempered client should do something reasonable with
       +      funny characters received in text; filter them out, leave them in,
       +      whatever.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 11]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   Paul's NQBNF (Not Quite BNF) for the Gopher Protocol.
       +   Note:  This is modified BNF (as used by the Pascal people) with a few
       +          English modifiers thrown in.  Stuff enclosed in '{}' can be
       +          repeated zero or more times.  Stuff in '[]' denotes a set of
       +          items.  The '-' operator denotes set subtraction.
       +Directory Entity
       +CR-LF     ::= ASCII Carriage Return Character followed by Line Feed
       +              character.
       +Tab       ::= ASCII Tab character.
       +NUL       ::= ASCII NUL character.
       +UNASCII   ::= ASCII - [Tab CR-LF NUL].
       +Lastline  ::= '.'CR-LF.
       +TextBlock ::= Block of ASCII text not containing Lastline pattern.
       +Type      ::= UNASCII.
       +RedType   ::= '+'.
       +User_Name ::= {UNASCII}.
       +Selector  ::= {UNASCII}.
       +Host      ::= {{UNASCII - ['.']} '.'} {UNASCII - ['.']}.
       +Note: This is a Fully Qualified Domain Name as defined in RFC 1034.
       +      (e.g., gopher.micro.umn.edu)  Hosts that have a CR-LF
       +      TAB or NUL in their name get what they deserve.
       +Digit     ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' .
       +DigitSeq  ::= digit {digit}.
       +Port      ::= DigitSeq.
       +Note: Port corresponds the the TCP Port Number, its value should
       +      be in the range [0..65535]; port 70 is officially assigned
       +      to gopher.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 12]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +DirEntity ::= Type User_Name Tab Selector Tab Host Tab Port CR-LF
       +          {RedType User_Name Tab Selector Tab Host Tab Port CR-LF}
       +   It is *highly* recommended that the User_Name field contain only
       +   printable characters, since many different clients will be using
       +   it.  However if eight bit characters are used, the characters
       +   should conform with the ISO Latin1 Character Set.  The length of
       +   the User displayable line should be less than 70 Characters; longer
       +   lines may not fit across some screens.
       +   The Selector string should be no longer than 255 characters.
       +Menu Entity
       +Menu      ::= {DirEntity} Lastline.
       +Menu Transaction  (Type 1 item)
       +C: Opens Connection
       +S: Accepts Connection
       +C: Sends Selector String
       +S: Sends Menu Entity
       +   Connection is closed by either client or server (typically server).
       +Textfile Entity
       +TextFile  ::= {TextBlock} Lastline
       +Note:  Lines beginning with periods must be prepended with an extra
       +     period to ensure that the transmission is not terminated early.
       +     The client should strip extra periods at the beginning of the line.
       +TextFile Transaction (Type 0 item)
       +C: Opens Connection.
       +S: Accepts connection
       +C: Sends Selector String.
       +S: Sends TextFile Entity.
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 13]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   Connection is closed by either client or server (typically server).
       +Note:  The client should be prepared for the server closing the
       +       connection without sending the Lastline.  This allows the
       +       client to use fingerd servers.
       +Full-Text Search Transaction (Type 7 item)
       +Word      ::= {UNASCII - ' '}
       +BoolOp ::= 'and' | 'or' | 'not' | SPACE
       +SearchStr ::= Word {{SPACE BoolOp} SPACE Word}
       +C: Opens Connection.
       +C: Sends Selector String, Tab, Search String.
       +S: Sends Menu Entity.
       +Note:  In absence of 'and', 'or', or 'not' operators, a SPACE is
       +       regarded as an implied 'and' operator.  Expression is evaluated
       +       left to right.  Further, not all search engines or search
       +       gateways currently implemented have the boolean operators
       +       implemented.
       +Binary file Transaction (Type 9 or 5 item)
       +C: Opens Connection.
       +S: Accepts connection
       +C: Sends Selector String.
       +S: Sends a binary file and closes connection when done.
       +Syntactic Meaning for Directory Entities
       +The client should interpret the type field as follows:
       +0   The item is a TextFile Entity.
       +    Client should use a TextFile Transaction.
       +1   The item is a Menu Entity.
       +    Client should use a Menu Transaction.
       +2   The information applies to a CSO phone book entity.
       +    Client should talk CSO protocol.
       +3   Signals an error condition.
       +4   Item is a Macintosh file encoded in BINHEX format
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 14]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +5   Item is PC-DOS binary file of some sort.  Client gets to decide.
       +6   Item is a uuencoded file.
       +7   The information applies to a Index Server.
       +    Client should use a FullText Search transaction.
       +8   The information applies to a Telnet session.
       +    Connect to given host at given port. The name to login as at this
       +    host is in the selector string.
       +9   Item is a binary file.  Client must decide what to do with it.
       ++   The information applies to a duplicated server.  The information
       +    contained within is a duplicate of the primary server.  The primary
       +    server is defined as the last DirEntity that is has a non-plus
       +    "Type" field.  The client should use the transaction as defined by
       +    the primary server Type field.
       +g   Item is a GIF graphic file.
       +I   Item is some kind of image file.  Client gets to decide.
       +T   The information applies to a tn3270 based telnet session.
       +    Connect to given host at given port. The name to login as at this
       +    host is in the selector string.
       +Security Considerations
       +   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
       +Authors' Addresses
       +   Farhad Anklesaria
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: fxa@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 15]
       +RFC 1436                         Gopher                       March 1993
       +   Mark McCahill
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: mpm@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +   Paul Lindner
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: lindner@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +   David Johnson
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: dmj@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +   Daniel Torrey
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: daniel@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +   Bob Alberti
       +   Computer and Information Services, University of Minnesota
       +   Room 152 Shepherd Labs
       +   100 Union Street SE
       +   Minneapolis, MN 55455
       +   Phone: (612) 625 1300
       +   EMail: alberti@boombox.micro.umn.edu
       +Anklesari, McCahill, Lindner, Johnson, Torrey & Alberti        [Page 16]
   DIR diff --git a/references/rfc4266.txt b/references/rfc4266.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
       +Network Working Group                                         P. Hoffman
       +Request for Comments: 4266                                VPN Consortium
       +Obsoletes: 1738                                            November 2005
       +Category: Standards Track
       +                         The gopher URI Scheme
       +Status of This Memo
       +   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
       +   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
       +   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
       +   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
       +   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
       +Copyright Notice
       +   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).
       +   This document specifies the gopher Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
       +   scheme that was originally specified in RFC 1738.  The purpose of
       +   this document is to allow RFC 1738 to be made obsolete while keeping
       +   the information about the scheme on standards track.
       +1.  Introduction
       +   URIs were previously defined in RFC 2396 [RFC2396], which was updated
       +   by RFC 3986 [RFC3986].  Those documents also specify how to define
       +   schemes for URIs.
       +   The first definition for many URI schemes appeared in RFC 1738
       +   [RFC1738].  Because that document has been made obsolete, this
       +   document copies the gopher URI scheme from it to allow that material
       +   to remain on standards track.
       +2.  Scheme Definition
       +   The gopher URL scheme is used to designate Internet resources
       +   accessible using the Gopher protocol.
       +   The base Gopher protocol is described in RFC 1436 [RFC1436] and
       +   supports items and collections of items (directories).  The Gopher+
       +   protocol is a set of upward-compatible extensions to the base Gopher
       +   protocol and is described in [Gopher+].  Gopher+ supports associating
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 1]
       +RFC 4266                 The gopher URI Scheme             November 2005
       +   arbitrary sets of attributes and alternate data representations with
       +   Gopher items.  Gopher URLs accommodate both Gopher and Gopher+ items
       +   and item attributes.
       +   Historical note: The Gopher protocol was widely implemented in the
       +   early 1990s, but few Gopher servers are in use today.
       +2.1.  Gopher URL Syntax
       +   A Gopher URL takes the form:
       +      gopher://<host>:<port>/<gopher-path>
       +   where <gopher-path> is one of:
       +      <gophertype><selector>
       +      <gophertype><selector>%09<search>
       +      <gophertype><selector>%09<search>%09<gopher+_string>
       +   If :<port> is omitted, the port defaults to 70. <gophertype> is a
       +   single-character field to denote the Gopher type of the resource to
       +   which the URL refers.  The entire <gopher-path> may also be empty, in
       +   which case the delimiting "/" is also optional and the <gophertype>
       +   defaults to "1".
       +   <selector> is the Gopher selector string.  In the Gopher protocol,
       +   Gopher selector strings are a sequence of octets that may contain any
       +   octets except 09 hexadecimal (US-ASCII HT or tab), 0A hexadecimal
       +   (US-ASCII character LF), and 0D (US-ASCII character CR).
       +   Gopher clients specify which item to retrieve by sending the Gopher
       +   selector string to a Gopher server.
       +   Within the <gopher-path>, no characters are reserved.
       +   Note that some Gopher <selector> strings begin with a copy of the
       +   <gophertype> character, in which case that character will occur twice
       +   consecutively.  The Gopher selector string may be an empty string;
       +   this is how Gopher clients refer to the top-level directory on a
       +   Gopher server.
       +2.2.  Specifying URLs for Gopher Search Engines
       +   If the URL refers to a search to be submitted to a Gopher search
       +   engine, the selector is followed by an encoded tab (%09) and the
       +   search string.  To submit a search to a Gopher search engine, the
       +   Gopher client sends the <selector> string (after decoding), a tab,
       +   and the search string to the Gopher server.
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 2]
       +RFC 4266                 The gopher URI Scheme             November 2005
       +2.3.  URL Syntax for Gopher+ Items
       +   Historical note: Gopher+ was uncommon even when Gopher was popular.
       +   URLs for Gopher+ items have a second encoded tab (%09) and a Gopher+
       +   string.  Note that in this case, the %09<search> string must be
       +   supplied, although the <search> element may be the empty string.
       +   The <gopher+_string> is used to represent information required for
       +   retrieval of the Gopher+ item.  Gopher+ items may have alternate
       +   views and arbitrary sets of attributes, and they may have electronic
       +   forms associated with them.
       +   To retrieve the data associated with a Gopher+ URL, a client will
       +   connect to the server and send the Gopher selector, followed by a tab
       +   and the search string (which may be empty), followed by a tab and the
       +   Gopher+ commands.
       +2.4.  Default Gopher+ Data Representation
       +   When a Gopher server returns a directory listing to a client, the
       +   Gopher+ items are tagged with either a "+" (denoting Gopher+ items)
       +   or a "?" (denoting Gopher+ items that have a +ASK form associated
       +   with them).  A Gopher URL with a Gopher+ string consisting of only a
       +   "+" refers to the default view (data representation) of the item, and
       +   a Gopher+ string containing only a "?" refers to an item with a
       +   Gopher electronic form associated with it.
       +2.5.  Gopher+ Items with Electronic Forms
       +   Gopher+ items that have a +ASK associated with them (i.e., Gopher+
       +   items tagged with a "?") require the client to fetch the item's +ASK
       +   attribute to get the form definition, and then ask the user to fill
       +   out the form and return the user's responses along with the selector
       +   string to retrieve the item.  Gopher+ clients know how to do this but
       +   depend on the "?" tag in the Gopher+ item description to know when to
       +   handle this case.  The "?" is used in the Gopher+ string to be
       +   consistent with Gopher+ protocol's use of this symbol.
       +2.6.  Gopher+ Item Attribute Collections
       +   To refer to the Gopher+ attributes of an item, the Gopher URL's
       +   Gopher+ string consists of "!" or "$". "!" refers to all of a Gopher+
       +   item's attributes. "$" refers to all the item attributes for all
       +   items in a Gopher directory.
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 3]
       +RFC 4266                 The gopher URI Scheme             November 2005
       +2.7.  Referring to Specific Gopher+ Attributes
       +   To refer to specific attributes, the URL's gopher+_string is
       +   "!<attribute_name>" or "$<attribute_name>".  For example, to refer to
       +   the attribute containing the abstract of an item, the gopher+_string
       +   would be "!+ABSTRACT".
       +   To refer to several attributes, the gopher+_string consists of the
       +   attribute names separated by coded spaces.  For example,
       +   "!+ABSTRACT% 20+SMELL" refers to the +ABSTRACT and +SMELL attributes
       +   of an item.
       +2.8.  URL Syntax for Gopher+ Alternate Views
       +   Gopher+ allows for optional alternate data representations (alternate
       +   views) of items.  To retrieve a Gopher+ alternate view, a Gopher+
       +   client sends the appropriate view and language identifier (found in
       +   the item's +VIEW attribute).  To refer to a specific Gopher+
       +   alternate view, the URL's Gopher+ string would be in the form:
       +      +<view_name>%20<language_name>
       +   For example, a Gopher+ string of "+application/postscript%20Es_ES"
       +   refers to the Spanish language postscript alternate view of a Gopher+
       +   item.
       +2.9.  URL Syntax for Gopher+ Electronic Forms
       +   The gopher+_string for a URL that refers to an item referenced by a
       +   Gopher+ electronic form (an ASK block) filled out with specific
       +   values is a coded version of what the client sends to the server.
       +   The gopher+_string is of the form:
       +      +%091%0D%0A+-1%0D%0A<ask_item1_value>%0D%0A
       +      <ask_item2_value>%0D%0A.%0D%0A
       +   To retrieve this item, the Gopher client sends the following text to
       +   the Gopher server.
       +      <a_gopher_selector><tab>+<tab>1<cr><lf>
       +      +-1<cr><lf>
       +      <ask_item1_value><cr><lf>
       +      <ask_item2_value><cr><lf>
       +      .<cr><lf>
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 4]
       +RFC 4266                 The gopher URI Scheme             November 2005
       +3.  Security Considerations
       +   There are many security considerations for URI schemes discussed in
       +   [RFC3986].  The Gopher protocol uses passwords in the clear for
       +   authentication, and offers no privacy, both of which are considered
       +   extremely unsafe in current practice.
       +4.  Informative References
       +   [Gopher+]  Anklesaria, F., et al., "Gopher+: Upward compatible
       +              enhancements to the Internet Gopher protocol", University
       +              of Minnesota, July 1993, <ftp://boombox.micro.umn.edu/pub/
       +              gopher/gopher_protocol/Gopher+/Gopher+.txt>
       +   [RFC1738]  Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform
       +              Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994.
       +   [RFC2396]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
       +              Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 2396,
       +              August 1998.
       +   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
       +              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
       +              RFC 3986, January 2005.
       +   [RFC1436]  Anklesaria, F., McCahill, M., Lindner, P., Johnson, D.,
       +              Torrey, D., and B. Albert, "The Internet Gopher Protocol
       +              (a distributed document search and retrieval protocol)",
       +              RFC 1436, March 1993.
       +Author's Address
       +   Paul Hoffman
       +   VPN Consortium
       +   127 Segre Place
       +   Santa Cruz, CA  95060
       +   US
       +   EMail: paul.hoffman@vpnc.org
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 5]
       +RFC 4266                 The gopher URI Scheme             November 2005
       +Full Copyright Statement
       +   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).
       +   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
       +   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
       +   retain all their rights.
       +   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
       +Intellectual Property
       +   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
       +   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
       +   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
       +   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
       +   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
       +   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
       +   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
       +   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
       +   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
       +   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
       +   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
       +   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
       +   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
       +   http://www.ietf.org/ipr.
       +   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
       +   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
       +   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
       +   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
       +   ipr@ietf.org.
       +   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
       +   Internet Society.
       +Hoffman                     Standards Track                     [Page 6]