Add files, to give hints in how to contribute. - gopher-tutorials - The gopher tutorials project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-tutorials/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 12d4f2a6057e3143bdbf2cd53ab3489ba8af93b3
   DIR parent 6a7a956f93c5884dbf7a9d297a3a5c093aeb227d
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Mon, 24 Dec 2018 12:20:54 +0100
       Add files, to give hints in how to contribute.
       * Add alpha stage comment to main index.
         A dynamic-publishing.txt              |       7 +++++++
         A gopher-history.txt                  |       7 +++++++
         A gopher-ml.txt                       |       7 +++++++
         M index.gph                           |       7 +++++++
         A irc.txt                             |       7 +++++++
         A lynx-w3m.txt                        |       7 +++++++
         A menu-types.txt                      |       7 +++++++
         A overbite.txt                        |       7 +++++++
         A protocol-introduction.txt           |       7 +++++++
         A protocol-search.txt                 |       7 +++++++
         A proxy.txt                           |       7 +++++++
         A publish-geomyidae.txt               |       7 +++++++
         M publish-gophernicus.txt             |      55 +++----------------------------
         A publish-pygopherd.txt               |       7 +++++++
         M publishing-guideline.txt            |      70 ++-----------------------------
         A sacc.txt                            |       7 +++++++
         A server.txt                          |       7 +++++++
       17 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/dynamic-publishing.txt b/dynamic-publishing.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/gopher-history.txt b/gopher-history.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/gopher-ml.txt b/gopher-ml.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph b/index.gph
       @@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ The following files will help to understand how to use Gopher.  The
        different documents target different kinds of users with different
        ttechnical skill levels.
       +Gopher Tutorials is in an alpha stage. You will see, which tutorials need
       +additional input. Please help us in making this complete! See below, how
       +to contribute.
        [0|Tutorial for absolute beginners.|/tutorials/beginners.txt|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/irc.txt b/irc.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/lynx-w3m.txt b/lynx-w3m.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/menu-types.txt b/menu-types.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/overbite.txt b/overbite.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/protocol-introduction.txt b/protocol-introduction.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/protocol-search.txt b/protocol-search.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/proxy.txt b/proxy.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/publish-geomyidae.txt b/publish-geomyidae.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/publish-gophernicus.txt b/publish-gophernicus.txt
       @@ -1,54 +1,7 @@
       -Gophernicus is quite fussy about permissions, to minimise the risk of
       -accidentally serving files not intended for public consumptions.  Only
       -world accessible content will be served, so chmod files o+r and
       -directories o+rw.  This is a common cause of confusion and frustration
       -for beginners.
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       -Gophernicus supports so-called "personal gopherspaces".  If a user
       -"bob" has a directory named "public_gopher" in their home directory,
       -then the file /home/bob/public_gopher/foo/bar/baz.ext will be
       -accessible via the selector ~bob/foo/bar/baz.ext (if permissions
       -allow).  The name of the "public_gopher" directory can be changed via
       -the -u option.  This is a convenient feature for those who want to
       -host multiple users, although it can of course be emulated with
       -symlinks for other server software.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       -Automatically generated directory listings list files in alphabetical
       -order.  This is less than ideal for phloggers who usually want the
       -most recent entry to appear at the top.  The conventional workaround
       -for this seems to be to prefix filenames with some kind of timestamp
       -that sorts nicely alphabetically.  YYYYMMDD timestamps obviously work
       -nicely, but a three-character alphanumeric code also sees some use,
       -see e.g. gopher://grex.org:70/0/~tfurrows/phlog_filename.txt.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
       -Automatically generated menus can be overridden by creating a file
       -named "gophermap" in any directory.  Menu items are specified with
       -lines of the type:
       -where X is the gopher item type. The host and port may be omitted,
       -in which case they will be set to the same host and port that the
       -server is running on (the server's idea of its own hostname can be
       -forced with the -h option).  The selector may also be omitted, in
       -which case it will be set equal to the name.  Lines not beginning
       -with a valid item type or with one of Gophernicus' own non-standard
       -control characters are treated as information lines (type i).
       -It is important to note that selectors which do not begin with a /
       -will be interpreted as *relative* links, e.g. a selector of "bar"
       -specified in "foo/gophermap" will point to "foo/bar".  Selectors
       -beginning with / are treated as absolute links.  Some other gopher
       -servers with seemingly compatible gophermap syntax (e.g. PyGopherd)
       -treat all selectors as absolute and this can cause headaches when
       -attempting to port gophermaps from one server to another.
       -Dynamically generated menus are possible by making the "gophermap"
       -file a world-executable script which produces output on stdout of
       -exactly the same format as a static gophermap.
       -As a lightweight alternative to gophermaps, a file named "gophertag"
       -may be placed in any directory containing a "user friendly" name for
       -that directory to be used in automatically generated listings (e.g.
       -you could placed a gophertag file containing the text
       -"Miscellaneous photographs" in the directory "misc_photos").
   DIR diff --git a/publish-pygopherd.txt b/publish-pygopherd.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/publishing-guideline.txt b/publishing-guideline.txt
       @@ -1,69 +1,7 @@
       -This document will give you a few hints about publishing through
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       -Line length
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       -The rendering of content is client specific. However most clients
       -will present the user with a text based interface, so you should be
       -conservative on the maximum line length in your menus. As clients
       -will add a couple of characters to mark item types, a line width of
       -69 characters is recommended.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
       -The menu
       -The main entry point and user interface between your readers and your
       -content is the gopher menu item (item '1' as you may recall).  The
       -selectors in a menu will define the information hierarchy. Choose a
       -flat hierarchy if you can so readers will get to the content easily
       -and without traversing too many menus.
       -Use helpful item descriptions for your selectors, this will aid both
       -human and nonhuman readers: indexers will most likely index menu
       -items only.  Be as specific as possible. If it is a binary item type
       -hint at its intended format, so your readers will know what to
       -expect. Using a useful filename scheme for selectors is also helpful.
       -You may decorate your menus with informational items (item 'i').
       -Clients will display them as is without additional tags.  Around the
       -gopherspace a lot of ASCII art is used to create a pleasant
       -appearance of a gopher site. Some services also include explanations
       -for the specific menu, and use 'i' items for grouping selectors.
       -There are clients that do not offer a 'back' button. Be kind to those
       -users and provide navigational selectors in your menus.  Make the
       -journey through your gopher space easy!
       -On your travels through gopher sites, you will encounter gopher sites
       -that use menu and informational items to mimick a page with embedded
       -links.  There is an ongoing dispute whether this is good style. We do
       -not recommend this style as it delutes the meaning of the menu item.
       -For starters you should stick to single file items to store your
       -content. Once you gain more experience with publishing content in
       -gopher you can always change your mind later!
       -Selector hierarchy
       -By design a gopher site should present a hierarchy of content
       -selectors to the user.  These mimick a file system by intention.
       -However this does not need to mtch the real hierarchy of your storage
       -filesystem.  An example:
       -Alicia has a gopher blog (aka 'phlog'). She writes daily posts.  To
       -make it easy on her users she has a menu item on the phlog/ selector
       -that presents the latest 5 posts and a selector to an archive menu
       -linking to all her posts.  On disk however both the menus and the
       -articles reside in the same directory. A script creates the
       -selectors in the menu files and rotates them. The post files however
       -remain untouched and their selectors will not change over time.  This
       -means that external links to her post will still be valid later.
       -Site generators
       -The easiest creation of content is done manually. If you would like
       -to automate some task then there are site generators. Most of these
       -consists of a collection of shell scripts you can adapt to your
       -needs. Search veronica for cl-yag or burrow for starters.
   DIR diff --git a/sacc.txt b/sacc.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!
   DIR diff --git a/server.txt b/server.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
       +This is a to be done tutorial.
       +If you want to help us, making this reality, follow the instructions below.
       +Please check out git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials and go on #bitreich-en on
       +freenode, to send us the patch. All patches are welcome!