Outline the structure of the gopher tutorials. - gopher-tutorials - The gopher tutorials project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-tutorials/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-tutorials/
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit a786b0739ca13e560c23dc302f17d04602ffcb3d
   DIR parent f6079475fa321076c9bc2486acabc12d80876e9f
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Mon, 29 Jan 2018 18:24:44 +0100
       Outline the structure of the gopher tutorials.
         M index.gph                           |      72 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
       1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph b/index.gph
       @@ -1,19 +1,71 @@
       +     Welcome to the Gopher Tutorials!
        The following files will help to understand how to use Gopher.  The
       -differents documents target differents kind of user with differents
       -technical skill level.
       +differents documents target differents kind of user with different
       +ttechnical skill levels.
       +[0|Tutorial for absolute beginners.|/tutorial/beginners.txt|server|port]
       +[0|How to use sacc.|/tutorial/sacc.txt|server|port]
       +[0|How to use a gopherproxy.|/tutorial/proxy.txt|server|port]
       +[0|How to use gopher in firefox or chromium.|/tutorial/overbite.txt|server|port]
       +[0|How to use lynx or w3m for gopher.|/tutorials/lynx-w3m.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Commandline clients for gopher (curl, snarf ...)|/tutorials/cmdline.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Other clients available.|/tutorial/clients.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Join the community on IRC.|/tutorial/irc.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Join the mailinglist.|/tutorial/gopher-ml.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Brief introduction to the history of gopher.|/tutorials/gopher-history.txt|server|port]
       +Further links:
       +TODO: quux.org
       +TODO: floodgap.com
       +TODO: umn
       +[0|How does Gopher protocol work?|/tutorials/protocol-introduction.txt|server|port]
       +[0|The specifics of menu type 7 (search).|/tutorials/protocol-search.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Additional menu types defined over time.|/tutorials/menu-types.txt|server|port]
       +[0|The Gopher RFC1436|/tutorials/rfc1436.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Setting up your own gopher server.|/tutorials/server.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Tips for publishing.|/tutorials/publishing-guideline.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Hints for writing dynamic applications.|/tutorials/dynamic-publishing.txt|server|port]
       +Every server has some quirks or advantages you see in different files
       +[0|Publishing on geomyidae|/tutorials/publish-geomyidae.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Publishing on gophernicus|/tutorials/publish-gophernicus.txt|server|port]
       +[0|Publishing on pygophered|/tutorials/publish-pygopherd.txt|server|port]
       -[0|How does Gopher protocol works ?|/tutorials/protocol-introduction.txt|bitreich.org|70]
       +You can check out the source of the gopher tutorials at:
       +[1|Gopher Tutorials stagit|/scm/gopher-tutorials|server|port]
       +If you have some addition or comment on the files presented here at the gopher
       +ttutorials, come on IRC on #bitreich-en on freenode and tell us about your
       +change or send us directly the patch. A patch will speed up the integration of
       +your proposed changes. All input is welcome! Thanks!
       -[0|How to write content and publish it|/tutorials/publish.txt|bitreich.org|70]
       -Some servers implementation requires some change when publishing.
       +[1|<< Back to bitreich.org||server|port]
       -[0|Publishing on geomyidae|/tutorials/publish-geomyidae.txt|bitreich.org|70]
       -[0|Publishing on gophernicus|/tutorials/publish-gophernicus.txt|bitreich.org|70]