update manpage to reflect the new g-commands - gramscii - A simple editor for ASCII box-and-arrow charts
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  HTML Author: KatolaZ <katolaz@freaknet.org>
       Date:   Mon, 22 Jul 2019 15:11:18 +0100
       update manpage to reflect the new g-commands
         M gramscii.1                          |      59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
       1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gramscii.1 b/gramscii.1
       @@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ command, gramscii will ask the user if they want to save the current
        screen before creating a new one.
       -The following commands are available in any mode where cursor movements
       -are meaningful, currently only 
       +The following movement commands are available in any mode where cursor
       +movements are meaningful, currently only 
        .B move, box, arrow, erase, 
        .B visual
       @@ -97,9 +97,27 @@ move the cursor right by 1 column
        gramscii accepts also the uppercase commands 
        .B H, J, K, L, 
       -which will move in the corresponding direction by 5 units at a time.  In
       -addition to the relative movement command above, the following global
       -positioning commands are available:
       +which will move in the corresponding direction by 5 units at a time.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI g
       +Initiate a global positioning command (go). These are two-letter
       +commands starting with a
       +.BI g
       +and followed by a direction command or by a letter that indicates a
       +global position, namely:
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI h
       +move the cursor to the first column of the current row.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI l
       +move the cursos to the last column of the current row.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI j
       +move the cursor to the last row of the current column.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI k
       +move the cursos to the first row of the current column.
        .TP 5m
        .BI g
        move the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen
       @@ -110,7 +128,29 @@ move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the screen
        .BI m
        move the cursor to the middle of the screen.
       -Movements command work in the same way in different modes.
       +For instance, if you want to move the cursor to the first row of the
       +current column, you would use the two-letter command 
       +.B gk 
       +(which can be read as "go-up"). Similarly, the command
       +.B gh
       +(to be read "go-left"), will move the cursor to the first column of the
       +current line. Notice that the command 
       +.B gg
       +is effectively equivalent to the sequence
       +.B ghgk
       +.B gkgh 
       +) while the command 
       +.B gG
       +is equivalent to 
       +.B glgj
       +.B gjgl
       +Typing any other character after the first 
       +.BI g
       +aborts the global positioning command.
        .SS MODES
        The currently supported modes are:
       @@ -297,6 +337,13 @@ as "SP". Default is '+'.
        .B STATUS BAR
        as "EP". Default is '>'.
       +If a style command is issued in 
       +.B box
       +.B arrow
       +mode, the new style will be applied to the box/arrow that is currently being
       +drawn, and will remain active until the next style command is used.
        .SH STATUS BAR
        gramscii shows a status bar on the last line of the screen. The bar