add manpage - gramscii - A simple editor for ASCII box-and-arrow charts
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   DIR commit 591777d6f9f064b5a3800ba656837b200c41b524
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  HTML Author: KatolaZ <katolaz@freaknet.org>
       Date:   Sat, 20 Jul 2019 18:30:23 +0100
       add manpage
         A gramscii.1                          |     375 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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       +.TH GRAMSCII 1 "19/07/2019" "" ""
       +.SH NAME
       +gramscii \- simple editor for ascii box diagrams
       +.SH SYNOPSIS
       +gramscii is a simple interactive editor to create ASCII box-and-arrows
       +diagrams. It uses vi-like keybindings for drawing and editing boxes, 
       +arrows, and text.
       +.SH COMMANDS
       +gramscii is a visual modal editor. Commands are associated to
       +keystrokes, and keystrokes have different meaning in different modes.
       +The default mode is 
       +.B move
       +mode, which allows the user to move the cursor around the screen.
       +Exiting from any other mode automatically puts gramscii in 
       +.B move
       +mode. There are four classes of commands in gramscii, namely
       +.B GENERAL, 
       +.B MOVEMENTS, 
       +.B MODES,
       +.B STYLES.
       +Each of those classes of commands is described in a separate subsection
       +.SS GENERAL
       +General commands available in
       +.B move
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI R
       +Redraw the screen
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI q
       +Quit gramscii, and prompt for a filename if the current screen contains
       +unsaved changes.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI Q
       +Quit gramscii and discard any change to the current screen.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI w
       +Write the current screen to a file. If the current screen has already
       +been associated to a file, use the same filename. Otherwise, the user is
       +prompted for a filename to save the screen to.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI W
       +Write the current screen to a new file. This commands acts like
       +.B w
       +but always prompts for a file name to use. 
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI e
       +Load (edit) an existing file from disk. gramscii asks the user if they
       +want to save the current screen (only if the screen has been modifided
       +since the
       +.BI w
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI E
       +Load (edit) an existing file from disk, discarding any change to the
       +current screen.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI N
       +Start a new empty screen. If the current screen has been modified since
       +the last
       +.BI w
       +command, gramscii will ask the user if they want to save the current
       +screen before creating a new one.
       +The following commands are available in any mode where cursor movements
       +are meaningful, currently only 
       +.B move, box, arrow, erase, 
       +.B visual
       +.B MODES
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI h
       +move the cursor to the left by 1 column
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI j
       +move the cursor down by 1 row
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI k
       +move the cursos up by 1 row
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI l
       +move the cursos right by 1 column
       +gramscii accepts also the uppercase commands 
       +.B H, J, K, L, 
       +which will move in the corresponding direction by 5 units at a time.  In
       +addition to the relative movement command above, the following global
       +positioning commands are available:
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI g
       +move the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI G
       +move the cursos to the bottom-right corner of the screen
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI m
       +move the cursos to the middle of the screen.
       +Movements command work in the same way in different modes.
       +.SS MODES
       +The currently supported modes are:
       +.B move,
       +.B box,
       +.B arrow, 
       +.B visual.
       +The current mode is shown in the
       +status bar (see
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +below for more details). gramscii starts in 
       +.B move
       +mode (mov). The following commands are used to change mode:
       +.TP 7m
       +.BI [ESC]
       +Return to
       +.B move
       +.TP 7m 
       +.BI b 
       +.B box 
       +mode. All movements in
       +.B box
       +mode identify a rectangular box (see
       +above). When you are happy with the shape of your box, just press 
       +.B b
       +again to have your box drawn and come back to
       +.B move
       +mode. The horizontal and vertical borders of the box are drawn using
       +the current
       +.B HL
       +style and the current
       +.B VL
       +style, respectively. The corners are drawn using the current
       +.B CN
       +style, See
       +.B STYLES
       +below for more information. If you press
       +.B [ESC]
       +while in box mode, gramscii will come back to 
       +.B move
       +mode discarding the current box.
       +.TP 7m
       +.BI a
       +.B arrow
       +mode. All movements in 
       +.B arrow
       +mode change the position of the end-point of the current arrow. Press
       +.BI a
       +again to draw the current arrow and come back to
       +.B move
       +mode. If you press 
       +.B [ESC]
       +while in box mode, gramscii will come back to
       +.B move
       +mode discarding the current arrow. The horizontal and vertical segments
       +of the arrow are drawn using the current 
       +.B HL
       +.B VL
       +line styles. Corners are drawn using the current
       +.B CN
       +style. Similarly, the start and the end point of the arrow are drawn
       +using the current
       +.B SP
       +.B EP
       +styles. See
       +.B STYLES
       +below for more information.
       +.TP 7m
       +.BI x
       +.B erase
       +mode. In erase mode, any character traversed by the cursor is erased,
       +i.e., reset to the default background character (space). If you press
       +.BI [ESC]
       +while in 
       +.BI erase
       +mode, the current erase operation is aborted. Press 
       +.B x
       +again to make the erase permanent.
       +.TP 7m
       +.BI i
       +.B text
       +mode. While in text mode, each character typed is printed on the screen
       +at the corresponding location, and the cursor is advanced by a single
       +position to the right. Movement modes are not allowed whilt in 
       +.B text
       +mode. By pressing
       +.B [ENTER]
       +the cursor is placed on the following row (if possible), at the same
       +column where the cursor was when the command
       +.BI i
       +was typed. Press 
       +.B [ESC]
       +to exit 
       +.B text
       +mode and get back to 
       +.B move
       +.TP 7m
       +.BI v
       +.B visual
       +mode. Visual mode allows to highlight a rectangular region of the
       +screen, and to perform an operation into it. After entering
       +.B visual
       +mode, you can use
       +.B MOVEMENTS
       +commands to highlight a rectangle. Then, you can use one of the
       +following command on the highlighted region:
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI x
       +Erase region. All the characters in the region are set to the default
       +background character (space).
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI f
       +Fill region. gramscii will wait for a character on input and then will
       +fill the highlighted region with that character.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI v
       +.B visual
       +mode and get back to
       +.B move
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI [ESC]
       +same as 
       +.BI v,
       +i.e., leave 
       +.B visual
       +mode and get back to 
       +.B move
       +.SS STYLES
       +The following commands can be used to  customise the style of lines,
       +corners, and arrow start and end points:
       +.TP 5m
       +.B .
       +(dot) Reset all styles to their default values.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI -
       +(dash) Change the style used for horizontal lines. Indicated in the 
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +as "HL". Default is '-'.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI |
       +(pipe) Chamge the style used for vertical lines. Indicated in the
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +as "VL". Default is '|'.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI +
       +(plus) Change the style used for corners (i.e., intersections between
       +horizontal and vertical lines). Indicated in the
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +as "CN". Default is '+'.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI <
       +(less-than) Change the style used for arrow start points. Indicated in
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +as "SP". Default is '+'.
       +.TP 5m
       +.BI >
       +(greater-than) Change the style used for arrow end points. Indicated in
       +.B STATUS BAR
       +as "EP". Default is '>'.
       +.SH STATUS BAR
       +gramscii shows a status bar on the last line of the screen. The bar
       +shows information about the current screen, and in particular: 
       +.TP 10m
       +Current column position of the cursor (the leftmost column is 0).
       +.TP 10m
       +Current row position of the cursor (top is 0).
       +.TP 10m
       +MODE: xxx
       +Current mode. It is one of 
       +.B mov
       +.B box
       +.B arr
       +.B txt
       +.B del
       +(erase), or 
       +.B vis
       +.TP 10m
       +Style used for horizontal lines.
       +.TP 10m
       +Style used for vertical lines.
       +.TP 10m
       +Style used for corners.
       +.TP 10m
       +Style used for arrow starting points.
       +.TP 10m
       +Style used for arrow end points.
       +The rightmost side of the status bar also reports the name of the file
       +associated to the current screen:
       +.TP 12m
       +No file is associated to the current screen, and no changes have been
       +made. The command
       +.B w
       +would prompt the user for the name of the file to save the screen to.
       +.TP 12m
       +The screen has been changed, but there is no file associated to it. The
       +.B w
       +would prompt the user for the name of the file to save the screen to.
       +.TP 12m
       +The screen corresponds to the file "filename" and it has not been
       +modified since the last write on disk. The command
       +.B w
       +would automatically save the screen into "filename".
       +.TP 12m
       +The screen is associated to the file "filename", but the current buffer
       +includes some changes that have not been saved to the disk. The command 
       +.B w
       +would automatically save the screen into "filename".
       +.SH BUGS
       +gramscii currently manages only a fixed screen of 25 rows by 100
       +columns. This will be changed in a future release to support scrolling
       +and "virtual" screen of any (reasonable) size.
       +gramscii currently does
       +.B not
       +provide an "undo" command. This requires a restructuring of buffer
       +management, and will most probably be implemented in a future release.
       +.SH AUTHORS
       +gramscii is written and maintained by Vincenzo "KatolaZ" Nicosia
       +<katolaz@freaknet.org>. You can use, copy, modify, and redistribute
       +gramscii under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3 of
       +the License or, at your option, any later version.