README - libgcgi - REST library for Gopher
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            1 LIBGCGI(3)                 Library Functions Manual                 LIBGCGI(3)
            3 NAME
            4      gcgi_handle_request, gcgi_fatal, gcgi_template, gcgi_set_var,
            5      gcgi_get_var, gcgi_free_var_list, gcgi_read_var_list,
            6      gcgi_write_var_list, gcgi_gopher_search, gcgi_gopher_path,
            7      gcgi_gopher_query, gcgi_gopher_host, gcgi_gopher_port, – REST library for
            8      Gopher
           10 SYNOPSIS
           11      #include <libgcgi.h>
           13      void
           14      gcgi_handle_request(struct gcgi_handler h[], char **argv, int argc);
           16      void
           17      gcgi_fatal(char *fmt, ...);
           19      void
           20      gcgi_template(char const *path, struct gcgi_var_list *vars);
           22      void
           23      gcgi_set_var(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *key, char *val);
           25      char *
           26      gcgi_get_var(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *key);
           28      void
           29      gcgi_free_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars);
           31      void
           32      gcgi_read_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *path);
           34      int
           35      gcgi_write_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *path);
           37      char *gcgi_gopher_search
           38      char *gcgi_gopher_path
           39      char *gcgi_gopher_host
           40      char *gcgi_gopher_port
           41      struct gcgi_var_list gcgi_gopher_query
           43 DESCRIPTION
           44      This library is a C wrapper around the geomyidae(8) new CGI interface,
           45      which permits REST applications to be written for Gopher.  In this mode,
           46      geomyidae(8) directs all requests to a single binary in charge of
           47      handling all paths, rather than trying to serve a file.
           49    Request Handling
           50      The central element of the library is an array of structures, using
           51      appropriate handler depending on the query path.
           53      struct gcgi_handler {
           54              char const *glob;
           55              void (*fn)(char **matches);
           56      };
           58      The glob is a string against which the path (everything in the query
           59      before the “?”) will be matched against.
           61      The fn function pointer will be called, with an array of matches passed
           62      as argument.  There are as many matches populated as there are “*” in
           63      glob.
           65      void gcgi_handle_request(struct gcgi_handler h[], int argc, char **argv)
           66              Given an array of handlers h, call the first function pointer
           67              that matches.  argc and argv should be set to the program ones to
           68              extract the arguments given by geomyidae(8).  The h struct is an
           69              array of struct gcgi_handler:
           71    Content Generation
           72      According to geomyidae(8) behavior, the output format will be:
           73      •  a raw gophermap if the binary is “index.cgi”,
           74      •  a geomyidae(8) ‘gph’ format if the binary is “index.dcgi”.
           76      void gcgi_fatal(char *fmt, ...)
           77              Prints an error message formatted by fmt and exit(3) the program
           78              with status 1.
           80      void gcgi_template(char const *path, struct gcgi_var_list *vars)
           81              Format the template at path replacing every occurence of
           82              “{{key}}” by the matching value by searching in vars.
           84      void gcgi_print_gophermap(char type, char *desc, char *path, char *host,
           85              char *port)
           86              Print a gophermap entry line with type, desc, path, host, port to
           87              be set to the chosen value as described in RFC 1436.  Both host
           88              and port are NULL, default values will be used.
           91      void gcgi_print_gph(char type, char *desc, char *path, char *host, char
           92              *port)
           93              Print a gph entry line with type, desc, path, host, port to be
           94              set to the chosen value as described in geomyidae(8) manual page.
           95              If host or port are NULL, default values will be used.
           97    Variable List Handling
           98      A common data format is used for handling lists of variables:
           99      •  For parsing a simple text-based database format and writing it back.
          100      •  For storing the parsed query string in gcgi_gopher_query.
          101      •  For passing variables to expand in the templates.
          103      void gcgi_set_var(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *key, char *val)
          104              Overwrite with val the value of a variable matching key of vars.
          105              The key and val buffers are not duplicated, and must remain valid
          106              at all time they need to be accessible, such as through
          107              gcgi_get_var().
          109      char * gcgi_get_var(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *key)
          110              Get the value of the variable of vars matching key or NULL if
          111              none match.
          113      void gcgi_free_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars)
          114              Free memory used by a list of variable.  This only frees the
          115              memory allocated by this library.
          117      void gcgi_read_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *path)
          118              Store all variables from path onto variables in vars.  The file
          119              format is similar to RFC822 messages or HTTP headers:
          120              •  One line per variable, with a key=value format.
          121              •  The key is everything at the beginning of the line until the
          122                 occurence of “:”.
          123              •  The value is everything after “: ”.
          124              •  After the list of variables, an empty line declares the body
          125                 of the message, which continues until the end and is stored in
          126                 a “text” key.
          128      int gcgi_write_var_list(struct gcgi_var_list *vars, char *path)
          129              Encode the variable list vars into a new file at path.  A
          130              temporary file will be created in the meantime, and the
          131              replacement will be atomic so that no partial write can occur.
          132              The “text” special key will be turned into the body of the
          133              message after an empty line instead of a variable on its own
          134              line.
          136    Global Variables
          137      These variables are filled with the components of the query.  They will
          138      only be valid after handle_request() is called.
          140      char *gcgi_gopher_search
          141              From argv[1], this is the search string, passed after a tab in
          142              the gopher protocol for item type “7”.
          144      char *gcgi_gopher_path
          145              From argv[2], this is the query path.  It is the full query
          146              without the search string and with the query string removed.
          148      struct gcgi_var_list gcgi_gopher_query
          149              From argv[2], this is the query string stored as a key-value
          150              gcgi_var_list.  It is extracted from the part of the query after
          151              the “”?, usually formated as
          152              “?key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3”
          154      char *gcgi_gopher_host
          155              From argv[3], this is the current host name configured in
          156              geomyidae(8).  It is what to use as a ‘host’ in links printed
          157              out.
          159      char *gcgi_gopher_port
          160              From argv[4], this is the current port number configured in
          161              geomyidae(8).  It is what to use as a ‘port’ in links printed
          162              out.
          164 EXAMPLES
          165      #include "libgcgi.h"
          167      /* implementation of each handler here */
          169      static struct gcgi_handler handlers[] = {
          170              { "/",          page_home },
          171              { "/song",      page_song_list },
          172              { "/song/*",    page_song_item },
          173              { "*",          page_not_found },
          174              { NULL,         NULL },
          175      };
          177      int
          178      main(int argc, char **argv)
          179      {
          180              /* privilege dropping, chroot and/or syscall restriction here */
          182              gcgi_handle_request(handlers, argv, argc);
          183              return 0;
          184      }
          187      libgcgi does not use environment variable, but the application code can
          188      make use of them.  The environment variables applied to geomyidae(8) will
          189      be inherited and accessible.
          191 BUGS
          192      To debug libgcgi, it is possible to call it on a command line, which will
          193      show all logging and error messages displayed on stderr:
          195      $ ./index.cgi "" "/song/never-bored-of-adventure?lyrics=1&comments=1" "" ""
          197 CAVEATS
          198      The Gopher protocol is not designed for file upload.  A dedicated file
          199      upload protocol such as SFTP or FTP may be used instead.
          201      The Gopher protocol is not designed for dynamic scripting.  A dedicated
          202      remote interface protocol such as SSH or telnet may be used instead.
          204 SEE ALSO
          205      geomyidae(8)
          207 AUTHORS
          208      Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
          209      gopher://bitreich.org: The Bitreich Project
          211 LIBGCGI(3)                 Library Functions Manual                 LIBGCGI(3)