revisit command last - notes - a console notes manager using git
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 71f0cbd9e967d15c0881e69447d0ceded20a0142
   DIR parent a9b16c50298a1b736f8b17e440ef432c9099514e
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Tue,  7 May 2019 12:32:50 +0200
       revisit command last
         M notes                               |      41 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
       1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/notes b/notes
       @@ -113,23 +113,34 @@ delete() {
        # display the list of edited files ordered by time
        last() {
                cd "$REPO"
       -        git log --pretty="%cr" --name-only | \
       -                awk -v limit="$1" '{
       -                        date=$0 ;
       -                        getline; getline;
       -                        file=$0 ;
       -                        seen[file]++;
       -                        if(seen[file]==1) {
       -                                if(limit != "") {
       -                                        output++;
       -                                        if(output <= limit) {
       -                                                printf("%20s:   %s\n", date, file)
       -                                        }
       -                                } else {
       -                                        printf("%20s:   %s\n", date, file)
       +        git log --name-only | \
       +        awk '
       +                /^commit / {
       +                        date="no"
       +                        next
       +                }
       +                /^Date/ {
       +                        date=substr($0,index($0,$2))
       +                        getline
       +                        for(s="x";s!="";) {
       +                                getline
       +                                s=$0
       +                        }
       +                        next
       +                }
       +                {
       +                        if(date!="no" &&
       +                           substr($0,0,1)!=" " &&
       +                           length($0)>1)
       +                        {
       +                                seen[$0]++
       +                                if(seen[$0]==1) {
       +                                        print date"\t"$0
       -                }'
       +                }'  | head -n $1
                exit 0