notes - notes - a console notes manager using git
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
       notes (3372B)
            1 #!/bin/sh
            3 : ${REPO:=~/notes}
            5 # search for a suitable editor
            6 [ -z "$EDITOR" ] && \
            7 for e in nvim vim emacs vi ed; do
            8         if command -v $e >/dev/null 2>&1; then
            9                 EDITOR=$e
           10                 break
           11         fi
           12 done
           14 if [ -z "$EDITOR" ]; then
           15         printf 'Could not elect an editor. ED is the standard text editor!\n'
           16         EDITOR=ed
           17         exit 1
           18 fi
           20 usage() {
           21         name=$(basename $0)
           22         printf '%s\n' \
           23             "$name [ls] | init | last | [history|cat|rm] PATH" \
           24             "$name [ls]" \
           25             ': show hierarchy tree' \
           26             "$name init" \
           27             ': initialize the git repository' \
           28             "$name last [limit]" \
           29             ': show files ordered by edition time' \
           30             "$name history PATH" \
           31             ': uses tig to display file history' \
           32             "$name cat PATH" \
           33             ': output content of the file' \
           34             "$name rm PATH" \
           35             ': delete file' \
           36             "$name [edit] PATH" \
           37             ": start \$EDITOR ($EDITOR) on file and auto commit"
           38         exit 0
           39 }
           41 # display a file tree of notes taken
           42 display() {
           43         if type colortree >/dev/null 2>&1
           44         then
           45                 colortree -C --prune --noreport "$REPO"
           46                 exit 0
           47         else
           48                 cd "$REPO"
           49                 find . -name '.git' -prune -o -type f -print
           50                 exit 0
           51         fi
           52 }
           54 # edit a file given as parameter
           55 edit() {
           56         cd "$REPO"
           57         if [ ! -d "$1" ]
           58         then
           59                 mkdir -p "$(dirname "$1")"
           60                 "$EDITOR" "$1"
           61                 if [ -f "$1" ]
           62                 then
           63                         git add "$1"
           64                         git commit -m "editing by $USER" "$1"
           65                 fi
           66                 exit 0
           67         else
           68                 printf 'Aborting: "%s" is a directory.\n' "$1"
           69                 exit 1
           70         fi
           71 }
           73 # show file history using tig program
           74 histo() {
           75         cd "$REPO"
           76         if [ -f "$1" ]
           77         then
           78                 if type tig >/dev/null 2>&1
           79                 then
           80                         tig "$1"
           81                         exit 0
           82                 else
           83                         printf 'Aborting: tig software is needed for history\n'
           84                         exit 6
           85                 fi
           86         else
           87                 printf 'Aborting: "%s" file does not exist.\n' "$1"
           88                 exit 5
           89         fi
           90 }
           92 # output the content of a file
           93 show_file() {
           94         cd "$REPO"
           95         cat "$1"
           96         exit 0
           97 }
           99 # delete a file and commit in git
          100 delete() {
          101         cd "$REPO"
          102         if [ -f "$1" ];
          103         then
          104                 git rm "$1"
          105                 git commit -m "deleted by $USER" "$1"
          106                 exit 0
          107         else
          108                 printf 'Aborting: "%s" is a directory.\n' "$1"
          109                 exit 1
          110         fi
          111 }
          113 # display the list of edited files ordered by time
          114 last() {
          116         cd "$REPO"
          118     if [ -n "$1" ]; then
          119         limit="$1"
          120     else
          121         limit=10
          122     fi
          124         git log --date=relative --name-only | \
          125         awk '
          126                 /^commit / {
          127                         date="no"
          128                         next
          129                 }
          131                 /^Date/ {
          132                         date=substr($0,index($0,$2))
          133                         getline
          134                         for(s="x";s!="";) {
          135                                 getline
          136                                 s=$0
          137                         }
          138                         next
          139                 }
          141                 {
          142                         if(date!="no" &&
          143                            substr($0,0,1)!=" " &&
          144                            length($0)>1)
          145                         {
          146                                 seen[$0]++
          147                                 if(seen[$0]==1) {
          148                                         print date" "$0
          149                                 }
          150                         }
          151                 }'  | head -n "$limit"
          152         exit 0
          153 }
          155 # raw list of files for completion
          156 _completion_list() {
          157         if [ -d "$REPO" ]
          158         then
          159                 cd "$REPO"
          160                 find ./${1} -name '.git' -prune -o -type f -print | sed 's,^\./,,'
          161                 exit 0
          162         else
          163                 printf 'Aborting: "%s" does not exist.\n' "$REPO"
          164                 exit 4
          165         fi
          166 }
          168 # create a git repository
          169 initialization() {
          170         cd "$REPO"
          171         if [ -d .git ]
          172         then
          173                 echo "Git already initialized"
          174                 exit 3
          175         else
          176                 git init
          177                 exit 0
          178         fi
          179 }
          181 if ! mkdir -p "$REPO"
          182 then
          183         printf 'Aborting: cannot create "%s".\n' "$REPO"
          184         exit 2
          185 fi
          187 case "$1" in
          188         '')   display ;;
          189         help) usage;;
          190         ls)   display ;;
          191         init) initialization ;;
          192         last) last "$2" ;;
          193         e*)  [ -n "$2" ] && edit   "$2" ;;
          194         hi*) [ -n "$2" ] && histo  "$2" ;;
          195         r*)  [ -n "$2" ] && delete "$2" ;;
          196         c*)  [ -n "$2" ] && show_file "$2" ;;
          197         _files) _completion_list "$2" ;;
          198 esac
          200 # if parameter doesn't match a command, it may be a file
          201 edit "$1"