simpler log functions - ploot - simple plotting tools
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/ploot git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/ploot
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 1d056caf74acaf182318297e2911fa8595fbd45c
   DIR parent f57e3eaca390e814349d3f6bcafde07b82041217
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Tue, 25 Feb 2020 23:36:06 +0100
       simpler log functions
         M ploot-braille.c                     |       6 +++---
         M ploot-farbfeld.c                    |       6 +++---
         M ploot-feed.c                        |      18 +++++++++---------
         M src/csv.c                           |      20 ++++++++++----------
         M src/log.c                           |      22 ++++++++++------------
         M src/log.h                           |       4 ++--
         M src/scale.c                         |       2 +-
       7 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/ploot-braille.c b/ploot-braille.c
       @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ plot(struct csv *vl, FILE *fp, size_t ncol, int row, int col)
                        assert(drw = drawille_new(row, col));
                        fprintf(fp, " %s\n", vl->label);
                        if (braille_histogram(vl, drw, tmin, tmax, vmin, vmax) == -1)
       -                        fatal(1, "allocating drawille canvas");
       +                        die(1, "allocating drawille canvas");
                        if (braille_render(drw, fp, vmin, vmax) == -1)
       -                        fatal(1, "rendering braille canvas");
       +                        die(1, "rendering braille canvas");
                if (braille_axis_x(fp, tmin, tmax, tstep, col) == -1)
       -                fatal(1, "printing x axis");;
       +                die(1, "printing x axis");;
   DIR diff --git a/ploot-farbfeld.c b/ploot-farbfeld.c
       @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ argv_to_color(struct ffcolor **cl, char **argv)
                for (; *argv != NULL; cl++, argv++)
                        if ((*cl = name_to_color(*argv)) == NULL)
       -                        fatal(1, "unknown color name: %s", *argv);
       +                        die(1, "unknown color name: %s", *argv);
        static void
       @@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                csv_labels(stdin, &vl, &ncol);
                if (ncol > (size_t)argc)
       -                fatal(1, "too many columns or not enough arguments");
       +                die(1, "too many columns or not enough arguments");
                else if (ncol < (size_t)argc)
       -                fatal(1, "too many arguments or not enough columns");
       +                die(1, "too many arguments or not enough columns");
                csv_values(stdin, vl, ncol);
                argv_to_color(cl, argv);
   DIR diff --git a/ploot-feed.c b/ploot-feed.c
       @@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ plot_row(long *out, char *line, double *max, int nrow, int ncol)
                tok = strsep(&line, ",");
                if (!tok)
       -                fatal(100, "*** missing epoch value");
       +                die(100, "*** missing epoch value");
                epoch = strtol(tok, NULL, 10);
                if (errno)
                        error("*** parsing epoch '%s'", tok);
                for (n = 0; (tok = strsep(&line, ",")) != NULL; n++) {
                        if (n >= ncol)
       -                        fatal(100, "too many values");
       +                        die(100, "too many values");
                        val = atof(tok);
                        plot_val(out + n * width, val, max[n], nrow);
                if (n < ncol)
       -                fatal(100, "not enough values");
       +                die(100, "not enough values");
                return epoch;
       @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ plot_line(long *out, double *max, int ncol)
                for (nrow = 0; nrow < 4; nrow++) {
                        if (getline(&line, &sz, stdin) == -1) {
                                if (ferror(stdin))
       -                                fatal(111, "reading row from stdin");
       +                                die(111, "reading row from stdin");
                        epoch = plot_row(out, line, max, nrow, ncol);
       @@ -179,21 +179,21 @@ read_labels(char **labv)
                line = NULL, sz = 0;
                if (getline(&line, &sz, stdin) == -1) {
                        if (ferror(stdin))
       -                        fatal(111, "reading labels from stdin");
       -                fatal(100, "missing label line", stderr);
       +                        die(111, "reading labels from stdin");
       +                die(100, "missing label line", stderr);
                cp = line;
                if (strcmp(strsep(&cp, ","), "epoch") != 0)
       -                fatal(100, "first label must be 'epoch'");
       +                die(100, "first label must be 'epoch'");
                for (ncol = 0; (tok = strsep(&cp, ",")) != NULL; ncol++, labv++)
                        *labv = tok;
                *labv = NULL;
                if (ncol < 1)
       -                fatal(100, "no label found");
       +                die(100, "no label found");
                return ncol;
       @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                width = (wflag - sizeof("XXxXXxXX _")) / ncol - sizeof("|");
                fmt_labels(labels, ncol, labv);
                if (ncol != nmax)
       -                fatal(100, "not as many labels and arguments");
       +                die(100, "not as many labels and arguments");
                plot(labels, max, ncol);
                return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/src/csv.c b/src/csv.c
       @@ -43,24 +43,24 @@ csv_addrow(struct csv *vl, size_t ncol, char *line)
                field = strsep(&line, ",");
                if (!field)
       -                fatal(1, "missing epoch at row %zu", vl->n);
       +                die(1, "missing epoch at row %zu", vl->n);
                l = strtol(field, NULL, 10);
                if (errno)
       -                fatal(100, "parsing number '%s'", field);
       +                die(100, "parsing number '%s'", field);
                csv_addtime(vl, l);
                tbuf = vl[0].t;
                for (; (field = strsep(&line, ",")); ncol--, vl->n++, vl++) {
                        if (ncol == 0)
       -                        fatal(1, "too many fields at line %zu", vl->n);
       +                        die(1, "too many fields at line %zu", vl->n);
                        d = strtod(field, NULL);
                        if (errno)
       -                        fatal(100, "parsing double '%s'", field);
       +                        die(100, "parsing double '%s'", field);
                        csv_addval(vl, d);
                        vl->t = tbuf;
                if (ncol > 0)
       -                fatal(1, "too few fields at line %zu", vl->n);
       +                die(1, "too few fields at line %zu", vl->n);
       @@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ csv_labels(FILE *fp, struct csv **vl, size_t *ncol)
                sz = 0, line = NULL;
                r = getline(&line, &sz, fp);
                if (ferror(fp))
       -                fatal(111, "error while reading from file");
       +                die(111, "error while reading from file");
                if (r == -1)
       -                fatal(100, "missing label line");
       +                die(100, "missing label line");
                cp = line;
                if (strcmp(strsep(&cp, ","), "epoch") != 0)
       -                fatal(1, "first label must be 'epoch'");
       +                die(1, "first label must be 'epoch'");
                *vl = NULL;
                *ncol = 0;
       @@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ csv_values(FILE *fp, struct csv *vl, size_t ncol)
                while (getline(&line, &sz, fp) > -1)
                        csv_addrow(vl, ncol, line);
                if (vl->n == 0)
       -                fatal(1, "no value could be read");
       +                die(1, "no value could be read");
                if (vl->n == 1)
       -                fatal(1, "only one value could be read");
       +                die(1, "only one value could be read");
   DIR diff --git a/src/log.c b/src/log.c
       @@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
       -#define LOG_DEFAULT 3
       +#define LOG_DEFAULT 2  /* info */
        int log_level = -1;
       -vlogf(int exitcode, int level, char const *flag, char const *fmt, va_list va)
       +vlogf(int level, char const *flag, char const *fmt, va_list va)
                char *env;
       @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ vlogf(int exitcode, int level, char const *flag, char const *fmt, va_list va)
                if (log_level < level)
       -                goto end;
       +                return;
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", flag);
                vfprintf(stderr, fmt, va);
       @@ -43,19 +43,17 @@ vlogf(int exitcode, int level, char const *flag, char const *fmt, va_list va)
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
       -        if (exitcode)
       -                exit(exitcode);
       -fatal(int exitcode, char const *fmt, ...)
       +die(int exitcode, char const *fmt, ...)
                va_list va;
                va_start(va, fmt);
       -        vlogf(exitcode, 0, "fatal", fmt, va);
       +        vlogf(0, "error", fmt, va);
       +        exit(exitcode);
       @@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ error(char const *fmt, ...)
                va_list va;
                va_start(va, fmt);
       -        vlogf(0, 1, "error", fmt, va);
       +        vlogf(0, "error", fmt, va);
       @@ -74,7 +72,7 @@ warn(char const *fmt, ...)
                va_list va;
                va_start(va, fmt);
       -        vlogf(0, 2, "warn", fmt, va);
       +        vlogf(1, "warn", fmt, va);
       @@ -84,7 +82,7 @@ info(char const *fmt, ...)
                va_list va;
                va_start(va, fmt);
       -        vlogf(0, 3, "info", fmt, va);
       +        vlogf(2, "info", fmt, va);
       @@ -94,6 +92,6 @@ debug(char const *fmt, ...)
                va_list va;
                va_start(va, fmt);
       -        vlogf(0, 4, "debug", fmt, va);
       +        vlogf(3, "debug", fmt, va);
   DIR diff --git a/src/log.h b/src/log.h
       @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
        int log_level;
       -void                vlogf                        (int, int, char const *, char const *, va_list);
       -void                fatal                        (int, char const *, ...);
       +void                vlogf                        (int, char const *, char const *, va_list);
       +void                die                        (int, char const *, ...);
        void                error                        (char const *, ...);
        void                warn                        (char const *, ...);
        void                info                        (char const *, ...);
   DIR diff --git a/src/scale.c b/src/scale.c
       @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ scale_minmax(struct csv *vl, int ncol,
                if (*tmin == *tmax)
       -                fatal(1, "invalid time scale: min=%lld max=%lld", *tmin, *tmax);
       +                die(1, "invalid time scale: min=%lld max=%lld", *tmin, *tmax);
        static time_t