prepare ffplot to read from stdin - ploot - simple plotting tools
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   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 522bbe841ea86e232baf35ba638fe490cc763325
   DIR parent df6b2deeefb42f4102a9bba819e7d06d15a3aebf
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Tue,  1 May 2018 20:00:10 +0200
       prepare ffplot to read from stdin
         M Makefile                            |       4 ++--
         M ffdraw.c                            |      19 ++++++++++++++++++-
         D ffdraw.h                            |      39 -------------------------------
         M ffplot.c                            |     241 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M font.h                              |       3 ++-
         M main.c                              |     293 ++++---------------------------
         A ploot.h                             |      44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       7 files changed, 342 insertions(+), 301 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
        CFLAGS        = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c89 -pedantic -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L
        LDFLAGS = -static
       -SRC = main.c ffdraw.c font_14x7.c
       +SRC = main.c ffplot.c ffdraw.c font_14x7.c
        OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o)
        LIB = -lm
       @@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ clean:x
       -$(SRC): arg.h ffdraw.h font.h font_14x7.h
       +$(SRC): arg.h ploot.h font.h font_14x7.h
   DIR diff --git a/ffdraw.c b/ffdraw.c
       @@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
         * - (0,1) is above it.                                      +--x
       +#include <arpa/inet.h>
        #include <stdint.h>
        #include <string.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       -#include "ffdraw.h"
       +#include "ploot.h"
         * Convert (x,y) coordinates to (row,col) for printing into the buffer.
       @@ -144,3 +147,17 @@ ffdraw_fill(Canvas *can, Color *col)
                can->x = x;
                can->y = y;
       +ffdraw_print(Canvas *can)
       +        uint32_t w, h;
       +        w = htonl(can->w);
       +        h = htonl(can->h);
       +        fputs("farbfeld", stdout);
       +        fwrite(&w, sizeof(w), 1, stdout);
       +        fwrite(&h, sizeof(h), 1, stdout);
       +        fwrite(can->b, can->w * can->h, sizeof(*can->b), stdout);
   DIR diff --git a/ffdraw.h b/ffdraw.h
       @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
       -#include <time.h>
       -#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
       -#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
       -typedef uint16_t Color[4];
       -typedef struct {
       -        int w;                /* width */
       -        int h;                /* height */
       -        Color *b;        /* buffer */
       -        int x;                /* x offset */
       -        int y;                /* x offset */
       -} Canvas;
       -typedef struct {
       -        int w;                /* width */
       -        int h;                /* height */
       -        char *b[128];        /* buffer */
       -} Font;
       -typedef struct {
       -        Color col;        /* for drawing the curve and the legend */
       -/*        time_t *t;        / * array of timestamps */
       -        double *v;        /* array of values */
       -        int n;                /* number of values */
       -        time_t step;
       -        char *name;        /* for the legend */
       -} Vlist;
       -/* ffdraw.c */
       -void                 ffdraw_pixel        (Canvas *, Color *, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_rectangle(Canvas *, Color *, int, int, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_line        (Canvas *, Color *, int, int, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_char        (Canvas *, Color *, char, Font *, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_str_left(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_str_center(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_str_right(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       -void                 ffdraw_fill        (Canvas *, Color *);
   DIR diff --git a/ffplot.c b/ffplot.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
       + * Draw a plot
       + *
       + *               Title       (units)
       + *             y ^                    Legend
       + *         label |- + - + - + - + -
       + *          here |- + - + - + - + -
       + *               +--+---+---+---+-->
       + *                x label here        
       + */
       +#include <math.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <time.h>
       +#include "ploot.h" /* placed before for Font type declaration */
       +#include "font_14x7.h"
       +#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
       +#define MARGIN 4
       +#define FONT_H 14
       +#define FONT_W 7
       +#define TITLE_X (IMAGE_H - TITLE_H)
       +#define TITLE_Y (XLABEL_W)
       +#define TITLE_H (FONT_H * 2)
       +#define TITLE_W (PLOT_W)
       +#define XLABEL_X (PLOT_X)
       +#define XLABEL_Y (0)
       +#define XLABEL_H (PLOT_H)
       +#define XLABEL_W (FONT_W * 9 + MARGIN)
       +#define YLABEL_X (0)
       +#define YLABEL_Y (PLOT_Y)
       +#define YLABEL_H (FONT_H * 2)
       +#define YLABEL_W (PLOT_W)
       +#define PLOT_X (YLABEL_H)
       +#define PLOT_Y (XLABEL_W)
       +#define PLOT_W 700
       +#define PLOT_H 200
       +#define LEGEND_X (YLABEL_H)
       +#define LEGEND_Y (IMAGE_W - LEGEND_W)
       +#define LEGEND_W (FONT_W + 150 + FONT_W)
       +#define LEGEND_H (PLOT_H)
       +#define IMAGE_H (TITLE_H + PLOT_H + YLABEL_H)
       +#define IMAGE_W (XLABEL_W + PLOT_W + LEGEND_W)
       +Color buffer[IMAGE_W * IMAGE_H];
       +Color c_axis = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xfff };
       +Font *font = &font_14x7;
       +static int
       +t2y(time_t t, time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       +        return (t - tmin) * PLOT_W / (tmax - tmin);
       +static int
       +v2x(double v, double vmin, double vmax)
       +        return (v - vmin) * PLOT_H / (vmax - vmin);
       + * Set 'str' to a human-readable form of 'num' with always a width of 8 (+ 1
       + * the '\0' terminator).  Buffer overflow is ensured not to happen due to the
       + * max size of a double.  Return the exponent.
       + */
       +static int
       +humanize(char *str, double val)
       +        int exp, precision;
       +        char label[] = { '\0', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'E' };
       +        for (exp = 0; ABS(val) > 1000; exp++)
       +                val /= 1000;
       +        precision = (ABS(val) < 10) ? 2 : (ABS(val) < 100) ? 1 : 0;
       +        precision += (exp == 0);
       +        snprintf(str, 9, "%+.*f %c", precision, val, label[exp]);
       +        str[8] = '\0';
       +        if (val >= 0)
       +                str[0] = ' ';
       +        return exp * 3;
       +static void
       +xaxis(Canvas *can, Color *label, Color *grid,
       +        double vmin, double vmax, double vstep)
       +        double v;
       +        int x;
       +        char str[8 + 1];
       +        for (v = vmax - fmod(vmax, vstep); v >= vmin; v -= vstep) {
       +                x = v2x(v, vmin, vmax);
       +                ffdraw_line(can, grid,
       +                        x, XLABEL_W,
       +                        x, XLABEL_W + PLOT_W);
       +                humanize(str, v);
       +                ffdraw_str_right(can, label, str, font,
       +                        x, XLABEL_W - MARGIN);
       +        }
       +static void
       +yaxis(Canvas *can, Color *label, Color *grid,
       +        time_t tmin, time_t tmax, time_t tstep)
       +        time_t t;
       +        int y;
       +        char str[sizeof("YYYY/MM/DD")], *fmt;
       +        fmt = (tstep < 3600 * 24) ? " %H:%M:%S " : " %Y/%m/%d ";
       +        for (t = tmax - tmax % tstep; t >= tmin; t -= tstep) {
       +                y = t2y(t, tmin, tmax);
       +                ffdraw_line(can, grid,
       +                        YLABEL_H, y,
       +                        YLABEL_H + PLOT_H, y);
       +                strftime(str, sizeof(str), fmt, localtime(&t));
       +                ffdraw_str_center(can, label, str, font,
       +                        YLABEL_H / 2, y);
       +        }
       +static void
       +title(Canvas *can,
       +        Color *ct, char *title,
       +        Color *cu, char *unit)
       +        ffdraw_str_left(can, ct, title, font,
       +                TITLE_H / 2, 0);
       +        ffdraw_str_right(can, cu, unit, font,
       +                TITLE_H / 2, TITLE_W);
       +static void
       +graph(Canvas *can, Vlist *v,
       +        double vmin, double vmax,
       +        time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       +        time_t *tp;
       +        double *vp;
       +        int x, y, n, xlast, ylast, first;
       +        first = 1;
       +        for (tp = v->t, vp = v->v, n = v->n; n-- > 0; n--, vp++, tp++) {
       +                x = v2x(*vp, vmin, vmax);
       +                y = t2y(*tp, tmin, tmax);
       +                if (!first)
       +                        ffdraw_line(can, &v->col, xlast, ylast, x, y);
       +                xlast = x;
       +                ylast = y;
       +                first = 0;
       +        }
       +static void
       +plot(Canvas *can, Vlist *v, int n,
       +        double vmin, double vmax,
       +        time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       +        for (; n > 0; n--, v++)
       +                graph(can, v, vmin, vmax, tmin, tmax);
       +static void
       +legend(Canvas *can, Color *label_fg, Vlist *v, int n)
       +        int i, x, y;
       +        for (i = 0; i < n; i++, v++) {
       +                x = LEGEND_H - n * (FONT_H + MARGIN) - FONT_H / 2;
       +                y = MARGIN + FONT_W;
       +                ffdraw_str_left(can, &v->col, "\1", font, x, y);
       +                y += FONT_W * 2;
       +                ffdraw_str_left(can, label_fg, v->name, font, x, y);
       +        }
       +ffdraw(char *name, char *units, Vlist *v, int n,
       +        double vmin, double vmax, double vstep,
       +        time_t tmin, time_t tmax, time_t tstep)
       +        Canvas can = { IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, buffer, 0, 0 };
       +        Color plot_bg        = { 0x2222, 0x2222, 0x2222, 0xffff };
       +        Color grid_bg        = { 0x2929, 0x2929, 0x2929, 0xffff };
       +        Color grid_fg        = { 0x3737, 0x3737, 0x3737, 0xffff };
       +        Color label_fg        = { 0x8888, 0x8888, 0x8888, 0xffff };
       +        Color title_fg        = { 0xdddd, 0xdddd, 0xdddd, 0xffff };
       +        can.x = 0;
       +        can.y = 0;
       +        ffdraw_fill(&can, &plot_bg);
       +        can.x = PLOT_X;
       +        can.y = PLOT_Y;
       +        ffdraw_rectangle(&can, &grid_bg, 0, 0, PLOT_H, PLOT_W);
       +        can.x = YLABEL_X;
       +        can.y = YLABEL_Y;
       +        yaxis(&can, &label_fg, &grid_fg, tmin, tmax, tstep);
       +        can.x = XLABEL_X;
       +        can.y = XLABEL_Y;
       +        xaxis(&can, &label_fg, &grid_fg, vmin, vmax, vstep);
       +        can.x = TITLE_X;
       +        can.y = TITLE_Y;
       +        title(&can, &title_fg, name, &label_fg, units);
       +        can.x = PLOT_X;
       +        can.y = PLOT_Y;
       +        plot(&can, v, n, vmin, vmax, tmin, tmax);
       +        can.x = LEGEND_X;
       +        can.y = LEGEND_Y;
       +        legend(&can, &label_fg, v, n);
       +        ffdraw_print(&can);
   DIR diff --git a/font.h b/font.h
       @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
        #include <stddef.h>
        #include <stdint.h>
       -#include "ffdraw.h"
       +#include "ploot.h"
         * Macros to make the fonts header file more readable.
   DIR diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
       @@ -1,289 +1,66 @@
       -#include <arpa/inet.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
        #include <time.h>
       +#include <stdlib.h>
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <fcntl.h>
       -#include <math.h>
       -#include "ffdraw.h"
       -#include "font_14x7.h"
       +#include "arg.h"
       +#include "ploot.h"
       -#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
        #define LEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
       - * Sizes and positions:
       - *
       - *         Title on the first row    legend
       - *             y ^                    here
       - *         label |- + - + - + - + -   with
       - *          here |- + - + - + - + -   the
       - *               +--+---+---+---+-->  full
       - *                x label here        height
       - */
       -#define MARGIN 4
       -#define FONT_H 14
       -#define FONT_W 7
       -#define TITLE_X (IMAGE_H - TITLE_H)
       -#define TITLE_Y (XLABEL_W)
       -#define TITLE_H (FONT_H * 2)
       -#define TITLE_W (PLOT_W)
       -#define XLABEL_X (PLOT_X)
       -#define XLABEL_Y (0)
       -#define XLABEL_H (PLOT_H)
       -#define XLABEL_W (FONT_W * 9 + MARGIN)
       +char *argv0;
       +char *tflag = "";
       +char *uflag = "";
       -#define YLABEL_X (0)
       -#define YLABEL_Y (PLOT_Y)
       -#define YLABEL_H (FONT_H * 2)
       -#define YLABEL_W (PLOT_W)
       -#define PLOT_X (YLABEL_H)
       -#define PLOT_Y (XLABEL_W)
       -#define PLOT_W 700
       -#define PLOT_H 200
       -#define LEGEND_X (YLABEL_H)
       -#define LEGEND_Y (IMAGE_W - LEGEND_W)
       -#define LEGEND_W (FONT_W + 150 + FONT_W)
       -#define LEGEND_H (PLOT_H)
       -#define IMAGE_H (TITLE_H + PLOT_H + YLABEL_H)
       -#define IMAGE_W (XLABEL_W + PLOT_W + LEGEND_W)
       -Color buffer[IMAGE_W * IMAGE_H];
       -Color c_axis = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xfff };
       -Font *font = &font_14x7;
       -ffplot_t2y(time_t t, time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       +static void
       -        return (t - tmin) * PLOT_W / (tmax - tmin);
       -ffplot_v2x(double v, double vmin, double vmax)
       -        return (v - vmin) * PLOT_H / (vmax - vmin);
       - * Set 'str' to a human-readable form of 'num' with always a width of 8 (+ 1
       - * the '\0' terminator).  Buffer overflow is ensured not to happen due to the
       - * max size of a double.  Return the exponent.
       - */
       -humanize(char *str, double val)
       -        int exp, precision;
       -        char label[] = { '\0', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'E' };
       -        for (exp = 0; ABS(val) > 1000; exp++)
       -                val /= 1000;
       -        precision = (ABS(val) < 10) ? 2 : (ABS(val) < 100) ? 1 : 0;
       -        precision += (exp == 0);
       -        snprintf(str, 9, "%+.*f %c", precision, val, label[exp]);
       -        str[8] = '\0';
       -        if (val >= 0)
       -                str[0] = ' ';
       -        return exp * 3;
       +        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-t title] [-u unit] label:color...\n", argv0);
       +        exit(1);
       -ffplot_xaxis(Canvas *can, Color *label, Color *grid,
       -        double vmin, double vmax, double vstep)
       +read_labels(Vlist *v, int n)
       -        double v;
       -        int x;
       -        char str[8 + 1];
       -        for (v = vmax - fmod(vmax, vstep); v >= vmin; v -= vstep) {
       -                x = ffplot_v2x(v, vmin, vmax);
       -                ffdraw_line(can, grid,
       -                        x, XLABEL_W,
       -                        x, XLABEL_W + PLOT_W);
       -                humanize(str, v);
       -                ffdraw_str_right(can, label, str, font,
       -                        x, XLABEL_W - MARGIN);
       -        }
       +        (void)v;
       +        (void)n;
       -ffplot_yaxis(Canvas *can, Color *label, Color *grid,
       -        time_t tmin, time_t tmax, time_t tstep)
       +read_values(Vlist *v, int n)
       -        time_t t;
       -        int y;
       -        char str[sizeof("YYYY/MM/DD")], *fmt;
       -        fmt = (tstep < 3600 * 24) ? " %H:%M:%S " : " %Y/%m/%d ";
       -        for (t = tmax - tmax % tstep; t >= tmin; t -= tstep) {
       -                y = ffplot_t2y(t, tmin, tmax);
       -                ffdraw_line(can, grid,
       -                        YLABEL_H, y,
       -                        YLABEL_H + PLOT_H, y);
       -                strftime(str, sizeof(str), fmt, localtime(&t));
       -                ffdraw_str_center(can, label, str, font,
       -                        YLABEL_H / 2, y);
       -        }
       -ffplot_title(Canvas *can,
       -        Color *ct, char *title,
       -        Color *cu, char *unit)
       -        ffdraw_str_left(can, ct, title, font,
       -                TITLE_H / 2, 0);
       -        ffdraw_str_right(can, cu, unit, font,
       -                TITLE_H / 2, TITLE_W);
       -ffplot_graph(Canvas *can, Vlist *v,
       -        double vmin, double vmax,
       -        time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       -        time_t t;
       -        double *vp;
       -        int x, y, n, xlast, ylast, first;
       -        first = 1;
       -        t = tmin;
       -        for (vp = v->v, n = v->n; n-- > 0; n--, vp++) {
       -                x = ffplot_v2x(*vp, vmin, vmax);
       -                y = ffplot_t2y(t, tmin, tmax);
       -                if (!first)
       -                        ffdraw_line(can, &v->col, xlast, ylast, x, y);
       -                xlast = x;
       -                ylast = y;
       -                t += v->step;
       -                first = 0;
       -        }
       -ffplot_plot(Canvas *can, Vlist **v,
       -        double vmin, double vmax,
       -        time_t tmin, time_t tmax)
       -        for (; *v != NULL; v++)
       -                ffplot_graph(can, *v, vmin, vmax, tmin, tmax);
       -ffplot_legend(Canvas *can, Color *label_fg, Vlist **v)
       -        int n, x, y;
       -        for (n = 0; *v != NULL; v++, n++) {
       -                x = LEGEND_H - n * (FONT_H + MARGIN) - FONT_H / 2;
       -                y = MARGIN + FONT_W;
       -                ffdraw_str_left(can, &(*v)->col, "\1", font, x, y);
       -                y += FONT_W * 2;
       -                ffdraw_str_left(can, label_fg, (*v)->name, font, x, y);
       -        }
       -ffdraw(Canvas *can, char *title, char *units, Vlist **vlistv,
       -        double vmin, double vmax, double vstep,
       -        time_t tmin, time_t tmax, time_t tstep)
       -        Color plot_bg        = { 0x2222, 0x2222, 0x2222, 0xffff };
       -        Color grid_bg        = { 0x2929, 0x2929, 0x2929, 0xffff };
       -        Color grid_fg        = { 0x3737, 0x3737, 0x3737, 0xffff };
       -        Color label_fg        = { 0x8888, 0x8888, 0x8888, 0xffff };
       -        Color title_fg        = { 0xdddd, 0xdddd, 0xdddd, 0xffff };
       -        can->x = 0;
       -        can->y = 0;
       -        ffdraw_fill(can, &plot_bg);
       -        can->x = PLOT_X;
       -        can->y = PLOT_Y;
       -        ffdraw_rectangle(can, &grid_bg, 0, 0, PLOT_H, PLOT_W);
       -        can->x = YLABEL_X;
       -        can->y = YLABEL_Y;
       -        ffplot_yaxis(can, &label_fg, &grid_fg, tmin, tmax, tstep);
       -        can->x = XLABEL_X;
       -        can->y = XLABEL_Y;
       -        ffplot_xaxis(can, &label_fg, &grid_fg, vmin, vmax, vstep);
       -        can->x = TITLE_X;
       -        can->y = TITLE_Y;
       -        ffplot_title(can, &title_fg, title, &label_fg, units);
       -        can->x = PLOT_X;
       -        can->y = PLOT_Y;
       -        ffplot_plot(can, vlistv, vmin, vmax, tmin, tmax);
       -        can->x = LEGEND_X;
       -        can->y = LEGEND_Y;
       -        ffplot_legend(can, &label_fg, vlistv);
       +        (void)v;
       +        (void)n;
       +main(int argc, char **argv)
       -        Canvas can = { IMAGE_W, IMAGE_H, buffer, 0, 0 };
       -        double v1[] = { 0.1, 30, -3, 42, 559, 343, 10, 345, 0 };
       -        double v2[] = { 30, -3, 42, 559, 343, 10, 345, 0, 0.3 };
       -        double v3[] = { 0, 0.3, 30, -3, 42, 5, 43, 345, 0, 10,
       -                0.3, 30, -3, 42, 59, 33, 35, 0, 40, 0.3, 30,
       -                0.3, 30, -3, 42, 55, 3, 5, 0, 100, 0.3, 30,
       -                95, 43, 45, 0, 40, 0.3, 30, 0.3, 30, -3, 42,
       -                0.3, 30, -3, 42, 5, 43, 3, 0, 100, 0.3, 30,
       -                0.3, 30, -3, 42, 59, 43, 45, 0, 4, 0.3, 30,
       -                -3, 42, 559, 343, 45, 0, 10 };
       -        Vlist vl1 = { { 0x0000, 0xffff, 0xdddd, 0xffff }, NULL, LEN(v1), 500, "available ravens" };
       -        Vlist vl2 = { { 0xffff, 0x9999, 0x4444, 0xffff }, NULL, LEN(v2), 500, "used ravens" };
       -        Vlist vl3 = { { 0x1111, 0xffff, 0x5555, 0xffff }, NULL, LEN(v3), 57,  "free ravens" };
       -        Vlist *vlistv[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
       +        Vlist *v;
                double vmin, vmax, vstep;
                time_t tmin, tmax, tstep;
       -        uint32_t w, h;
       -        vlistv[0] = &vl1; vl1.v = v1;
       -        vlistv[1] = &vl2; vl2.v = v2;
       -        vlistv[2] = &vl3; vl3.v = v3;
       -        vlistv[3] = NULL;
       +        ARGBEGIN {
       +        case 't':
       +                tflag = EARGF(usage());
       +                break;
       +        case 'u':
       +                uflag = EARGF(usage());
       +                break;
       +        } ARGEND;
       +        if ((v = calloc(argc, sizeof(*v))) == NULL)
       +                perror("calloc value list"), exit(1);
                vmin = -30; vmax =  700; vstep = 120;
                tmin =   0; tmax = 2000; tstep = 300;
       -        ffdraw(&can, "Council of the ravens", "(feather per second)", vlistv,
       +        read_labels(v, argc);
       +        read_values(v, argc);
       +        ffdraw(tflag, uflag, v, argc,
                        vmin, vmax, vstep,
                        tmin, tmax, tstep);
       -        w = htonl(IMAGE_W);
       -        h = htonl(IMAGE_H);
       -        fputs("farbfeld", stdout);
       -        fwrite(&w, sizeof(w), 1, stdout);
       -        fwrite(&h, sizeof(h), 1, stdout);
       -        fwrite(can.b, IMAGE_W * IMAGE_H, sizeof(*can.b), stdout);
                return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/ploot.h b/ploot.h
       @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
       +#include <time.h>
       +#include <stdint.h>
       +#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
       +#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
       +typedef uint16_t Color[4];
       +typedef struct {
       +        int w;                /* width */
       +        int h;                /* height */
       +        Color *b;        /* buffer */
       +        int x;                /* x offset */
       +        int y;                /* x offset */
       +} Canvas;
       +typedef struct {
       +        int w;                /* width */
       +        int h;                /* height */
       +        char *b[128];        /* buffer */
       +} Font;
       +typedef struct {
       +        Color col;        /* for drawing the curve and the legend */
       +        time_t *t;        /* array of timestamps */
       +        double *v;        /* array of values */
       +        int n;                /* number of values */
       +        char *name;        /* for the legend */
       +} Vlist;
       +/* ffdraw.c */
       +void                 ffdraw_pixel        (Canvas *, Color *, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_rectangle(Canvas *, Color *, int, int, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_line        (Canvas *, Color *, int, int, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_char        (Canvas *, Color *, char, Font *, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_str_left(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_str_center(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_str_right(Canvas *, Color *, char *, Font *, int, int);
       +void                 ffdraw_fill        (Canvas *, Color *);
       +void                 ffdraw_print        (Canvas *);
       +/* ffplot.c */
       +void                 ffdraw                (char *, char *, Vlist *, int, double, double,
       +                                 double, time_t, time_t, time_t);