adjust vaxis - ploot - simple plotting tools
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/ploot git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/ploot
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
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   DIR commit ebc69990bb78af4e042f28bff9198d6f9445f657
   DIR parent 8112f382b3e9104289ade9cae2d777ab4d68ea1b
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Fri,  2 Feb 2018 22:55:31 +0100
       adjust vaxis
         M Makefile                            |       4 ++--
         A ploot                               |       0 
         A ploot.c                             |     150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         D plot                                |       0 
         D plot.c                              |      89 -------------------------------
       5 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
        CFLAGS        = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c89 -pedantic
       -all: plot.o config.h
       -        ${CC} -o plot plot.o
       +all: ploot.o config.h
       +        ${CC} -o ploot ploot.o
   DIR diff --git a/ploot b/ploot
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/ploot.c b/ploot.c
       @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
       +#include <stdio.h>
       +#include <string.h>
       +#include "config.h"
       +#define MARGIN        9
       +#define ABS(x)        ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
       +#define LEN(x)        (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
       + * Set `str' to a human-readable form of `num' with always a width of 7 (+ 1
       + * the '\0' terminator).  Buffer overflow is ensured not to happen due to the
       + * max size of a double.
       + */
       +humanize(char *str, double val)
       +        int        exp;
       +        char        *label = " kMGTE", fmt[] = "%+.?f%c";
       +        for (exp = 0; ABS(val) > 1000; exp++)
       +                val /= 1000;
       +        fmt[3] = (ABS(val) < 10) ? '3' : (ABS(val) < 100) ? '2' : '1';
       +        if (exp == 0) {
       +                fmt[5] = '\0';
       +                fmt[3]++;
       +        }
       +        snprintf(str, 8, fmt, val, label[exp]);
       +        if (val >= 0)
       +                str[0] = ' ';
       + * Returns the maximal double of values between `beg' and `end'.
       + */
       +maxdv(double *beg, double *end)
       +        double        *val, max;
       +        max = *beg;
       +        for (val = beg; val < end; val++) {
       +                if (*val > max)
       +                        max = *val;
       +        }
       +        return max;
       + * If not null, print the title `str' centered on width.
       + */
       +title(char *str, int width)
       +        if (str == NULL)
       +                return;
       +        printf("%*s\n\n", (int)(width - strlen(str)) / 2 + MARGIN, str);
       + * Print vertical axis with humanized number from time to time, with occurences
       + * determined after the position on the vertical axis from the bottom `pos'.
       + */
       +vaxis(double val, int pos)
       +        char        label[8];
       +        if (pos % 4 == 0) {
       +                humanize(label, val);
       +                printf("%s -", label);
       +        } else {
       +                printf("         ");
       +        }
       + * Print horizontal axis for up to `col' values.
       + */
       +haxis(int col)
       +        printf("%*d -+", MARGIN - 2, 0);
       +        while (col-- > 0)
       +                putchar('-');
       +        putchar('\n');
       + * Print two rows of a plot into a single line using ' ', '.' and ':'.
       + */
       +line(double *beg, double *end, double top, double bot)
       +        double        *val;
       +        putchar('|');
       +        for (val = beg; val != end; val++)
       +                putchar((*val < bot) ? ' ' : (*val < top) ? '.' : ':');
       +        putchar('\n');
       + * Plot values between `beg' and `end' in a plot of height `height'.
       + * If `str' is not NULL, it is set as a title above the graph.
       + */
       +plot(int height, double *beg, double *end, char *str)
       +        double        top, bot, max;
       +        int        h;
       +        title(str, end - beg);
       +        max = maxdv(beg, end);
       +        for (h = height + height % 2; h > 0; h -= 2) {
       +                top = h * max / height;
       +                bot = (h - 1) * max / height;
       +                vaxis(top, h);
       +                line(beg, end, top, bot);
       +        }
       +        haxis(end - beg);
       +        ;
       +        double        val[] = { 1000, 3030, 3000, 2456, 3005, 3000, 1031, 2000, 3345,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            5000, 3444, 1034, 1833, 2452, 2555, 432, 2456, 435, 1646, 435, 346,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            1833, 2452, 1456, 435, 435, 554, 5456, 1034, 2452, 432, 1435, 1646,
       +            1000, 1833, 2452, 432, 1456, 435, 1646, 435, 1345, 554, 5245, 3456,
       +            1456, 3498, 834, 834, 804, 234, 544, 3456, 2984, 983, 2583, 2583 };
       +        plot(30, val, val + LEN(val), "title");
       +        return 0;
   DIR diff --git a/plot b/plot
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/plot.c b/plot.c
       @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "config.h"
       -#define ABS(x)        ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
       -#define LEN(x)        (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
       - * Set `str' to a human-readable form of `num' with always a width of 7 (+ 1
       - * the '\0' terminator).  Buffer overflow is ensured not to happen due to the
       - * max size of a double.
       - */
       -humanize(char *str, double num)
       -        int        exp;
       -        char        *label = " kMGTE", fmt[] = "%+.?f%c";
       -        for (exp = 0; ABS(num) > 1000; exp++)
       -                num /= 1000;
       -        fmt[3] = (ABS(num) < 10) ? '3' : (ABS(num) < 100) ? '2' : '1';
       -        if (exp == 0) {
       -                fmt[5] = '\0';
       -                fmt[3]++;
       -        }
       -        snprintf(str, 8, fmt, num, label[exp]);
       -        if (num >= 0)
       -                str[0] = ' ';
       - * Print two rows of a plot into a single line using ' ', '.' and ':'.
       - */
       -line(double *beg, double *end, double top, double bot)
       -        double        *val;
       -        for (val = beg; val <= end; val++)
       -                putchar((*val < bot) ? ' ' : (*val < top) ? '.' : ':');
       - * Returns the maximal double of values between `beg' and `end'.
       - */
       -maxdv(double *beg, double *end)
       -        double        *val, max;
       -        max = *beg;
       -        for (val = beg; val < end; val++) {
       -                if (*val > max)
       -                        max = *val;
       -        }
       -        return max;
       - * Plot values between `beg' and `end' in a plot of height `height'.
       - */
       -plot(int height, double *beg, double *end)
       -        double        top, bot, max;
       -        int        h;
       -        char        label[8];
       -        max = maxdv(beg, end);
       -        for (h = height + height % 2; h > 0; h -= 2) {
       -                top = h * max / height;
       -                bot = (h - 1) * max / height;
       -                line(beg, end, top, bot);
       -                putchar('\n');
       -        }
       -        double        val[] = { 0.0, 0.4, 3.4, 2.1, 3.5, 3.0, 1.1, 2.0 } ;
       -        plot(10, val, val + LEN(val));
       -        return 0;