Correct to follow the new alert declaration - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/reed-alert/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/reed-alert/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 01a3f1cc34988cd7ad739d41186c4362ede1fdf8
   DIR parent 439acf53f4c8be2665c3459055a57b3d03656fd8
  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:17:50 +0100
       Correct to follow the new alert declaration
         M config.lisp.sample                  |      15 +++++++--------
         M example.lisp                        |      27 ++++++++++-----------------
       2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/config.lisp.sample b/config.lisp.sample
       @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
       -(defvar *alerts*
       -  (list
       -   '(mail ("echo -n '" + "Problem with " function _ date _ params"' | mail -s alarm mail@isp.net"))
       -   '(sms ("/home/user/sms.sh '" date _ function _  params _ hostname "'"))
       -   '(available ("REMINDER" function params date hostname desc level os newline _ space result))
       -   '(void nil)))
        (load "functions.lisp")
       +(alert mail "echo -n 'Problem with %function% %date% %params%' | mail -s alarm mail@isp.net")
       +(alert sms  "/home/user/sms.sh '%date% %function% %params% %hostname%")
       +(alert available-variables "REMINDER : %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% %result%")
       +(alert void "")
        ;; this is a comment
        ; this is also a comment
       -(=> mail disk-usage   (:path "/"    :limit 90))
       +(=> mail disk-usage (:path "/" :limit 90))
        (=> mail service (:name "dovecot"))
        (=> mail service (:name "httpd"))
   DIR diff --git a/example.lisp b/example.lisp
       @@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
       -(defvar *alerts*
       -  (list
       -   '(dont-use-it ("REMINDER" function params date hostname desc level os newline _ space result))
       -   '(void nil)
       -   '(mail nil)
       -   '(sms ("echo -n '" date _ function " CRITICAL " hostname "' | curl http://somewebservice"))
       -   '(mail ("echo -n '" date _ hostname " had problem on " function newline params _ " values " result newline
       -           desc "' | mail -s '[Error] " function  " - " hostname "' foo@bar.com"))
       -   '(with-plus ("echo -n '" + date + _ + hostname + " had problem on " + function + newline + params + newline
       -                + desc + "' | mail -s '[Error] " + function +  " - " + hostname + "' foo@bar.com"))))
       +(load "functions.lisp")
       +(alert dont-use-it "REMINDER %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% _ %space% %result%")
       +(alert void "")
       +(alert mail "")
       +(alert sms "echo -n '%date% %function% CRITICAL on %hostname%' | curl http://somewebservice")
       +;(alert mail "echo -n '%date% %hostname% had problem on %function% %newline% %params% values %result% %newline%
       +;                      %desc%' | mail -s '[Error] %function% - %hostname%' foo@bar.com")
       -(load "functions.lisp")
        ;; check if used percent :path partition is more than :limit
        (=> mail disk-usage   (:path "/"    :limit 90))
       @@ -52,14 +48,11 @@
        (=> void command (:command "echo hello")) ;; success
        (=> void command (:command "ls /non-existent-file")) ;; fail
       -(load "probes-extended.lisp")
        ;; check if web page :url answer under :limit
       -(=> void http-response-time (:url "http://google.fr/" :limit 10))
       +(=> void command (:command "curl -m 10 http://google.fr/"))
        ;; check if the web page :url contains the text regex :pattern
       -(=> void http-text-present  (:url "http://google.fr/" :pattern "html"))
       -(=> void http-text-present  (:url "http://google.fr/" :pattern "hello")) ;; error
       +(=> void command  (:command "curl http://google.fr/ | grep html"))
       +(=> void command  (:command "curl http://google.fr/ | grep hello")) ;; error