try to remove README.md ... - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
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       Date:   Fri,  7 Oct 2016 15:42:41 +0200
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       -reed-alert is a tool to check the status of various things on a server
       -and trigger user defined notifications to be alerted. In the code,
       -each check is called a "probe" and have parameters.
       -The code is very rough for now. I will try to make the config file
       -easier than it is actually, but I think it's already easy enough for
       -people who need to kind of tool.
       -reed-alert is regularly tested on FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Linux
       -Defining notification system
       -+ function    : the name of the probe
       -+ date        : the current date with format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
       -+ params      : the parameters of the probe
       -+ hostname    : the hostname of the server
       -+ result      : the error returned (the value exceeding the limit, file not found)
       -+ description : an arbitrary description naming a check
       -+ level       : the type of notification used
       -+ os          : the type of operating system (FreeBSD/Linux/OpenBSD)
       -+ _           : a space character
       -+ space       : a space character
       -+ newline     : a newline character
       -If you want to send a mail with a message like "At 2016/10/06 11:11:12
       -server.foo.com has encountered a problem during LOAD-AVERAGE-15
       -(:LIMIT 10) with a value of 30" you can write the following and use
       -**pretty-mail** in your checks.
       -   (defvar *alerts*
       -     (list
       -      '(pretty-mail ("echo '" date _ hostname " has encountered a problem during" function 
       -                         params " with a value of " result "' | mail yourmail@foo.bar"))))
       -If you don't want anything to be triggered, you can use the following
       -in *alerts*
       -    '(nothing-to-send nil)
       -If you find it easier to read, you can add + in the concatenation,
       -this is simply discarded when the program parse the list.
       -    '(pretty-mail (date + " " + hostname + " has encountered a problem " + function))
       -The differents probes
       -Probes are written in LISP and sometimes relies on system call, like
       -for ping or the average load of the system. It cares about running on
       -different operating system.
       -Check if the actual number of processes of the system exceed the limit
       -> Set the limit that will trigger an alert when exceeded
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example number-of-processes (:limit 200))`
       -Check if the PID number found in a .pid file is alive
       -> Set the path of the pid file. If user don't have permission to open it, return "file not found"
       -    :path "STRING"
       -Example : `(=> example pid-running (:path "/var/run/nginx.pid"))`
       -Check if the used percent of the choosed partition exceed the limit
       -> Set the mountpoint to check
       -    :path "STRING"
       -> Set the limit that will trigger an alert when exceeded
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example disk-usage (:path "/tmp" :limit 50))`
       -Check if a file exists
       -> Set the path of the file to check
       -    :path "STRING"
       -Example : `(=> example file-exists (:path "/var/postgresql/standby"))`
       -Check if a file exists and has been updated since a defined time
       -> Set the path of the file to check
       -    :path "STRING"
       -> Set the limit in minutes since the last modification time before triggering an alert
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example file-updated (:path "/var/log/nginx/access.log" :limit 60))`
       -Check if the load average on the last minute exceed the limit
       -> Set the limit not to exceed
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example load-average-1 (:limit 2))`
       -Check if the load average on the last fives minutes exceed the limit
       -> Set the limit not to exceed
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example load-average-5 (:limit 2))`
       -Check if the load average on the last fifteen minutes exceed the limit
       -> Set the limit not to exceed
       -    :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> example load-average-15 (:limit 2))`
       -Check if a remote host answer the 2 ICMP ping
       -> Set the host to ping. Return an error if ping command returns non-zero
       -    :host "STRING" (can be IP or hostname)
       -Example : `(=> example ping (:host ""))`
       -Execute an arbitrary command which trigger an alert if the command return a non-zero value
       -> Command to execute, accept commands with pipes
       -    :command "STRING"
       -Example : `(=> example command (:command "tail -n 10 /var/log/messages | grep -v CRITICAL"))`