Sync with new alert declaration and add explanations with code usage - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/reed-alert/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/reed-alert/
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:17:32 +0100
       Sync with new alert declaration and add explanations with code usage
         M README                              |     147 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
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       @@ -20,11 +20,16 @@ tested with both **sbcl** and **ecl** - which should be available for
        most distributions.
        (On OpenBSD you may prefer to use ecl because sbcl needs 'wxallowed'
       -where the binary is.)
       +on the partition where the binary is.)
        To make reed-alert's deployment easier I avoid using external
        libraries. reed-alert only requires a Common LISP interpreter and a
       -few files.
       +its own files.
       +A development to use quicklisp libraries to write more sophisticated
       +checks like "does this url contains a pattern ?" had begun and had
       +been abandoned, it has been decided to write shell command in the
       +probe **command** if the user need more elaborated checks.
       @@ -34,7 +39,7 @@ Although the code is very rough for now, I think it's already fairly
        understandable by people who do need this kind of tool.
        I will try to improve on the readability of the config file in future
       +commits. NOTE : declaration of notifiers is easier now.
       @@ -58,52 +63,53 @@ The configuration is explained below.
        The Notification System
       -+ function    : the name of the probe
       -+ date        : the current date with format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
       -+ params      : the parameters of the probe
       -+ hostname    : the hostname of the server
       -+ result      : the error returned (the value exceeding the limit, file not found)
       -+ description : an arbitrary description naming a check
       -+ level       : the type of notification used
       -+ os          : the type of operating system (FreeBSD/Linux/OpenBSD)
       -+ _           : a space character
       -+ space       : a space character
       -+ newline     : a newline character
       +When a check return an error, a previously defined notifier will be
       +called. The notifier is a shell command with a name. The shell command
       +can contains variables from reed-alert.
       ++ %function%    : the name of the probe
       ++ %date%        : the current date with format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
       ++ %params%      : the parameters of the probe
       ++ %hostname%    : the hostname of the server
       ++ %result%      : the error returned (the value exceeding the limit, file not found)
       ++ %description% : an arbitrary description naming a check
       ++ %level%       : the type of notification used
       ++ %os%          : the type of operating system (FreeBSD/Linux/OpenBSD)
       ++ %newline%     : a newline character
       -Example Probe: 'Check For Load Average'
       +Example Probe 1: 'Check For Load Average'
        If you want to send a mail with a message like:
       -        "At 2016/10/06 11:11:12 server.foo.com has encountered a problem
       +        "On 2016/10/06 11:11:12 server.foo.com has encountered a problem
                during LOAD-AVERAGE-15 (:LIMIT 10) with a value of 30"
       -write the following and use **pretty-mail** in your checks:
       +write the following at the top of the file and use **pretty-mail** in your checks:
       -   (defvar *alerts*
       -     (list
       -      '(pretty-mail ("echo '" date _ hostname " has encountered a problem during" function 
       -                         params " with a value of " result "' | mail yourmail@foo.bar"))))
       +   (alert pretty-mail "echo 'On %date% %hostname% has encountered a problem during %function%
       +                         %params% with a value of %result%' | mail yourmail@foo.bar")
       -Variant 1
       -If you find it easier to read, you can add + in the concatenation.
       -The + is discarded by reed-alert as soon as it parses the list.
       +Example Probe 2: 'Don't do anything'
       +If you don't want anything to be done when an error occur, use the following :
       -    '(pretty-mail (date + " " + hostname + " has encountered a problem " + function))
       +    (alert nothing-to-send "")
       -Variant 2
       -If you don't want anything to be triggered use the following in *alerts*:
       +Example Probe 3: 'Send SMS'
       +You may want to use an external service to send a SMS, this is totally
       +possible as we rely on a shell command :
       -    '(nothing-to-send nil)
       +    (alert sms "echo 'error on %hostname : %function% %result%'
       +                      | curl -u login:pass http://api.sendsms.com/")
        The Probes
       -Probes are written in Common LISP.
       +Probes are written in Common LISP. They are predefined checks.
        The :desc Parameter
       @@ -230,6 +236,7 @@ Example : `(=> alert ping (:host ""))`
        Execute an arbitrary command which triggers an alert if it returns a non-zero value.
       +This may be the most useful probe because it let the user do any check needed.
        > Command to execute, accept commands with pipes.
            :command "STRING"
       @@ -255,4 +262,80 @@ Check if a file has a size less than a specified limit.
        > Set the limit in bytes before triggering an alert.
            :limit INTEGER
       -Example : `(=> alert file-less-than (:path "/var/log/nginx/access.log" :limit 60))`
       +Example : `(=> alert file-less-than (:path "/var/log/nginx.log" :limit 60))`
       +The configuration file
       +The configuration file is Common LISP code, so it's evaluated. It's
       +possible to write some logic within it.
       +It's possible to write loops if you don't want to repeat code
       +    (loop for host in '("bitreich.org" "dataswamp.org" "floodgap.com")
       +     do
       +       (=> mail ping (:host host)))
       +or another example
       +    (loop for service in '("smtpd" "nginx" "mysqld" "postgresql")
       +     do
       +       (=> mail service (:name service)))
       +and another example using rows from a file to check remote hosts
       +    (with-open-file (stream "hosts.txt")
       +      (loop for line = (read-line stream nil)
       +        while line
       +        do
       +          (=> mail ping (:host line))))
       +It is also possible to achieve conditionals. There are two very useful
       +conditionals groups.
       +Sometimes it may be a good idea to stop some probes if a probe
       +fail. In a case where you need to check a path through a network, from
       +the nearest machine to the remote target. If we can't reach our local
       +router, probes requiring the router to work will trigger errors so we
       +should skip them.
       +  (=> mail ping (:host "" :desc "My local router"))
       +  (=> mail ping (:host "" :desc "My ISP DNS server"))
       +  (=> mail ping (:host "kernel.org"  :desc "Remote website")))
       +Note : stop-if-error is an alias for the **and** function.
       +It could be a good idea to use different alerts
       +depending on how critical a check is, but sometimes, the critical
       +level may depend of the value of the error and/or the delay between
       +the detection and fixing it. You could want to receive a mail when
       +things need to be fixed on spare time, but mail another people if
       +things aren't fixed after some level.
       +  (=> mail-me disk-usage (:path "/" :limit 70))
       +  (=> sms-me  disk-usage (:path "/" :limit 90))
       +  (=> buzzer  disk-usage (:path "/" :limit 98)))
       +In this example, we check the disk usage, I will get a mail through
       +"mail-me" alert if the disk usage go get more than 70%. Once it goes
       +that far, it will check if the disk usage gets more than 90%, if so,
       +I'll receive a sms through "sms-me" alert. And then, if it goes more
       +than 98%, the "buzzer" alert will make some bad noises in the room to
       +warn me about this.
       +Note : escalation is an alias for the **or** function.