Alert declaration easier - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:16:23 +0100
       Alert declaration easier
         M functions.lisp                      |      69 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
       1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/functions.lisp b/functions.lisp
       @@ -1,13 +1,29 @@
        (require 'asdf)
       +(defparameter *alerts* '())
        (defun color(num1 num2)
          (format nil "~a[~a;~am" #\Escape num1 num2))
       -(defparameter *red* (color 1 31))
       -(defparameter *white* (color 0 70))
       -(defparameter *green* (color 1 32))
       +(defparameter *red*    (color 1 31))
       +(defparameter *white*  (color 0 70))
       +(defparameter *green*  (color 1 32))
        (defparameter *yellow* (color 0 33))
       +;; common-lisp don't have a split string function natively
       +(defun replace-all (string part replacement &key (test #'char=))
       +  (with-output-to-string (out)
       +                         (loop with part-length = (length part)
       +                               for old-pos = 0 then (+ pos part-length)
       +                               for pos = (search part string
       +                                                 :start2 old-pos
       +                                                 :test test)
       +                               do (write-string string out
       +                                                :start old-pos
       +                                                :end (or pos (length string)))
       +                               when pos do (write-string replacement out)
       +                               while pos)))
        (defmacro create-probe(name &body code)
          `(progn (defun ,name(params) ,@code)))
       @@ -21,33 +37,36 @@
                (list nil (format nil "return code = ~a" code)))))
       -(defun trigger-alert(level function params result)
       -  (format nil "~{~a~}"
       -          (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
       -                      (if (symbolp x)
       -                          (case x
       -                            (+ "")
       -                            (result result)
       -                            (hostname (machine-instance))
       -                            (date (multiple-value-bind
       -                                        (second minute hour day month year)
       -                                      (get-decoded-time)
       -                                    (format nil "~a/~a/~a ~a:~a:~a" year month day hour minute second)))
       -                            (os (software-type))
       -                            (function function)
       -                            (space " ")
       -                            (_ " ")
       -                            (params params)
       -                            (desc (getf params :desc ""))
       -                            (newline #\Newline)
       -                            (level level))
       -                          x))
       -                  (cadr (assoc level *alerts*)))))
       +(defmacro alert(name string)
       +  `(progn (push (list ',name ,string)
       +                *alerts*)))
       +(defun trigger-alert(level function params result)
       +  (let* ((notifier-command (assoc level *alerts*))
       +         (command-string (cadr notifier-command)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%result%"   (format nil "~a" result)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%hostname%" (machine-instance)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%os%"       (software-type)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%function%" (format nil "~a" function)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%params%"   (format nil "~a" params)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%desc%"     (getf params :desc "")))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%newline%"  (string #\Newline)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%level%"    level))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%date%"
       +                                      (multiple-value-bind
       +                                            (second minute hour day month year)
       +                                          (get-decoded-time)
       +                                        (format nil "~a/~a/~a ~a:~a:~a" year month day hour minute second))))
       +    command-string))
        (defmacro stop-if-error(&body body)
             (and ,@body)))
       +(defmacro escalation(&body body)
       +  `(progn
       +     (or ,@body)))
        (defmacro =>(level fonction params)
             (format t "[~a~a ~20A~a] ~35A" *yellow* ',level ',fonction *white* (getf ',params :desc ',params))