init - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/reed-alert/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/reed-alert/
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 9410e05e37aefd2e1880178e655a8bd64173c645
  HTML Author: solene rapenne <solene@dataswamp.org>
       Date:   Fri,  7 Oct 2016 12:25:49 +0200
         A example.lisp                        |      50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A functions.lisp                      |      49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A probes.lisp                         |      92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       3 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/example.lisp b/example.lisp
       @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
       +(defvar *alerts*
       +  (list
       +   '(dont-use-it ("REMINDER" function params date hostname description level os newline _ space result))
       +   '(void nil)
       +   '(mail nil)
       +   '(sms ("echo -n '" date _ function " CRITICAL " hostname "' | curl http://somewebservice"))
       +   '(mail ("echo -n '" date _ hostname " had problem on " function newline params _ " values " result newline
       +           description "' | mail -s '[Error] " function  " - " hostname "' foo@bar.com"))
       +   '(with-plus ("echo -n '" + date + _ + hostname + " had problem on " + function + newline + params + newline
       +                + description + "' | mail -s '[Error] " + function +  " - " + hostname + "' foo@bar.com"))))
       +(load "functions.lisp")
       +;; check if used percent :path partition is more than :limit
       +(=> mail disk-usage   (:path "/"    :limit 90))
       +(=> mail disk-usage   (:path "/usr" :limit 85))
       +(=> mail disk-usage   (:path "/tmp" :limit 1)) ;; failure
       +;; check if :path file exists
       +(=> mail file-exists  (:path "/bsd.rd" :desc "OpenBSD kernel /bsd.rd"))
       +(=> void file-exists  (:path "/non-existant-file")) ;; failure file not found
       +;; check if :path file exists and has been updated since :limit minutes
       +(=> void file-updated (:path "/var/log/messages" :limit 400))
       +(=> mail file-updated (:path "/bsd.rd"           :limit 1 :desc "OpenBSD kernel")) ;; failure
       +;; check if :path pid file process is running
       +(=> mail pid-running  (:path "/var/run/xdm.pid" :desc "XDM pid"))
       +(=> mail pid-running  (:path "/home/user/test.pid")) ;; failure
       +;; check if number of processes on the system is more than :limit
       +(=> mail number-of-processes (:limit 200))
       +(=> mail number-of-processes (:limit 1)) ;; failure
       +;; check if load average on (1/5/15) minutes is more than :limit
       +(=> mail load-average-1  (:limit 4))
       +(=> mail load-average-5  (:limit 2))
       +(=> mail load-average-15 (:limit 1))
       +(=> mail load-average-1  (:limit 0.2)) ;; should trigger error
       +;; check if :host host is reachable
       +(=> mail ping (:host ""      :desc "Google DNS"))
       +(=> void ping (:host ""    :desc "Not valid ipv4 address")) ;; fail error
       +(=> void ping (:host "" :desc "Certainly not used address")) ;; fail time out
       +;; check if :command command return 0 (success) or something else (error)
       +(=> void command (:command "echo hello")) ;; success
       +(=> void command (:command "ls /non-existent-file")) ;; fail
   DIR diff --git a/functions.lisp b/functions.lisp
       @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
       +(load "probes.lisp")
       +(defun color(num1 num2)
       +  (format nil "~a[~a;~am" #\Escape num1 num2))
       +(defparameter *red* (color 1 31))
       +(defparameter *white* (color 0 70))
       +(defparameter *green* (color 1 32))
       +(defparameter *yellow* (color 0 33))
       +(defun trigger-alert(level function params result)
       +  (format nil "~{~a~}"
       +          (mapcar #'(lambda(x)
       +                      (if (symbolp x)
       +                          (case x
       +                            (+ "")
       +                            (result result)
       +                            (hostname (machine-instance))
       +                            (date (multiple-value-bind
       +                                        (second minute hour day month year)
       +                                      (get-decoded-time)
       +                                    (format nil "~a/~a/~a ~a:~a:~a" year month day hour minute second)))
       +                            (os (software-type))
       +                            (function function)
       +                            (space " ")
       +                            (_ " ")
       +                            (params params)
       +                            (desc (getf params :desc ""))
       +                            (newline #\Newline)
       +                            (level level))
       +                          x))
       +                  (cadr (assoc level *alerts*)))))
       +(defmacro stop-if-error(&body body)
       +  `(progn
       +     (and ,@body)))
       +(defmacro =>(level fonction params)
       +  `(progn
       +     (format t "[~a~a ~20A~a] ~35A" *yellow* ',level ',fonction *white* (getf ',params :desc ',params))
       +     (let ((result (funcall ',fonction ',params)))
       +       (if (not (listp result))
       +           (progn
       +             (format t " => ~asuccess~a~%" *green* *white*)
       +             t)
       +           (progn
       +             (format t " => ~aerror~a~%" *red* *white*)
       +             (uiop:run-program (trigger-alert ',level ',fonction ',params (cadr result)) :output t)
       +             nil)))))
   DIR diff --git a/probes.lisp b/probes.lisp
       @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
       +(defmacro create-probe(name &body code)
       +  `(progn (defun ,name(params) ,@code)))
       +(defun command-return-code(command)
       +  (let ((code (nth-value 2 (uiop:run-program command :ignore-error-status t))))
       +    (if (= 0 code)
       +        t
       +        (list nil (format nil "return code = ~a" code)))))
       + file-exists
       + (let ((result (probe-file (getf params :path))))
       +   (if result
       +       t
       +       (list nil "file not found"))))
       + file-updated
       + (if (probe-file (getf params :path))
       +     (with-open-file (file (getf params :path))
       +       (let* ((write-date (file-write-date file))
       +              (now (get-universal-time))
       +              (result (floor (- now write-date) 60)))
       +         (if (> (getf params :limit) result)
       +             t
       +             (list nil result))))
       +     (list nil "file not found")))
       + pid-running
       + (if (probe-file (getf params :path))
       +     (let ((pid-number (with-open-file (stream (getf params :path)) (read-line stream))))
       +       (command-return-code (list "ps" "-p" pid-number)))
       +     (list nil "file not found")))
       + disk-usage
       + (let* ((output (uiop:run-program (list "df" (getf params :path)) :output :lines)) (line (second output)))
       +   (let ((percent-character-pos (position #\% line)))
       +     (let ((used-disk
       +            (parse-integer
       +             (subseq line
       +                     (position #\Space line :end percent-character-pos :from-end t)
       +                     percent-character-pos))))
       +       (if (< used-disk (getf params :limit))
       +           t
       +           (list nil "used-disk"))))))
       +(defun system-load(time)
       +  (read-from-string
       +   (let ((command (concatenate 'string
       +                               "uptime | awk '{ print $"
       +                               (princ-to-string time)
       +                               " }'")))
       +     (uiop:run-program command :output :string))))
       + load-average-1
       + (let ((load (system-load 10)))
       +   (if (< load (getf params :limit))
       +       t
       +       (list nil load))))
       + load-average-5
       + (let ((load (system-load 11)))
       +   (if (< load (getf params :limit))
       +       t
       +       (list nil load))))
       + load-average-15
       + (let ((load (system-load 12)))
       +   (if (< load (getf params :limit))
       +       t
       +       (list nil load))))
       + command
       + (command-return-code (getf params :command)))
       + ping
       + (command-return-code (list "ping" "-c2" (getf params :host))))
       + number-of-processes
       + (let* ((output (uiop:run-program (list "ps" "aux") :output :lines))
       +        (result (length output)))
       +   (if (> (getf params :limit) result)
       +       t
       +       (list nil result))))