How to declare new probes - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Mon, 22 Jan 2018 08:06:19 +0100
       How to declare new probes
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       @@ -370,3 +370,79 @@ than 98%, the "buzzer" alert will make some bad noises in the room to
        warn me about this.
        Note : escalation is an alias for the **or** function.
       +Extend with your own probes
       +It is likely that you want to write your own probes. While using the
       +command probe can be convenient, you may want to have a probe with
       +more parameters and better integration than the command probe.
       +There are two methods for adding probes :
       +- in the configuration file before using it
       +- in a separated lisp file that you load from the configuration file
       +If you want to reuse for multiples configuration files or servers, I
       +would recommend a separate file, otherwise, adding it at the top of
       +the configuration file can be convenient too.
       +Using a shell command
       +A minimum of Common LISP comprehension is needed for this. But using
       +the easiest way to go by writing a probe using a command shell, the
       +declaration can be really simple.
       +We are going to write a probe that will use curl to fetch an page and
       +then grep on the output to look for a pattern. The return code of grep
       +will be the return status of the probe, if grep finds the pattern,
       +it's a success, if not it's a failure.
       +In the following code, the "create-probe" part is a macro that will
       +write most of the code for you. Then, we use "command-return-code"
       +function which will execute the shell command passed as a string (or
       +as a list) and return the correct values in case of success or
       +    (create-probe
       +     check-http-pattern
       +     (command-return-code (format nil "curl ~a | grep -i ~a"
       +                                  (getf params :url) (getf params :pattern))))
       +If you don't know LISP, "format" function works like "printf", using
       +"~a" instead of "%s". This is the only required thing to know if you
       +want to reuse the previous code.
       +Then we can call it like this :
       +    (=> notifier check-http-pattern :url "" :pattern "Powered by cl-yag")
       +Using plain LISP
       +We have seen previously how tocreate new probes from a shell command,
       +but one may want to do it in LISP, allowing to use full features of
       +the language and even some libraries to check values in a database for
       +example. I recommend to read the "probes.lisp" file, it's the best way
       +to learn how to write a new probe. But as an example, we will learn
       +from the easiest probe included : file-exists
       +    (create-probe
       +     file-exists
       +     (let ((result (probe-file (getf params :path))))
       +       (if result
       +           t
       +           (list nil "file not found"))))
       +Like before, we use the "create-probe" macro and give a name to the
       +probe. Then, we have to write some code, in the current case, check if
       +the file exists. Finally, if it is a success, we have to return **t**,
       +if it fails we return a list containing **nil** and a value or a
       +string. The second element in the list will replaced %result% in the
       +notification command, so you can use something explicit, a
       +concatenation of a message with the return value etc..". Parameters
       +should be get with getf from **params** variable, allowing to use a
       +default value in case it's not defined in the configuration file.