Count failures and send begin/end notifications - reed-alert - Lightweight agentless alerting system for server
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  HTML Author: Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
       Date:   Wed, 17 Jan 2018 20:38:54 +0100
       Count failures and send begin/end notifications
         M README                              |      37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
         M config.lisp.sample                  |       6 +++---
         M example.lisp                        |       8 ++++----
         M functions.lisp                      |      53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
       4 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/README b/README
       @@ -63,9 +63,29 @@ The configuration is explained below.
        The Notification System
       -When a check return an error, a previously defined notifier will be
       -called. The notifier is a shell command with a name. The shell command
       -can contains variables from reed-alert.
       +When a check return a failure, a previously defined notifier will be
       +called. This will be triggered only after reed-alert find **3**
       +failures (not more or less) in a row for this check, this is a default
       +value that can be changed per probe with the :try parameter as
       +explained later in this document. This is to prevent reed-alert to
       +spam notifications for a long time (number of failures very high, like
       +a disk space usage that can't be fixed before a long time) OR
       +preventing reed-alert to send notifications about a check on the edge
       +of the limit like a ping almost working but failing from time to time
       +or the load average around the limit.
       +reed-alert will use the notifier system when it reach its try number
       +and when the problem is fixed, so you know when it begins and when it
       +reed-alert keep tracks of the count of failures with one file per
       +probe failing in the "states" folder. To ensure unique filenames, the
       +following format is used (+ means it's concatenated) :
       +    alert-name + probe-name + hash of probe parameters
       +The notifier is a shell command with a name. The shell command can
       +contains variables from reed-alert.
        + %function%    : the name of the probe
        + %date%        : the current date with format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
       @@ -76,6 +96,7 @@ can contains variables from reed-alert.
        + %level%       : the type of notification used
        + %os%          : the type of operating system (FreeBSD/Linux/OpenBSD)
        + %newline%     : a newline character
       ++ %state%       : "start" / "end" when problem happen / is solved
        Example Probe 1: 'Check For Load Average'
       @@ -119,6 +140,16 @@ does. It can be put in every probe.
            :desc "STRING"
       +The :try Parameter
       +The :try parameter allows you to change how many failure to wait
       +before the alert is triggered. By default, it's triggered after 3
       +failures. Sometimes, when using ping for example, you want to be
       +notified when it fails a few cycles and not at first failure.
       +    :try INTEGER
        As of this commit, reed-alert ships with the following probes:
   DIR diff --git a/config.lisp.sample b/config.lisp.sample
       @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
        (load "functions.lisp")
       -(alert mail "echo -n 'Problem with %function% %date% %params%' | mail -s alarm mail@isp.net")
       -(alert sms  "/home/user/sms.sh '%date% %function% %params% %hostname%")
       -(alert available-variables "REMINDER : %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% %result%")
       +(alert mail "echo -n '[%state%] Problem with %function% %date% %params%' | mail -s '[%state%] alarm' mail@isp.net")
       +(alert sms  "/home/user/sms.sh '%date% %state% %function% %params% %hostname%")
       +(alert available-variables "REMINDER : %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% %result% %state%")
        (alert empty "")
   DIR diff --git a/example.lisp b/example.lisp
       @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
        (load "functions.lisp")
       -(alert dont-use-it "REMINDER %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% _ %space% %result%")
       +(alert dont-use-it "REMINDER %state% %function% %params% %date% %hostname% %desc% %level% %os% %newline% _ %space% %result%")
        (alert empty "")
        (alert mail "")
       -(alert peroket "echo 'problem at %date% with %function% %params%'")
       +(alert peroket "echo '%state% problem at %date% with %function% %params% : %result%'")
        (alert sms "echo -n '%date% %function% CRITICAL on %hostname%' | curl http://somewebservice")
        ;(alert mail "echo -n '%date% %hostname% had problem on %function% %newline% %params% values %result% %newline%
        ;                      %desc%' | mail -s '[Error] %function% - %hostname%' foo@bar.com")
       @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
        (=> peroket disk-usage   :path "/tmp" :limit 0) ;; failure
        ;; check if :path file exists
       -(=> mail file-exists  :path "/bsd.rd" :desc "OpenBSD kernel /bsd.rd")
       -(=> empty file-exists  :path "/non-existant-file") ;; failure file not found
       +(=> mail  file-exists  :path "/bsd.rd" :desc "OpenBSD kernel /bsd.rd")
       +(=> empty file-exists  :path "/non-existant-file" :try 1) ;; failure file not found
        ;; check if :path file exists and has been updated since :limit minutes
        (=> empty file-updated :path "/var/log/messages" :limit 400)
   DIR diff --git a/functions.lisp b/functions.lisp
       @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
        (require 'asdf)
       +(defparameter *tries* 3)
        (defparameter *alerts* '())
       +(ensure-directories-exist "states/")
        (defun color(num1 num2)
          (format nil "~a[~a;~am" #\Escape num1 num2))
       @@ -57,9 +59,10 @@
             (push (list ',name ,string)
       -(defun trigger-alert(level function params result)
       +(defun trigger-alert(level function params result state)
          (let* ((notifier-command (assoc level *alerts*))
                 (command-string (cadr notifier-command)))
       +    (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%state%"    (if (eql 'error state) "Start" "End")))
            (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%result%"   (format nil "~a" result)))
            (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%hostname%" (machine-instance)))
            (setf command-string (replace-all command-string "%os%"       (software-type)))
       @@ -85,15 +88,53 @@
        (defun =>(level fonction &rest params)
          (format t "[~a~a ~20A~a] ~45A" *yellow* level fonction *white* (getf params :desc params))
       -  (let ((hash (fnv-hash (format nil "~{~a~}" (nconc (list level fonction) (remove-if #'symbolp params)))))
       -        (result (funcall fonction params)))
       +  (let* ((hash (fnv-hash (format nil "~{~a~}" (remove-if #'symbolp params))))
       +         (result (funcall fonction params))
       +         (filename (format nil "~a-~a-~a" level fonction hash))
       +         (filepath (format nil "states/~a" filename)))
            (if (not (listp result))
       -          (format t " => ~asuccess~a~%" *green* *white*)
       +          (if (probe-file filepath)
       +              ;; last time was a failure
       +              (progn
       +                (uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params t 'success) :output t)
       +                (delete-file filepath)
       +                (format t " => ~afailure => success~a~%" *green* *white*))
       +              ;; last time was a success
       +              (format t " => ~asuccess~a~%" *green* *white*))
       +          ;; we return t because it's ok
       -          (format t " => ~aerror~a~%" *red* *white*)
       -          (uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params (cadr result)) :output t)
       +          (if (probe-file filepath)
       +              ;; error before
       +              ;; but how many ?
       +              (with-open-file (stream filepath :direction :input)
       +                (let ((tries (parse-integer (read-line stream 0 nil))))
       +                  (format t " => ~aerror (~a failures before)~a~%" *red* tries *white*)
       +                  ;; more error than limit, send alert once
       +                  (when (= tries (getf params :try *tries*))
       +                    (uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params (cadr result) 'error) :output t))
       +                  ;; increment the file
       +                  (progn
       +                    (with-open-file (stream-out filepath :direction :output
       +                                                :if-exists :supersede)
       +                      (format stream-out "~a~%~a~%" (+ 1 tries) params)))))
       +              ;; file doesn't exist
       +              (with-open-file (stream-out filepath :direction :output
       +                                          :if-exists :supersede)
       +                (format t " => ~aerror (first failure)~a~%" *red* *white*)
       +                ;; maybe we would be warned at first error ?
       +                ;; code is duplicated from above because it
       +                ;; requires reading the non existent file
       +                (when (= 1 (getf params :try *tries*))
       +                  (uiop:run-program (trigger-alert level fonction params (cadr result) 'error) :output t))
       +                (format stream-out "1~%~a~%" params)))
        (load "probes.lisp")