Handle SIGHUP and SIGTERM - sacc - sacc(omys), simple console gopher client
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/sacc/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/sacc/
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   DIR commit 18a92be39ac2fea50ce2d63c7a03ad64528eb843
   DIR parent ed63d85224f39fc733d55b0d326085d7f4bd0b70
  HTML Author: Stefan Hagen <sh+git@codevoid.de>
       Date:   Fri, 16 Nov 2018 22:24:06 +0100
       Handle SIGHUP and SIGTERM
       Killing a terminal where sacc is running will send SIGHUP to sacc.
       With this patch, sacc is handling SIGHUP and SIGTERM and cleans up
       temporary files properly.
         M sacc.c                              |       2 ++
       1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/sacc.c b/sacc.c
       @@ -958,6 +958,8 @@ setup(void)
                sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
                sa.sa_handler = exit;
                sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
       +        sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
       +        sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL);
                if (mkdir(tmpdir, S_IRWXU) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
                        die("mkdir: %s: %s", tmpdir, strerror(errno));