Move all type display info to typedisplay() - sacc - sacc(omys), simple console gopher client
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/sacc/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/sacc/
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 5605a35bd79b0d03c637f729c0fd32c813c74e00
   DIR parent 9cc56dc59541a6a7d71faab023000516b74bf994
  HTML Author: Quentin Rameau <quinq@fifth.space>
       Date:   Sat,  8 Jul 2017 00:08:36 +0200
       Move all type display info to typedisplay()
         M sacc.c                              |      36 ++++++++++++++++----------------
         M ui_ti.c                             |       4 +---
         M ui_txt.c                            |       8 ++------
       3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/sacc.c b/sacc.c
       @@ -95,41 +95,41 @@ typedisplay(char t)
                switch (t) {
                case '0':
       -                return "Text";
       +                return "Text+";
                case '1':
       -                return "Dir";
       +                return "Dir +";
                case '2':
       -                return "CSO";
       +                return "CSO |";
                case '3':
       -                return "Err";
       +                return "Err |";
                case '4':
       -                return "Macf";
       +                return "Macf|";
                case '5':
       -                return "DOSf";
       +                return "DOSf|";
                case '6':
       -                return "UUEf";
       +                return "UUEf|";
                case '7':
       -                return "Find";
       +                return "Find|";
                case '8':
       -                return "Tlnt";
       +                return "Tlnt|";
                case '9':
       -                return "Binf";
       +                return "Binf|";
                case '+':
       -                return "Mirr";
       +                return "Mirr|";
                case 'T':
       -                return "IBMt";
       +                return "IBMt|";
                case 'g':
       -                return "GIF";
       +                return "GIF |";
                case 'I':
       -                return "Img";
       +                return "Img |";
                case 'h':
       -                return "HTML";
       +                return "HTML|";
                case 'i':
       -                return "Info";
       +                return "    |";
                case 's':
       -                return "Snd";
       +                return "Snd |";
       -                return "WRNG";
       +                return "!   |";
   DIR diff --git a/ui_ti.c b/ui_ti.c
       @@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ uicleanup(void)
        static void
        printitem(Item *item)
       -        printf("%-4s%c %s\r",
       -               item->type != 'i' ? typedisplay(item->type) : "",
       -               item->type > '1' ? '|' : '+', item->username);
       +        printf("%s %s\r", typedisplay(item->type), item->username);
        static void
   DIR diff --git a/ui_txt.c b/ui_txt.c
       @@ -80,12 +80,8 @@ display(Item *entry)
                nd = ndigits(nitems);
                for (i = entry->printoff; i < nitems && i < lines; ++i) {
       -                item = items[i];
       -                printf("%*zu %-4s%c %s\n", nd, i+1,
       -                       item->type != 'i' ?
       -                       typedisplay(item->type) : "",
       -                       item->type > '1' ? '|' : '+',
       -                       item->username);
       +                printf("%*zu %s %s\n",
       +                       nd, i+1, typedisplay(items[i]->type), items[i]->username);