Move TUI navigation keys to config.h - sacc - sacc(omys), simple console gopher client
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/sacc/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/sacc/
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 59f8f128f4fd5d7ec4efd6466da6c238cce9e2f9
   DIR parent b3e4d9f82f0e3de4c8de054e419819960db1a0d2
  HTML Author: Quentin Rameau <quinq@fifth.space>
       Date:   Sun, 27 Aug 2017 13:08:30 +0200
       Move TUI navigation keys to config.h
         M config.def.h                        |      15 ++++++++++++++-
         M ui_ti.c                             |      13 +------------
       2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
       @@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
        /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
       -static char *plumber = "xdg-open";
       +/* Screen UI navigation keys */
       +#define _key_lndown        'j' /* move one line down */
       +#define _key_lnup        'k' /* move one line up */
       +#define _key_pgdown        ' ' /* move one screen down */
       +#define _key_pgup        'b' /* move one screen up */
       +#define _key_home        'g' /* move to the top of page */
       +#define _key_end        'G' /* move to the bottom of page */
       +#define _key_pgnext        'l' /* view highlighted item */
       +#define _key_pgprev        'h' /* view previous item */
       +#define _key_fetch        'L' /* refetch current item */
       +#define _key_help        '?' /* display help */
       +#define _key_quit        'q' /* exit sacc */
       +/* default plumber */
       +static char *plumber = "xdg-open";
   DIR diff --git a/ui_ti.c b/ui_ti.c
       @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
        #include <unistd.h>
        #include <sys/types.h>
       +#include "config.h"
        #include "common.h"
        #define C(c) #c
       @@ -13,18 +14,6 @@
        static struct termios tsave;
        static struct termios tsacc;
       -/* navigation keys */
       -#define _key_lndown        'j' /* move one line down */
       -#define _key_lnup        'k' /* move one line up */
       -#define _key_pgdown        ' ' /* move one screen down */
       -#define _key_pgup        'b' /* move one screen down */
       -#define _key_home        'g' /* move to the top of page */
       -#define _key_end        'G' /* move to the bottom of page */
       -#define _key_pgnext        'l' /* view highlighted item */
       -#define _key_pgprev        'h' /* view previous item */
       -#define _key_fetch        'L' /* refetch current item */
       -#define _key_help        '?' /* display help */
       -#define _key_quit        'q' /* exit sacc */