all the content is there! \o/ - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
   DIR Log
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Thu, 27 Jan 2022 17:33:32 +0100
       all the content is there! \o/
         M Makefile                            |       2 +-
         M opus                                |       2 +-
         A opus3/article-100rco-uxn.mw         |      40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M opus3/article-ploum-forever-comput… |      15 ++++++++++++++-
         M opus3/article-tgtimes-100-years-of… |      34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
         M opus3/article-unix-calendar-comman… |      20 ++++++++++----------
         M opus3/article-usenix-the-night-wat… |      20 +++++++++++++++++++-
         A opus3/tgtimes3.mw                   |      15 +++++++++++++++
         A opus3/tgtimes3.pdf                  |       0 
         A opus3/tgtimes3.txt                  |     440 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M tmac.w                              |      30 ++++++++++++++----------------
       11 files changed, 585 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tgtimes=opus$v/tgtimes$v
        .SUFFIXES: .mw .txt .ps .pdf
       -        9 troff tmac.w $< | tr2post -P ${ps} | ps2pdf - >$@
       +        9 troff tmac.w $< | 9 tr2post -P ${ps} | 9 ps2pdf - >$@
                9 nroff tmac.w $< | 9 col -xb | awk '/./{X=0} /^$$/{X++} X<5' >$@
   DIR diff --git a/opus b/opus
       @@ -1 +1 @@
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/article-100rco-uxn.mw b/opus3/article-100rco-uxn.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
       +.SH 100r.co
       +Uxn portable assembly language
       +The web is well-known for its drift toward \fIplatform effect\fR:
       +reproducing the features of the underlying operating system from
       +one of its application, in this case, the web browser.
       +This is largely made possible through javascript, and the advent
       +of WebAssembly can only contribute more to this.
       +But making an assembly language a standard for shipping graphical
       +applications needs not to rhime with excess and abuse of a platform.
       +A more conventional approach would be standardising high-level API
       +and protocols, for which low-level drivers would be written. Instead,
       +Uxn standardises as low as the assembly language itself.
       +Yet, Uxn has nothing in common with Java:
       +Features were weighted against the relative difficulty they would
       +add for programmers implementing their own emulators.
       +Say welcome to this rabbit hole, inviting you with a fresh take on
       +making computers work for end-users.
       +Impressive acheivements were reached, such as portability of this
       +platform on things as small as a 32bit microcontroller:
       +Currently, there are ports (not all are complete) for GBA, Nintendo
       +DS, Playdate, DOS, PS Vita, Raspberri Pi Pico, Teletype, ESP32,
       +iOS, STM32, STM32, IBM PC, and many more.
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/article-ploum-forever-computer.mw b/opus3/article-ploum-forever-computer.mw
       @@ -16,7 +16,20 @@ If the software comsumes all the extra computing power for its own goal,
        then we are conjointly building very fast snails.
       -This conquest for better performance can be seen as a 
       +This conquest for aa better cost/performance balance is one direction
       +for evolution of computers, but it as well possible to imagine a
       +race for better reliability and durability instead.
       +Ploum offers a vision of what a computer maximizing durability of
       +the hardware, but also the software ecosystem, so that a computer
       +built today still be useful in 50 years without upgrades (not
       +preventing upgrades to happen).
       +An old knife is still a piece of metal that can be sharpened over
       +again to be able to cut long after it was built. Can it be the same
       +for computers?
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/article-tgtimes-100-years-of-radiodiffusion.mw b/opus3/article-tgtimes-100-years-of-radiodiffusion.mw
       @@ -1,6 +1,34 @@
        .SH tgtimes
        100 years of radiodiffusion
       +Internet existed forever: books and printed press have always been
       +around for communicating ideas and information, and evolved
       +progressively to become what Internet is today.
       +Letters were carried by messengers riding horses, postal train, or
       +airplanes. Long-range communication evolved from here slowly for a
       +lot of time, but accelerated a lot on these recent years.
       +The common pattern: a new discovery in electronics permits a new way
       +to communicate information on a long-distance, with a lighning-fast
       +adoption all around the world:
       +.IP "1919 "
       +wireless telegraphy and music transmission on Germany, Netherland
       +and United-States
       +.IP "1920 "
       +daily radio programmes in England, United-States and URSSR
       +.IP "1921 "
       +radio broadcasting on Eiffel Tower with a 900W power intensity
       +.IP "1922 "
       +foundation of BBC and arrival of 2000W broadcastings
       +A few years before, the long-range communication tool was paper.
       +A few years after, the telephone and television started to develop.
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/article-unix-calendar-command.mw b/opus3/article-unix-calendar-command.mw
       @@ -50,18 +50,18 @@ By adding a few more custom syntax rules, a rather pretty digest can
        be written with very few effort.
       -Jan 23        09:00        Breakfast with cooked eggs and fruits
       -                @ Home Sweet Home
       +Jan 23  09:00   Breakfast: cooked eggs and fruits
       +                @ Home Sweet Home
       -        10:30        The Gopher Times proof-reading
       -                @ ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en
       +        10:30   The Gopher Times proof-reading
       +                @ ircs://irc.bitreich.org/
       -        15:30        On-call duty untill!
       -                @ https://the-dull-gull.corp/login
       +        15:30   On-call duty untill!
       +                @ https://the-dull-gull.corp/login
       -Jan 24        12:30        Lunch break in town with folks
       -                @ that small cafe that does snacks
       +Jan 24  12:30   Lunch break in town with folks
       +                @ that small cafe that does snacks
       -Jan 26        19:15        Call with friends abroad
       -                @ mumble://cool-place.org/?version=1.2.0
       +Jan 26  19:15   Call with friends abroad
       +                @ mumble://example.com/
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/article-usenix-the-night-watch.mw b/opus3/article-usenix-the-night-watch.mw
       @@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
        .SH usenix
        A Guide to Hell by J. Mickens
       +As a highly trained academic researcher, I spend a lot of time trying 
       +to advance the frontiers of human knowledge. However, as someone 
       +who was born in the South, I secretly believe that true progress is 
       +a fantasy, and that I need to prepare for the end times, and for the chickens 
       +coming home to roost, and fast zombies, and slow zombies, and the polite 
       +zombies who say "sir" and "ma'am" but then try to eat your brain to acquire 
       +your skills. When the revolution comes, I need to be prepared; thus, in the 
       +quiet moments, when I’m not producing incredible scientific breakthroughs, 
       +I think about what I’ll do when the weather forecast inevitably becomes 
       +If James Mickens looks like he is a highly trained soldier killing
       +zombies the dommed lands of System Programming, that is because
       +James Mickens is a highly trained soldier killing zombies the dommed
       +lands of System Programming.
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/tgtimes3.mw b/opus3/tgtimes3.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
       +The Gopher Times
       +Opus 3 - Gopher news and more - Jan. 2022
       +.so opus3/article-heaven-and-computers.mw
       +.so opus3/article-ploum-forever-computer.mw
       +.so opus3/article-tgtimes-100-years-of-radiodiffusion.mw
       +.so opus3/article-tiny-creatures.mw
       +.so opus3/article-100rco-uxn.mw
       +.so opus3/article-unix-calendar-command.mw
       +.so opus3/article-usenix-the-night-watch.mw
       +.so opus3/article-chemla-confessions-thief.mw
       +.so opus2/footer.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/tgtimes3.pdf b/opus3/tgtimes3.pdf
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/opus3/tgtimes3.txt b/opus3/tgtimes3.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
       +                      The Gopher Times
       +         Opus 3 - Gopher news and more - Jan. 2022
       +  Heaven and computers                             tgtimes
       +   Before the era of smartphones, laptops, before Windows
       +   and Apple, there were pioneers who  took  the  fun  of
       +   computers  from  the  hands  of  the the few who could
       +   afford computers, and shared them  massively  so  that
       +   mere individuals could afford it.
       +   An ocean of creativity sprout. Art of  all  kind  were
       +   made  on  these new toys, that were permitting to many
       +   to try on its own, or enjoy a tune of 8-bit  music,  a
       +   demo scene, a play of video game, an ASCII art...
       +   Offering these pioneers a one-way ticket to enter  the
       +   legend,  8bitlegends.com  builds  a  corner  of peace,
       +   making some room into our heart for the 8bit heroes.
       +   https://8bitlegends.com/
       +  Computer that lasts forever                        ploum
       +   More RAM, faster CPU, more cache size, lower lattency.
       +   Computer industry never sleeps while trying  to  raise
       +   the  bar  over  and  over.  It plays with the limit of
       +   physics to keep the Moore's Law dream going.
       +   By Building faster computers, hardware engineers offer
       +   more  resource  to  software makers, allowing to build
       +   more ambitious  projects.   The  computer  performance
       +   discipline sure have been worked up thoroughly.
       +   If the software comsumes all the extra computing power
       +   for its own goal, then we are conjointly building very
       +   fast snails.
       +   This conquest for aa better  cost/performance  balance
       +   is one direction for evolution of computers, but it as
       +   well possible to imagine a race for better reliability
       +   and durability instead.
       +   Ploum offers a vision of what  a  computer  maximizing
       +   durability  of  the  hardware,  but  also the software
       +   ecosystem, so that a computer  built  today  still  be
       +   useful  in  50  years without upgrades (not preventing
       +   upgrades to happen).
       +   An old knife is still a piece of  metal  that  can  be
       +   sharpened  over  again to be able to cut long after it
       +   was built. Can it be the same for computers?
       +   https://ploum.net/the-computer-built-to-last-50-years/
       +  100 years of radiodiffusion                      tgtimes
       +   Internet existed forever: books and printed press have
       +   always  been  around  for  communicating   ideas   and
       +   information,  and evolved progressively to become what
       +   Internet is today.
       +   Letters were  carried  by  messengers  riding  horses,
       +   postal  train,  or airplanes. Long-range communication
       +   evolved from here  slowly  for  a  lot  of  time,  but
       +   accelerated a lot on these recent years.
       +   The common pattern: a  new  discovery  in  electronics
       +   permits  a  new  way  to  communicate information on a
       +   long-distance,  with  a  lighning-fast  adoption   all
       +   around the world:
       +   1919 wireless telegraphy  and  music  transmission  on
       +     Germany, Netherland and United-States
       +   1920 daily radio programmes in England,  United-States
       +     and URSSR
       +   1921 radio broadcasting on Eiffel Tower  with  a  900W
       +     power intensity
       +   1922  foundation  of  BBC   and   arrival   of   2000W
       +     broadcastings
       +   A few years before, the long-range communication  tool
       +   was  paper.   A  few  years  after,  the telephone and
       +   television started to develop.
       +  A world of tiny creatures                        tgtimes
       +   Ants. Is that what we would look like to the eyes of a
       +   giant? What if one of those giants had  the  curiosity
       +   of  looking  down  on our world, watching all our tiny
       +   activities, our tiny trades,  our  tiny  farming,  our
       +   tiny meals, our tiny families, our tiny lives.
       +   E.O. Wilson was one of these giants,  looking  at  the
       +   ants:   the   real   ones,   the   insects   ones:  An
       +   entomologist,  someone  dedicated  to  the  study   of
       +   insects.
       +   After 92 years of passionated  life,  E.O.  Wilson  is
       +   fading away, joining the soil, which he spent its life
       +   observing. Closing its own book,  while  at  the  same
       +   time  inviting everyone to open their eyes, and watch,
       +   carefully, this world of tiny creatures.
       +  Uxn portable assembly language                   100r.co
       +   The  web  is  well-known for its drift toward platform
       +   effect: reproducing the  features  of  the  underlying
       +   operating  system from one of its application, in this
       +   case, the web browser.  This is largely made  possible
       +   through  javascript, and the advent of WebAssembly can
       +   only contribute more to this.
       +   But  making  an  assembly  language  a  standard   for
       +   shipping  graphical  applications  needs  not to rhime
       +   with  excess  and  abuse  of  a  platform.    A   more
       +   conventional  approach  would  be  standardising high-
       +   level API and protocols, for which  low-level  drivers
       +   would  be written. Instead, Uxn standardises as low as
       +   the assembly language itself.
       +   Yet, Uxn has nothing in common with Java:
       +   >>  Features  were  weighted  against   the   relative
       +    difficulty    they    would   add   for   programmers
       +    implementing their own emulators.
       +   Say welcome to this rabbit hole, inviting you  with  a
       +   fresh take on making computers work for end-users.
       +   Impressive  acheivements   were   reached,   such   as
       +   portability  of  this platform on things as small as a
       +   32bit microcontroller:
       +   >> Currently, there are ports (not all  are  complete)
       +    for   GBA,  Nintendo  DS,  Playdate,  DOS,  PS  Vita,
       +    Raspberri  Pi  Pico,  Teletype,  ESP32,  iOS,  STM32,
       +    STM32, IBM PC, and many more.
       +   https://100r.co/site/uxn.html
       +  The UNIX calendar(1) command                     tgtimes
       +   It   is   probably  there  sitting  on  /usr/bin,  the
       +   calendar(1) command can  offer  you  a  fair  dose  of
       +   flexibility that lack to web-based or smartphone-based
       +   calendars.
       +   By storing events on a single file of text  edited  by
       +   hand,  calendar(1) brings the comfort of your existing
       +   text editor to manage events with a simple syntax:
       +   • one line per event: first a date, then a tab, then a
       +     description.
       +   • A line starting with a tab implicitly has  the  same
       +     date as the previous event.
       +   • Empty lines are  ignored,  and  the  C  preprocessor
       +     brings #include and /* comments */ as needed.
       +   No need to format everything right away: taking  notes
       +   at  the  end  while  in the middle of a phone call and
       +   formatting after hanging-up is making  it  trivial  to
       +   manage a calendar.
       +   while the calendar(1) command is run, events today and
       +   tomorrow  are  printed  (with more choice of durations
       +   using flags), giving a digest of what is upcoming.
       +   A command line  flag  permits  to  send  the  calendar
       +   digest  to  all  users  by email, making it a complete
       +   suite to use as a calendar.
       +   There is even support for weekly, monthly  and  yearly
       +   (birthdays) events.
       +   Sharing calendar events is  as  easy  as  sending  the
       +   section   of   the   calendar   file   by  email,  and
       +   synchronising the calendar across devices is a  matter
       +   of synchronising a single file.
       +   By adding a few more custom  syntax  rules,  a  rather
       +   pretty digest can be written with very few effort.
       +   Jan 23  09:00   Breakfast: cooked eggs and fruits
       +                   @ Home Sweet Home
       +           10:30   The Gopher Times proof-reading
       +                   @ ircs://irc.bitreich.org/
       +           15:30   On-call duty untill!
       +                   @ https://the-dull-gull.corp/login
       +   Jan 24  12:30   Lunch break in town with folks
       +                   @ that small cafe that does snacks
       +   Jan 26  19:15   Call with friends abroad
       +                   @ mumble://example.com/
       +  A Guide to Hell by J. Mickens                     usenix
       +   >>  As a highly trained academic researcher, I spend a
       +    lot of time trying to advance the frontiers of  human
       +    knowledge.  However,  as  someone who was born in the
       +    South, I secretly believe that  true  progress  is  a
       +    fantasy,  and  that  I  need  to  prepare for the end
       +    times, and for the chickens coming home to roost, and
       +    fast  zombies,  and  slow  zombies,  and  the  polite
       +    zombies who say "sir" and "ma'am" but then try to eat
       +    your   brain   to   acquire  your  skills.  When  the
       +    revolution comes, I need to be prepared; thus, in the
       +    quiet  moments,  when  I’m  not  producing incredible
       +    scientific breakthroughs, I think about what I’ll  do
       +    when  the  weather forecast inevitably becomes RIVERS
       +    OF BLOOD ALL DAY EVERY DAY. [...]
       +   If James Mickens looks like he  is  a  highly  trained
       +   soldier  killing  zombies  the  dommed lands of System
       +   Programming, that is because James Mickens is a highly
       +   trained  soldier  killing  zombies the dommed lands of
       +   System Programming.
       +   https://usenix.org/system/files/1311_05-08_mickens.pdf
       +  Confessions of a thief                            chemla
       +   >>  Below is the beginning of "Confessions of a Thief"
       +    from Laurent  Chemla,  founded  a  major  French  DNS
       +    registrar,  but  before that, was the first to commit
       +    online piracy in France (from a Minitel), and  worked
       +    on  development  tools  Atari.  The book is published
       +    online in French and translated below.
       +   A thief. How else to name one of the first  individual
       +   in  France  to  procure  itself an Internet access? In
       +   1994, borrowing the  clothes  of  a  telecommunication
       +   expert,  that  I  was  not  yet, I obtained from an IT
       +   staff employee of a parisian University that he let me
       +   an access to Internet. In exchange, I brought him help
       +   - relatively - to the building of a network devoted to
       +   let student work from home.
       +   I then stole,  I  confess,  this  first  access  to  a
       +   network  that  remained to me a mostly unexplored land
       +   since my last visits  in  1992,  mediated  by  obscure
       +   manoeuvres of a friend or through piracy.
       +   This theft benefited to me, I could  learn  to  use  a
       +   tool long before the majority of the IT crowd, gaining
       +   an advance that still persist today.
       +   I stole, but I plead good faith. At this epoch  nobody
       +   around  me  did understand what it was about. Would it
       +   bit a thief to steal something nobody had interest in?
       +   This  access  was  to  the reach of only a few testing
       +   university students,  this  access  that  a  small  IT
       +   company  could  not  afford,  I stole it, and I am not
       +   ashamed.
       +   For my relatives, I am  nontheless  an  "IT  janitor".
       +   Programmer  to  a  tiny IT company, I always have been
       +   passionated by telematic  networks.   A  passion  that
       +   costed  me,  in  1986, to be the first to be guilty of
       +   piracy in France, pirated from a Minitel, yes, but  to
       +   each  his glory.  As there was not yet any law against
       +   IT piracy,  I  have  been  incriminated  for  stealing
       +   electrical  power.  All that ended up in an acquittal,
       +   but still, here is a decent start for a thief career!
       +   Indeed,  how   to   name   differently   someone   who
       +   constituted its professional network by taking part to
       +   associations? We have  the  impression  to  contribute
       +   unpaid for the many, but we mostly get known and, time
       +   after  time,  the  clients  get  attracted   by   this
       +   visibility.    Of  course  anyone  whose  professional
       +   occupation deals with voluntary sector end-up face  to
       +   its own consciousness. Not unlike, I suppose, a lawyer
       +   who gain clients from the excluded folk that  he  help
       +   graciously  and daily. I ignore what its consciousness
       +   would tell him, but I know mine is not at rest.
       +   Nowadays again, my activities continue to be lucrative
       +   out of Internet, at the time of Nasdaq's fall. How can
       +   one earn while everyone loose, if not by cheating?
       +   A thief is on that use to its profit else's  good.  To
       +   me,  Internet  is  a  public  good  and,  if  serve as
       +   commercial gallery for some, it must not limit  itself
       +   to  such a deviation. Internet must first and foremost
       +   be the tool that,  for  the  first  time  in  mankind,
       +   permitted   the   freedom  of  speech,  defined  as  a
       +   fundamental human right.
       +   This  right,   in   all   its   guarantee   from   our
       +   constitutional  state,  has  stayed hypothetical since
       +   its proclamation. In France law  protects  freedom  of
       +   Speech  of syndicates and journalists but no text that
       +   permit to the simple citizen to undertake justice,  to
       +   reach  its  freedom. What else since, before Internet,
       +   this freedom was to the reach of some privilegied? The
       +   lawyer  protected  them  because only them needed that
       +   protection. Ten years ago, noone would have been  able
       +   to  benefit  an  as simple, fast and affordable way to
       +   expose works, arts or ideas but by vociferating in the
       +   street or by climbing the social scale rung by rung to
       +   the point of having media's attention.  One had to  be
       +   represented  by  others  with the expression right for
       +   themself. Only ersatz. The only freedom  that  matters
       +   is  the  one  available  to all and I dont give a damn
       +   about  those  reserved  to   the   mighty   or   their
       +   representatives.
       +   Internet thereby permit to a growing number of citizen
       +   to apply their fundamental right to take the parole on
       +   the public place. From this point of view, it must  be
       +   protected  such  as  any  other  necessary yet fragile
       +   resource, such as water we drink everyday.  It  cannot
       +   be  reserved  to  anyone,  neither  be  limited in its
       +   usages if  not  by  the  common  right.  No  exception
       +   legislation  must  forbide  the exercise of freedom of
       +   speech and, as soon as possible, states must  preserve
       +   the common tool that became a public benefit. And as I
       +   use a public good to lead my own fights, yet again,  I
       +   behave as a thief.
       +   I thereby knew the Internet some time before everybody
       +   else,  still  at  the  age  of the Far West, Eldorado,
       +   Utopia. At this era, the network was backed by  public
       +   money  (mostly  from  United  States),  the  life  was
       +   happier and the electronic sky bluer.  We  worked  all
       +   along,   among  passionated,  inventing  new  computer
       +   objects that even Microsoft did ignore, like Linux  or
       +   the World Wide Web (you know, the three fastidious *w*
       +   we have to type in the address of your  favorite  porn
       +   website...)  that  did  not  yet  exist and that today
       +   everybody mistake for the network itself.
       +   We were far from thinking that some day, we would need
       +   a  plethora  of  lawyers to organize the network. That
       +   some day, we would need interdepartmental comittees to
       +   address  of the question. That some day, we would have
       +   to put black  on  white  the  manners  not  yet  named
       +   "netiquette" that seemd all so natural to us. Our only
       +   desire, share that formidable invention with the  most
       +   people, make its apology, attract the most numerous of
       +   passionated who shared with us their competency, their
       +   knowledge and intelligence.
       +   I remember that at  this  epoch,  when  I  was  saying
       +   "Internet",  my friends looked at me as if coming from
       +   another planet.  When  I  transfered  a  file  from  a
       +   computer  from  one  end  of  of  the  world to my own
       +   machine - by cabalistic commands typed by  hand  under
       +   an  interface  working  without  a mouse pointer - the
       +   seasoned   IT   engineers   was   assisting   to   the
       +   demonstration  as  to  a bad movie: finding a file was
       +   taking hours, reading speeds was worth  a  sick  snail
       +   and  the  file  often  revealed  to be unusable... But
       +   while a pal entered in my office, I would show him how
       +   by  typing  a single command line I could share, for a
       +   ridiculous price, my work, my knowledge, my  files  or
       +   my data with pure strangers and that could live at the
       +   other side of the street as  the  other  side  of  the
       +   world.
       +   Besides from other passionated people,  everybody  was
       +   laughing  at  me.   I could tell them that this thingy
       +   would be a revolution for human knowledge, they looked
       +   at me in pity and went back to their work.
       +   In the best case, I was told with lucidity  "It  is  a
       +   pirate  thing.".   Some was asking who would that fit,
       +   beyond  telematic  specialists.   Other  claimed  that
       +   volontary  and  free  sharing  of  resources would not
       +   have, by definition, any economical future. I was also
       +   asked  sometimes  who  would  dare  to  provide such a
       +   terrible service.  And  when  I  explained  them  that
       +   everything  was  entirely decentralised, with for only
       +   coordination volunteership and good will of  all,  the
       +   same ones was telling me that it could never work at a
       +   large scale.
       +   https://www.confessions-voleur.net/
       +  Publishing in The Gopher Times                       you
       +   Want   your   article  published?   Want  to  announce
       +   something to the Gopher world?   Directly  related  to
       +   Gopher  or not, reach us on IRC with an article in any
       +   format, we will handle the rest.
       +   ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en
       +   gopher://bitreich.org/1/tgtimes/
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