opus5: bring the corups of many more articles - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Mon, 13 Jun 2022 16:44:43 +0200
       opus5: bring the corups of many more articles
         A opus5/article-josuah-I-Do-Not-Know… |     124 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-josuah-I-Do-Not-Know-Do-Not-Ask-Me.mw b/opus5/article-josuah-I-Do-Not-Know-Do-Not-Ask-Me.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
       +.SH josuah
       +I Do Not Know, Do Not Ask Me
       +The post-Snowden era is marked by a new fact that cannot be ignored anymore:
       +NSA (among others) is watching you (among others).
       +Does that change anything to my everyday life?
       +Probably not, they already were before you knew about it.
       +Should I do anything about it?
       +No answer.
       +The eternal doubt that modern society is famous for:
       +I do not know, do not ask me.
       +That question is weird anyway.
       +Let me go back to my life.
       +That same doubt that occurs when you look up on a supermarket and see the mess of wires,
       +tubes, cables and neon lighting, barely even hidden, at best painted in white...
       +The worst scene of industrial warehouse, as if taken straight out of the Brazil
       +A landscape that is in such opposition with the images of every product being sold,
       +picturing what more or less fits the collective imagery of "house of my grandparents in back-country",
       +promising a natural environment...
       +Where did they even find all these landscapes of backcountry without phone line everywhere,
       +tracktors, alsphalt, cattle warehouses or wind turbines to put on these product label background images?
       +I do not know, do not ask me.
       +That question is weird anyway.
       +Let me go back to my life.
       +How did such a landscape,
       +neon distopia pictures that seems straight out of /r/cyberpunk post or the latest Blade Runner,
       +got invited into the cozzy bubble of the average citizen?
       +Who made these places so ugly?
       +Why do I feel like human is being considered like cattle in these kind of places?
       +I do not know, do not ask me.
       +That question is weird anyway.
       +Let me go back to my life.
       +What weird things am I even saying!
       +Am I trying to tell that an NSA agent is sitting on the metal beams of these places disfigure passersby with their empty gaze.
       +There are cameras though.
       +What do they film? Thieves? Who is checking? Software? Peoples? Are marketting people looking at these pictures? Of me too?
       +What do they think of me? Did they look at my hand hesitating between these two products?
       +I do not know, do not ask me.
       +That question is weird anyway.
       +Let me go back to my life.
       +Going out, one might encounter someone sitting on a backpack barely full,
       +with a small cup filled with coins, looking a bit panicked, looking a bit dirty, looking a bit lost,
       +sometimes even a bit drunk.
       +Occasionally they will ask you for another coin to add to their small collection.
       +Passerbys offer them a lie such as "I do not have cash", or a kind word like "no, sorry",
       +keep walking faster without looking, and eventually stops paying the tax and quickly keep going before they got asked for more.
       +What did happen to them? Did they choose to live here?
       +How can I know it will never happen to me?
       +Why do I feel bad if I do not give them what they ask?
       +Why do I feel bad if I give them what they ask?
       +I do not know, do not ask me.
       +That question is weird anyway.
       +Let me go back to my life.
       +Let's not get fooled or reverse the roles here:
       +Writing this, I am not asking these questions to you, neither you are asking these questions to yourself.
       +The \fIplaces\fR are asking these questions to you themself.
       +By building a supermarket out of a warehouse but displaying eye-catchy pictures of a scenery that does not even exist,
       +it is obvious that people will notice the disbalance between the two.
       +By placing cameras filming every square meter of such a place, or even a whole city,
       +it is obvious that people will wonder at some point, who is behind the screen reviewing these images.
       +The questions are left open. Nothing is made to even hint about the answer.
       +We are left in the doubt,
       +letting some ensure "it is just in case of a thief, the police officer is going to watch"
       +or other affirm "they are using these images to study how we think to better control us!".
       +Such divergent claims based on convictions, the technician installing these cameras up there has no hint either,
       +its manager followed the recommandations of the mothership company,
       +itself getting directions from the parent investor group who lately purchased the brand,
       +who themself are only trying to keep-up with the most up to date business practices,
       +read on an online newspaper article recommanded by a colleague.
       +I stopped to care about these silly things since long.
       +I came back to the real world for the better.
       +I live my life and it works plenty well, so why would I care?
       +So why is that, at deep down, in the middle of my gut, there is a voice whispering to me, that's something's wrong.
       +The thing with living like an ant in the anthill is:
       +you do not get too many answers about how the whole place works.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-animated-text-art.mw b/opus5/article-linuxconsole-animated-text-art.mw
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       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -.SH josuah
       +.SH tgtimes
        Wireless, wireless everywhere
        .2C 60
       @@ -77,4 +77,8 @@ https://limemicro.com/products/boards/limesdr/
        among others, the gears for letting one experiment with radio transmissions.
       +Every year, the American Relay Radio League (ARRL) is publishing a large book focused on radiocommunication,
       +and its chapter 1 section 1 is \fIDo-It-Yourself Wireless\fR.
        This is an invitation for everyone to discover or rediscover the universe of electromagnetic fields communication.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-darkfi.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-darkfi.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-embedded-forth.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-embedded-forth.mw
       @@ -15,11 +15,134 @@ They serve their purpose to embedded enthusiasts as educational and scripting la
        But small "language in a nutshell" are fitting right the small resources of microcontrollers.
        This is the case of Forth and its stack-machine approach.
       +.IP Mecrisp Forth - http://mecrisp.sourceforge.net/
       +This implementation immediately targets microcontrollers.
       +See for instance the work of librehacker.com author Christopher Howard.
       +.IP chipFORTH
       +Another implementation of Forth, which were used by NASA
       +for improving reliability of its flight control system,
       +among the mosts critical pieces of software of a shuttle.
       +.IP https://github.com/corecode/forth
       +Among notable Forth projects is Simon "corecode" Schubert's nimble forth implementation
       +as well as hardware code describing the working of a CPU that executes Forth natively
       +.IP https://forth.chat/
       +If feeling like having a taste of Forth and Forth community, there are several channels
       +featuring forth that you could enjoy,
       +some of which are oriented toward hardware projects directly
       +.IP https://github.com/chmykh/apl-life
       +This is Conway Game of Life in APL in Forth
       +What a long chain! It is APL programming language implemented in Forth,
       +and Conway game of life implemented in APL
       +.IP https://github.com/remko/waforth
       +Feeling like pushing the irony of "Web" assembly even further?
       +Why not blasting a Forth implementation at it?
       +This proves Forth as the new programming language \fIen vogue\fR
       +.IP http://collapseos.org/
       +What else does a programming language need to prove itself useful?
       +A kernel? Check!
       +Collapse OS
       +is an operating system targetted at resilience over nine thousands,
       +as it is designed to resist everything around it tearing apart, including the whole civilisation.
       +When nothing remains but wastelands, CollapseOS will be there to reborn from scavenged parts and
       +from old computers.
       +Forth is, to my knowledge, the most compact language allowing high level constructs. -- Collapse OS author.
       +.IP "gopher://retroforth.org/ https://retroforth.org/"
       +A forth implemented in C, Python, C#, Nim, JavaScript and Pascal!
       +The C version permits to embed the script into a binary along with the interpreter,
       +for a single-binary deployment process.
       +The more classic way to use it is to use shebangs scripts to have executable scripts.
       +Many smaller utilities can already provide something you needed:
       +.IP http://retroforth.org/examples/Casket-HTTP.retro.html
       +An HTTP server
       +.IP http://retroforth.org/examples/Atua-WWW.retro.html
       +A Gopher to HTTP+HTML Proxy on top of Atua.
       +.IP http://retroforth.org/examples/Atua.retro.html Gopher server
       +A gopher server, already listed on the Gopher index of links, the Gopher Lawn
       +.IP http://retroforth.org/examples/7080.retro.html
       +A s
       +.IP https://gitlab.com/goblinrieur/spreedsheet/
       +A spreadsheet application in the terminal.
       +.IP gopher://forth.works:100 http://forthworks.com/
       +This is a collection of code blocks written in the Retro Forth's author (crc) newest Forth implementation.
       +It is itself served by a gopher server (blocks 203-205 on the list above) in Forth.
       +.IP https://github.com/oriontransfer/pl0-language-tools
       +A PL/0 implementation in Python that can emmit Retro Forth code as ouput.
       +It looks like Forth simplicity, portability, stability and speed of execution made it a good candidate as a target language.
       +The PL/0 language is known for the book \fIAlgorithms + Data Structures = Programs\fR
       +from Niklaus Wirth, himself famous for the Wirth Law:
       +The hope is that the progress in hardware will cure all software ills.
       +However, a critical observer may observe that software manages to outgrow hardware in size and sluggishness.
       +-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirth's_law
       +.IP https://ribccs.com/candy/
       +If you were doubting about Forth being fit for the industry, bear in mind that the above is
       +a very-large scale VFX Forth project with over a million lines of code!
       +.IP http://sam-falvo.github.io/kestrel/2016/03/29/vibe-2.2
       +Why not spin a vi-like text editor itself in forth?
       +See how few code it takes to implement one.
       +.IP https://git.sr.ht/~vertigo/shoehorn
       +An answer to the bootstrapping problem: how to get from no software to a complete system?
       +Which compiler compiles the first compiler?
       +Forth's simplicity is a good candidate for solving this problem.
       +.IP https://git.sr.ht/~vertigo/forthbox
       +Software environment for computers to base upon right after booting:
       +a system shell in forth with real hardware projects dedicated to it.
       +Think of a LISP machine, but instead being a Forth machine.
       +.IP http://deathroadtocanada.com/
       +This video-game uses Forth as a scripting language.
       +When a whole scripting language fits on a thumb, putting it everywhere costs nothing!
       +Such a large tool chest for such a small language.
       +With the Covid, Wars under disguise, and other supply chain troubles,
       +the era of "more features" is coming to an end,
       +and the era of reliability rises.
       +In these trying times, anyone is welcome to go Forth.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-gopher-podcast-search.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-gopher-podcast-search.mw
       @@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
        Search podcasts via Gopher
       +Do you happen to be a podcast enjoyer?
       +Maybe you considered to have something to listen to on the road or while cooking.
       +Combining many different sources, you may encounter some heirlooms
       +by searching through this gopher front-end for podcast search.
       +The platform aggregates multiple search APIs of RSS link aggregators with a focus on audio podcasts,
       +and extracts the RSS links for you,
       +so you do not have to search throug a dozen of webpages just to find the RSS button.
       +For instance, knowing about the Amp Hour podcast, I tried searching for it:
       +"Amp Hour" in the search field, and bingo! The first result is "The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast",
       +that was quickly added to my list of RSS feeds in a blast.
       +Being based off Gopher, this makes it insanely easy to automate a script searching for podcasts, then
       +downloading the entries and uploading them to an MP3 player of any kind
       +(dedicated, or as part of a phone or other portable computer).
       +Want to know more about it?
       +One place to discuss about it is the Bitreich IRC server
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-ircnow.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-ircnow.mw
       @@ -2,8 +2,60 @@
        A new IRC network: IRCNow!
       -jrmu, is trying to get exposure for a network he started [ http://ircnow.org ]
       -He has an upcoming free workshop in the LibrePlanet online conference (that anyone can join), on May 9 @ 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC. [ https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/event/info?eset=1&id=104 ]
       -We recorded a testrun of his slides yesterday. "IRCNow FSF - workshop testrun" (1h15m, 12022-04-21T16:00Z#4) | https://0x0.st/oTal.webm (167MB). He's also a fan of the gopher protocol (at 1hr10min) [ https://jrmu.host.ircnow.org/libreplanet/libreplanet.pdf ] .
       -Here's another article that was written in Linux Magazine in August 2021, about the network he started. https://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2021/249/Interview-IRCNow
       +A new IRC network is in town!
       +Ever wanted to feel what an early community looks like?
       +The admin jrmu brought the project together, and is currently collecting users along the way.
       +Whether you looked for a place to host your own community,
       +or wanted a see a fresh community be grow from fertile ground, 
       +the community is welcoming and active.
       +IRCNow: Of the Users, By the Users, For the Users
       +A LibrePlanet event 
       +Something else from this community might catch your attention,
       +is its orientation toward being administrated by its users themself:
       +rather than letting the founder handle everything,
       +the community is oriented toward serious teaching of unix command line and system administration to anyone,
       +from beginners to advanced users seeking improvement.
       +In-person teaching sessions were covered during the LibrePlanet 2022 event
       +with recording of a test-run of the event
       +the voice only starts from 0h20m
       +talking about Gopher at 1h15m
       +where future and present hackers met together working our their system administration and community building skills.
       +Linux Magazine also ran an interview giving a good impression about the spirit of the project:
       +Beyond yet another IRC network to chat with,
       +IRCnow offers hosting services for
       +IRC bouncers, Bots, E-Mail, VPN, Code, File Storage, and Shell Accounts.
       +The wiki itself features plenty of technical information on system administration as a support for its bootcamps,
       +which offers a comfortable step-by-step introduction to a complete server administration.
       +I have often seen administrators hired with less than this much knowledge!
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-maemo-leste-update.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-maemo-leste-update.mw
       @@ -1,3 +1,46 @@
       +.SH tgtimes
       +Maemo Leste keeps kicking in!
       +The ultimate hacker's toy project: a OpenSource powered hand-held computer.
       +Where to start from?
       +There can be two walls preventing every Linux enthusiast from having its own phone with a Linux Powered sticket on it:
       +.IP 1.
       +hardware support: getting Linux to boot on these twisted hardware setups that smartphones are can be frustrating.
       +.IP 2.
       +application support: writing all the tools that make a plain unix shell useable as a phone.
       +It may be as simple as a daemon watching incoming phone call from hardware abstractions (those from in 1.)
       +and playing a ringtone.wav whenever a call comes in,
       +it still has to be written.
       +Same goes for a keyboard application if it uses a touch-screen.
       +Same goes for anything.
       +Since it goes beyond the scope of a week-end hack,
       +collaboration takes place for making these projects happen.
       +Maemo Leste is now existing since more than four years, and keeps being developed at good pace.
       +It even shines where Android does not:
       +it uses mainline Linux kernel instead of forks that never get upgraded nor contributed back to Linux.
       +This means that all software officially supported by Maemo Leste might also be available to many more Linux-based projects.
       +Of course, there are non-official porting efforts for more hardware underway to become a completely supported target.
       +Like it is for every operating system project.
       +Maemo Leste, the project bringing a real UNIX shell where you only had a Android Java ecosystem,
       +featuring GPS chips reverse engineering, and a working phone module.
       +The support for the inexpensive PinePhone means you can get a fully working linux phone in your pocket.
       +Grab it while it is hot, the lack of bloated prebuilt application forced into it by the vendor means it will not catch fire!
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-mallumo.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-mallumo.mw
       @@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
       +.SH darkfi
       +The Mallumo Weechat Plugin
       +IRC is part of the protocols that survived to the advent of the Web.
       +It still has users, it still has new network and communities initiatives springing out, it is alive.
       +One single little touch it lacks is end-to-end encryption.
       +Without it it is perfect for public communities such as software projects discussions and support chat, live event chats...
       +but private 1-to-1 communication could suddenly become a good candidate for end-to-end encryption.
       +Part of the DarkFi project, this is what Mallumo
       +brings in a simple piece of code using libNaClk,
       +the crypto library from Dan Bernstein,
       +author of ED25519 (in its repackaged libsodium form).
       +This is state-of-the-art, well-proven and fast cryptography for end-to-end communication.
       +With this plug-in dropped in the plugin folder,
       +all private communication start by a simple key exchange over normal IRC,
       +and the conversation upgrades to nacl-encrypted messages over regular IRC.
       +There might not be any simpler way to encrypt peer-to-peer communication online.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-sailingwithgrace.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-sailingwithgrace.mw
       @@ -1,2 +1,34 @@
       +.SH tgtimes
       +Sailing With Grace
       +The sea!
       +Water all around, not a single piece of ground around to stand in, only a single boat that becomes one with you, its capitain.
       +Infinite waves under the blue or cloudly sky is all you see for a long trip of many days.
       +Feeling both lost, but at the same time united with surrounding nature.
       +After all, the largest part of Earth is covered by the sea.
       +This is the world of Sailing that awaits each of us,
       +for a single trip hosted by a well proven crew,
       +or as a lone sailor braving tempests after tempests.
       +Sailing blogs are definitely a good opportunity to dream,
       +the instant of an article.
       +This blog, Sailing With Grace, has taken the decision of offering all its content through HTTP,
       +but also proxied over Gopher.
       +This recalls an interesting point:
       +it proves that Gopher is not only good for talking about Gopher and computer things,
       +but is also oriented toward the outside,
       +is it ready to be used by people who are not gopher geeks?
       +It always was to begin with, so why would it not?
       +Are people less able to use computers now than they was before the web came?
       +The discussion is open.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-sortix.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-sortix.mw
       @@ -1 +0,0 @@
       -.LK https://twitter.com/sortiecat/status/1511449871416545283
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/tgtimes5.mw b/opus5/tgtimes5.mw
       @@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ Opus 5 - Gopher news and more - May. 2022
        .so opus5/article-20h-geomyidae.mw
       -.so opus5/article-tgtimes-animated-text-art.mw
       +.so opus5/article-bitreich-onlyturtlefans.mw
       +.so opus5/article-josuah-I-Do-Not-Know-Do-Not-Ask-Me.mw
       +.so opus5/article-linuxconsole-animated-text-art.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-ascii-art-rendering.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-bluetooth-brain.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-breathing-open-source.mw
       -.so opus5/article-tgtimes-darkfi.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-embedded-forth.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-fft-hack.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-gopher-podcast-search.mw
       @@ -17,6 +18,5 @@ Opus 5 - Gopher news and more - May. 2022
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-maemo-leste-update.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-mallumo.mw
        .so opus5/article-tgtimes-sailingwithgrace.mw
       -.so opus5/article-tgtimes-sortix.mw
        .so opus5/footer.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/tgtimes5.pdf b/opus5/tgtimes5.pdf
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/tgtimes5.txt b/opus5/tgtimes5.txt
       @@ -185,12 +185,163 @@ ____________________________________________________________
       -   Animated ASCII art                        linuxconsole
       +   Prof. Skildgaard: Only Turtle Fans
       +   I  am  happy  to announce, that the scientific head of
       +   bitreich, Prof. Skildgaard,  the  professor  for  slow
       +   sciences  at the Aarhus university in Denmark, now has
       +   opened his own website:
       +   http://onlyturtlefans.com/
       +   You can see many #turtlefan pictures. annna | #turtle-
       +   fan: gopher://bitreich.org/I/memecache/turtlefan.png
       +   Please recommend his work! He has done so much for us,
       +   like  reviewing all entries to the last and the coming
       +   brcon. This takes ages!
       +   Sincerely yours,
       +   20h Chief Slowness Executive (CSE)
       +   I Do Not Know, Do Not Ask Me                    josuah
       +   The post-Snowden era is marked by a new fact that can-
       +   not be ignored anymore: NSA (among others) is watching
       +   you (among others).
       +   Does that change anything to my everyday life?  Proba-
       +   bly  not,  they already were before you knew about it.
       +   Should I do anything about it?  No answer.  The  eter-
       +   nal doubt that modern society is famous for:
       +   >> I do not know, do not ask  me.   That  question  is
       +    weird anyway.  Let me go back to my life.
       +   That same doubt that occurs when you look up on a  su-
       +   permarket and see the mess of wires, tubes, cables and
       +   neon lighting, barely even hidden, at best painted  in
       +   white...   The worst scene of industrial warehouse, as
       +   if taken straight out of the Brazil [1] movie.
       +   A landscape that is in such opposition with the images
       +   of  every  product  being sold, picturing what more or
       +   less fits the  collective  imagery  of  "house  of  my
       +   grandparents in back-country", promising a natural en-
       +   vironment...  Where did they even find all these land-
       +   scapes  of  backcountry without phone line everywhere,
       +   tracktors, alsphalt, cattle warehouses  or  wind  tur-
       +   bines to put on these product label background images?
       +   >> I do not know, do not ask  me.   That  question  is
       +    weird anyway.  Let me go back to my life.
       +   How did such a landscape, neon distopia pictures  that
       +   seems  straight out of /r/cyberpunk post or the latest
       +   Blade Runner, got invited into the cozzy bubble of the
       +   average citizen?  [2] Who made these places  so  ugly?
       +   Why do I feel like human is being considered like cat-
       +   tle in these kind of places?
       +   >> I do not know, do not ask  me.   That  question  is
       +    weird anyway.  Let me go back to my life.
       +   What weird things am I even saying!  Am  I  trying  to
       +   tell  that  an NSA agent is sitting on the metal beams
       +   of these places disfigure passersby with  their  empty
       +   gaze.   There  are cameras though.  What do they film?
       +   Thieves? Who is checking? Software? Peoples? Are  mar-
       +   ketting  people  looking at these pictures? Of me too?
       +   What do they think of me? Did they  look  at  my  hand
       +   hesitating between these two products?
       +   >> I do not know, do not ask  me.   That  question  is
       +    weird anyway.  Let me go back to my life.
       +   Going out, one might encounter someone  sitting  on  a
       +   backpack  barely  full,  with  a small cup filled with
       +   coins, looking a bit panicked, looking  a  bit  dirty,
       +   looking a bit lost, sometimes even a bit drunk.  Occa-
       +   sionally they will ask you for another coin to add  to
       +   their  small  collection.   Passerbys offer them a lie
       +   such as "I do not have cash", or a kind word like "no,
       +   sorry", keep walking faster without looking, and even-
       +   tually stops paying the tax and quickly keep going be-
       +   fore  they  got  asked  for  more.  What did happen to
       +   them? Did they choose to live here?  How can I know it
       +   will  never  happen  to me?  Why do I feel bad if I do
       +   not give them what they ask?  Why do I feel bad  if  I
       +   give them what they ask?
       +   >> I do not know, do not ask  me.   That  question  is
       +    weird anyway.  Let me go back to my life.
       +   Let's not get fooled or reverse the roles here:  Writ-
       +   ing this, I am not asking these questions to you, nei-
       +   ther you are asking these questions to yourself.   The
       +   places are asking these questions to you themself.
       +   By building a supermarket out of a warehouse but  dis-
       +   playing eye-catchy pictures of a scenery that does not
       +   even exist, it is obvious that people will notice  the
       +   disbalance between the two.
       +   By placing cameras filming every square meter of  such
       +   a place, or even a whole city, it is obvious that peo-
       +   ple will wonder at  some  point,  who  is  behind  the
       +   screen reviewing these images.
       +   The questions are left open. Nothing is made  to  even
       +   hint about the answer.  We are left in the doubt, let-
       +   ting some ensure "it is just in case of a  thief,  the
       +   police  officer  is  going  to  watch" or other affirm
       +   "they are using these images to study how we think  to
       +   better control us!".
       +   Such divergent claims based on convictions, the  tech-
       +   nician  installing  these cameras up there has no hint
       +   either, its manager followed  the  recommandations  of
       +   the mothership company, itself getting directions from
       +   the parent investor group  who  lately  purchased  the
       +   brand,  who  themself  are only trying to keep-up with
       +   the most up to date business practices, read on an on-
       +   line newspaper article recommanded by a colleague.
       +   I stopped to care about these silly things since long.
       +   I  came back to the real world for the better.  I live
       +   my life and it works plenty well, so why would I care?
       +   >> So why is that, at deep down, in the middle  of  my
       +    gut,  there  is  a  voice  whispering  to  me, that's
       +    something's wrong.  [3]
       +   The thing with living like an ant in the  anthill  is:
       +   you  do  not  get too many answers about how the whole
       +   place works.
       +   [1]
       +   https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088846/
       +   [2]
       +   https://theuws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/supermarkt.jpg
       +   [3]
       +   https://yewtu.be/watch?v=QcSlAihVM0Q
       -   With all the history of ASCII art  and  demoscene,  it
       -   would  be  a  shame if noone ever tried to combine the
       +   Animated ASCII art
       +   With  all  the  history of ASCII art and demoscene, it
       +   would be a shame if noone ever tried  to  combine  the
           two in animated ASCII art.  Courtesy of textfiles.com,
       -   we  can  browse  through  a  collection of 93 animated
       +   we can browse through  a  collection  of  93  animated
           ASCII pieces of arts.  [1]
           The animation speed will likely be too high for a ter-
       @@ -218,19 +369,20 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           Synthetic ASCII Art                            tgtimes
           Sometimes, an entirely new way to approach problems is
           found.  The media is often fond of covering these top-
       -   ics, be it  quantum  computing,  blockchains,  machine
       -   learning...   With  these big toys come people experi-
       +   ics,  be  it  quantum  computing, blockchains, machine
       +   learning...  With these big toys come  people  experi-
           menting with it.
           This time we are reviewing the combo of Machine Learn-
       @@ -299,10 +451,6 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           could only be text.
       -   >> Do not use  Bluetooth  devices  to  send,  receive,
       -    store, or process classified information.  [4]
       @@ -315,8 +463,105 @@ ____________________________________________________________
       -   [4]
       +   Wireless, wireless everywhere
       +   Wires! Cables! Connectors!  Computer and electric sys-
       +   tems seems to befriend with plugs and sockets.  Why is
       +   the  computer  industry running away from them for ev-
       +   erything exposed to users?
       +   Where do I plug the  cable?  Everyone  needfully  face
       +     this  question  at  least once, be it the first time
       +     they own a computer.   From  the  various  connector
       +     shapes  to choose from, to the various set of proto-
       +     col the Universal  USB  connector  supports,  cables
       +     provoke  confusion to cable-haters and computer neo-
       +     phytes.
       +   Cables are ugly It might not be true for everyone, but
       +     computer  manufacturers  seems  to  say differently.
       +     Starting with the name "wireless", that comes by op-
       +     position  to wires, supposing they were something to
       +     avoid.  Cable management is a full time job for dat-
       +     acenter  jockeys,  and  a chore for the cable-hating
       +     computer user.
       +   Cables are immobile Unless making use of  an  uncommon
       +     cable  management strategy, objects connected to ca-
       +     bles cannot be carried too far away without  unplug-
       +     ging everything devices are connected to.
       +   So here comes wireless.  While not frequent  in  large
       +   computer infrastructure, wireless is invading the mar-
       +   ket along with battery devices.  Using radio waves  to
       +   make  device  talk  to each other, at various frequen-
       +   cies, modulation, datarate  and  distance.   Ready  to
       +   sacrifice  any  amount of good engineering to make it-
       +   self more seducing to the market, marketting  perpetu-
       +   ates  the  same  illusion  of making computer troubles
       +   fade away with wireless.
       +   From the Bluetooth protocol swamp of mixed  edge-cases
       +   and  compmlexity,  to  the security vulnerabilities of
       +   Wi-Fi, to the security vulnerabilities  of  Bluetooth,
       +   to the proprietary but popular protocols like LoRaWan,
       +   to the unreliability and  unstability  as  opposed  to
       +   wires,  to the black box of wireless broadband such as
       +   UTMS and LTE, Wireless does not  have  the  same  fame
       +   among developers valuing simplicity and reliability.
       +   Even the United Army  holds  griefs  against  wireless
       +   such as Bluetooth, and disrecommand it for use by mil-
       +   itaries: [1]
       +   >> Do not use  Bluetooth  devices  to  send,  receive,
       +    store, or process classified information.
       +   Nontheless, wireless is  fun,  beautiful,  and  filled
       +   with  culture.  While marketting pushed engineers from
       +   the wireless cliff, long before computer  came,  radio
       +   waves  were  put at good use in the most simple forms:
       +   radio communication.  From the AM and  FM  radio  sta-
       +   tions  to  listen  while on the road, the medium-range
       +   boat, airplane, truck, pedestrian  talkies,  and  even
       +   satellite  communications, hobbyists building-up their
       +   own  antennas  for  inter-continental   communication,
       +   garage door openners and remotely controlled drones...
       +   Complex and twisted wireless protocols are only a spe-
       +   cial  case of radio communication, and simple unobfus-
       +   cated methods of communication are possible, and  even
       +   frequent.
       +   Be it a simple and inexpensive RTL SDR dongle receiver
       +   [2] to complete receiver-emitters such as  HackRF  [3]
       +   or LimeSDR [4] among others, the gears for letting one
       +   experiment with radio transmissions.
       +   Every year, the American Relay Radio League (ARRL)  is
       +   publishing a large book focused on radiocommunication,
       +   and its chapter 1 section 1  is  Do-It-Yourself  Wire-
       +   less.
       +   This is an invitation for everyone to discover or  re-
       +   discover the universe of electromagnetic fields commu-
       +   nication.
       +   [1]
       +   [2]
       +   https://www.rtl-sdr.com/
       +   [3]
       +   https://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/one/
       +   [4]
       +   https://limemicro.com/products/boards/limesdr/
       @@ -367,15 +612,14 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           Embedded Forth Programming                     tgtimes
           Big computers can run large  and  complex  programming
       @@ -394,15 +638,151 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           the  small resources of microcontrollers.  This is the
           case of Forth and its stack-machine approach.
       -   https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/tech/20220331-
       -   0.gmi?inline=1
       -   https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/tech/20220305-
       -   0.gmi?inline=1
       +   Mecrisp This implementation immediately targets micro-
       +     controllers.    See   for   instance   the  work  of
       +     librehacker.com author Christopher Howard.  [1]
       +   chipFORTH Another implementation of Forth, which  were
       +     used by NASA [2] for improving  reliability  of  its
       +     flight  control  system,  among  the  mosts critical
       +     pieces of software of a shuttle.
       +   https://github.com/corecode/forth Among notable  Forth
       +     projects is Simon "corecode" Schubert's nimble forth
       +     implementation [3] as well as hardware code describ-
       +     ing  the  working  of  a CPU that executes Forth na-
       +     tively [4]
       +   https://forth.chat/ If feeling like having a taste  of
       +     Forth  and  Forth community, there are several chan-
       +     nels featuring forth that you could enjoy,  some  of
       +     which are oriented toward hardware projects directly
       +     [5]
       +   https://github.com/chmykh/apl-life This is Conway Game
       +     of Life in APL in Forth What a long chain! It is APL
       +     programming language implemented in Forth, and  Con-
       +     way game of life implemented in APL
       +   https://github.com/remko/waforth Feeling like  pushing
       +     the  irony  of "Web" assembly even further?  Why not
       +     blasting a Forth implementation  at  it?   [6]  This
       +     proves  Forth  as  the  new  programming language en
       +     vogue
       +   http://collapseos.org/ What else  does  a  programming
       +     language  need  to  prove  itself useful?  A kernel?
       +     Check!  Collapse OS is an operating system targetted
       +     at resilience over nine thousands, as it is designed
       +     to resist everything around it  tearing  apart,  in-
       +     cluding  the  whole  civilisation.  When nothing re-
       +     mains but wastelands, CollapseOS will  be  there  to
       +     reborn from scavenged parts and from old computers.
       +   >> Forth is, to my knowledge, the  most  compact  lan-
       +    guage  allowing high level constructs. -- Collapse OS
       +    author.
       +   gopher://retroforth.org/   https://retroforth.org/   A
       +     forth  implemented in C, Python, C#, Nim, JavaScript
       +     and Pascal!  [7] The C version permits to embed  the
       +     script into a binary along with the interpreter, for
       +     a single-binary deployment process.  The more  clas-
       +     sic way to use it is to use shebangs scripts to have
       +     executable scripts.
       +   Many smaller utilities can already  provide  something
       +   you needed:
       +   http://retroforth.org/examples/Casket-HTTP.retro.html
       +     An HTTP server
       +   http://retroforth.org/examples/Atua-WWW.retro.html   A
       +     Gopher to HTTP+HTML Proxy on top of Atua.
       +   http://retroforth.org/examples/Atua.retro.html  A  go-
       +     pher  server,  already listed on the Gopher index of
       +     links, the Gopher Lawn [8]
       +   http://retroforth.org/examples/7080.retro.html A s
       +   https://gitlab.com/goblinrieur/spreedsheet/ A  spread-
       +     sheet application in the terminal.
       +   gopher://forth.works:100 This is a collection of  code
       +     blocks  written  in  the  Retro Forth's author (crc)
       +     newest Forth implementation.  It is itself served by
       +     a  gopher  server (blocks 203-205 on the list above)
       +     in Forth.
       +   https://github.com/oriontransfer/pl0-language-tools  A
       +     PL/0  implementation  in Python that can emmit Retro
       +     Forth code as ouput.  It looks like  Forth  simplic-
       +     ity,  portability,  stability and speed of execution
       +     made it a good candidate as a target language.   The
       +     PL/0  language  is  known  for the book Algorithms +
       +     Data Structures = Programs from Niklaus Wirth,  him-
       +     self famous for the Wirth Law:
       +   >> The hope is that the progress in hardware will cure
       +    all  software ills.  However, a critical observer may
       +    observe that software manages to outgrow hardware  in
       +    size          and          sluggishness.           --
       +    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirth's_law
       +   https://ribccs.com/candy/ If you were  doubting  about
       +     Forth  being fit for the industry, bear in mind that
       +     the above is a very-large scale  VFX  Forth  project
       +     with over a million lines of code!
       +   http://sam-falvo.github.io/kestrel/2016/03/29/vibe-2.2
       +     Why  not spin a vi-like text editor itself in forth?
       +     See how few code it takes to implement one.
       +   https://git.sr.ht/~vertigo/shoehorn An answer  to  the
       +     bootstrapping  problem:  how to get from no software
       +     to a complete system?  Which compiler  compiles  the
       +     first compiler?  Forth's simplicity is a good candi-
       +     date for solving this problem.
       +   https://git.sr.ht/~vertigo/forthbox Software  environ-
       +     ment for computers to base upon right after booting:
       +     a system shell in forth with real hardware  projects
       +     dedicated  to  it.  Think of a LISP machine, but in-
       +     stead being a Forth machine.
       +   http://deathroadtocanada.com/  This  video-game   uses
       +     Forth as a scripting language.  When a whole script-
       +     ing language fits on a thumb, putting it  everywhere
       +     costs nothing!
       +   Such a large tool chest for  such  a  small  language.
       +   With  the Covid, Wars under disguise, and other supply
       +   chain troubles, the era of "more features"  is  coming
       +   to an end, and the era of reliability rises.  In these
       +   trying times, anyone is welcome to go Forth.
       +   [1]
       +   gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/tech/20220331-0.gmi
       +   gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/tech/20220305-0.gmi
       +   [2]
       +   https://www.forth.com/space-shuttle-instrumentation-interface/
       +   [3]
       +   [4]
       -   https://github.com/corecode/forth
       -   https://www.forth.com/tag/chipforth/
       +   [5]
       +   ircs://irc.hackint.org/#forth-hardware-projects
       +   [6]
       +   https://el-tramo.be/waforth/
       +   https://el-tramo.be/thurtle/
       +   [7]
       +   [8]
       +   bitreich.org/1/lawn/c/gopher.gph
       @@ -501,46 +881,237 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           Search podcasts via Gopher                     tgtimes
       -   [1]
       +   Do you happen to be a podcast enjoyer?  Maybe you con-
       +   sidered  to have something to listen to on the road or
       +   while cooking.
       +   Combining many different sources,  you  may  encounter
       +   some   heirlooms  by  searching  through  this  gopher
       +   front-end for podcast search.  [1]
       +   The platform aggregates multiple search  APIs  of  RSS
       +   link  aggregators  with a focus on audio podcasts, and
       +   extracts the RSS links for you, so you do not have  to
       +   search throug a dozen of webpages just to find the RSS
       +   button.
       +   For instance, knowing about the Amp  Hour  podcast,  I
       +   tried  searching  for  it:  "Amp  Hour"  in the search
       +   field, and bingo! The first result is  "The  Amp  Hour
       +   Electronics  Podcast",  that  was  quickly added to my
       +   list of RSS feeds in a blast.
       +   Being based off Gopher, this makes it insanely easy to
       +   automate  a  script searching for podcasts, then down-
       +   loading the entries  and  uploading  them  to  an  MP3
       +   player  of  any kind (dedicated, or as part of a phone
       +   or other portable computer).
       +   Want to know more about  it?   One  place  to  discuss
       +   about it is the Bitreich IRC server [2]
       +   [2]
       +   ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en
           A new IRC network: IRCNow!                     tgtimes
       -   jrmu, is trying to  get  exposure  for  a  network  he
       -   started  [ http://ircnow.org ] He has an upcoming free
       -   workshop in the LibrePlanet  online  conference  (that
       -   anyone  can  join), on May 9 @ 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC. [
       -   https://my.fsf.org/civicrm/event/info?eset=1&id=104  ]
       -   We recorded a testrun of his slides yesterday. "IRCNow
       -   FSF - workshop testrun" (1h15m,  12022-04-21T16:00Z#4)
       -   | https://0x0.st/oTal.webm (167MB). He's also a fan of
       -   the    gopher     protocol     (at     1hr10min)     [
       +   A new IRC network is in town!  [1] Ever wanted to feel
       +   what  an  early  community looks like?  The admin jrmu
       +   brought the project together, and  is  currently  col-
       +   lecting users along the way.
       +   Whether you looked for a place to host your own commu-
       +   nity,  or  wanted a see a fresh community be grow from
       +   fertile ground, the community is welcoming and active.
       +   >> IRCNow: Of the Users, By the Users, For the Users
       +   A LibrePlanet event
       +   Something else from this community  might  catch  your
       +   attention,  is  its  orientation toward being adminis-
       +   trated by its users themself: rather than letting  the
       +   founder  handle  everything, the community is oriented
       +   toward serious teaching of unix command line and  sys-
       +   tem  administration  to  anyone, from beginners to ad-
       +   vanced users seeking improvement.
       +   In-person teaching sessions were  covered  during  the
       +   LibrePlanet 2022 event [2] with recording of  a  test-
       +   run of the event [3] where future and present  hackers
       +   met  together  working our their system administration
       +   and community building skills.   Linux  Magazine  also
       +   ran  an  interview  giving a good impression about the
       +   spirit of the project: [4]
       +   Beyond yet another IRC network to  chat  with,  IRCnow
       +   offers  hosting  services  for  IRC bouncers, Bots, E-
       +   Mail, VPN, Code, File Storage, and Shell Accounts.
       +   The wiki itself features plenty of technical  informa-
       +   tion  on  system  administration  as a support for its
       +   bootcamps, which offers a comfortable step-by-step in-
       +   troduction to a complete server administration.  [5] I
       +   have  often  seen  administrators hired with less than
       +   this much knowledge!
       +   [1]
       +   irc://irc.ircnow.net:6667
       +   ircs://irc.ircnow.net:6697
       +   [2]
       -   ] .  Here's another article that was written in  Linux
       -   Magazine in August 2021, about the network he started.
       -   https://www.linux-
       -   magazine.com/Issues/2021/249/Interview-IRCNow
       +   [3]
       +   the voice only starts from 0h20m
       +   talking about Gopher at 1h15m
       +   https://0x0.st/oTal.webm
       +   [4]
       +   https://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2021/249/Interview-IRCNow
       +   [5]
       -   [1] [2]
       -   gopher://gopher.sailingwithgrace.com
       +   Maemo Leste keeps kicking in!                  tgtimes
       +   The ultimate hacker's toy project: a  OpenSource  pow-
       +   ered hand-held computer.
       +   Where to start from?  There can be two walls  prevent-
       +   ing  every  Linux enthusiast from having its own phone
       +   with a Linux Powered sticket on it:
       +   1. hardware support: getting Linux to  boot  on  these
       +     twisted  hardware setups that smartphones are can be
       +     frustrating.
       +   2. application support: writing  all  the  tools  that
       +     make  a plain unix shell useable as a phone.  It may
       +     be as simple as a  daemon  watching  incoming  phone
       +     call  from  hardware abstractions (those from in 1.)
       +     and playing a ringtone.wav whenever a call comes in,
       +     it  still  has  to be written.  Same goes for a key-
       +     board application if it uses a  touch-screen.   Same
       +     goes for anything.
       +   Since it goes beyond the scope  of  a  week-end  hack,
       +   collaboration  takes  place  for making these projects
       +   happen.
       +   Maemo Leste is  now  existing  since  more  than  four
       +   years,  and  keeps  being  developed at good pace.  It
       +   even shines where Android does not: it  uses  mainline
       +   Linux  kernel instead of forks that never get upgraded
       +   nor contributed back to Linux.  This  means  that  all
       +   software  officially  supported  by  Maemo Leste might
       +   also be available to many more Linux-based projects.
       +   Of course, there are non-official porting efforts  for
       +   more  hardware  underway  to  become a completely sup-
       +   ported target.  Like it is for every operating  system
       +   project.
       +   Maemo Leste, the project bringing a  real  UNIX  shell
       +   where you only had a Android Java ecosystem, featuring
       +   GPS chips reverse engineering,  and  a  working  phone
       +   module.
       +   The support for the inexpensive  PinePhone  means  you
       +   can  get  a  fully working linux phone in your pocket.
       +   Grab it while it is hot, the lack of bloated  prebuilt
       +   application forced into it by the vendor means it will
       +   not catch fire!  [1]
       -   [2]
       +   The Mallumo Weechat Plugin                      darkfi
       +   IRC is part of the protocols that survived to the  ad-
       +   vent of the Web.
       +   It still has users, it still has new network and  com-
       +   munities initiatives springing out, it is alive.
       +   One single little touch it lacks is end-to-end encryp-
       +   tion.  Without it it is perfect for public communities
       +   such as  software  projects  discussions  and  support
       +   chat, live event chats...  but private 1-to-1 communi-
       +   cation could suddenly  become  a  good  candidate  for
       +   end-to-end encryption.
       +   Part of the DarkFi project, this is what  Mallumo  [1]
       +   brings  in  a simple piece of code using libNaClk, the
       +   crypto library from Dan Bernstein, author  of  ED25519
       +   (in  its  repackaged  libsodium form).  This is state-
       +   of-the-art,  well-proven  and  fast  cryptography  for
       +   end-to-end communication.
       +   With this plug-in dropped in the  plugin  folder,  all
       +   private  communication  start by a simple key exchange
       +   over normal IRC,  and  the  conversation  upgrades  to
       +   nacl-encrypted messages over regular IRC.
       +   There might not be any simpler way  to  encrypt  peer-
       +   to-peer communication online.
       +   [1]
       -   Publishing in The Gopher Times                     you
       +   Sailing With Grace                             tgtimes
       +   The sea!  Water all around,  not  a  single  piece  of
       +   ground around to stand in, only a single boat that be-
       +   comes one with you, its capitain.  Infinite waves  un-
       +   der  the blue or cloudly sky is all you see for a long
       +   trip of many days.  Feeling both lost, but at the same
       +   time  united  with surrounding nature.  After all, the
       +   largest part of Earth is covered by the sea.
       +   This is the world of Sailing that awaits each  of  us,
       +   for  a single trip hosted by a well proven crew, or as
       +   a lone sailor braving tempests after tempests.
       +   Sailing blogs are definitely  a  good  opportunity  to
       +   dream, the instant of an article.
       +   This blog, Sailing With Grace, has taken the  decision
       +   of  offering  all  its  content through HTTP, but also
       +   proxied over Gopher.  [1] This recalls an  interesting
       +   point:  it  proves  that  Gopher  is not only good for
       +   talking about Gopher and computer things, but is  also
       +   oriented toward the outside, is it ready to be used by
       +   people who are not gopher geeks?
       +   It always was to begin with, so why would it not?  Are
       +   people  less  able  to use computers now than they was
       +   before the web came?  The discussion is open.
       +   [1]
       +   gopher://gopher.sailingwithgrace.com
       +   Publishing in The Gopher Times
           Want  your  article published?  Want to announce some-
   DIR diff --git a/opus6/article-tgtimes-space-weather-woman.mw b/opus6/article-tgtimes-space-weather-woman.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
       +.SH tgtimes
       +Space Weather Woman
       +As she names herself, Tamitha Skov
       +is the Space Weather Woman.
       +You read it right!
       +She have been doing, since now close to ten years, forecasts about how is space weather is going.
       +Just a nerd fantasy?
       +Only a sci-fi artist on a periodic one woman show?
       +Not at all!
       +Knowing what the sun is blasting toward Earth can reveal more useful than it looks.
       +This includes:
       +.IP \(bu
       +personnal safety for some plane flights at high lattitude.
       +.IP \(bu
       +GPS communication, something happening in the pocket of many individuals,
       +some of them even unaware of the involvement of satellites in the process.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Long distance radio communication, which include Amateur Radio operators,
       +but also emergency services and militaries.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Something that Starlink did not invent
       +WildBlue, Viasat, NordNet...
       +First amateur stellite launched in 1961.
       +is satellite-relayed communication, including satellite internet and voice phone transmission.
       +Actually a lot of wind turbines are being given satellite internet,
       +and see how a little disruption
       +in satellite internet access can disrupt their operation.
       +And all of these fancy things are benefiting from Tamitha Skov's efforts as a researcher,
       +but also by informing in layman's terms what is going on outter space.
       +Weather phenomena like coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and solar particle events.
       +Science is elegant.