write two articles about cost of hardware for Gopher - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Sun, 29 Jan 2023 01:52:48 +0100
       write two articles about cost of hardware for Gopher
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       @@ -1 +1 @@
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        .SH athas
        Shell Redirections
       -.2C 60
       +.2C 30
        Newcomers to the Unix shell quickly encounter handy tools such as
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client-hardware.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client-hardware.mw
       @@ -1 +0,0 @@
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
       +.SH athas
       +Most minimal gopher client
       +.2C 30
       +Gopher is a protocol allowing browsing text, images interactively,
       +reach telnet interfaces, and download any file, or open any URL,
       +for custom action to be chosen by the user.
       +.IP "Network"
       +One reliable way to fetch the content from internet would be Ethernet,
       +but convenience and price would push toward using radio transmission
       +such as WiFi.
       +Ethernet would require an extra transceiver chip, while wifi takes mostly
       +just a wire acting as antenna, which partly explains its low cost.
       +.IP "Processing"
       +One inexpensive family of processors featuring a high cost-to-performance
       +ratio, which also features WiFi, is the ESP32. The C3 iteration even uses
       +the open-source architecture RISC-V. The speed is decent enough for
       +decoding JPEG an PNG, or support TLS as used in gophers://.
       +.IP "Display"
       +The cost of displays have dropped considerably as they invaded the market.
       +Economy of scale made small color displays even cheaper than
       +character-based displays.
       +.IP "Input"
       +Browsing content is a lot about scrolling. Since we do custom hardware,
       +capacitive touch buttons can be used for little to no extra cost.
       +This could permit a smooth scrolling through the content.
       +Once again, mostly requiring wires, this cuts the price and explain
       +their popularity.
       +.IP "Text"
       +Text is compact and efficient, and bitmap font requires a bit of storage 
       +for all the common non-ASCII characters, but ESP32 have 16MB of flash
       +storage enough for the entire uncompressed Unifont:
       +.LK http://unifoundry.com/unifont/
       +.IP "Audio"
       +Producing sound does not cost much more than a small audio amplifier,
       +software for decoding MP3, and a 3.5mm Jack connector.
       +Very small cost added.
       +.IP "Extension"
       +an USB interface would allow plugging the device to a computer for
       +either automation or using a full keybaord.
       +.IP "Power"
       +A small dedicated battery could be included increasing the cost,
       +but getting all power from USB would also preserve the choice to
       +the user, free to chose a wall charger or portable power bank.
       +.IP "Enclosure"
       +A custom 3D printed case would allow keeping the cost very low
       +even at small volume production.
       +There exist boards around 5 USD which would provide all of the above
       +except audio and a few wires, typically the size of an MP3 player.
       +The grand total bill of material could realistically approach 10 USD.
       +An actual product could eventually reach as low as 15 USD if keeping
       +only a small margin for the seller, and eventually lower if produced
       +on a larger scale.
       +Writing the software for such a product from the ground up could take
       +typically an entire week, including JPEG and PNG decoding libraries,
       +image and font rendering, writing driver for all the parts involved,
       +integrating the TCP/IP stack and TLS stack.
       +While an XML parser able to fetch content over HTTP would be relatively
       +as difficult to build, this would not permit the same level of user
       +experience as the Gopher-based project: CSS and JavaScript are becoming
       +an increasingly frequent requirement to access the Web, and reimplementing
       +a new compatible rendering engine is not feasible to a single person.
       +This requirement would in turn affect the minimal performance of the
       +processing unit used: a processor in the GHz range with RAM in the
       +GB range, in particular if anticipating future needs of the Web
       +software system.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
       +.SH tgtimes
       +Most minimal Gopher server
       +Gopher is a protocol providing a gateway to a document system, allowing
       +to serve an organized hierarchy of files over the network. Dynamically
       +generating the content as per user requests is also possible. The client
       +side is in charge of rendering the content as it sees fit.
       +Generating Gopher indexes and transmitting file contents or generated
       +contents is low in software compmlexity, and in turn allows less expensive
       +hardware to be run than complex web stacks.
       +Which cost would we end-up for building a minimal piece of hardware able
       +to host the Gopher protocol acheiving all of the above?
       +The Gopher Times investigates.
       +.IP "Communication"
       +While WiFi is inexpensive and fits moving device gracefully, the
       +reliability of Ethernet is indicated for a server. Ethernet adds
       +1 USD of cost for the transceiver handling the electricial characteristics
       +of Ethernet. These typically expose an RGMII interface.
       +.IP "Processing"
       +A microcontroller featuring an Ethernet peripheral (with an RGMII
       +interface) could be the popular STM32F103, or an alternative
       +compatible part. Enough processing power would be present for an
       +embedded TCP/IP and a TLS stack.
       +.IP "Automation"
       +In addition, most microcontrollers feature a large range of
       +built-in peripheral such as timers and communication or analog
       +interfaces, enabling automation of devices such as lighting,
       +heating, laundry, motors, or an entire car, through external
       +modules. This would come for no extra cost.
       +.IP "Storage"
       +A slot for a MicroSD card would allow storing and updating
       +the static content to serve, and storing network configuration.
       +.IP "Scripting"
       +There exist project to fit programming languages onto microcontrollers.
       +Separate projects for supporting a subset of each of Python, Ruby,
       +Javscript, Go, Rust, Lua, Forth and more.
       +.IP "Power"
       +By letting power supply happen through the USB port, a large range
       +of power source can be used, such as battery, solar panels, wind
       +turbine, hydropower, or power outlet.
       +The bill of materials for such a design would approximate 5 USD.
       +A marketed device with a small margin for the seller could reach
       +as low as 10 USD.
       +Interestingly, such a device would also be able to provide an
       +equivalent Web service able to work with all Web client, but
       +not running the existing popular Web server software stacks
       +known as "Web Frameworks".
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-peering-cake.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-peering-cake.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/footer.mw b/opus7/footer.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
       +.SH you
       +Publishing in The Gopher Times
       +.2C 10v
       +Want your article published?
       +Want to announce something to the Gopher world?
       +Directly related to Gopher or not,
       +reach us on IRC with an article in any format,
       +we will handle the rest.
       +Did you notice the new layout?
       +We now can jump between single and double column as it is more fit:
       +Some large code chunks will not fit in a two-column layout,
       +but text is more pleasant to read on two columns.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.mw b/opus7/tgtimes7.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
       +The Gopher Times
       +Opus 7 - Gopher news and more - Jan. 2023
       +.so opus7/article-athas-shell-redirections.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-10-cent-risc-v-mcu.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-a-billion-gopher.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client-hardware.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-peering-cake.mw
       +.so opus6/footer.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.pdf b/opus7/tgtimes7.pdf
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.txt b/opus7/tgtimes7.txt
       @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
       +                      The Gopher Times
       +         Opus 7 - Gopher news and more - Jan. 2023
       +   Shell Redirections                               athas
       +   Newcomers  to  the  Unix shell quickly encounter handy
       +   tools such as sed(1) and sort(1).  This command prints
       +   the  lines  of the given file to stdout, in sorted or-
       +   der:
       +   $ sort numbers
       +   Soon after, newcomers will also encounter shell  redi-
       +   rection, by which the output of these tools can conve-
       +   niently be read from or stored in files:
       +   $ sort < numbers > numbers_sorted
       +   Our new user, fascinated by the modularity of the Unix
       +   shell,  may then try the rather obvious possibility of
       +   having the input and output file be the same:
       +   $ sort < numbers > numbers
       +   But disaster strikes: the file is empty!  The user has
       +   lost their precious collection of numbers - let's hope
       +   they had a backup.  Losing data this way is  almost  a
       +   rite  of  passage for Unix users, but let us spell out
       +   the reason for those who have yet to  hurt  themselves
       +   this way.
       +   When the Unix shell evaluates a command, it starts  by
       +   processing  the redirection operators - that's the '>'
       +   and '<' above.  While '<' just  opens  the  file,  '>'
       +   *truncates*  the  file  in-place  as  it is opened for
       +   reading!  This means that the 'sort' process will  du-
       +   tifully  read  an  empty  file,  sort its non-existent
       +   lines, and correctly produce empty output.
       +   Some programs can be asked to write their  output  di-
       +   rectly  to  files  instead  of using shell redirection
       +   (sed(1) has '-i', and for sort(1) we  can  use  '-o'),
       +   but  this is not a general solution, and does not work
       +   for  pipelines.   Another  solution  is  to  use   the
       +   sponge(1)  tool  from  the  "moreutils" project, which
       +   stores its standard input  in  memory  before  finally
       +   writing it to a file:
       +   $ sort < numbers | sponge numbers
       +   The most interesting solution is to take advantage  of
       +   subshells,  the  shell evaluation order, and Unix file
       +   systems semantics.  When we delete a file in Unix,  it
       +   is removed from the file system, but any file descrip-
       +   tors referencing the file remain valid.   We  can  ex-
       +   ploit  this behaviour to delete the input file *after*
       +   directing the input, but *before* redirecting the out-
       +   put:
       +   $ (rm numbers && sort > numbers) < numbers
       +   This approach requires no dependencies and  will  work
       +   in   any  Unix  shell.   https://github.com/ptrks/AVR-
       +   ENC28J60-Examples
       +   Publishing in The Gopher Times                     you
       +   Want  your  article published?  Want to announce some-
       +   thing to the Gopher world?
       +   Directly related to Gopher or not,  reach  us  on  IRC
       +   with  an  article  in  any  format, we will handle the
       +   rest.
       +   ircs://irc.bitreich.org/#bitreich-en
       +   gopher://bitreich.org/1/tgtimes/
       +   git://bitreich.org/tgtimes/
       +   Did you notice the new layout?  We now  can  jump  be-
       +   tween single and double column as it is more fit: Some
       +   large code chunks will not fit in a two-column layout,
       +   but text is more pleasant to read on two columns.