opus5: add an article about open hardware ventilator - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Sat, 23 Apr 2022 04:06:28 +0200
       opus5: add an article about open hardware ventilator
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       +.SH tgtimes
       +Breathing Open-Source
       +The previous opus had a word or two about how difficult it could
       +be to get open hardware medical devices.
       +The Freespireco
       +project aims to bring a respirator device to life as a completely
       +Open Hardware project.
       +The challenge is not coming-up with something that works and is
       +reliable, but instead to provide a structure robust enough to be
       +accepted (and funded) for performing all the necessary certifications
       +needed before being allowed to the medical device market.
       +There are usually categories of criticalities, and an artificial
       +respirator is not escaping to the rule. The organiser of the project
       +have pursued this goal since long, and might likely have a very long
       +road to go.
       +It is essentially a pioneer of Open Hardware for critical medical
       +devices, step-by-step paving up the road toward certification:
       +designing and building devices to test these equipment, issuing
       +standards for data (like a JSON schema received over a serial
       +port directly from the device).
       +The strategy: offering reproducible tests as an anchor for trust.
       +Precious argument for facing big pharma equipment vendors that
       +are having an interest in locking their device down, preventing
       +repair or even inspection.
       +A journey toward braving Goliath, it might as well be easier to
       +get open-source in Space. The RTEMS
       +project proves it is.
       +But that does not discourage the project's authors to keep going,
       +not in an illusion of getting embraced by the medical industry,
       +but in full foresight that nobody would want its mom's life given
       +to a hobbyist toy made in a garage.
       +One breath at a time, the project takes anchors onto organisations,
       +foundations, structures, standards, and everything it takes to pass
       +over the barrier of life-critical reliability and certification.