Push new filter infrastructure and a more printable logo. - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit ab8073181d221ca5572653bf5c219c8037e15a0b
   DIR parent 79cdcd13e863b43d9a850533fc59fbca84cfb232
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Tue,  8 Aug 2023 15:45:14 +0200
       Push new filter infrastructure and a more printable logo.
         M Makefile                            |      21 +++++++++++++++++----
         A filters/markdown.filter             |      48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A filters/title-boxes.filter          |      34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M opus7/0-xxx-header.raw              |      32 ++++++++++++++++----------------
         M opus7/1-article-athas-shell-redire… |       1 +
         M opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-o… |       2 --
         M opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minim… |      18 ++++++++++++------
         M opus7/6-article-bitreich-dj-vlad-o… |       2 --
         M opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-… |       9 +++++----
       9 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -11,12 +11,25 @@ all: ${tgtimes}.pdf
        mdfiles=$(wildcard opus${v}/*.md)
       -        cat $< | fold -s | boxes -d boxquote -p a1 -s 70x > $<.ptxt
       +        cat $< \
       +                | ./filters/markdown.filter \
       +                | par-format "78" \
       +                | { \
       +                        boxes -d boxquote -p a1 -s80x; \
       +                        printf "\n"; \
       +                  } \
       +                | ./filters/title-boxes.filter > $<.ptxt
        txtfiles=$(filter-out ${tgtimes}.txt, $(wildcard opus${v}/*.txt))
       -        cat $< | fold -s | boxes -d boxquote -p a1 -s 70x > $<.ptxt
       +        cat $< \
       +                | fold -s \
       +                | { \
       +                        boxes -d boxquote -p a1 -s80x; \
       +                        printf "\n"; \
       +                  } \
       +                | ./filters/title-boxes.filter > $<.ptxt
        rawfiles=$(wildcard opus${v}/*.raw)
       @@ -31,9 +44,9 @@ ${tgtimes}.txt: ${mdptxtfiles} ${txtptxtfiles} ${rawptxtfiles}
        ${tgtimes}.pdf: ${tgtimes}.txt
                u2ps --header="The Gopher Times Opus ${v}" \
                        -f Liberation \
       -                --wrap --mark \
       +                --wrap \
                        --footer="page #" ${tgtimes}.txt ${tgtimes}.ps
       -        9 ps2pdf ${tgtimes}.ps ${tgtimes}.pdf
       +        ps2pdf ${tgtimes}.ps ${tgtimes}.pdf
                rm -f ${tgtimes}.pdf ${tgtimes}.txt opus${v}/*.ptxt
   DIR diff --git a/filters/markdown.filter b/filters/markdown.filter
       @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
       +export TERM=linux
       +reset="$(tput sgr0)"
       +italicformat="$(tput sitm)"
       +italicreset="$(tput ritm)"
       +boldformat="$(tput bold)"
       +boldreset="$(echo -ne "\033[22m")"
       +underlineformat="$(tput smul)"
       +underlinereset="$(tput rmul)"
       +reverseformat="$(tput rev)"
       +reversereset="$(echo -ne "\033[27m")"
       +redcolor="$(tput setaf 1)"
       +greencolor="$(tput setaf 2)"
       +yellowcolor="$(tput setaf 3)"
       +bluecolor="$(tput setaf 4)"
       +purplecolor="$(tput setaf 5)"
       +cyancolor="$(tput setaf 6)"
       +whitecolor="$(tput setaf 7)"
       +darkgreycolor="$(tput setaf 8)"
       +brightredcolor="$(tput setaf 9)"
       +brightgreencolor="$(tput setaf 10)"
       +brightyellowcolor="$(tput setaf 11)"
       +brightbluecolor="$(tput setaf 12)"
       +brightpurplecolor="$(tput setaf 13)"
       +brightcyancolor="$(tput setaf 14)"
       +brightwhitecolor="$(tput setaf 14)"
       +while IFS= read -r line;
       +        case "${line}" in
       +        "## "*)
       +                nline="$(printf "%s\n" "${line}" \
       +                        | sed 's,^## ,,')"
       +                printf "${boldformat}${underlineformat}%s${reset}\n" \
       +                        "${nline}"
       +                ;;
       +        "        "*)
       +                printf "${redcolor}%s${reset}\n" "${line}"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                printf "%s\n" "${line}"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
   DIR diff --git a/filters/title-boxes.filter b/filters/title-boxes.filter
       @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
       +export TERM=linux
       +while IFS= read -r line;
       +        case "${i}" in
       +        0)
       +                line0="${line}"
       +                ;;
       +        1)
       +                line1="${line}"
       +                ;;
       +        2)
       +                line2="${line}"
       +                nline2="$(printf "%s\n" "${line2}" \
       +                        | sed 's,^|[ #]*\(.*\)$,\1,')"
       +                nline0="$(printf "%s\n" "${line0}" \
       +                        | sed "s,\[  \],\[$(tput smul)$(tput bold)${nline2}$(tput sgr0)\],")"
       +                printf "%s\n" "${nline0}"
       +                printf "%s\n" "${line1}"
       +                ;;
       +        *)
       +                printf "%s\n" "${line}"
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +        i=$((i + 1))
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/0-xxx-header.raw b/opus7/0-xxx-header.raw
       @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
       - ______________________________________________________________________
       -| _______  _                  ____                 _                   |
       -||--. .--|| |               ,','  '|              | |                  |
       -|   | |   | |,--.  ,---.    | |      .---. -----. | |,--.  ,---. --,--.|
       -|   | |   | | `. || |_|_|   | |  ___| | | || | | || | `. || |_|_|| | '"|
       -|   | |   | |  | || |       | |  | || | | || | | || |  | || |    | |   |
       -|  '---'  ---  --- `---'     ``--''  `---' | :--' ---  --- `---' ---   |
       -|    _______  _                            | |                         |
       -|   |--. .--|(_)                           ---           _             |
       -|      | |   --. --,--.,--.  ,---.  ,--.:            _,-' )_           |
       -|      | |   | | | |`. |`. || |_|_|| '-.        (_,-'  _,-' )_         |
       -|      | |   | | | | | | | || |     `-. |         (_,-'  _,-' )        |
       -|     '---'  --- --- --- --- `---' '---'            (_,-'              |
       -|  Opus 7        Gopher News and More       Published on Bitreich.org  |
       - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
       +|    ,_______,,_,                 _____               ,_,                      |
       +|    |#######||#| __    ___     ,'#####|  ___   ____  |#| __    ___  _  __     |
       +|       |#|   |#|/##\  /###\    |#|      /###\ /####\ |#|/##\  /###\ \\/##\    |
       +|       |#|   |#|/ \#||#|_|#|   |#|  ___|#| |#||#| |#||#|/ \#||#|_|#||#| ||    |
       +|      ,|#|,  |#|  |#||#|___    |#|__|#||#|_|#||#|_|#||#|  |#||#|___ |#|       |
       +|      \###/  \#/  \#/ \###/     \#####/ \###/ |#:70/ \#/  \#/ \###/ \#/       |
       +|       ,_______, _                            |#|                             |
       +|       |#######|(o) _  __  __    ___    ___   \#/       _,-' )                |
       +|          |#|   /#\ \\/##\/##\  /###\  /###\       ( ,-'  _,-' )              |
       +|          |#|   |#| |#| |#| |#||#|_|#||#|__          ( ,-'  _,-' )            |
       +|         ,|#|,  |#| |#| |#| |#||#|___  _\##|           ( ,-'                  |
       +|         \###/  \#/ \#/ \#/ \#/ \###/ |###/  gophers://bitreich.org/1/tgtimes |
       +|  Opus 7                  Gopher News and More      Published by Bitreich.org |
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/1-article-athas-shell-redirections.md b/opus7/1-article-athas-shell-redirections.md
       @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ try the rather obvious possibility of having the input and output file
        be the same:
                $ sort < numbers > numbers
        But disaster strikes: the file is empty!  The user has lost their
        precious collection of numbers - let's hope they had a backup.  Losing
        data this way is almost a rite of passage for Unix users, but let us
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-of-babel.md b/opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-of-babel.md
       @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
        # Library of Babel now available on gopherspace. by Bitreich
       -What is the Library of Babel?
        The Library of Babel is a place for scholars to do research, for artists
        and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of
        humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, it's just like
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.md b/opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.md
       @@ -13,35 +13,41 @@ Which cost would we end-up for building a minimal piece of hardware able
        to host the Gopher protocol acheiving all of the above?
        The Gopher Times investigates.
       -## "Communication"
       +## Communication
        While WiFi is inexpensive and fits moving device gracefully, the
        reliability of Ethernet is indicated for a server. Ethernet adds
        1 USD of cost for the transceiver handling the electricial characteristics
        of Ethernet. These typically expose an RGMII interface.
       -## "Processing"
       +## Processing
        A microcontroller featuring an Ethernet peripheral (with an RGMII
        interface) could be the popular STM32F103, or an alternative
        compatible part. Enough processing power would be present for an
        embedded TCP/IP and a TLS stack.
       -## "Automation"
       +## Automation
        In addition, most microcontrollers feature a large range of
        built-in peripheral such as timers and communication or analog
        interfaces, enabling automation of devices such as lighting,
        heating, laundry, motors, or an entire car, through external
        modules. This would come for no extra cost.
       -## "Storage"
       +## Storage
        A slot for a MicroSD card would allow storing and updating
        the static content to serve, and storing network configuration.
       -## "Scripting"
       +## Scripting
        There exist project to fit programming languages onto microcontrollers.
        Separate projects for supporting a subset of each of Python, Ruby,
        Javscript, Go, Rust, Lua, Forth and more.
       -## "Power"
       +## Power
        By letting power supply happen through the USB port, a large range
        of power source can be used, such as battery, solar panels, wind
        turbine, hydropower, or power outlet.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/6-article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-2023-03-11.md b/opus7/6-article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-2023-03-11.md
       @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
        # DJ Vlad Session on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11 by Bitreich
       -New DJ Vlad Session from Serbia on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11T20:00 CET.
        Our residing DJ Vlad (not from Russia or Ukraine) has found a new sound
        and will present it to us at 2023-03-11T20:00 CET exclusively on Bitreich Radio!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-pearls.md b/opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-pearls.md
       @@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ Get ready to search for the pearls:
        The archive of gopherspace from 2007 from archive.org is now available on
        Bitreich for research.
        The pearl list begins with - of course! - the gopher manifesto:
       -        gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/gopher-manifesto.txt
       +        gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/\
       +        gopher-arch/gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/gopher-manifesto.txt
        See the 'What we need' section. We completed nearly all points there. :-D
        A second pearl example:
       -        gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/language_parable.txt
       +        gopher://bitreich.org/0/gopher2007/2007-gopher-mirror/gopher-arch/\
       +        gopher/seanm.ca/70/0/nerd/language_parable.txt
                And each language could be heard to mumble as it tromped and
       @@ -43,5 +43,6 @@ considered a pearl to:
        Sincerely yours,
        Chief Archive Officer (CAO)