mature layout - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
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  HTML Author: glenda <glenda@9front.local>
       Date:   Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:30:06 +0000
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       -The Gopher Times
       -Bitreich news and more from 2021-09-12 to 2021-10-12
       -.SH josuah
       -A Newspaper for Gopher
       -Starting from today, \fIThe Gopher Times\fR is going to be published.
       -The entire journal is itself much of an experiment:
       -How can a paper-oriented journal make sense in this hypermedia era?
       -Blogs, like, pokes, tweets, messages, smart, buzz, feed,
       -channel, subscribe, post, cookie, paywall, analytic,
       -trend, video, downtime, live, notification, connected,
       -streaming, event, fake news.
       -We know a lot more about the five last minutes than five last years.
       -Rather than a continuous feed of upmost shocking headlines,
       -\fIThe Gopher Times\fR publishes, one opus at a time, real news you can read,
       -without a cookie wall.
       -Newspaper go through a long chain, from journalist
       -reporting all facts near and afar, redactors organising information,
       -along with all the chain formatting the end structured text in the,
       -end layout, finally published and distributed for a few quarters.
       -The web considerably transformed this chain: news are submitted to AP,
       -the printing chain are now server hosting providers, and typesetters and
       -layout artists are swapped for frontend web developers.
       -This journal divert by 90' by using \fCtroff(1)\fR as its foundation:
       -a typesetter, targeted at producing finished, static documents ready to
       -be published may that be printed or downloaded.
       -An entire alternative stack to the web, and among one of the most deployed
       -on linux systems, through groff, used for manual pages.
       -An entire custom macro set have been built to allow a multicolumn
       -multirow with automatic height and width, in order to fits either the
       -computer screen, paper, and smaller screens of all shapes, and provide
       -the Real Deal of a journal page setup.
       -.SH adc
       -Bitreich TV improvements
       -At Bitreich, we are always working hard to bring pleasure and enjoyment
       -to our users.  In August 2020 we launched bitreich-tv[0,1], which is an
       -annotated playback of memes in the memecache[2] via gopher.
       -A lot of memes in the memecache share a common theme (corona, gopher,
       -toilets, etc).  From today, thematic channels are automatically created
       -and listed on gopher://bitreich.org/1/tv when a theme contains at least
       -25 memes.
       -We recommend mpv(1) for playback, as in:
       -mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/news.m3u
       -mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/all.m3u
       -mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/toilet.m3u
       -mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/trump.m3u
       -Furthermore, the bitreich TV hosting and source code are moved to
       -bitreich.org.  Please report any issues to adc in Freenode/#bitreich-tv.
       -.SH 0x1bi
       -World of Animals
       -Back in the nineties when Windowds 3.1 was still very much a thing, my old
       -man, while doing his post graduated studies, found this story on some Russian
       -usenet group, saved it, printed it out, posted it in his office.
       -Years later he made the mistake of giving me the internet. And I found the
       -same story, now on the world wide web.
       -I've taken the time to translate the story from Russian to English such that
       -everyone can enjoy the gifts of Russian usenet koans.
       -Enjoy responsibly.
       -Медведь был безобpазным, косолапым и гpязным животным.
       -Однако добpее его не было никого во всем лесy. Hо звеpи
       -замечали только его внешность, на что Медведь жyтко
       -обижался, ловил их и жестоко избивал ногами. Поэтомy звеpи
       -его не любили. Хотя он был очень добpым. И веселым. Он любил
       -задоpные шyтки. За эти шyтки звеpи его скоpо жyтко
       -возненавидели и били. Да, тpyдно быть на свете добpым и веселым.
       -The bear was a filthy, clumsy, and dirty animal. However, no one was as loving
       -as he was in the whole forest. But the animals only saw his exterior, to which
       -the bear became upset, caught them, and brutaly beat them with his legs. Even
       -though he was very loving. And happy. He loved practical jokes. For these jokes
       -the animals started to hate the bear and beat him. Yes, it;s hard to be loving
       -and happy.
       -Волк был тоже безобpазным и гpязным. И еще он был очень
       -злым и жестоким. Hо звеpи не испытывали к немy ненависти и
       -не били. Потомy, что Волк yмеp еще в pаннем детстве. Потомy,
       -что Медведь pодился pаньше Волка. Да, хоpошо, когда Добpо
       -побеждает Зло.
       -The wolf was also filthy and dirty. He was also very evil and cruel. But the
       -animals din't hate him and didn't beat him. Because the wolf died early in his
       -childhood. Because the bear was born before the wolf. Yes, it's good when good
       -triumphs over evil.
       -Заяц тоже был злым и жестоким. И гpязным. И еще он был
       -тpyсливым. Гадостей Заяц никомy никогда не делал. Потомy,
       -что боялся. Hо его все pавно сильно били. Потомy, что Зло
       -всегда должно быть наказано.
       -The rabbit was also evil and cruel. And dirty. He was also a coward. The rabbit
       -never commited any evil as he was scared. But he was still beaten. Because evil
       -must be punished.
       -И Дятел тоже был злым и жестоким. Он не бил звеpей,
       -потомy, что y него не было pyк. Поэтомy, он вымещал свою
       -злость на деpевьях. Его не били. Потомy, что не могли
       -дотянyться. Однажды его пpидавило насмеpть yпавшее деpево.
       -Поговаpивали, что оно отомстило. После этого звеpи целый
       -месяц боялись мочиться на деpевья. Они мочились на Зайца.
       -Заяц пpостyдился и yмеp. Всем было ясно, что во всем был
       -виноват Дятел. Hо его не тpонyли. Посколькy не смогли
       -выковыpять из-под yпавшего деpева. Да, Зло иногда остается
       -The woodpecker was also evil and cruel. He didn't beat animals, as he didn't
       -have any arms. So he took his anger out on trees. He was not beaten, as no one
       -could reach him. One day a tree crushed him to death. The animals said it took
       -revenge. After that, then animals were afraid of pissing on trees for a month.
       -Instead they pissed on the rabbit. The rabbit got a cold and died. Everyone
       -knew that the woodpecker was at fault. But he wasn't beaten, as no one could
       -get him out from the fallen tree. Yes, sometimes evil remains unpunished.
       -Кpот был маленьким и слепым. Он не был злым. Он пpосто
       -хоpошо делал свое дело. Это он подъел деpево, котоpое yпало
       -на дятла. Об этом никто не yзнал, и поэтомy его не избили.
       -Его вообще били pедко. Чаще пyгали. Hо его было очень тpyдно
       -испyгать, потомy что он был слепой и не видел, что его
       -пyгают. Когда не yдавалось испyгать Кpота, звеpи очень
       -огоpчались. И били Медведя. Потомy, что им было очень
       -обидно. Однажды Медведь тоже захотел испyгать Кpота. Hо Кpот
       -не испyгался.  Потомy, что Медведь его yбил. Hечаянно.
       -Пpосто Медведь был очень неyклюжим. И звеpи его очень сильно
       -избили. Даже, несмотpя на то, что Медведь сказал, что
       -пошyтил. Плохо, когда твои шyтки никто не понимает.
       -The mole was small and blind. He was not evil. He just did his job really well.
       -It was he who dug under the tree which fell on the woodpecker. No one knew
       -about his digging and he was not beaten. He was rarely beaten. More often
       -scared. But it was really hard to scare him as he was blind, and didn't see
       -that he was being scared. When the animals were unable to scare the mole they
       -became very upset. And beat the bear. One day the bear decided to sacre the
       -mole. But he didn't scare the mole. Because he killed him. Accidentally. As he
       -was very clumsy. And the animals brutally beat him for killing the mole, even
       -though the bear said it was a prank. It's unfortunate when no one understands
       -your pranks.
       -Лиса была очень хитpой. Она могла запpосто обхитpить
       -кого yгодно. Когда ей это yдавалось, то ее не били. Hо
       -иногда ей не везло. И ее били. Били всем лесом. И она yже не
       -могла кого-нибyдь обхитpить. Потомy, что очень тpyдно
       -го-нибyдь обхитpить, когда тебя бьют. Однажды ее избили
       -до смеpти. Да, жилда всегда на пpавдy выйдет.
       -The fox was very cunning. She could easily outsmart anyone. When she could
       -outsmart someone, she was not beaten. But when she coudln't, she was beaten.
       -Hard. And at that point she couldn't outsmart anyone, as it's hard to outsmart
       -someone when you're being beaten. One day she was beaten to death. Yes, truth
       -will always come to light.
       -Кабан был большой, сильный и стpашный. Его все очень
       -боялись. И поэтомy его били только всем лесом. Или пpосто
       -кидали в него камнями. Кабан этого очень не любил. И однажды
       -ночью он спpятал все камни в лесy. За это его очень сильно
       -избили. Больше Кабан никогда не пpятал камни. Воистинy
       -говоpят - вpемя собиpать камни и вpемя их не тpогать
       -The boar was big, strong, and scary. Everyone was scared of him. That is why he
       -was always beaten with the whole forest. Or simply stoned him. The boar didn't
       -like that. One day he hid all of the stones in the forest. For the he was
       -beaten really hard. After that, the boar never hid stones. And so they say,
       -there is time to collect stones, and time to not touch them.
       -Козел не был ни злым, ни добpым. Он был пpосто Козел.
       -н часто козлил. И его боялись бить. И он своим козловством
       -всех достал. И тогда его избили до смеpти. Потомy, что иначе
       -он бы yмеp от стаpости. Когда-нибyдь. Когда Козел yмеp,
       -Медведь сильно плакал. Потомy, что он в тайне любил Козла.
       -Да, любовь зла, полюбишь и Козла.
       -The goat was neither good nor evil. He was a goat. He often goated. And the
       -animals were scared of beating him. With his goatness he got on everyones
       -nerves. And he was beaten to death, because otherwise he would have died of old
       -age. Someday. After the goat died, the bear cried, because he secretly loved
       -the goat. Yes, love is a cruel mistress.
       -Ежик был маленький и колючий. Он кололся. Он не был
       -злым, он кололся по своей пpиpоде. Из-за этого его били
       -только в живот. Ежик этого не любил и стал бpиться наголо. И
       -тогда его стали бить как всех. Да, очень тpyдно быть не
       -таким как все.
       -The hedgehog was small and prickly. He wasn't evil, he was prickly by his own
       -nature. For that he was beaten exclusively in the stomach. And so the hedgehog
       -started shaving bald. And he was beaten like everyone else. Yes, it's hard to
       -be not like everyone else.
       -Скyнс был почти таким, как Заяц. Hо только очень
       -нючим. Он плохо пахнyл. Его били только в полиэтиленовом
       -пакете. Тогда запах был не такой сильный. Однажды y Скyнса
       -был день pождения. Он пpигласил всех звеpей, потомy, что был
       -жадным и любил подаpки. И звеpи подаpили емy новый
       -полиэтиленовый пакет. И сильно избили до потеpи сознания. И
       -Скyнс задохнyлся в пакете. Так его и похоpонили. В пакете. В
       -очень Дальнем Лесy. Потомy, что меpтвый Скyнс вонял еще
       -сильнее. Потом пpишли жители Очень Дальнего Леса и в сех
       -сильно избили. Им не понpавился запах меpтвого Скyнса. Да, с
       -соседями надо жить в миpе.
       -The skunk was very much like rabbit. But very smelly. He was beaten only inside
       -a plastic bag, because then the smell wasn't as bad. One day the skunk had a
       -birthday party, and he invited all of the animals as he was greedy and he loved
       -presents. The animals got him a new plastig bag. And then proceeded to beat him
       -until loss of consciousness. The skunk then suffocated inside the bag. That is
       -how he was buried. In the plastic bag. In the very far away forest, as a dead
       -skunk smelt worse than a living skunk. Then the animals from the very far away
       -forest came and beat everyone hard. They didn't like the smell of the dead
       -skunk. Yes, you must love your neighbour.
       -Хомяк был тоже очень жадным. И богатым. Если бы он
       -делился своим богатством, его бы били не так сильно. Hо он
       -был очень жадным. За это его били сильно. И емy все pавно
       -пpиходилось делиться. И он гоpько плакал. Да, богатые тоже
       -The hasmter was also very greedy. And rich. If he shared his riches he woudn't
       -be beaten as hard. But he was greedy. And he was beaten hard. And he still had
       -to share his riches. For that he cried. Yes, even rich people cry.
       -Лев был цаpь звеpей. Он пpавил лесом. Цаpей бить не
       -положено. Это закон. Hо звеpи давно забили на закон. Звеpи
       -били и льва. Hи за что. Потомy, что так yж здесь повелось.
       -The lion was king. He ruled the forest. You're not supposed to beat kings. Such
       -is the law. But the animals gave a fuck about the law. They beat the lion.
       -Why? That's just how things go in forest.
       -Моpаль: А зоpи здесь тихие...
       -Moral: Sunrises here are quiet...
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       -%        systemdict /findfont get exec
       -% can generate an error. So far the only exception is a VT600 (version 48.0).
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(,) 1610 2040 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 701 2160 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(\0364=0:>) 788 2160 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(55) 1441 2160 w
       -(53>) 1590 2160 w
       -(=5) 1792 2160 w
       -(1K;>) 1947 2160 w
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       -(2>) 2622 2160 w
       -(2A5<) 194 2280 w
       -(;5A) 544 2280 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(H) 902 2280 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(>) 974 2280 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(8) 1359 2280 w
       -(70<5G0;8) 1539 2280 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(=0) 782 2400 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(,) 2385 2400 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(8E) 194 2520 w
       -(8) 361 2520 w
       -(65AB>:>) 467 2520 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 1724 2520 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(8) 2463 2520 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(K<) 1981 2640 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 2126 2640 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(25A5;K<) 2291 2640 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(y) 1315 2760 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(B:8) 1365 2760 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(53>) 2570 2760 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(>) 410 2880 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(2>7=5=02845;8) 888 2880 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(,) 2307 2880 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(25A5;K<) 1380 3000 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 1800 3000 w
       -(The) 144 3192 w
       -(bear) 338 3192 w
       -(was) 548 3192 w
       -(a) 742 3192 w
       -(filthy,) 825 3192 w
       -(clumsy,) 1106 3192 w
       -(and) 1459 3192 w
       -(dirty) 1642 3192 w
       -(animal.) 1870 3192 w
       -(However,) 2206 3192 w
       -(no) 2636 3192 w
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       -(as) 497 3312 w
       -(loving) 607 3312 w
       -(as) 890 3312 w
       -(he) 1000 3312 w
       -(was) 1121 3312 w
       -(in) 1303 3312 w
       -(the) 1408 3312 w
       -(whole) 1557 3312 w
       -(forest.) 1828 3312 w
       -(But) 2106 3312 w
       -(the) 2277 3312 w
       -(animals) 2425 3312 w
       -(only) 144 3432 w
       -(saw) 360 3432 w
       -(his) 553 3432 w
       -(exterior,) 708 3432 w
       -(to) 1081 3432 w
       -(which) 1198 3432 w
       -(the) 1481 3432 w
       -(bear) 1642 3432 w
       -(became) 1852 3432 w
       -(upset,) 2195 3432 w
       -(caught) 2470 3432 w
       -(them,) 144 3552 w
       -(and) 402 3552 w
       -(brutaly) 579 3552 w
       -(beat) 895 3552 w
       -(them) 1094 3552 w
       -(with) 1327 3552 w
       -(his) 1538 3552 w
       -(legs.) 1688 3552 w
       -(Even) 1907 3552 w
       -(though) 2145 3552 w
       -(he) 2455 3552 w
       -(was) 2581 3552 w
       -(very) 144 3672 w
       -(loving.) 369 3672 w
       -(And) 698 3672 w
       -(happy.) 918 3672 w
       -(He) 1235 3672 w
       -(loved) 1399 3672 w
       -(practical) 1669 3672 w
       -(jokes.) 2060 3672 w
       -(For) 2344 3672 w
       -(these) 2531 3672 w
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       -(the) 385 3792 w
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       -(started) 878 3792 w
       -(to) 1173 3792 w
       -(hate) 1280 3792 w
       -(the) 1475 3792 w
       -(bear) 1626 3792 w
       -(and) 1826 3792 w
       -(beat) 1999 3792 w
       -(him.) 2194 3792 w
       -(Yes,) 2404 3792 w
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       -(>>) 144 4104 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(\022>;:) 287 4104 w
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(:) 834 4344 w
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -(8) 1768 4344 w
       -(=5) 1872 4344 w
       -(18;8) 2032 4344 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 2277 4344 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(\037>B><) 2343 4344 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(y,) 2661 4344 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(0==5<) 1336 4464 w
       -(45BAB25) 1689 4464 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 2070 4464 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(\037>B><) 2138 4464 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(y,) 2456 4464 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(0=LH5) 1144 4584 w
       -(\022>;:0) 1484 4584 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(.) 1771 4584 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(\0240) 1827 4584 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(,) 1958 4584 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(E>) 2015 4584 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(p) 2137 4584 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(>H>) 2187 4584 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(,) 2393 4584 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(:>340) 2450 4584 w
       -(\024>1) 194 4704 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -(p) 391 4704 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(>) 441 4704 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(?>156405B) 527 4704 w
       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -saveobj restore
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       -4 pagesetup
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       -(The) 144 192 w
       -(wolf) 337 192 w
       -(was) 558 192 w
       -(also) 751 192 w
       -(filthy) 950 192 w
       -(and) 1205 192 w
       -(dirty.) 1387 192 w
       -(He) 1639 192 w
       -(was) 1793 192 w
       -(also) 1987 192 w
       -(very) 2187 192 w
       -(evil) 2403 192 w
       -(and) 2592 192 w
       -(cruel.) 144 312 w
       -(But) 405 312 w
       -(the) 587 312 w
       -(animals) 746 312 w
       -(din't) 1094 312 w
       -(hate) 1320 312 w
       -(him) 1523 312 w
       -(and) 1716 312 w
       -(didn't) 1897 312 w
       -(beat) 2173 312 w
       -(him.) 2375 312 w
       -(Be\255) 2592 312 w
       -(cause) 144 432 w
       -(the) 391 432 w
       -(wolf) 539 432 w
       -(died) 749 432 w
       -(early) 948 432 w
       -(in) 1174 432 w
       -(his) 1279 432 w
       -(childhood.) 1423 432 w
       -(Because) 1875 432 w
       -(the) 2234 432 w
       -(bear) 2383 432 w
       -(was) 2581 432 w
       -(born) 144 552 w
       -(before) 364 552 w
       -(the) 655 552 w
       -(wolf.) 814 552 w
       -(Yes,) 1059 552 w
       -(it's) 1276 552 w
       -(good) 1441 552 w
       -(when) 1678 552 w
       -(good) 1931 552 w
       -(triumphs) 2167 552 w
       -(over) 2559 552 w
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       -(>>) 144 864 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(rabbit) 341 1536 w
       -(was) 616 1536 w
       -(also) 813 1536 w
       -(evil) 1016 1536 w
       -(and) 1208 1536 w
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       -(And) 1660 1536 w
       -(dirty.) 1874 1536 w
       -(He) 2131 1536 w
       -(was) 2290 1536 w
       -(also) 2488 1536 w
       -(a) 2692 1536 w
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       -(The) 498 1656 w
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       -(never) 958 1656 w
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       -(any) 1651 1656 w
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       -(But he was still beaten. Because evil must be punished.) 144 1776 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(H) 2603 2928 w
       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(also) 1018 3480 w
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       -(animals,) 2400 3480 w
       -(as) 144 3600 w
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       -(didn't have any arms. So he took his anger out on trees. He) 373 3600 w
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       -(not) 347 3720 w
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       -(as) 856 3720 w
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       -(a) 2495 3720 w
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       -(him) 494 3840 w
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       -(The) 1089 3840 w
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       -(it) 1835 3840 w
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       -(then) 356 3960 w
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       -(of) 1412 3960 w
       -(pissing) 1533 3960 w
       -(on) 1855 3960 w
       -(trees) 1993 3960 w
       -(for) 2219 3960 w
       -(a) 2373 3960 w
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       -(pissed) 660 4080 w
       -(on) 938 4080 w
       -(the) 1066 4080 w
       -(rabbit.) 1216 4080 w
       -(The) 1501 4080 w
       -(rabbit) 1683 4080 w
       -(got) 1943 4080 w
       -(a) 2098 4080 w
       -(cold) 2169 4080 w
       -(and) 2368 4080 w
       -(died.) 2539 4080 w
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       -(that) 800 4200 w
       -(the) 979 4200 w
       -(woodpecker) 1130 4200 w
       -(was) 1646 4200 w
       -(at) 1831 4200 w
       -(fault.) 1933 4200 w
       -(But) 2171 4200 w
       -(he) 2346 4200 w
       -(wasn't) 2470 4200 w
       -(beaten,) 144 4320 w
       -(as) 467 4320 w
       -(no) 588 4320 w
       -(one) 726 4320 w
       -(could) 908 4320 w
       -(get) 1168 4320 w
       -(him) 1328 4320 w
       -(out) 1522 4320 w
       -(from) 1688 4320 w
       -(the) 1920 4320 w
       -(fallen) 2080 4320 w
       -(tree.) 2345 4320 w
       -(Yes,) 2556 4320 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -10 /LucidaSansUnicode04 f
       -(>) 1389 5112 w
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       -(small) 747 1392 w
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       -(He) 1432 1392 w
       -(was) 1580 1392 w
       -(not) 1767 1392 w
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       -(He) 462 1752 w
       -(was) 610 1752 w
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       -(beaten.) 1061 1752 w
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       -(ally hard to scare him as he was blind, and) 144 1872 w
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       -(he) 2461 1872 w
       -(was) 2581 1872 w
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       -(And) 1137 2112 w
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       -(to) 396 2232 w
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       -(it) 556 2592 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(cunning.) 921 3816 w
       -(She) 1308 3816 w
       -(could) 1498 3816 w
       -(easily) 1760 3816 w
       -(outsmart) 2033 3816 w
       -(anyone.) 2423 3816 w
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       -(she) 429 3936 w
       -(could) 609 3936 w
       -(outsmart) 878 3936 w
       -(someone,) 1275 3936 w
       -(she) 1702 3936 w
       -(was) 1882 3936 w
       -(not) 2084 3936 w
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       -(But) 2591 3936 w
       -(when) 144 4056 w
       -(she) 390 4056 w
       -(coudln't,) 553 4056 w
       -(she) 941 4056 w
       -(was) 1104 4056 w
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       -(Hard.) 1629 4056 w
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       -(she) 2603 4056 w
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       -(someone) 2381 4176 w
       -(when) 144 4296 w
       -(you're) 403 4296 w
       -(being) 706 4296 w
       -(beaten.) 971 4296 w
       -(One) 1299 4296 w
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       -(she) 1695 4296 w
       -(was) 1871 4296 w
       -(beaten) 2069 4296 w
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       -10 /Times-Roman f
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       -(Everyone) 1733 552 w
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       -(That) 351 672 w
       -(is why he was always beaten with the whole forest. Or) 560 672 w
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       -(nor) 1308 2256 w
       -(evil.) 1482 2256 w
       -(He) 1698 2256 w
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       -(a) 2051 2256 w
       -(goat.) 2136 2256 w
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       -(beat) 730 4560 w
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   DIR diff --git a/new/the-gopher-times.txt b/new/the-gopher-times.txt
       @@ -1,3000 +0,0 @@
       -                      The Gopher Times
       -  #1: Bitreich news and more from 2021-09-12 to 2021-10-12
       - A Newspaper for Gopher                              josuah
       -  Starting  from  today,  The  Gopher Times is going to be
       -  published.  The entire journal  is  itself  much  of  an
       -  experiment:  How can a paper-oriented journal make sense
       -  in this hypermedia era?
       -  Blogs, like, pokes, tweets, messages, smart, buzz, feed,
       -  channel,  subscribe,  post,  cookie,  paywall, analytic,
       -  trend, video, downtime, live,  notification,  connected,
       -  streaming, event, fake news.
       -  We know a lot more about the five last minutes than five
       -  last  years.   Rather  than  a continuous feed of upmost
       -  shocking headlines, The Gopher Times publishes, one opus
       -  at  a  time,  real  news  you can read, without a cookie
       -  wall.
       -  Newspaper go  through  a  long  chain,  from  journalist
       -  reporting  all facts near and afar, redactors organising
       -  information, along with all the chain formatting the end
       -  structured  text  in  the, end layout, finally published
       -  and distributed for a few quarters.
       -  The web considerably transformed this  chain:  news  are
       -  submitted  to  AP,  the  printing  chain  are now server
       -  hosting providers, and typesetters  and  layout  artists
       -  are swapped for frontend web developers.
       -  This journal divert by 90'  by  using  troff(1)  as  its
       -  foundation:   a   typesetter,   targeted   at  producing
       -  finished, static documents ready  to  be  published  may
       -  that  be  printed  or downloaded.  An entire alternative
       -  stack to the web, and among one of the most deployed  on
       -  linux systems, through groff, used for manual pages.
       -  An entire custom macro set have been built  to  allow  a
       -  multicolumn multirow with automatic height and width, in
       -  order to fits either the  computer  screen,  paper,  and
       -  smaller screens of all shapes, and provide the Real Deal
       -  of a journal page setup.
       - Bitreich TV improvements                               adc
       -  At  Bitreich,  we  are  always  working  hard  to  bring
       -  pleasure and enjoyment to our users.  In August 2020  we
       -  launched   bitreich-tv[0,1],   which   is  an  annotated
       -  playback of memes in the memecache[2] via gopher.
       -  A lot of memes in the memecache  share  a  common  theme
       -  (corona,  gopher,  toilets,  etc).  From today, thematic
       -  channels  are  automatically  created  and   listed   on
       -  gopher://bitreich.org/1/tv  when  a  theme  contains  at
       -  least 25 memes.
       -  We recommend mpv(1) for playback, as in:
       -   mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/news.m3u
       -   mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/all.m3u
       -   mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/toilet.m3u
       -   mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/tv/trump.m3u
       -  Furthermore, the bitreich TV hosting and source code are
       -  moved  to bitreich.org.  Please report any issues to adc
       -  in Freenode/#bitreich-tv.
       - World of Animals                                     0x1bi
       -  Back  in  the  nineties when Windowds 3.1 was still very
       -  much a thing, my old man, while doing his post graduated
       -  studies,  found this story on some Russian usenet group,
       -  saved it, printed it out, posted it in his office.
       -  Years later  he  made  the  mistake  of  giving  me  the
       -  internet.  And  I found the same story, now on the world
       -  wide web.
       -  I've taken the time to translate the story from  Russian
       -  to  English  such  that  everyone can enjoy the gifts of
       -  Russian usenet koans.
       -  Enjoy responsibly.
       -  >>  Медведь  был  безобpазным,   косолапым   и   гpязным
       -   животным.   Однако  добpее  его  не было никого во всем
       -   лесy. Hо звеpи замечали только его  внешность,  на  что
       -   Медведь  жyтко  обижался,  ловил  их  и жестоко избивал
       -   ногами. Поэтомy звеpи его не любили. Хотя он был  очень
       -   добpым.  И  веселым.  Он  любил  задоpные шyтки. За эти
       -   шyтки звеpи его скоpо жyтко возненавидели и  били.  Да,
       -   тpyдно быть на свете добpым и веселым.
       -  The  bear  was  a  filthy,  clumsy,  and  dirty  animal.
       -  However,  no  one  was  as loving as he was in the whole
       -  forest. But the animals only saw his exterior, to  which
       -  the  bear  became  upset,  caught them, and brutaly beat
       -  them with his legs. Even though he was very loving.  And
       -  happy.  He  loved  practical  jokes. For these jokes the
       -  animals started to hate the bear and beat him. Yes, it;s
       -  hard to be loving and happy.
       -  >> Волк был тоже безобpазным и гpязным.  И  еще  он  был
       -   очень  злым  и  жестоким. Hо звеpи не испытывали к немy
       -   ненависти и не били. Потомy, что Волк yмеp еще в pаннем
       -   детстве.  Потомy, что Медведь pодился pаньше Волка. Да,
       -   хоpошо, когда Добpо побеждает Зло.
       -  The wolf was also filthy and dirty.  He  was  also  very
       -  evil  and  cruel.  But  the  animals  din't hate him and
       -  didn't beat him. Because the  wolf  died  early  in  his
       -  childhood.  Because  the  bear was born before the wolf.
       -  Yes, it's good when good triumphs over evil.
       -  >> Заяц тоже был злым и жестоким. И гpязным.  И  еще  он
       -   был  тpyсливым.  Гадостей Заяц никомy никогда не делал.
       -   Потомy, что боялся.  Hо  его  все  pавно  сильно  били.
       -   Потомy, что Зло всегда должно быть наказано.
       -  The rabbit was also evil and cruel. And  dirty.  He  was
       -  also  a coward. The rabbit never commited any evil as he
       -  was scared. But he was still beaten. Because  evil  must
       -  be punished.
       -  >> И Дятел тоже был злым и жестоким. Он не  бил  звеpей,
       -   потомy,  что  y  него  не было pyк. Поэтомy, он вымещал
       -   свою злость на деpевьях. Его не били.  Потомy,  что  не
       -   могли   дотянyться.   Однажды  его  пpидавило  насмеpть
       -   yпавшее деpево.  Поговаpивали, что оно отомстило. После
       -   этого  звеpи  целый  месяц боялись мочиться на деpевья.
       -   Они мочились на Зайца.  Заяц пpостyдился и  yмеp.  Всем
       -   было  ясно,  что  во  всем был виноват Дятел. Hо его не
       -   тpонyли. Посколькy не смогли выковыpять из-под yпавшего
       -   деpева. Да, Зло иногда остается безнаказанным.
       -  The woodpecker was also evil and cruel. He  didn't  beat
       -  animals,  as  he  didn't  have  any arms. So he took his
       -  anger out on trees. He was not beaten, as no  one  could
       -  reach  him.  One  day  a  tree crushed him to death. The
       -  animals said it took revenge. After that,  then  animals
       -  were  afraid  of  pissing on trees for a month.  Instead
       -  they pissed on the rabbit. The rabbit  got  a  cold  and
       -  died.  Everyone  knew  that the woodpecker was at fault.
       -  But he wasn't beaten, as no one could get him  out  from
       -  the fallen tree. Yes, sometimes evil remains unpunished.
       -  >> Кpот был маленьким и  слепым.  Он  не  был  злым.  Он
       -   пpосто  хоpошо  делал  свое дело. Это он подъел деpево,
       -   котоpое yпало на дятла.  Об  этом  никто  не  yзнал,  и
       -   поэтомy  его  не  избили.   Его вообще били pедко. Чаще
       -   пyгали. Hо его было очень тpyдно испyгать,  потомy  что
       -   он  был  слепой  и  не  видел, что его пyгают. Когда не
       -   yдавалось испyгать Кpота,  звеpи  очень  огоpчались.  И
       -   били Медведя. Потомy, что им было очень обидно. Однажды
       -   Медведь  тоже  захотел  испyгать  Кpота.  Hо  Кpот   не
       -   испyгался.   Потомy,  что  Медведь  его yбил. Hечаянно.
       -   Пpосто Медведь был очень неyклюжим. И звеpи  его  очень
       -   сильно  избили.  Даже,  несмотpя  на  то,  что  Медведь
       -   сказал, что пошyтил. Плохо, когда твои шyтки  никто  не
       -   понимает.
       -  The mole was small and blind. He was not evil.  He  just
       -  did  his  job  really well.  It was he who dug under the
       -  tree which fell on the woodpecker. No one knew about his
       -  digging  and  he  was  not beaten. He was rarely beaten.
       -  More often scared. But it was really hard to  scare  him
       -  as  he  was  blind,  and  didn't  see  that he was being
       -  scared. When the animals were unable to scare  the  mole
       -  they  became  very upset. And beat the bear. One day the
       -  bear decided to sacre the mole. But he didn't scare  the
       -  mole.  Because  he  killed  him. Accidentally. As he was
       -  very clumsy. And  the  animals  brutally  beat  him  for
       -  killing  the  mole,  even  though the bear said it was a
       -  prank. It's unfortunate when  no  one  understands  your
       -  pranks.
       -  >> Лиса была очень хитpой. Она могла запpосто  обхитpить
       -   кого  yгодно. Когда ей это yдавалось, то ее не били. Hо
       -   иногда ей не везло. И ее били. Били всем лесом.  И  она
       -   yже  не  могла кого-нибyдь обхитpить. Потомy, что очень
       -   тpyдно го-нибyдь обхитpить, когда тебя бьют. Однажды ее
       -   избили до смеpти. Да, жилда всегда на пpавдy выйдет.
       -  The fox was very  cunning.  She  could  easily  outsmart
       -  anyone.  When  she  could  outsmart someone, she was not
       -  beaten. But when she coudln't, she  was  beaten.   Hard.
       -  And  at that point she couldn't outsmart anyone, as it's
       -  hard to outsmart someone when you're being  beaten.  One
       -  day she was beaten to death. Yes, truth will always come
       -  to light.
       -  >> Кабан был большой, сильный и стpашный. Его все  очень
       -   боялись.  И  поэтомy  его  били  только всем лесом. Или
       -   пpосто кидали в него  камнями.  Кабан  этого  очень  не
       -   любил.  И однажды ночью он спpятал все камни в лесy. За
       -   это его очень сильно избили. Больше  Кабан  никогда  не
       -   пpятал камни. Воистинy говоpят - вpемя собиpать камни и
       -   вpемя их не тpогать никогда.
       -  The boar was big, strong, and scary. Everyone was scared
       -  of  him. That is why he was always beaten with the whole
       -  forest. Or simply stoned him. The boar didn't like that.
       -  One  day he hid all of the stones in the forest. For the
       -  he was beaten really hard. After that,  the  boar  never
       -  hid  stones.  And  so they say, there is time to collect
       -  stones, and time to not touch them.
       -  >> Козел не был ни злым, ни добpым. Он был пpосто Козел.
       -   н  часто  козлил.  И  его  боялись  бить.  И  он  своим
       -   козловством всех достал. И тогда его избили до  смеpти.
       -   Потомy, что иначе он бы yмеp от стаpости. Когда-нибyдь.
       -   Когда Козел yмеp, Медведь сильно плакал. Потомy, что он
       -   в тайне любил Козла.  Да, любовь зла, полюбишь и Козла.
       -  The goat was neither good nor evil. He was  a  goat.  He
       -  often  goated.  And  the  animals were scared of beating
       -  him. With his goatness he got on everyones  nerves.  And
       -  he  was beaten to death, because otherwise he would have
       -  died of old age. Someday. After the goat died, the  bear
       -  cried,  because he secretly loved the goat. Yes, love is
       -  a cruel mistress.
       -  >> Ежик был маленький и колючий. Он кололся. Он  не  был
       -   злым, он кололся по своей пpиpоде. Из-за этого его били
       -   только в живот. Ежик этого  не  любил  и  стал  бpиться
       -   наголо.  И  тогда  его  стали  бить как всех. Да, очень
       -   тpyдно быть не таким как все.
       -  The hedgehog was small and prickly. He wasn't  evil,  he
       -  was  prickly  by  his own nature. For that he was beaten
       -  exclusively in the stomach. And so the hedgehog  started
       -  shaving bald. And he was beaten like everyone else. Yes,
       -  it's hard to be not like everyone else.
       -  >> Скyнс был почти таким,  как  Заяц.  Hо  только  очень
       -   нючим.   Он   плохо   пахнyл.   Его   били   только   в
       -   полиэтиленовом  пакете.  Тогда  запах  был   не   такой
       -   сильный.   Однажды  y  Скyнса  был  день  pождения.  Он
       -   пpигласил всех звеpей, потомy, что был жадным  и  любил
       -   подаpки.  И  звеpи  подаpили  емy  новый полиэтиленовый
       -   пакет. И сильно избили  до  потеpи  сознания.  И  Скyнс
       -   задохнyлся  в пакете. Так его и похоpонили. В пакете. В
       -   очень Дальнем Лесy. Потомy, что меpтвый Скyнс вонял еще
       -   сильнее.  Потом  пpишли  жители Очень Дальнего Леса и в
       -   сех сильно избили.  Им  не  понpавился  запах  меpтвого
       -   Скyнса. Да, с соседями надо жить в миpе.
       -  The skunk was very much like rabbit. But very smelly. He
       -  was  beaten  only inside a plastic bag, because then the
       -  smell wasn't as bad. One day the skunk  had  a  birthday
       -  party,  and  he  invited  all  of  the animals as he was
       -  greedy and he loved presents. The animals got him a  new
       -  plastig  bag.  And then proceeded to beat him until loss
       -  of consciousness. The skunk then suffocated  inside  the
       -  bag.  That  is how he was buried. In the plastic bag. In
       -  the very far away forest, as a dead  skunk  smelt  worse
       -  than  a living skunk. Then the animals from the very far
       -  away forest came and beat  everyone  hard.  They  didn't
       -  like  the  smell  of  the dead skunk. Yes, you must love
       -  your neighbour.
       -  >> Хомяк был тоже очень жадным. И богатым.  Если  бы  он
       -   делился своим богатством, его бы били не так сильно. Hо
       -   он был очень жадным. За это его били сильно. И емy  все
       -   pавно  пpиходилось  делиться.  И  он гоpько плакал. Да,
       -   богатые тоже плачyт.
       -  The hasmter was also very greedy. And rich. If he shared
       -  his  riches  he  woudn't  be  beaten as hard. But he was
       -  greedy. And he was beaten hard.  And  he  still  had  to
       -  share  his  riches.  For  that  he cried. Yes, even rich
       -  people cry.
       -  >> Лев был цаpь звеpей. Он пpавил лесом. Цаpей  бить  не
       -   положено.  Это  закон.  Hо звеpи давно забили на закон.
       -   Звеpи били и льва. Hи за что. Потомy, что так yж  здесь
       -   повелось.
       -  The lion was king.  He  ruled  the  forest.  You're  not
       -  supposed to beat kings. Such is the law. But the animals
       -  gave a fuck about the law. They  beat  the  lion.   Why?
       -  That's just how things go in forest.
       -  >> Моpаль: А зоpи здесь тихие...
       -  Moral: Sunrises here are quiet...
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