Merge branch 'master' of git://bitreich.org/tgtimes - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit bd1fbc1387245c5295ef51c566f8fc22aa0fd001
   DIR parent 4ecee5cad660f4561ba7dbcf1223d183ddf43a14
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Sat, 24 Jun 2023 22:25:09 +0200
       Merge branch 'master' of git://bitreich.org/tgtimes
         M Makefile                            |       2 ++
         M bitreich/Makefile                   |      13 +------------
         D bitreich/md2mw.awk                  |      23 -----------------------
         M bitreich/news.gph                   |      90 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
         A opus7/article-bitreich-brcon2023.mw |      55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-c-thaumatur… |      32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-… |      30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-donkey-mete… |      24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
         R opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-e… |       0 
         A opus7/article-bitreich-groundhog-d… |      23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-library-of-… |      33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-meme-cache-… |      68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-sfeed-1.7.mw |      44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-telemetry-s… |      35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-bitreich-volunteers-… |      24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A opus7/article-ggg-bitreich-cooking… |      18 ++++++++++++++++++
         D opus7/article-ggg-ggg.mw            |      22 ----------------------
         M opus7/article-tgtimes-announcing-t… |       4 ++--
         M opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal… |       2 +-
         M opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal… |       1 +
         M opus7/tgtimes7.mw                   |      22 +++++++++++++++++-----
         M opus7/tgtimes7.pdf                  |       0 
         M opus7/tgtimes7.txt                  |     609 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
         R opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-e… |       0 
       24 files changed, 1106 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ publish: ${tgtimes}.pdf ${tgtimes}.txt
                cp ${tgtimes}.txt archive/${date}/tgtimes-${date}-opus$v.txt
                cp ${tgtimes}.pdf archive/${date}/tgtimes-${date}-opus$v.pdf
                cp ${tgtimes}.mw archive/${date}/tgtimes-${date}-opus$v.mw
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   DIR diff --git a/bitreich/Makefile b/bitreich/Makefile
       @@ -1,13 +1,2 @@
       -gopher = bitreich.org:/bitreich/gopher
       -        @sed -rn 's/^([a-z.]*):.*/make \1/p' Makefile
       -        rsync -a ${gopher}/news.gph ${gopher}/usr/*/phlog .
       -        awk -f md2mw.awk news.gph
       -        rm -f article-*.mw
       +        rsync -a bitreich.org:/bitreich/gopher/news.gph ${gopher}/usr/*/phlog .
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich/md2mw.awk b/bitreich/md2mw.awk
       @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
       -#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       -$NF ~ "/usr/.*/phlog/.*.md" {
       -        sub(".*/usr/", "")
       -        user = $0
       -        sub("/.*", "", user)
       -        gsub("'", "", user)
       -        sub("^[^/]*/", "")
       -        sub("\\|.*", "")
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       -        sub(".md$", ".mw", dst)
       -        cmd = "notmarkdown-ms | sed '1 s/.NH [0-9]/.SH "author"/' >'"dst"'"
       -        print cmd
       -        while ((getline <src) > 0)
       -                if (NR > 2)
       -                        print $0 | cmd
       -        close(cmd)
       -        close(src)
       -        close(dst)
   DIR diff --git a/bitreich/news.gph b/bitreich/news.gph
       @@ -4,13 +4,101 @@
        [0|Atom news feed|/news.atom.xml|server|port]
        ___[ News Aggregator ]
       +[0|2023-03-02 – »New DJ Vlad Session from Serbia on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11T20:00 CET« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-03-02T17-14-38-350384.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-28 – »Volunteers for a The Gopher Times trial wanted.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-28T14-45-17-060905.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-26 – »Library of Babel now available on gopherspace.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-26T21-42-45-670938.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-26 – »C Thaumaturgy Center opens at Bitreich« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-26T19-24-04-312105.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-26 – »Donkey Meter goes online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-26T16-25-11-854248.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-25 – »sfeed 1.7 was released.« by bob|/usr/bob/phlog/2023-02-25T13-00-00-133769.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-25 – »Groundhog Day Service Page online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-25T10-35-36-733039.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-20 – »Reverse pointer support for memes.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-20T12-18-45-436821.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-19 – »Deep pointer support in memes.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-19T12-25-49-877084.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-18 – »Meme cache pointer support« by adc|/usr/adc/phlog/2023-02-18T09-00-00-000000.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-11 – »Bitreich Telemetry Service goes Public.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-11T17-14-02-099575.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-02 – »Happy Groundhog Day!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-02T13-29-18-904463.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-01 – »Bitreich at FOSDEM 2023.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-01T15-09-06-066605.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-02-01 – »Brcon2023 will happen between 2023-08-07 and 2023-08-13.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-02-01T14-50-08-609017.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-28 – »GangBAN 2023-01-28 results.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-28T21-38-57-631261.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-28 – »GangBAN: Warmux build instructions.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-28T17-37-20-106115.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-28 – »Brcon2023 date/time poll reminder.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-28T16-58-09-381188.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-26 – »GangBAN on 2023-01-28 20:00 CET.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-26T13-11-07-900102.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-18 – »Year of the cat/rabbit is coming!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-18T20-00-34-550729.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-18 – »Marquee Support for Gopher« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-18T17-57-25-913548.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-16 – »Bitreich at FOSDEM 2023« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-16T17-55-23-881661.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-12 – »Brcon2023 date/month poll started.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-12T13-28-58-069537.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-12 – »get-it-script-ed(1) winner 2022 is ...« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-12T13-05-04-475543.md|server|port]
       +[0|2023-01-03 – »Big Chess Fight This Night!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2023-01-03T18-01-59-426192.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-31 – »New Year Special: Bitflix released!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-31T22-42-51-247680.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-30 – »Long live the USSR!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-30T21-37-45-633640.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-30 – »USSR 100 year GangBAN today 20:00 CET« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-30T15-06-36-882665.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-29 – »ed(1) Telegram Service Online« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-29T19-55-32-634073.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-27 – »Bitreich Firework Service Online« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-27T20-15-32-949988.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-27 – »ed(1) cloud GUESTBOOK now available.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-27T17-16-38-409761.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-25 – »ed(1) cloud now with quiz mode.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-25T17-30-11-521592.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-23 – »Get-it-script-ed(1): Competition until 1st of January 2023« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-23T21-15-00-740370.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-23 – »Bitreich.org now supports captcha and clownflare.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-23T21-08-28-876322.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-23 – »Bitreich End Year Meeting and get-it-script-ed(1) tonight!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-23T14-00-54-095292.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-22 – »Cat Abusers Anonymous (CAA) founded.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-22T19-52-14-670296.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-12 – »Correction of End of Year Meeting Date« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-12T20-16-19-116117.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-11 – »Bitreich Organigram released.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-11T11-38-29-764417.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-10 – »Olympic Games at Bitreich: Bulletball« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-10T21-11-03-200267.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-10 – »Special Multiplayer Coding GangBAN today.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-10T12-43-52-040796.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-12-04 – »Bitreich End Year Meeting 2022« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-12-04T15-13-38-317119.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-11-27 – »Get-it-script-ed(1) unix knight jousting 2022« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-11-27T09-37-17-793206.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-11-19 – »Geomyidae v0.69 "I believe I can vla-ai" OTA edition« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-11-19T19-51-56-680110.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-11-10 – »Geomyidae v0.52 OTA release "Billion Gophers"« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-11-10T22-22-15-295752.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-10-31 – »Blue Gopher Premium« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-10-31T17-00-21-637046.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-10-28 – »irc.bitreich.org and bitreich.org now with letsencrypt certificate« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-10-28T14-10-57-325744.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-10-26 – »Four Billion more Gopherholes have gone online!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-10-26T17-51-05-435678.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-10-20 – »Meme cache rescaling complete« by adc|/usr/adc/phlog/2022-10-20T18-30-00-133769.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-10-10 – »The Gopher Times keeps ticking with Opus 6« by josuah|/usr/josuah/phlog/2022-10-10T11-13-39-3025236.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-29 – »Bitreich at HCPP Prague.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-29T20-31-54-679317.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-29 – »Gang your BAN!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-29T20-19-31-049037.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-26 – »GangBAN on 2022-09-29 20:00 CEST« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-26T11-10-52-937178.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-12 – »X-Use-Gopher« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-12T18-13-05-412465.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-11 – »Bitreich forms Movement against Cheese Cruelty (SLICER)« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-11T08-00-28-532939.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-03 – »GangBAN cures depression.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-03T20-38-29-107455.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-03 – »Bitreich helping the homeless.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-09-03T17-21-30-328220.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-09-01 – »json2tsv 1.0 was released.« by bob|/usr/bob/phlog/2022-09-01T22-22-22-133769.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-31 – »BitreichIRC now registered on Netsplit.de!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-31T19-22-55-352442.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-30 – »(1<<13)\|0x1000\|0x200\|0x100\|0xe0\|0x1 BAN party on Saturday!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-30T11-32-08-994963.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-19 – »Bitreich at FrOSCon 2022« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-19T06-17-55-772888.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-17 – »sfeed 1.6 was released.« by bob|/usr/bob/phlog/2022-08-17T13-00-00-133769.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-16 – »BROOD BREAD PAIN« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-16T08-38-24-961173.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-10 – »GIF-MEME founded. Bitreich is a member!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-10T20-38-48-568013.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-07 – »Manifesto Generator now online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-07T14-19-23-886268.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-07 – »New release of stagit, stagit-gopher.« by bob|/usr/bob/phlog/2022-08-07T11-00-00-133769.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-06 – »Geomyidae v0.51 brcon2022 release.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-06T20-18-42-220705.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-06 – »Brcon2022: Recordings Day 1 to 4 are online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-06T20-12-31-912418.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-06 – »Gopher Protocol Extension Project« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-06T12-08-05-776024.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-04 – »libgcgi: First GPU-powered REST service goes online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-04T19-21-22-056882.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-04 – »Libgcgi now an official bitreich project.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-04T17-57-38-558036.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-04 – »Brcon2022: Audio Splitting« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-04T12-54-18-619664.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-08-02 – »Gopher Onion Initiative: New Logo, Redesign« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-08-02T11-40-04-516355.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-31 – »Brcon2022: get-script-ed(1) contest.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-31T07-42-05-210833.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-31 – »emerge sanity« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-31T07-39-07-235548.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-30 – »Zuccless.org goes online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-30T23-40-50-506752.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-30 – »Brcon2022: Geomyidae Hackathon Results.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-30T20-10-37-181037.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-28 – »Brcon2022: Slides for day 0x0 to 0x2 online« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-28T19-36-28-800314.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-27 – »Brcon2022: Get-script-ed(1) prizes.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-27T13-47-18-169520.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-26 – »Geomyidae new escape handling.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-26T21-40-59-525404.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-25 – »Brcon2022: Schedule change due to Arctic Vault« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-25T11-50-42-038531.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-23 – »Brcon2022: Programming Language Cocktails« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-23T14-39-53-724940.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-22 – »Brcon2022: Special Release Party on 2022-07-25.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-22T16-39-17-565987.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-22 – »Brcon2022: New slide standard of 80x25.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-22T15-09-04-559612.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-20 – »Brcon2022: Prof. Skildgaard Keynote!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-20T17-13-16-531957.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-19 – »Brcon2022: Some Highlights« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-19T17-07-47-419522.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-18 – »Brcon2022: Learn some recreational Acupuncture.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-18T10-42-17-602891.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-14 – »Bitreichcon 2022 ZK/cryptography workshop requirements« by parazyd|/usr/parazyd/phlog/2022-07-14T20:00:23-692113.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-07-01 – »DALL-E support in annna.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-07-01T18-10-43-511990.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-06-28 – »The Gopher Times 5 at your doorbell! Get it at:« by josuah|/usr/josuah/phlog/2022-06-28T15-07-44-1533808.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-06-23 – »0x20 brcon call for registration and talks.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-06-23T10-24-49-999398.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-06-13 – »BIG BROWSER IS WATCHING YOU!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-06-13T18-56-17-642492.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-05-25 – »60 days CfP for Brcon2022!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-05-25T15-44-11-635607.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-05-22 – »69 days until Brcon Belgrade, 64 days until Brcon Online.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-05-22T16-50-48-763447.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-05-21 – »sfeed 1.5 was released.« by bob|/usr/bob/phlog/2022-05-21T13-00-00-133769.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-05-13 – »Prof. Skildgaard: Only Turtle Fans« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-05-13T17-36-11-859785.md|server|port]
       -[0|2022-04-22T21-03-37.1533808 – »Bitreich is proudly publishing The Gopher Times opus 4!« by josuah|/usr/josuah/phlog/2022-04-22T21-03-37-1533808.md|server|port]
       +[0|2022-04-22 – »Bitreich is proudly publishing The Gopher Times opus 4!« by josuah|/usr/josuah/phlog/2022-04-22T21-03-37-1533808.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-04-12 – »Bitreich OnlyFans reaches 12k Fans!« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-04-12T16-56-59-362789.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-04-10 – »English_knight(1), a ninja(1) replacement.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-04-10T17-28-36-081080.md|server|port]
        [0|2022-04-08 – »Geomyidae v0.50.1 fix release.« by 20h|/usr/20h/phlog/2022-04-08T17-37-57-082355.md|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-brcon2023.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-brcon2023.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Brcon2023 from August 7th to 13th
       +.2C 30
       +The community has decided!
       +Brcon2023 will happen between 7th to 13th of August beginning with an
       +online session from 7th to 10th August and a presence part from 11th to
       +13th of August in Callenberg, Germany:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/con/2023
       +This means, the call for papers/presentations is open. This year the main
       +topic will of course be gopher and all kind of simple services created
       +for gopherspace. All other simple protocols are welcome too.
       +Some topics that are already planned and may inspire you:
       +.IP \(bu
       +Entropy services via gopher.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Serving highly-complex memes via IRC/gopher including gopher GPU services.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Geo / map services via gopher.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Qi Gong for beginners (in the forest!) including an inspiring forest walk in the sun.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Gophers and other family members in a museum exhibition with an exclusive tour.
       +It is very simple to hold a presentation.
       +Please see the slides from a previous con:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/con/2022
       +And it is possible from all over the world!
       +The world is invited!
       +Please send proposals for talks to Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>.
       +See you at brcon2023!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Conference Officer (CCO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-c-thaumaturgy-center.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-c-thaumaturgy-center.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +C Thaumaturgy Center opens at Bitreich
       +.2C 20
       +People always had a desire for magic.
       +This magic does not end in modern times.
       +Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
       +-- Arthur C. Clarke
       +So is C, C pointers and C bit twiddling:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/thaumaturgy
       +Get your daily magic there!
       +In case you have your own C magic spells laying around and want to offer
       +them to the public, send them to: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       +I will include them into the programme of the C Thaumaturgy Center.
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Magic Officer (CMO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-2023-03-11.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-2023-03-11.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +DJ Vlad Session on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11
       +.2C 20
       +New DJ Vlad Session from Serbia on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11T20:00 CET.
       +Our residing DJ Vlad (not from Russia or Ukraine) has found a new sound
       +and will present it to us at 2023-03-11T20:00 CET exclusively on Bitreich Radio!
       +He will be streaming from Serbia to all over the gopherspace and the
       +The whole session can be listened to of course at:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/radio/listen
       +It is so easy and simple.
       +See you all for this exclusive experience from Serbia!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Vibe Officer (CVO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-donkey-meter.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-donkey-meter.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Donkey Meter goes online.
       +.2C 20
       +Have you ever wondered, how much traffic is used on Bitreich.org? Now you
       +can see it. In combination with our French friends who spread donkey
       +technology, we now have a Donkey Meter:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/donkeymeter
       +It takes a second to load due to donkey technology restrictions.
       +You might also be interested in our Large Donkey Collider technology.
       +Have fun!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Donkey Officer (CDO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-gopher-pearls.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-groundhog-day-service.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-groundhog-day-service.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Groundhog Day Service Page online.
       +.2C 20
       +At Bitreich we support the culture of grounded, based and ecological- and
       +animal-friendly technology. In this sense, it is natural for us to
       +support Groundhog Day, the scientific measurement for winter length
       +prediction. In preparation for our now yearly celebration of this day, we
       +now offer the current groundhog shadow status on Bitreich:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/groundhog-day
       +Future prediction has never been that easily and worldwide available!
       +Now groundhog was harmed in the production of this service!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Ground Officer (CGO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-library-of-babel.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-library-of-babel.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Library of Babel now available on gopherspace.
       +.2C 20
       +What is the Library of Babel?
       +> The Library of Babel is a place for scholars to do research, for artists
       +> and writers to seek inspiration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of
       +> humor to reflect on the weirdness of existence - in short, it's just like
       +> any other library. If completed, it would contain every possible
       +> combination of 1,312,000 characters, including lower case letters, space,
       +> comma, and period. Thus, it would contain every book that ever has been
       +> written, and every book that ever could be - including every play, every
       +> song, every scientific paper, every legal decision, every constitution,
       +> every piece of scripture, and so on. At present it contains all possible
       +> pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.
       +.LK https://libraryofbabel.info/About.html
       +Now available on gopherspace!
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/1/babel
       +Have fun!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Librarian Officer (CLO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-meme-cache-pointer-support.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-meme-cache-pointer-support.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Meme cache pointer support
       +.2C 30
       +The Bitreich memecache joins modern programming languages like C in
       +supporting pointer notation.  Get a pointer representation of a meme by
       +referencing it in our IRC channels with the syntax '*<tag>', instead of
       +the usual '#<tag>'.
       +<adc> #gnu-hut
       +<annna> #gnu-hut: gophers://bitreich.org/I/memecache/gnu-hut.jpg
       +<adc> *gnu-hut
       +<annna> *gnu-hut: gophers://bitreich.org/9/memecache/filter/*gnu-hut.jpg
       +The pointer notation works for image and video memes.  Remember that
       +you can explore our memes with
       +bitreich-tardis, and explore the inner
       +workings of annna in the
       +git repository.
       +Deep pointer support in memes.
       +Thanks the ground work of adc, we had pointer support for memes. Based on
       +this, we now have deep pointer support for all kind of memes:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/9/memecache/filter/**********athas-teapot.jpg
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/9/memecache/filter/****athas-teapot.jpg
       +With cache support.
       +Have fun pointing at memes! We had much fun making this. :D
       +Reverse pointer support for memes.
       +After a public request by an avid pointer lover, we of course implemented
       +reverse pointer support for memes now:
       +.LK gophers://bitreich.org/9/memecache/filter/&&&&&&athas-teapot.jpg
       +See how you can dereference this teapot now.
       +Have fun!
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Pointy Officer (CPO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-sfeed-1.7.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-sfeed-1.7.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
       +.SH Hiltjo
       +sfeed 1.7 was released.
       +.2C 30
       +sfeed is a tool to convert RSS or Atom feeds from XML to a TAB-separated file.
       +It can be found at:
       +.LK git://git.codemadness.org/sfeed
       +.LK gopher://codemadness.org/1/git/sfeed
       +.LK https://codemadness.org/releases/sfeed/
       +.LK gopher://codemadness.org/1/releases/sfeed/
       +sfeed has the following small changes compared to 1.6:
       +.IP \(bu
       +Add SCO keys for next, prior (CSI I and CSI G).
       +Tested on DragonFlyBSD (cons25 console).
       +.IP \(bu
       +Add SUN keys support.
       +Tested on OpenIndiana.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Remove unnecesary PATH_MAX restricting the path length.
       +This also makes it compile cleanly on GNU/Hurd.
       +.IP \(bu
       +Man page and documentation improvements.
       +I want to thank all people who gave feedback,
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-telemetry-service.md b/opus7/article-bitreich-telemetry-service.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Bitreich Telemetry Service goes Public.
       +.2C 20
       +The industry is going towards telemetry everywhere: Go programming
       +language logging, Windows 11 poop logging etc.
       +To save you from burnout
       +(which is what Google uses for telemetry excuse!),
       +Bitreich is moving forwards too.
       +Try it now!
       +$ git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       +$ cd geomyidae
       +$ make telemetry
       +In case you want to use the telemetry API in your project, just us:
       +# Everything behind the second / field will be stripped.
       +$ printf "/${projectname}/...\r\n" | nc bitreich.org 70
       +Thank you for installing ${projectname}!
       +Nothing is logged. You can trust us, we are not Google.
       +It is free to use!
       +Have fun!
       +Chief Telemetry Officer (CTO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-bitreich-volunteers-for-a-trial-wanted.mw b/opus7/article-bitreich-volunteers-for-a-trial-wanted.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
       +.SH Bitreich
       +Volunteers for a The Gopher Times trial wanted.
       +.2C 20
       +As pioneers in the gopher world, we at Bitreich want to make the gopher
       +times more accessible to all people over the world. For this, we are
       +planning a trial to have printed out the gopher times sent to your
       +If you want to participate, please send your name and address to
       +Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       +World delivery to all remote places is possible too.
       +Sincerely yours,
       +Chief Press Officer (CPO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-ggg-bitreich-cooking.mw b/opus7/article-ggg-bitreich-cooking.mw
       @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
       +.SH ggg
       +.2C 20
       +In the city home to the best pubs in the English-speaking world, Truth keeps ggg alive, tantalises him sadistically, and heals, then looks after him.
       +Coming from China, ggg waded through lies to learn that nothing is more powerful than Truth;
       +coming into Cork, ggg learnt that Truth catches up nicely with nobody, still, you would prefer Truth's company anyway.
       +Life is fierce futility.
       +Agony unites us.
       +Renaissance will come.
       +60% hustler + 15% hacker + 25% hipster is ggg.
       +The more he writes, the less words he ends up with.
       +You can find ggg on #bitreich-en and #bitreich-cooking.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-ggg-ggg.mw b/opus7/article-ggg-ggg.mw
       @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
       -.SH ggg
       -In the city home to the best pubs in the English-speaking world, Truth keeps ggg alive, tantalises him sadistically, and heals then looks after him.
       -Coming from China, ggg waded through lies to learn that nothing is more powerful than Truth;
       -coming into Cork, ggg learnt that Truth catches up nicely with nobody,
       -still, you would prefer Truth's company anyway.
       -The world is and has always been on fire.
       -Agony unites us.
       -Renaissance will come.
       -60% hustler + 15% hacker + 25% hipster is ggg.
       -The more he writes, the less words he ends up with.
       -You can find ggg on #bitreich-en and #bitreich-cooking.
       -He waits.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-announcing-the-trigger-word.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-announcing-the-trigger-word.mw
       @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
        .SH tgtimes
       -Announcing the \fC"tgtimes"\fR keyword
       +Announcing the \fC"tgtimes"\fB keyword
       +.2C 20
        As any newspaper, The Gopher Times goal is to relay information.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.mw
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -.SH athas
       +.SH tgtimes
        Most minimal gopher client
        .2C 30
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.mw b/opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.mw
       @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
        .SH tgtimes
        Most minimal Gopher server
       +.2C 300
        Gopher is a protocol providing a gateway to a document system, allowing
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.mw b/opus7/tgtimes7.mw
       @@ -5,10 +5,22 @@ Opus 7 - Gopher news and more - Jan. 2023
        .so opus7/article-athas-shell-redirections.mw
       -.so opus7/article-tgtimes-10-cent-risc-v-mcu.mw
       -.so opus7/article-tgtimes-a-billion-gopher.mw
       -.so opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client-hardware.mw
       -.so opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-library-of-babel.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-donkey-meter.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-groundhog-day-service.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-dj-vlad-on-2023-03-11.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-c-thaumaturgy-center.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-telemetry-service.md
        .so opus7/article-tgtimes-peering-cake.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-announcing-the-trigger-word.mw
       +.so opus7/article-ggg-bitreich-cooking.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-meme-cache-pointer-support.mw
       +.so opus7/article-tgtimes-a-billion-gopher.mw
       +.so opus7/article-josuah-the-road-to-success.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-sfeed-1.7.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-volunteers-for-a-trial-wanted.mw
       +.so opus7/article-bitreich-brcon2023.mw
       -.so opus6/footer.mw
       +.so opus7/footer.mw
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.pdf b/opus7/tgtimes7.pdf
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/tgtimes7.txt b/opus7/tgtimes7.txt
       @@ -71,8 +71,613 @@ ____________________________________________________________
           $ (rm numbers && sort > numbers) < numbers
           This approach requires no dependencies and  will  work
       -   in   any  Unix  shell.   https://github.com/ptrks/AVR-
       -   ENC28J60-Examples
       +   in any Unix shell.
       +   Library of Babel now available on gopherspace.Bitreich
       +   What is the Library of Babel?
       +   >> > The Library of Babel is a place for  scholars  to
       +    do research, for artists > and writers to seek inspi-
       +    ration, for anyone with curiosity or a sense of > hu-
       +    mor  to  reflect  on  the weirdness of existence - in
       +    short, it's just like > any other  library.  If  com-
       +    pleted, it would contain every possible > combination
       +    of 1,312,000 characters, including  lower  case  let-
       +    ters, space, > comma, and period. Thus, it would con-
       +    tain every book that ever has been > written, and ev-
       +    ery  book  that ever could be - including every play,
       +    every > song, every scientific paper, every legal de-
       +    cision,  every  constitution, > every piece of scrip-
       +    ture, and so on. At present it contains all  possible
       +    > pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.
       +   Now available on gopherspace!
       +   Have fun!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Librarian Officer (CLO)
       +   Donkey Meter goes online.                     Bitreich
       +   Have  you  ever  wondered, how much traffic is used on
       +   Bitreich.org? Now you can see it. In combination  with
       +   our  French  friends  who spread donkey technology, we
       +   now have a Donkey Meter:
       +   It takes a second to load due to donkey technology re-
       +   strictions.
       +   You might also be interested in our Large Donkey  Col-
       +   lider technology.
       +   Have fun!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Donkey Officer (CDO)
       +   Most minimal Gopher server                     tgtimes
       +   Gopher is a protocol providing a gateway to a document
       +   system, allowing to serve an  organized  hierarchy  of
       +   files  over  the  network.  Dynamically generating the
       +   content as per user requests  is  also  possible.  The
       +   client  side  is in charge of rendering the content as
       +   it sees fit.
       +   Generating Gopher indexes and transmitting  file  con-
       +   tents  or generated contents is low in software compm-
       +   lexity, and in turn allows less expensive hardware  to
       +   be run than complex web stacks.
       +   Which cost would we  end-up  for  building  a  minimal
       +   piece  of  hardware  able  to host the Gopher protocol
       +   acheiving all of the above?  The Gopher Times investi-
       +   gates.
       +   Communication While WiFi is inexpensive and fits  mov-
       +     ing  device  gracefully, the reliability of Ethernet
       +     is indicated for a server. Ethernet adds  1  USD  of
       +     cost  for  the  transceiver handling the electricial
       +     characteristics of Ethernet. These typically  expose
       +     an RGMII interface.
       +   Processing A microcontroller featuring an Ethernet pe-
       +     ripheral (with an RGMII interface) could be the pop-
       +     ular STM32F103, or an alternative  compatible  part.
       +     Enough  processing power would be present for an em-
       +     bedded TCP/IP and a TLS stack.
       +   Automation In addition, most microcontrollers  feature
       +     a  large range of built-in peripheral such as timers
       +     and communication or analog interfaces, enabling au-
       +     tomation of devices such as lighting, heating, laun-
       +     dry, motors, or an entire car, through external mod-
       +     ules. This would come for no extra cost.
       +   Storage A slot for a MicroSD card would allow  storing
       +     and  updating the static content to serve, and stor-
       +     ing network configuration.
       +   Scripting There exist project to fit programming  lan-
       +     guages onto microcontrollers.  Separate projects for
       +     supporting  a  subset  of  each  of  Python,   Ruby,
       +     Javscript, Go, Rust, Lua, Forth and more.
       +   Power By letting power supply happen through  the  USB
       +     port,  a  large  range  of power source can be used,
       +     such as battery, solar  panels,  wind  turbine,  hy-
       +     dropower, or power outlet.
       +   The bill of materials for such a design would approxi-
       +   mate 5 USD.  A marketed device with a small margin for
       +   the seller could reach as low as 10 USD.
       +   Interestingly, such a device would  also  be  able  to
       +   provide  an  equivalent  Web service able to work with
       +   all Web client, but not running the  existing  popular
       +   Web server software stacks known as "Web Frameworks".
       +   Groundhog Day Service Page online.            Bitreich
       +   At  Bitreich we support the culture of grounded, based
       +   and ecological-  and  animal-friendly  technology.  In
       +   this  sense, it is natural for us to support Groundhog
       +   Day, the scientific measurement for winter length pre-
       +   diction. In preparation for our now yearly celebration
       +   of this day, we now offer the current groundhog shadow
       +   status on Bitreich:
       +   Future prediction  has  never  been  that  easily  and
       +   worldwide available!
       +   Now groundhog was harmed in  the  production  of  this
       +   service!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Ground Officer (CGO)
       +   DJ Vlad Session on Bitreich Radio on 2023-03-11itreich
       +   New  DJ  Vlad Session from Serbia on Bitreich Radio on
       +   2023-03-11T20:00 CET.
       +   Our residing DJ Vlad (not from Russia or Ukraine)  has
       +   found  a  new sound and will present it to us at 2023-
       +   03-11T20:00 CET exclusively on Bitreich Radio!
       +   He will be streaming from Serbia to all over  the  go-
       +   pherspace and the world!
       +   The whole session can be listened to of course at:
       +   It is so easy and simple.
       +   See you all for this exclusive experience from Serbia!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Vibe Officer (CVO)
       +   C Thaumaturgy Center opens at Bitreich        Bitreich
       +   People always had a desire for magic.  This magic does
       +   not end in modern times.
       +   >> Any sufficiently advanced technology  is  indistin-
       +    guishable from magic.  -- Arthur C. Clarke
       +   So is C, C pointers and C bit twiddling:
       +   Get your daily magic there!
       +   In case you have your own C magic spells laying around
       +   and  want  to  offer them to the public, send them to:
       +   Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       +   I will include them into the programme of the C  Thau-
       +   maturgy Center.
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Magic Officer (CMO)
       +   Bitreich Telemetry Service goes Public.       Bitreich
       +   The industry is going towards telemetry everywhere: Go
       +   programming language logging, Windows 11 poop  logging
       +   etc.   To  save you from burnout (which is what Google
       +   uses for telemetry excuse!), Bitreich is  moving  for-
       +   wards too.  Try it now!
       +   $ git clone git://bitreich.org/geomyidae
       +   $ cd geomyidae
       +   $ make telemetry
       +   In case you want to use the telemetry API in your pro-
       +   ject, just us:
       +   # Everything behind the secon0 | ncebitreich.orgt70pped.
       +   Thanknyou"forpinstalling}${projectname}!
       +   Nothing is logged. You can trust us, we are not Google.
       +   It is free to use!
       +   Have fun!  20h Chief Telemetry Officer (CTO)
       +   Peering Cake for IPv6                          tgtimes
       +   The  Internet Protocol is the fundamental encoding and
       +   communication convention  that  permits  computers  to
       +   reach each other across multiple LANs.
       +   An  Protocol  to  allow  Inter-Network  communication.
       +   Andy  Tanenbaum  wrote  a beautiful introduction about
       +   the underlying idea:
       +   The part of Internet visible from a single user  looks
       +   like  a  tree,  with at its root the service provider.
       +   Regardless how complex the branches are, there is usu-
       +   ally "the gateway", implying a single one per network,
       +   to allow traffic to "exit", implying a  single  direc-
       +   tion to go for reaching the outter world.  The routing
       +   configuration rarely changes,  and  is  often  boiling
       +   down  to  "going  out", implying beyond the gateway is
       +   outside..
       +   The part of Internet visible from a service  provider,
       +   however,  looks  like  a  mesh, a more balanced graph,
       +   with many possible gateways, many possible "exit"  di-
       +   rections,  and no more idea of "outside".  If you pick
       +   one possible gateway picked at random, hoping them  to
       +   nicely  find the correct destination for your IP pack-
       +   ets, they may realistically cut  your  connection  and
       +   never  ever  talk  to you again, depending on how much
       +   traffic  you  suddenly  sent  (routing  your  IPs   to
       + This happens frequently. Network admin mail-
       +   ing lists are constantly active with many people  dis-
       +   cussing with many others.
       +   Network admins themself  are  usually  friendly  among
       +   themself,  even  across  concurrents, but companies do
       +   not always play nice with each other.
       +   There is a legendary dispute  known  by  all  Internet
       +   Service  Provider (ISP) netadmins: the two biggest in-
       +   ternational internet  network  providers,  Cogent  and
       +   Hurricane  Electric,  are disconnected.  The two major
       +   IPv6 Carriers, those giants connecting the ISP togeth-
       +   ers  across  continents, are currently refusing to ex-
       +   change IPv6 packets with each other.  This means  that
       +   with IPv6, from a country connected to only Cogent, it
       +   is not possible to reach a country connected  to  only
       +   Hurricane  Electric,  and  the  other way around.  For
       +   this reason, all ISPs from all  countries  connections
       +   with  many more carriers for IPv6 than it is for IPv4,
       +   resulting in either lower stability or higher cost.
       +   This strategy permits  Cogent  to  remain  competitive
       +   face  to  its larger concurrents.  Hurricane Electric,
       +   on the other hand, have much more commercial advantage
       +   to  perform peering with Cogent, to therefore exchange
       +   traffic.  In the diversity of attempts to  get  Cogent
       +   to  change  its  mind,  Hurricane Electric decorated a
       +   large creamy cake with a message, and shipped the cake
       +   to  the headquarters of Cogent.  Here is what the mes-
       +   sage said in 2009:
       +   >> Cogent (AS174) Please IPv6 peer  with  us  XOXOX  -
       +    Hurricane Electric (AS6939).
       +   Announcing the "tgtimes" keyword               tgtimes
       +   As  any  newspaper,  The Gopher Times goal is to relay
       +   information.  Through  chat  discussions,  The  Gopher
       +   Times  ocasionnally  collect  heirlooms which are pub-
       +   lished back to the community in this newspaper.
       +   We propose this way of catching The Gopher  Times  at-
       +   tention,  so  that editors can collect all occurences:
       +   In an IRC chat discussion, simply make  the  word  tg-
       +   times appear as a way to pingback to us.
       +   Upon publishing The Gopher Times, the IRC logs of var-
       +   ious channels will be searched for this keyword, hence
       +   noticing every time someone wanted to submit something
       +   to  the The Gopher Times.  One word to say and The Go-
       +   pher Times comes that way.
       +   #bitreich-cooking                                  ggg
       +   In  the  city  home  to  the best pubs in the English-
       +   speaking world, Truth keeps ggg alive, tantalises  him
       +   sadistically, and heals, then looks after him.  Coming
       +   from China, ggg waded through lies to learn that noth-
       +   ing is more powerful than Truth; coming into Cork, ggg
       +   learnt that  Truth  catches  up  nicely  with  nobody,
       +   still, you would prefer Truth's company anyway.
       +   Life is fierce futility.  Agony  unites  us.   Renais-
       +   sance will come.
       +   60% hustler + 15% hacker + 25% hipster  is  ggg.   The
       +   more  he  writes, the less words he ends up with.  You
       +   can find ggg on #bitreich-en and #bitreich-cooking.
       +   Most minimal gopher client                     tgtimes
       +   Gopher  is  a  protocol allowing browsing text, images
       +   interactively, reach telnet interfaces,  and  download
       +   any  file,  or  open  any URL, for custom action to be
       +   chosen by the user.
       +   Network One reliable way to fetch the content from in-
       +     ternet  would be Ethernet, but convenience and price
       +     would push toward using radio transmission  such  as
       +     WiFi.  [1]
       +   Processing One inexpensive family of  processors  fea-
       +     turing  a high cost-to-performance ratio, which also
       +     features WiFi, is the ESP32. The C3  iteration  even
       +     uses  the open-source architecture RISC-V. The speed
       +     is decent enough for decoding JPEG an PNG,  or  sup-
       +     port TLS as used in gophers://.
       +   Display The cost of displays have dropped considerably
       +     as  they  invaded the market.  Economy of scale made
       +     small color displays even  cheaper  than  character-
       +     based displays.
       +   Input Browsing content is a lot about scrolling. Since
       +     we  do custom hardware, capacitive touch buttons can
       +     be used for little to no  extra  cost.   This  could
       +     permit a smooth scrolling through the content.  [2]
       +   Text Text is compact and efficient,  and  bitmap  font
       +     requires  a  bit  of storage for all the common non-
       +     ASCII characters, but ESP32 have 16MB of flash stor-
       +     age enough for the entire uncompressed Unifont:
       +   Audio Producing sound does not cost much more  than  a
       +     small  audio  amplifier,  software for decoding MP3,
       +     and a 3.5mm Jack connector.  Very small cost added.
       +   Extension an USB interface would  allow  plugging  the
       +     device  to a computer for either automation or using
       +     a full keybaord.
       +   Power A small dedicated battery could be included  in-
       +     creasing  the  cost,  but getting all power from USB
       +     would also preserve the choice to the user, free  to
       +     chose a wall charger or portable power bank.
       +   Enclosure A custom 3D printed case would allow keeping
       +     the cost very low even at small volume production.
       +   There exist boards around 5 USD  which  would  provide
       +   all  of  the above except audio and a few wires, typi-
       +   cally the size of an MP3 player.  The grand total bill
       +   of  material  could realistically approach 10 USD.  An
       +   actual product could eventually reach as low as 15 USD
       +   if  keeping  only  a  small margin for the seller, and
       +   eventually lower if produced on a larger scale.
       +   The support of TLS does not bring any cost in this ex-
       +   ample: an ESP8266 could be used at around 0.85 USD in-
       +   stead of 1.25 USD for the ESP32-C3, but is also  capa-
       +   ble  of  TLS.   Image  decoding would then probably be
       +   much slower.  By far the most resource hungry part  of
       +   this project.
       +   Writing the software  for  such  a  product  from  the
       +   ground up could take typically an entire week, includ-
       +   ing JPEG and PNG decoding libraries,  image  and  font
       +   rendering,  writing driver for all the parts involved,
       +   integrating the TCP/IP stack and TLS stack.
       +   While an XML parser able to fetch  content  over  HTTP
       +   would  be relatively as difficult to build, this would
       +   not permit the same level of user  experience  as  the
       +   Gopher-based  project: CSS and JavaScript are becoming
       +   an increasingly frequent  requirement  to  access  the
       +   Web, and reimplementing a new compatible rendering en-
       +   gine is not feasible to a single person.
       +   This requirement would in turn affect the minimal per-
       +   formance  of  the processing unit used: a processor in
       +   the GHz range with RAM in the GB range, in  particular
       +   if  anticipating future needs of the Web software sys-
       +   tem.
       +   1 Ethernet would require an extra transceiver chip, while wifi takes mostly
       +     just a wire acting as antenna, which partly explains its low cost.
       +   2 Once again, mostly requiring wires, this cuts the price and explain
       +     their popularity.
       +   Meme cache pointer support                    Bitreich
       +   The  Bitreich  memecache joins modern programming lan-
       +   guages like C in supporting pointer notation.   Get  a
       +   pointer  representation of a meme by referencing it in
       +   our IRC channels with the syntax '*<tag>', instead  of
       +   the usual '#<tag>'.
       +   Example:
       +   <adc> #gnu-hut
       +   <annna> #gnu-hut: gophers://bitreich.org/I/memecache/gnu-hut.jpg
       +   <adc> *gnu-hut
       +   <annna> *gnu-hut: gophers://bitreich.org/9/memecache/filter/*gnu-hut.jpg
       +   The pointer notation works for image and video  memes.
       +   Remember that you  can  explore  our  memes  with  [1]
       +   bitreich-tardis,  and  explore  the  inner workings of
       +   annna in the [2] git repository.   -adc  Deep  pointer
       +   support in memes.
       +   Thanks the ground work of adc, we had pointer  support
       +   for  memes.  Based  on  this, we now have deep pointer
       +   support for all kind of memes:
       +   With cache support.  Have fun pointing  at  memes!  We
       +   had  much  fun making this. :D Reverse pointer support
       +   for memes.
       +   After a public request by an avid pointer lover, we of
       +   course  implemented  reverse pointer support for memes
       +   now:
       +   See how you can dereference this teapot now.
       +   Have fun!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Pointy Officer (CPO)
       +   1 git://bitreich.org/bitreich-tardis
       +   2 git://bitreich.org/annna
       +   The Road to Success                             josuah
       +   Success, the holy grail in Life.  Many different forms
       +   and shapes.  Marriage? Career? A medal? A  stable  fi-
       +   nancial  situation?  Crossing the border and get natu-
       +   ralized?  So many facets to that same shiny diamond.
       +   Or does success mean avoiding failure?  In that  case,
       +   doing nothing means no failure, but trying always have
       +   more chance to reach whatever one names "success".
       +   If failing means that trying did not lead one  as  far
       +   as  hoped  for,  then the next thing to do for getting
       +   closer to "success" again is trying again, in risk  to
       +   fail  over  again.   And  while  so,  also going a bit
       +   closer every time to success.  What  is  the  landmark
       +   that distinguish being very close to actually reaching
       +   success?  Which indicator to use?  Is  it  about  com-
       +   pleting  a  large  project?   Fame?  A position in the
       +   company?  And once at the top position of  a  company,
       +   one  can  still say it was a tiny company and the real
       +   goal always was to be at the head of a great  company,
       +   and  that  success  will  be when the company is large
       +   enough.
       +   So if there is no real landmark, if failing is  trying
       +   but  failing to reach an impossible goal, then failing
       +   is the result of trying whatever that leads to.  Fail-
       +   ure  would  be  the moment that follows any attempt to
       +   reach the end of a direction.  Failure would simply be
       +   the  moment  where you look back at where you were be-
       +   fore trying, where you are now, and the road  left  to
       +   go to reach infinity.
       +   Success looks similar: trying to  move  forward,  con-
       +   stantly  bumping  the  objective  further  as  one get
       +   closer to it.  Again success is the moment  where  you
       +   look  at  where  you  are, and estimate how far you've
       +   been.  If success and failure are the same, this  sug-
       +   gests that something is wrong somewhere.  Somehow, the
       +   ultimate acheivement of every life is death.
       +   The Road to Success?  This is the same as the road  to
       +   Failure: this is Life, it leads to Death.  Wherever we
       +   go, we will be on it as long as we live.  So now,  may
       +   we move that idea of Success away so that we can enjoy
       +   living our life.
       +   sfeed 1.7 was released.                         Hiltjo
       +   sfeed  is a tool to convert RSS or Atom feeds from XML
       +   to a TAB-separated file.
       +   It can be found at:
       +   sfeed has the following small changes compared to 1.6:
       +   sfeed_curses:
       +   o Add SCO keys for next, prior  (CSI  I  and  CSI  G).
       +     Tested on DragonFlyBSD (cons25 console).
       +   o  Add  SUN  keys  support.   Tested  on  OpenIndiana.
       +     sfeed_gopher:
       +   o Remove  unnecesary  PATH_MAX  restricting  the  path
       +     length.   This  also  makes  it  compile  cleanly on
       +     GNU/Hurd.
       +   o Man page and documentation improvements.
       +   I want to thank all people who gave feedback,
       +   Thanks, Hiltjo
       +   Volunteers for a The Gopher Times trial wanted.itreich
       +   As  pioneers  in the gopher world, we at Bitreich want
       +   to make the gopher times more accessible to all people
       +   over  the  world. For this, we are planning a trial to
       +   have  printed  out  the  gopher  times  sent  to  your
       +   doorstep.
       +   If you want to participate, please send your name  and
       +   address to
       +   Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       +   World delivery to all remote places is possible too.
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Press Officer (CPO)
       +   Brcon2023 from August 7th to 13th             Bitreich
       +   The  community has decided!  Brcon2023 will happen be-
       +   tween 7th to 13th of August beginning with  an  online
       +   session  from  7th  to 10th August and a presence part
       +   from 11th to 13th of August in Callenberg, Germany:
       +   This means, the call for papers/presentations is open.
       +   This  year the main topic will of course be gopher and
       +   all kind of simple services created  for  gopherspace.
       +   All other simple protocols are welcome too.
       +   Some topics that are already planned and  may  inspire
       +   you:
       +   o Entropy services via gopher.
       +   o Serving highly-complex memes via IRC/gopher  includ-
       +     ing gopher GPU services.
       +   o Geo / map services via gopher.
       +   o Qi Gong for beginners (in the forest!) including  an
       +     inspiring forest walk in the sun.
       +   o Gophers and other family members in a museum exhibi-
       +     tion with an exclusive tour.
       +   It is very simple to hold a presentation.  Please  see
       +   the slides from a previous con:
       +   And it is possible from all over the world!  The world
       +   is invited!
       +   Please send proposals for talks to  Christoph  Lohmann
       +   <20h@r-36.net>.
       +   See you at brcon2023!
       +   Sincerely yours, 20h Chief Conference Officer (CCO)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw b/opus8/article-tgtimes-panopticon-effect.mw