opus5: redact some more articles - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit e52137bb2fd839ea6446af2c0cc70ea4ea31b5b3
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <me@josuah.net>
       Date:   Sun, 29 May 2022 22:01:40 +0200
       opus5: redact some more articles
         M opus5/article-tgtimes-animated-tex… |       1 +
         M opus5/article-tgtimes-ascii-art-re… |       1 +
         M opus5/article-tgtimes-bluetooth-br… |      78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
       3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-animated-text-art.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-animated-text-art.mw
       @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
        .SH linuxconsole
        Animated ASCII art
       +.2C 40v
        With all the history of ASCII art and demoscene,
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-ascii-art-rendering.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-ascii-art-rendering.mw
       @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
        .SH tgtimes
        Synthetic ASCII Art
       +.2C 80v
        Sometimes, an entirely new way to approach problems is found.
   DIR diff --git a/opus5/article-tgtimes-bluetooth-brain.mw b/opus5/article-tgtimes-bluetooth-brain.mw
       @@ -1,6 +1,80 @@
       +.SH josuah
       +Wireless, wireless everywhere
       +.2C 60
       +Wires! Cables! Connectors!
       +Computer and electric systems seems to befriend with plugs and sockets.
       +Why is the computer industry running away from them for everything exposed to users?
       +.IP "Where do I plug the cable?"
       +Everyone needfully face this question at least once, be it the first time they own a computer.
       +From the various connector shapes to choose from, to the various set of protocol the Universal USB connector supports,
       +cables provoke confusion to cable-haters and computer neophytes.
       +.IP "Cables are ugly"
       +It might not be true for everyone, but computer manufacturers seems to say differently.
       +Starting with the name "wireless", that comes by opposition to wires, supposing they were something to avoid.
       +Cable management is a full time job for datacenter jockeys, and a chore for the cable-hating computer user.
       +.IP "Cables are immobile"
       +Unless making use of an uncommon cable management strategy,
       +objects connected to cables cannot be carried too far away without unplugging everything devices are connected to.
       +So here comes wireless.
       +While not frequent in large computer infrastructure, wireless is invading the market along with battery devices.
       +Using radio waves to make device talk to each other, at various frequencies, modulation, datarate and distance.
       +Ready to sacrifice any amount of good engineering to make itself more seducing to the market,
       +marketting perpetuates the same illusion of making computer troubles fade away with wireless.
       +From the Bluetooth protocol swamp of mixed edge-cases and compmlexity,
       +to the security vulnerabilities of Wi-Fi,
       +to the security vulnerabilities of Bluetooth,
       +to the proprietary but popular protocols like LoRaWan,
       +to the unreliability and unstability as opposed to wires,
       +to the black box of wireless broadband such as UTMS and LTE,
       +Wireless does not have the same fame among developers valuing simplicity and reliability.
       +Even the United Army holds griefs against wireless such as Bluetooth,
       +and disrecommand it for use by militaries:
        Do not use Bluetooth devices to send, receive, store, or process classified information.
       +Nontheless, wireless is fun, beautiful, and filled with culture.
       +While marketting pushed engineers from the wireless cliff,
       +long before computer came, radio waves were put at good use in the most simple forms: radio communication.
       +From the AM and FM radio stations to listen while on the road,
       +the medium-range boat, airplane, truck, pedestrian talkies, and even satellite communications,
       +hobbyists building-up their own antennas for inter-continental communication,
       +garage door openners and remotely controlled drones...
       +Complex and twisted wireless protocols are only a special case of radio communication,
       +and simple unobfuscated methods of communication are possible, and even frequent.
       +Be it a simple and inexpensive RTL SDR dongle receiver
       +to complete receiver-emitters such as HackRF
       +or LimeSDR
       +among others, the gears for letting one experiment with radio transmissions.
       +This is an invitation for everyone to discover or rediscover the universe of electromagnetic fields communication.