Shorten articles to 11 pages. - tgtimes - The Gopher Times
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tgtimes git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tgtimes
   DIR Log
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  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Sun, 27 Aug 2023 21:48:33 +0200
       Shorten articles to 11 pages.
         M opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-o… |       2 --
         M opus7/3-article-bitreich-donkey-me… |       3 ---
         M opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minim… |       6 ------
         M opus7/5-article-bitreich-gemini2go… |       1 -
         M opus7/5-article-bitreich-geomyidae… |       2 +-
         M opus7/5-article-bitreich-groundhog… |       1 -
         M opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-… |       5 -----
         M opus7/9-3-article-tgtimes-most-min… |       9 ---------
         M opus7/9-4-article-bitreich-meme-ca… |       2 --
         M opus7/9-5-article-tgtimes-a-billio… |       3 ---
         M opus7/9-6-article-josuah-the-road-… |       1 -
         M opus7/9-xxx-footer.md               |       1 -
       12 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 35 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-of-babel.md b/opus7/2-article-bitreich-library-of-babel.md
       @@ -16,5 +16,3 @@ pages of 3200 characters, about 104677 books.
        Now available on gopherspace!
       -Have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/3-article-bitreich-donkey-meter.md b/opus7/3-article-bitreich-donkey-meter.md
       @@ -7,7 +7,4 @@ technology, we now have a Donkey Meter:
        It takes a second to load due to donkey technology restrictions.
        You might also be interested in our Large Donkey Collider technology.
       -Have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.md b/opus7/4-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-server.md
       @@ -14,21 +14,18 @@ to host the Gopher protocol acheiving all of the above?
        The Gopher Times investigates.
        ## Communication
        While WiFi is inexpensive and fits moving device gracefully, the
        reliability of Ethernet is indicated for a server. Ethernet adds
        1 USD of cost for the transceiver handling the electricial characteristics
        of Ethernet. These typically expose an RGMII interface.
        ## Processing
        A microcontroller featuring an Ethernet peripheral (with an RGMII
        interface) could be the popular STM32F103, or an alternative
        compatible part. Enough processing power would be present for an
        embedded TCP/IP and a TLS stack.
        ## Automation
        In addition, most microcontrollers feature a large range of
        built-in peripheral such as timers and communication or analog
        interfaces, enabling automation of devices such as lighting,
       @@ -36,18 +33,15 @@ heating, laundry, motors, or an entire car, through external
        modules. This would come for no extra cost.
        ## Storage
        A slot for a MicroSD card would allow storing and updating
        the static content to serve, and storing network configuration.
        ## Scripting
        There exist project to fit programming languages onto microcontrollers.
        Separate projects for supporting a subset of each of Python, Ruby,
        Javscript, Go, Rust, Lua, Forth and more.
        ## Power
        By letting power supply happen through the USB port, a large range
        of power source can be used, such as battery, solar panels, wind
        turbine, hydropower, or power outlet.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/5-article-bitreich-gemini2gopher-proxy.md b/opus7/5-article-bitreich-gemini2gopher-proxy.md
       @@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ You can get the v0.1 release of the proxy at:
        Have fun! Please send in bugs you encounter. The goal was to display the
        osnews.com gemini capsule.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/5-article-bitreich-geomyidae-v0.96.md b/opus7/5-article-bitreich-geomyidae-v0.96.md
       @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
       -Geomyidae v0.96  release.
       +Geomyidae v0.96 release by Bitreich.
        After Brcon2023 people tested the new features in geomyidae and some
        major bugs were fixed, so now the v0.96 release is ready. Please see the
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/5-article-bitreich-groundhog-day-service.md b/opus7/5-article-bitreich-groundhog-day-service.md
       @@ -9,5 +9,4 @@ now offer the current groundhog shadow status on Bitreich:
        Future prediction has never been that easily and worldwide available!
        Now groundhog was harmed in the production of this service!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-pearls.md b/opus7/6-b-article-bitreich-gopher-pearls.md
       @@ -37,8 +37,3 @@ You want to see all postscript files from back then?
                        non-empty-mime-files.txt | grep postscript
        I wish much fun reading and discovering even more!
       -If you find a pearl, please send the full link and why it should be
       -considered a pearl to:
       -        Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/9-3-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.md b/opus7/9-3-article-tgtimes-most-minimal-gopher-client.md
       @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ reach telnet interfaces, and download any file, or open any URL,
        for custom action to be chosen by the user.
        ## Network
        One reliable way to fetch the content from internet would be Ethernet,
        but convenience and price would push toward using radio transmission
        such as WiFi.
       @@ -14,20 +13,17 @@ Ethernet would require an extra transceiver chip, while wifi takes mostly
        just a wire acting as antenna, which partly explains its low cost.
        ## Processing
        One inexpensive family of processors featuring a high cost-to-performance
        ratio, which also features WiFi, is the ESP32. The C3 iteration even uses
        the open-source architecture RISC-V. The speed is decent enough for
        decoding JPEG an PNG, or support TLS as used in gophers://.
        ## Display
        The cost of displays have dropped considerably as they invaded the market.
        Economy of scale made small color displays even cheaper than
        character-based displays.
        ## Input
        Browsing content is a lot about scrolling. Since we do custom hardware,
        capacitive touch buttons can be used for little to no extra cost.
        This could permit a smooth scrolling through the content.
       @@ -36,7 +32,6 @@ Once again, mostly requiring wires, this cuts the price and explain
        their popularity.
        ## Text
        Text is compact and efficient, and bitmap font requires a bit of storage 
        for all the common non-ASCII characters, but ESP32 have 16MB of flash
        storage enough for the entire uncompressed Unifont:
       @@ -44,24 +39,20 @@ storage enough for the entire uncompressed Unifont:
        ## Audio
        Producing sound does not cost much more than a small audio amplifier,
        software for decoding MP3, and a 3.5mm Jack connector.
        Very small cost added.
        ## Extension
        An USB interface would allow plugging the device to a computer for
        either automation or using a full keybaord.
        ## Power
        A small dedicated battery could be included increasing the cost,
        but getting all power from USB would also preserve the choice to
        the user, free to chose a wall charger or portable power bank.
        ## Enclosure
        A custom 3D printed case would allow keeping the cost very low
        even at small volume production.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/9-4-article-bitreich-meme-cache-pointer-support.md b/opus7/9-4-article-bitreich-meme-cache-pointer-support.md
       @@ -48,5 +48,3 @@ reverse pointer support for memes now:
        See how you can dereference this teapot now.
       -Have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/9-5-article-tgtimes-a-billion-gopher.md b/opus7/9-5-article-tgtimes-a-billion-gopher.md
       @@ -6,7 +6,4 @@ Gopher did this today, by introducing the four billion gophers project.
        IPv6 is required.
        Maybe you find the hidden secret of monkey^Wbillion gophers!
       -Have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/9-6-article-josuah-the-road-to-success.md b/opus7/9-6-article-josuah-the-road-to-success.md
       @@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ success and failure are the same, this suggests that something is wrong
        somewhere. Somehow, the ultimate acheivement of every life is death.
        ## The Road to Success?
        This is the same as the road to Failure: this is Life, it leads to Death.
        Wherever we go, we will be on it as long as we live. So now, may we move
        that idea of Success away so that we can enjoy living our life.
   DIR diff --git a/opus7/9-xxx-footer.md b/opus7/9-xxx-footer.md
       @@ -21,4 +21,3 @@ Here is how you write an article for the next opus 8:
        Thanks for reading The Gopher Times!
        -- the Gopher Times Team