initial import - tttml - converters for a simpler syntax than markdown
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tttml git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tttml
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 90cc0673d34514966f93faff6c62c79babc8faf0
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Thu, 19 Apr 2018 02:04:43 +0200
       initial import
         A markup-fmt                          |     136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A markup-gopher                       |      62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A markup-html                         |     145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       3 files changed, 343 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/markup-fmt b/markup-fmt
       @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       +function fold(blk, first, prefix)
       +        len = length(prefix);
       +        gsub("\t", " ", blk);
       +        gsub(" +", " ", blk);
       +        gsub("\\*+", "*", blk); gsub("_+", "_", blk); gsub("/+", "/", blk);
       +        sub("^ *", "", blk); sub(" *$", "", blk);
       +        gsub("[.!?] ", "& ", blk);
       +        if (match(blk, /^[0-9.]+  /))
       +                blk = substr(blk, RMATCH, RLENGTH - 1) substr(blk, RLENGTH + 1);
       +        for (p = first; (line = substr(blk, 1, 80 - len)) != ""; p = prefix) {
       +                if (length(line) == 80 - len)
       +                        sub(" +[^ ]*$", "", line);
       +                print(p line);
       +                blk = substr(blk, length(line) + 1);
       +                sub("^ *", "", blk);
       +        }
       +function tag(blk)
       +        match(blk, /^\*[^*]*\*:/);
       +        print(substr(blk, 1, RLENGTH));
       +        blk = substr(blk, RLENGTH + 1);
       +        fold(blk, "", "");
       +function link(blk)
       +        match(blk, /^\[[^]]*\]: [^ \t]*/)
       +        print(substr(blk, 0, RLENGTH));
       +        fold(substr(blk, RLENGTH + 1), "", "");
       +function literal()
       +        print("");
       +        do {
       +                print($0);
       +        } while (getline && match($0, /^\t/));
       +function title(blk)
       +        fold(blk, "", "");
       +        half = "========================================";
       +        print(half half);
       +function heading(blk)
       +        print("\n");
       +        fold(blk, "", "");
       +        half = "----------------------------------------";
       +        print(half half);
       +function subheading(str)
       +        print("\n\n### " str);
       +function printblk(blk)
       +        if (blk) print("");
       +        if        (type == PARAGRAPH)        fold(blk, "",   "");
       +        else if (type == QUOTE)                fold(blk, "> ", "> ");
       +        else if (type == LIST)                fold(blk, "- ", "  ");
       +        else if (type == TAG)                tag(blk);
       +        else if (type == LINK)                link(blk);
       +BEGIN {
       +        PARAGRAPH = 1; QUOTE = 2; LIST = 3; TAG = 4; LINK = 5;
       +#        print the        append line        set type or                skip append
       +#        last block        to current        print the                to block
       +#        right now        block or not        current block                (see the end)
       +/^[ \t]*$/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = PARAGRAPH;        next;
       +sub(/^[-*] /, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = LIST;                next;
       +/^\[[^]]*\]: / {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = LINK;                next;
       +/^\*[^*]*\*:/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = TAG;                next;
       +sub(/^> */, "") {
       +                                        type = QUOTE;
       +/^\t/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        literal();                next;
       +sub(/^# +/, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        title($0);                next;
       +sub(/^## +/, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        heading($0);                next;
       +sub(/^###+ */, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        subheading($0);                next;
       +/^=+$/ {
       +        title(blk);        blk = "";                                next;
       +/^-+$/ {
       +        heading(blk);        blk = "";                                next;
       +        blk = blk " " $0;
       +END {
       +        printblk(blk);
   DIR diff --git a/markup-gopher b/markup-gopher
       @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       +# format plain text markdown-style document into browsable gophermap
       +# It recognises and convert the following patterns:
       +#        [tag]: proto://host:port/path
       +#        [tag]: proto://host/path
       +#        [tag]: gopher://host:port/t/path
       +#        [tag]: gopher://host/t/path
       +#        [tag]: //host/t/path
       +#        [tag]: /t/path
       +BEGIN {
       +        if (ARGC < 3 || 4 < ARGC) {
       +                print("usage: markup-gph <host> <port> [<file>]");
       +                exit(1);
       +        }
       +        HOST = ARGV[1];
       +        PORT = ARGV[2];
       +        ARGV[1] = ARGV[3];
       +        ARGC = 2;
       +match($0, "^\\[[^]]*\\]: ") {
       +        host = HOST;        uri = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1);
       +        port = PORT;        tag = substr($0, 2, RLENGTH - 4);
       +        path = uri;        type = "0";
       +        sub("^[ \t]*", "", path);
       +        if (match(path, "/$"))
       +                type = "1";
       +        else if (match(path, "^[01789aghI]/")) {
       +                type = substr(path, 1, 1);
       +                sub(".", "", path);
       +        }
       +        if (sub("^gopher://", "", uri)) {
       +                host = uri; sub("/.*", "", host);
       +                path = uri; sub(".*/", "/", path);
       +                if (match(host, "[a-z.-]+:")) {
       +                        port = substr(host, RLENGTH + 1);
       +                        host = substr(host, RSTART, RLENGTH - 1);
       +                }
       +        } else if (match(uri, "^[a-z0-9-]+:")) {
       +                type = "h"; host = ""; port = "";
       +                path = "URL:" uri;
       +        }
       +        for (name = ""; match($0, /[^ \t]/); name = name " " $0)
       +                if (!getline) { end = 1; break; }
       +        if (name == "" || name == " ") name = " " uri;
       +        printf("%s%s:%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", type, tag, name, path, host, port);
       +        if (end) exit;
       +        gsub("\t", "        ");
       +        printf("i%s\t\t\t\n", $0);
   DIR diff --git a/markup-html b/markup-html
       @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/awk -f
       +function esc(str)
       +        gsub("&", "\\&amp;", str);
       +        gsub("<", "\\&lt;", str);
       +        gsub(">", "\\&gt;", str);
       +        gsub("\"", "\\&quot;", str);
       +        return str;
       +function format(blk)
       +        gsub("[*_]", "", blk);
       +        for (out = ""; match(blk, /\[[^]]+\]/);) {
       +                out = out substr(blk, 1, RSTART - 1);
       +                label = substr(blk, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2);
       +                out = out sprintf("<sup>[<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>]</sup>", label, label);
       +                blk = substr(blk, RSTART + RLENGTH);
       +        }
       +        out = out blk;
       +        return out;
       +function paragraph(blk)
       +        if (blk)
       +                print("<p>" format(esc(blk)) "</p>");
       +function title(blk)
       +        print("\n<h1>" esc(blk) "</h1>\n");
       +function heading(blk)
       +        print("\n<h2>" esc(blk) "</h2>\n");
       +function subheading(str)
       +        print("\n<h3>" esc(str) "</h3>\n");
       +function tag(blk)
       +        print("");
       +        match(blk, /^\*[^*]*\*:/);
       +        print("<dt>" esc(substr(blk, 1, RLENGTH)) "</dt>");
       +        print("<dd>" esc(substr(blk, RLENGTH + 1)) "</dd>");
       +function link(blk)
       +        match(blk, /^\[[^]]*\]:/);
       +        label = esc(substr(blk, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 3));
       +        blk = substr(blk, RLENGTH + 1);
       +        match(blk, /[^ \t]+/);
       +        printf("<p id=\"%s\">%s: <a href=\"%s\">%s</a></p>\n",
       +                esc(label),
       +                esc(label),
       +                esc(substr(blk, RSTART, RLENGTH + 1)),
       +                esc(substr(blk, RSTART + RLENGTH)));
       +function literal()
       +        print("<pre>");
       +        sub(/^\t/, "", $0);
       +        do {
       +                print(esc($0));
       +        } while (getline && sub(/^\t/, "", $0));
       +        print("</pre>");
       +function printblk(blk)
       +        if        (type == PARAGRAPH)        paragraph(blk);
       +        else if (type == QUOTE)                quote(blk, "> ", "> ");
       +        else if (type == LIST)                list(blk, "- ", "  ");
       +        else if (type == TAG)                tag(blk);
       +        else if (type == LINK)                link(blk);
       +BEGIN {
       +        PARAGRAPH = 1; QUOTE = 2; LIST = 3; TAG = 4; LINK = 5;
       +#        print the        append line        set type or                skip append
       +#        last block        to current        print the                to block
       +#        right now        block or not        current block                (see the end)
       +/^[ \t]*$/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = PARAGRAPH;        next;
       +sub(/^[-*] /, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = LIST;                next;
       +/^\[[^]]*\]:/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = LINK;                next;
       +/^\*[^*]*\*:/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = $0;        type = TAG;                next;
       +sub(/^> */, "") {
       +                                        type = QUOTE;
       +/^\t/ {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        literal();                next;
       +sub(/^# +/, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        title($0);                next;
       +sub(/^## +/, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        heading($0);                next;
       +sub(/^###+ */, "") {
       +        printblk(blk);        blk = "";        subheading($0);                next;
       +/^=+$/ {
       +        title(blk);        blk = "";                                next;
       +/^-+$/ {
       +        heading(blk);        blk = "";                                next;
       +        blk = blk " " $0;
       +END {
       +        printblk(blk);