Add a descriptive README - tttml - converters for a simpler syntax than markdown
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/tttml git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/tttml
   DIR Log
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  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Tue, 12 Jun 2018 23:07:21 +0200
       Add a descriptive README
         M Makefile                            |       3 ---
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       5 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ MAN5        = tttml.5
       -README: Makefile $(MAN1) $(MAN5)
       -        mandoc -T ascii $(MAN5) $(MAN1) | col -bx >$@
                mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin
                cp $(BIN) $(PREFIX)/bin
   DIR diff --git a/README b/README
       @@ -1,158 +1,37 @@
       -TTTML(5)                      File Formats Manual                     TTTML(5)
       +Text To Text Markup Language (tttml)
       -     tttml - simpler markup syntax than markdown
       +[git clone]: git://bitreich.org/tttml/
       -     file.md
       +*tttml* is a simpler alternative to the markdown format.  It is focused on
       +maintaining well-formatted plain text documents that look good enough to be
       +published without conversion.
       -     The tttml format is a very simple format for writiing text that look good
       -     enough to be published without conversion.  It lacks the markdown
       -     recursive syntax (such as recursive lists anb quotes) which also remove
       -     markdown ambiguities.  Each block of text is separated from anotherone by
       -     an empty line.
       +This is an awk implementation and converts documents in two steps:
       -     paragraph
       -             Any non-special block of text:
       +- the formatter fix the input if needed
       -                First paragraph of text.
       +- the converters read this well-formatted input
       -                Second paragraph of text.
       -     title   Block that ends by a line with only `=':
       -                Title can therefore have multiple lines if required
       -                although it is not advised.
       -                ======================================================
       +This is the formatter part.  It takes a less rigid format (like markdown "lazy"
       +forms) as input that may contain errors and fix them up as much as it is
       +possible.  It only print well formated output.
       -     heading
       -             Block that ends with a line with only `-':
       -                Heading can also have multiple lines
       -                ------------------------------------------------------
       -     subheading
       -             Block with a single line with at least 3 leading `#' characters
       -             starting at subheading and going down the outline (subheading,
       -             subsubheading ...) every time an additionnal `#' is added:
       +This is a converter.  It takes a well-formatted document and convert it to the
       +target format, in this case a gophermap: It converts the links and replace some
       +ASCII by equivalent prettier UTF-8 symbols.
       -                ### Subheading
       +It is easy to convert a gophermap into an HTML document.  gophermap-html [1]
       +does this.
       -                #### Subsubheading
       -                ##### Subsubsubheading
       -     tag     Block that start with a tag line:
       -                *tagline with asterisks and a column*:
       -                Body of the tag block that can span over multiple
       -                lines like regular paragraphs.
       -     list    Block that start with a dash:
       -                - List item.  The following lines might not have
       -                  leading space.
       -                - Note that multi-paragraph lists are not handled
       -     quote   Block that has a leading `>' on every line:
       -                > Mail-style quoting.  Note that nested quotes
       -                > are not handled.
       -     literal
       -             Block that has a leading tab on every line:
       -                        Nothing gets interpreted in these blocks.
       -                        They get printed as-is.
       -                                They may contain extra tabs.
       -     link    Block that start with a label line and eventual subsequent
       -             description lines:
       -                [label]: git://josuah.net/git/tttml
       -                git repository for the tttml set of tools
       -                [label2]: /url/without/description.txt
       -SEE ALSO
       -     smu(1), simple markup - markdown like syntax:
       -     https://github.com/Gottox/smu
       -     Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       -OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19, 2018                     OpenBSD 6.3
       -TTTML-FMT(1)                General Commands Manual               TTTML-FMT(1)
       -     tttml-fmt - format/pretty-print a tttml file
       -     tttml-fmt [file...]
       -     The tttml-fmt utility reformat a tttml(5) and print valid format to
       -     stdout.
       -     Most markdown documents can be converted to tttml(5) with if they do not
       -     have recursive elents such as nested lists or nested quotes.
       -     o       The paragraphs are being filled to 80 columns,
       -     o       The empty lines are set as apropriate
       -     o       The blocks merged together are separated, such as lists without
       -             separating blank spaces.
       -     o       The title and heading horizontal lines are expanded to 80
       -             columns.
       -     o       The tags with the tagline merged with the paragraph are separated
       -             on their own line.
       -SEE ALSO
       -     tttml-gopher(1), smu(1), tttml(5), simple tttml - markdown like syntax:
       -     https://github.com/Gottox/smu
       -     Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       -OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19, 2018                     OpenBSD 6.3
       -TTTML-GOPHER(1)             General Commands Manual            TTTML-GOPHER(1)
       -     tttml-gopher - generate a gophermap from a tttml file
       -     tttml-gopher host port [file...]
       -     The tttml-gopher utility convert file to a gophermap format, simply by
       -     converting all link entries, converting tabs into spaces and printing the
       -     rest.  host and port is used to set the host in links that do not have a
       -     host, such as /path/to/file.txt
       -     o       All URI starting with a `/' and ending with a `/' are printed
       -             using the `1' entry type
       -     o       All URI starting with a `/' and not ending with a `/' are printed
       -             using the `0'
       -     o       All URI starting with `0', `1', `7', `8', `9', `a', `g', `h' or
       -             `I' followed by a `/' and all "gopher://" URI are printed using
       -             the corresponding entry type.
       -     o       All other URI are printed using the `h' entry type
       -     Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>
       -OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19, 2018                     OpenBSD 6.3
       +[1]: /code/gophermap/
   DIR diff --git a/a.out b/a.out
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/a.out.core b/a.out.core
       Binary files differ.
   DIR diff --git a/t b/t
       @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
       -   TTTML(5)                      File Formats Manual                     TTTML(5)
       -   NAME      tttml - simpler markup syntax than markdown  SYNOPSIS      file.md
       -   DESCRIPTION      The tttml format is a very simple format for writiing text
       -   that look good      enough to be published without conversion.  It lacks the
       -   markdown      recursive syntax (such as recursive lists anb quotes) which
       -   also remove      markdown ambiguities.  Each block of text is separated from
       -   anotherone by      an empty line.       paragraph              Any
       -   non-special block of text:                  First paragraph of text.
       -   Second paragraph of text.       title   Block that ends by a line with only
       -   `=':                  Title can therefore have multiple lines if required
       -   although it is not advised.
       -   ======================================================       heading
       -   Block that ends with a line with only `-':                  Heading can also
       -   have multiple lines
       -   ------------------------------------------------------       subheading
       -   Block with a single line with at least 3 leading `#' characters
       -   starting at subheading and going down the outline (subheading,
       -   subsubheading ...) every time an additionnal `#' is added:
       -   ### Subheading                  #### Subsubheading                  #####
       -   Subsubsubheading       tag     Block that start with a tag line:
       -   *tagline with asterisks and a column*:                 Body of the tag block
       -   that can span over multiple                 lines like regular paragraphs.
       -   list    Block that start with a dash:                  - List item.  The
       -   following lines might not have                   leading space.
       -   - Note that multi-paragraph lists are not handled       quote   Block that
       -   has a leading `>' on every line:                  > Mail-style quoting.  Note
       -   that nested quotes                 > are not handled.       literal
       -   Block that has a leading tab on every line:                          Nothing
       -   gets interpreted in these blocks.                         They get printed
       -   as-is.                                 They may contain extra tabs.
       -   link    Block that start with a label line and eventual subsequent
       -   description lines:                  [label]: git://josuah.net/git/tttml
       -   git repository for the tttml set of tools                  [label2]:
       -   /url/without/description.txt  SEE ALSO      smu(1), simple markup - markdown
       -   like syntax:      https://github.com/Gottox/smu  AUTHORS      Josuah
       -   Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>  OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19, 2018
       -   OpenBSD 6.3
       -   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       -   TTTML-FMT(1)                General Commands Manual
       -   TTTML-FMT(1)  NAME      tttml-fmt - format/pretty-print a tttml file
       -   SYNOPSIS      tttml-fmt [file...]  DESCRIPTION      The tttml-fmt utility
       -   reformat a tttml(5) and print valid format to      stdout.       Most
       -   markdown documents can be converted to tttml(5) with if they do not      have
       -   recursive elents such as nested lists or nested quotes.       o       The
       -   paragraphs are being filled to 80 columns,       o       The empty lines are
       -   set as apropriate       o       The blocks merged together are separated,
       -   such as lists without              separating blank spaces.       o       The
       -   title and heading horizontal lines are expanded to 80              columns.
       -   o       The tags with the tagline merged with the paragraph are separated
       -   on their own line.  SEE ALSO      tttml-gopher(1), smu(1), tttml(5), simple
       -   tttml - markdown like syntax:      https://github.com/Gottox/smu  AUTHORS
       -   Josuah Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>  OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19,
       -   2018                     OpenBSD 6.3
       -   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       -   TTTML-GOPHER(1)             General Commands Manual
       -   TTTML-GOPHER(1)  NAME      tttml-gopher - generate a gophermap from a tttml
       -   file  SYNOPSIS      tttml-gopher host port [file...]  DESCRIPTION      The
       -   tttml-gopher utility convert file to a gophermap format, simply by
       -   converting all link entries, converting tabs into spaces and printing the
       -   rest.  host and port is used to set the host in links that do not have a
       -   host, such as /path/to/file.txt       o       All URI starting with a `/' and
       -   ending with a `/' are printed              using the `1' entry type       o
       -   All URI starting with a `/' and not ending with a `/' are printed
       -   using the `0'       o       All URI starting with `0', `1', `7', `8', `9',
       -   `a', `g', `h' or              `I' followed by a `/' and all "gopher://" URI
       -   are printed using              the corresponding entry type.       o
       -   All other URI are printed using the `h' entry type  AUTHORS      Josuah
       -   Demangeon <mail@josuah.net>  OpenBSD 6.3                     April 19, 2018
       -   OpenBSD 6.3
       -\ No newline at end of file