,-----------.    _____
         |  M  |  E  |   |  |  |.----.-----.----.
         |-----+-----|   |     || -__|     | -__|
         |  M  |  E  |   |_|_|_||____|_|_|_|____|
         \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /    _____       _                     _ __
          \ Quentiam/    |  |  |.---.|_|.-.-.----.---.----.|_| |_.-.-.
           \ Verum /     |  |  ||   || || | | -__|  _|__--|| |  _| | |
            '.   .'      |_____||_|_||_| \_/|____|_| |____||_|___|__ |
              '.'                                                |___|
                              PROFESSOR CLUB
       You walk into the professor club into the dark. Two holes with
       a white light appear around a corner. As you walk closer, you
       can decide:
   IMG Left Peephole
   IMG Right Peephole
       What might the professors do at the moment? See for yourself.
   DIR << back to Bitreich University