As most people reading this likely know: Colorfield Space is hosted in my living room on a RaspberryPi Zero W. I mention this as it relates to this announcment of server down time. My wife and I are moving to a new apartment on May 11th (eleven days from now). I have arranged with my ISP to switch the service over that very day. It is likely that at 12:00am PST on May 11th the server will go down. I will then move apartments and set up the server at the new location. I will be switching to a new, hopefully better, modem/router at that time. So I will need to set up the port forwarding and configure the firewall and all of that. I have taken copious notes on my current setup and hope to have the server up and running no later than 5pm PST on the same day. I know we have had a number of new people sign up for accounts in the last week or few. I want to stress that the downtime is very atypical and will not be a regular occurence. Sorry for any inco- nvenience! If for any reason I am not able to get the server up and running in short order, I will post updates on my other phlog at: I do not anticipate the need, but you are more than welcome to bookmark that address and check it if you are unable to get to this one. Additionally, if any users would like me to e-mail them when the server is back up, I would be happy to do so. Please send any such requests to: Again, sorry for the forthcoming inconvenience.