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       #Post#: 91--------------------------------------------------
       That are easy to see
       By: Abdur Rouf Date: September 9, 2023, 6:33 am
       Men det er nok ikke til VMAX og TOPGEAR. The fact that I believe
       that the technology industry has untapped potential in the
       female target group has never been a secret. Strategic inclusion
       of women in product development and marketing should be a matter
       of course. Ignoring half the population is idiocy. Where I
       unfortunately see it go wrong time and time again is when
       companies try to reach women by creating a gender stereotyped
       universe that smells far too much of we just have to include the
       Pink champagne Goodiebag pink champagne for Moji launch I cant
       count the amount of cupcakes champagne pink balloons lipstick
       nail polish and shopping bags Ive come across over the years
       when someone Phone Number List
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       in a tech company typically a man
       suddenly realizes there are girls too. On the other hand the
       number of women I have met who want that kind of marketing when
       they buy technology can be counted on very few hands. see
       possibly the report When women buy technology.
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       It is not really about gender but about people. People who want
       good service products  through and easy to use and then wrapped
       in a design that must look good. Those needs are not gender
       specific. In other words there are plenty of potential customers
       MK for a company that focuses on service and transparency.
       Therefore I also think it is disgusting that Moji despite the
       good idea will probably exclude many with the rather
       stereotypical feminine signals while at the same time they will
       not admit that the company is made for women.