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       #Post#: 7570--------------------------------------------------
       Operation Red Breach 2015 / Saturdays, April 25 & May 2 / Ha
       rris Field
       By: OMEGO Date: January 20, 2015, 6:34 am
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/f07a0d49-1972-4320-a443-5c811d61809a_zps96973259.png[/img]
       This operation has so many components that we will be spreading
       them out over two consecutive Saturdays.  I will adjust which
       components will take place on which day based on that day’s
       turnout, weather, and player preferences.  Please attend both
       Saturdays to get the most out of this event.  But, if you can
       only attend one Saturday, you will still fit in and have an
       amazing time!
       Waiver and Field Rules linked
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?8813-Harris-Field-Information-amp-Waiver&p=75666&viewfull=1#post75666]HERE[/URL]
       Roll Call signup linked
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9393-Roll-Call-Red-Breach-2015&p=79798&viewfull=1#post79798]HERE[/URL]
       [U]Semi-Auto Only[/U]
       Full-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this
       event.  Only one BB is to be projected with each pull of the
       trigger.  However, an exception to this rule is made for
       designated machine guns which must be big, heavy, and grounded
       as described
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9353-Designated-Machine-Guns&p=79454&viewfull=1#post79454]HERE[/URL].
       [U]Simple Hit/Respawn Rules[/U]
  HTML http://youtu.be/mq9NRLsGL3A][IMG]http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/SimpleHitRespawnRuleSet_zpsb3601e8d.png[/img][/URL]
       Transcript linked
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9381-Simple-Hit-Respawn-Rule-Set-Transcript&p=79694&viewfull=1#post79694]HERE[/URL]<br
       />(TLDR: Go to respawn when hit.)
       [U]FRS/GMRS Radio Channels[/U]
       Channel 1 is reserved for the NATO command network. Odd-numbered
       channels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 may be used by NATO squads as
       directed by their commanders. USSR personnel may monitor the
       odd-numbered channels but aren’t permitted to transmit on them.
       Channel 2 is reserved for the USSR command network.
       Even-numbered channels 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 may be used by
       USSR squads as directed by their commanders. NATO personnel may
       monitor the even-numbered channels but aren’t permitted to
       transmit on them.
       Channels 15 and above are forbidden because of frequency bleed.
       Channel jamming of any kind is prohibited.
       [U]Territories and DMZ[/U]
       Red USSR forces have breached the eastern border of Latgalia and
       annexed a piece of land to establish an exclave.  Blue NATO
       forces have set up a territory of their own to block the
       expansion of the Soviet exclave.  The perimeter of each
       territory will be clearly marked with trail tape (thank Spartan
       Assault for the idea).
       Armed USSR personnel who enter or threaten to enter the NATO
       territory can expect to be fired upon; likewise, armed NATO
       personnel who threaten to breach the Soviet territory can expect
       to be engaged.  Blue and red forces will be ordered to
       guard/patrol the borders of their respective territories and
       alert their commanders of any incursions.
       A small gully separates the longest borders of the two
       territories.  This gully has been retroceded to Latgalia and is
       recognized by the USSR and NATO as a demilitarized zone (DMZ).
       Armed personnel are to stay out of the DMZ at all times.  Those
       who violate this agreement can expect to be shot on sight by the
       opposing faction.
       The other land that surrounds the two territories and DMZ
       belongs to Latgalia and is considered to be unprotected
       territory where almost anything can happen:
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/f5e57e75-7516-4773-8217-11ab6ce2e229_zpse3e5fa61.png[/img]
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/f6b05f21-720f-4db8-aa98-a6d1e61bbf32_zps5c2fb421.png[/img]
       For greater map detail, click
  HTML https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zmYXKE_PgiTM.kIzwCQkj8lpg&ie=UTF&msa=0]HERE[/URL],<br
       />scroll down the left column, and check-in the Red Breach map
       [U]Rules of Engagement[/U]
       This operation is designed to start out quietly with each
       faction going about their business in relative neutrality.  NATO
       and USSR personnel will see each other from across the DMZ but
       should [U]not[/U] initiate any hard contact.
       There will be local citizens and international guests working
       within the DMZ and the rest of Latgalia.  Most will be unarmed,
       and some may provide opportunities to the blue and red factions
       if they’re treated nicely.
       [U]Fusion Orbs and Scoring[/U]
       The USSR and NATO are competing with each other to obtain
       cold-fusion orbs that can be collected from the tree-mounted
       harvesters that occasionally drip them out:
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/harvester4_zpsruqcro5j.gif[/img]
       In addition, the citizens of Latgalia and international
       personnel will have fusion orbs available for trade.  The
       faction with the most orbs in their treasury at endex will be
       declared the winner.
       Reminder:  [B]Players are never required to hand over their
       fusion orbs even after being hit.[/B]  Any game item that’s
       smaller than a softball may be pocketed.
       [U]Tetris Lunch[/U]
       From 14:00 to 15:00, the operation will be paused so that
       players can eat an uninterrupted lunch while scrutinizing
       Korobeiniki.  Each player is to report to his/her respawn tent
       for chow service and is encouraged to stay there for the entire
       lunch hour.  No fusion orbs may be collected/traded, and no
       objectives will be in play.  NATO and USSR players must stay far
       away from the DMZ during this break and need to be back at their
       respective respawn tents promptly by 15:00 for the resumex.
       Don’t be late!
       These rules are designed to be simple so that participants can
       focus more on the gameplay itself.  There are no mag
       restrictions, no required squad cohesion, no bleedout times, no
       medics, and no bandages.
       [U]Our Commitment to You[/U]
       Since taking over airsoft operations at Harris Field in 2013,
       the other volunteer field manager and I have never canceled or
       postponed a publicly announced event because of unfavorable
       weather or any other reason. We are fully committed to following
       through with everything we advertise. Your opinions and
       improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share your
       Red Breach backstory linked
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9346-Red-Breach-%28developing-backstory%29&p=79417&viewfull=1#post79417]HERE[/URL]
       #Post#: 7597--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Operation Red Breach 2015 / Saturdays, April 25 &amp; May 2 
       / Harris Field
       By: OMEGO Date: April 22, 2015, 2:54 pm
       Start NOW to get yourself and your gear ready for combat!
       [U]Required Items[/U]
       Awareness of the field rules linked here:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?8813-Harris-Field-Location-Waiver-amp-Rules&p=75668&viewfull=1#post75668
       Awareness of the specific game rules linked here:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9392-Operation-Red-Breach-2015-Saturdays-April-25-amp-May-2-Harris-Field&p=79797&viewfull=1#post79797
       Cash for admission, fuel, and tolls
       Full-seal eye protection that is ANSI Z87.1 compliant if you are
       over 15 years of age
       Full-face protection like a paintball mask that is ANSI Z87.1
       compliant if you are under 15 years of age
       Water or another form of hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)
       Red rag
       State-issued photo identification if at least 18 years of age
       Waiver signed by parent if under 18 years of age linked here:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?8813-Harris-Field-Information-amp-Waiver&p=75667&viewfull=1#post75667
       [U]Recommended[/U] items linked here:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?8813-Harris-Field-Location-Waiver-amp-Rules&p=75669&viewfull=1#post75669
       Please wear shirts and headwear with velcro so that we can give
       you our 4” faction patches to wear during the event:
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/4%20inch_zpsopiy9j6u.jpg[/img]
       Otherwise, we have 6” duct-tape patches for you:
  HTML http://i1372.photobucket.com/albums/ag327/OmegoAirsoft/6%20inch_zpsrjlmnw8l.jpg[/img]
       If you have a battery-operated FM radio, please bring it out to
       the field because Radio Latgalia (88.1) will be on the air!
       We currently have over 230 players signed up for this event.  If
       you plan to attend, your name needs to be on the roll call by
       tomorrow, Thursday, April 23, at 23:00 so that we’ll know how
       many on-field lunches to prepare.  Please let me know if you
       don’t want the included lunch.  Please verify that your name is
       listed accurately on the roll call linked here:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9393-Roll-Call-Red-Breach-2015&p=79798&viewfull=1#post79798
       I’ve been working on this op for several hours daily since early
       November and can’t wait to drop it all on you!
  HTML https://youtu.be/hWTFG3J1CP8
       #Post#: 7598--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Operation Red Breach 2015 / Saturdays, April 25 &amp; May 2 
       / Harris Field
       By: OMEGO Date: April 28, 2015, 12:39 am
       Part 1 ended with the USSR having 115 orbs in their vault, and
       NATO had 233.
       There were 201 participants which is a new attendance record for
       an airsoft event in the state of Maine.
  HTML https://youtu.be/FRLa8URJMS8
       The best is yet to come with Part 2 this Saturday, May 2.  If
       you plan to attend, please verify that you’re listed correctly
       on the roll call:
  HTML http://maineairsoft.org/showthread.php?9393-Roll-Call-Red-Breach-2015&p=79798&viewfull=1#post79798
       Please bring a battery-powered FM radio set to 88.1 MHz, and
       bring your fully charged smart phones with BattleTac installed:
  HTML http://battletac.com/
       BattleTac radio channel:  7
       BattleTac security code:  fire
       #Post#: 7611--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Operation Red Breach 2015 / Saturdays, April 25 &amp; May 2 
       / Harris Field
       By: OMEGO Date: August 21, 2015, 6:33 pm
       Part 2 video:
  HTML https://youtu.be/6uG0WDTZthY
       #Post#: 7612--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Operation Red Breach 2015 / Saturdays, April 25 &amp; May 2 
       / Harris Field
       By: OMEGO Date: August 25, 2015, 8:57 pm
       Tom “KAHUNA” Ostrowski just released his amazing Red Breach vid:
  HTML https://youtu.be/8p_puCSZdNk