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       #Post#: 4805--------------------------------------------------
       Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 5:37 am
       I'm going to take you through what I excperiance while talking
       to different companys about hosting this site.
       The Host must have MYSQL, PHP, Wordpress
       Also I'll be checking for any limits like on database size.
       Stay Tuned
       #Post#: 4806--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 5:45 am
       I contacted 1&1 And wasn't kept waiting to long with there chat
       system which I found easy to get along with, I may have gone
       with them except for a limitation most who run normal sites wont
       come up against but a forum can take up a lot of database space.
  HTML https://www.ionos.co.uk/hosting/web-hosting#packages
       You'll notice the limit on there MYSQL db is 2GB, This may seem
       a lot but not for this site with all the data and forums I would
       expect it to out grow that in maybe 5 years depending on forum
       They did give me an option that was an unmetered server Don't
       think I want to mess with a server as 5Gb in 10 years would be
       about right.
       #Post#: 4807--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 5:56 am
  HTML https://www.tsohost.com
       To be honest I didn't like it
       from the genaral look of there site There's a giant 75% Off sale
       sign sorry but If I do this I want a host that's not that
       desperate for Clients.
       Anyway thought I would have a chat well they found one of my pet
       hates there chat system was over complicated in the extreme in
       that it was describing tickets and members well I wont go on you
       can look yourself.
       Well I braved it and filed out there name field and sent a
       message and waited, waited,waited then closed the page one host
       I wont have to think about anymore, now I understand the 75%
       sale 8))
       #Post#: 4808--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 6:31 am
       Just been talking to
  HTML https://uk.godaddy.com/hosting/web-hosting
       my domin is with them so thought I would check all looked really
       good the site was good, chat was nice and easy plus didn't have
       to wait long.
       They have one plan that looked perfect except for when I asked
       the database limit question I found the gotya while you can have
       25 database with there deluxe plan your limited to a very
       limiting 1Gb.
       Why make something look good offering 25 database then chop my
       head of when I would only need one maybe 4-5 gb in 10 years
       depending on forum activity.
       the thing that bugs me about this host is they didn't show the
       information where I could find it easily a year or so later I
       would have run out of space do I chop my db in bits and put bits
       in different Db's  :o >:( I wont say more!!
       #Post#: 4809--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 7:22 am
       Just checked out
  HTML https://www.fasthosts.co.uk/web-hosting
       there live chat which is NOT a live chat they want your email or
       phone number, I don't think so.
       anyway checked there packages and they get points for giving the
       information as to limits they are another 1Gb but  thought I
       would talk to them to see if there was another option, thats
       when I found out there live chat was nothing of the sort.
       so thats another no the search continues.
       #Post#: 4810--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 8:08 am
       This one takes the biscuit
  HTML https://www.uk2.net/web-hosting
       to start.
       [img width=200
  HTML https://media0.giphy.com/media/U49qbg0Pk9339Fh6Ah/200.gif[/img]
       I found there package information which as with a lot only gave
       basic information, As usual you could have loads of databases 10
       for the plan that seemed to suit what I was looking for so
       thought I would talk to them lol
       then I started was playing
       The Supermen Lovers, Starlight
       by the time I got an answer I had listerned to and made a cuppa
       put washing on
       The Gibson Brothers, Cuba
       Yazz & The Plastic Population, The Only Way Is Up
       When I closed it which I'll give more details below I was
       literning to
       Foreigner, I Want To Know What Love Is
       Now What do I think about there chat that is when I finally got
       to talk to somebody well at the end they asked me to give them a
       1-5 star rating I'll let you guess what I gave them.
       First I had to fill out there form name, Email, Domin, then
       select what I wanted to chat about and finally what I wanted to
       talk about.
       you would think that was it I would be chating Nope they then
       displayed a code and a box for me to add it to All I can say is
       Well I finally got somebody to talk to and there first quest was
       whats your Domin then they asked me for the code I just added to
       the box.
       If I designed a system like that I would pay somebody to put me
       out of my misery.
       P.S. Forgot this fun bit the person I was talking to must have
       had a very slow connection as to a while for them to even replay
       and dont thing there was a person typing thing.
       #Post#: 4811--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 8:47 am
       I'll tel you about this one when I get back from shops Trust me
       it's A doozy
  HTML https://theemailshop.co.uk/windows-hosting-uk/
       What came up on the google search should have given me a hint
       There link text says
       Cheap and Best PHP MYSQL Web Hosting - UK
       [img width=356
  HTML https://media0.giphy.com/media/3oGRFi4VKaxP1UYYuc/200.gif[/img]
       #Post#: 4812--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Finding Host
       By: Michael Date: July 18, 2021, 10:38 am
       Think I may have found one
  HTML https://www.scalahosting.com
       just need a lot of other things to happen now.