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       #Post#: 64--------------------------------------------------
       User Manual
       By: Michael Date: May 7, 2019, 1:21 pm
       This project is being kept as simple as posible, I am using
       electrical data as I am a qualified electrician but it will be
       able to be used by all trades men.
       All screens will have a control tip help system with information
       as to that controls usage and any helpful information I think
       may help it can be turned on and of in the preferences so it
       would be able to be used for training.
       Both the customer and suppliers have been update from those in
       DD's simple home accounts
       the only differences are the email, website, notes  And for the
       suppliers A contact field.
       You can view stored websites should one be entered.
       You can  open your default email client so you can send the
       selected records an email using the entered email address
       As you will see there is button by each field which you use for
       the above.
       I have also added a auto dialer so you can contact
       suppliers/customers directly from the system you will need this
       setup to be able to make use of this feature.
       All other features work as in DD's Simple Home Accounts
       This project will include complete control tip information so
       should you Need information as to what a button or box does just
       hover over it for a short message that should aid you
       [img width=434
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144128-1382310.png[/img]
       [img width=450
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144130-152622.png[/img]
       [img width=385
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144128-1441303.png[/img]
       #Post#: 65--------------------------------------------------
       By: Michael Date: May 12, 2019, 11:02 am
       Preferences is where you can set how your program responds to
       you and the data you add.
       Owners Information
       I have given the letterhead generator as many option as I can as
       I think it important for you to be able to create an image you
       feel is more you, I may be adding additional option further down
       the road once I have reports built.
       At present you can set the following:
       [list type=decimal]
       [li]Letterhead Type: Defult: Use settings as on display, No
       Letterhead: You have a printed letterhead on your paper, Company
       Picture: You can add a picture which will then be used this will
       have it's own settings as to the size and location of said
       picture "Will be added when reports are available"[/li]
       [li]Alignment: You can left, center or right Align The company
       [li]Font: you can select the font you like for your letterhead
       "You will be able to create a new list of fonts should you use
       your own"[/li]
       [li]Company Name, Address Lines And Contact Lines[/li]
       [list type=decimal]
       [li]Size: Select the size you wish for each Contact Info Part
       "Please note you may find some fonts do not change size this
       depend on the font system settings as some have upper and lower
       size limits[/li]
       [li]Bold, Italic And UnderLine: Click the box for each part of
       the address you wish this will then put a tick in the box
       showing it has been set[/li]
       [li]Colour: To change the colour Double click any of the colour
       fields this will then display the colour picker where you can
       select the colour for that part of the address. "Tip: Once you
       select the first colour add that colour to the custom colours
       you will be able to use it to set the other two parts of the
       address the same colour"[/li]
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144129-1451756.png[/img]
       #Post#: 68--------------------------------------------------
       By: Michael Date: May 18, 2019, 6:32 am
       Workorders Are simpler than they look to use they have been
       baised around:
       [list type=decimal]
       [li]Client Calls to enquire about works and requests somebody be
       sent to do an estimate, a work order is created for that
       estimate and report printed for engineer to take and fill out
       with a short description, List of parts and maybe a small
       drawing to show a basic layout[/li]
       [li]Note: You can create a work order though the estimates
       screen without creaating a work order to carry out the estimate
       view the estimates section for more information [/li]
       [li]NOTE: the date and other related items in the Start Date for
       job While the client is on the phone then you should agree a
       date and time for the Estimate to be carried out you can check
       the availablity of all employees by clicking the "Open Diary At
       This date" Button, if there is no date the current date is used
       Review the diary section for information as to the diary useage.
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/works-manager/user-manual-43/msg71/#msg71[/li]
       [li]The engneer returns to the office with their paperwork
       brings up the workorder as on the estimate Works Docket now the
       estimate can be created, Use the create estimate button at the
       top of the screen once used this is greyed out and cannot be
       reused for that work order[/li]
       [li]If the client Approves then the estimate is maked as
       appoved, you can then from the estimate screen create a new work
       Order for the approved estimate this links the new workorder and
       estimate together[/li]
       [li]I will cover additions to works here[/li]
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144130-1512008.png[/img]
       There are two types of addition one where you need to create a
       new estimate to cover the new works requested and one where the
       works are only minor and can be delt with on site
       The top list on the screen below shows only approved and
       additions estimates and there amount is added to the work orders
       additions charge.
       the bottom list is a simple add date short descrition of works
       and the cost parts and labour
       I will cover the below in more detail as the system is futher
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144849-1531016.png[/img]
       Note The colours in the #used these are:
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144129-1461346.png[/img]
       #Post#: 69--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Estimating
       By: Michael Date: May 18, 2019, 6:40 am
       Please note these screens may change in small ways and other
       toolbar options will be added.
       Details will be added shortly
       #Post#: 70--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Parts
       By: Michael Date: May 18, 2019, 7:09 am
       I will add details soon
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720144129-1481682.png[/img]
       #Post#: 71--------------------------------------------------
       Works Diary
       By: Michael Date: May 23, 2019, 3:06 pm
       #Post#: 73--------------------------------------------------
       By: Michael Date: June 4, 2019, 3:34 pm
       These screens are now complete and should not alter unless
       errors are found while further testing is carried out.
       Usage details will be added soon.
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720145444-155116.png[/img]
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720145444-156752.png[/img]
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720145443-1541569.png[/img]
       #Post#: 74--------------------------------------------------
       Stock Inwards
       By: Michael Date: June 5, 2019, 11:43 am
       Another item finished subject to testing and final checks
       I will had the how to info soon
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720150425-157307.png[/img]
       #Post#: 75--------------------------------------------------
       Purchase Orders
       By: Michael Date: June 7, 2019, 9:16 am
       The screen below still has some coding to be added
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720150426-1591989.png[/img]
       The first thing you may notice about the screen below is that 2
       items are coloured red this has been done to show items not in
       the suppliers product List to order these item you should create
       a new purchase Order with a supplIer who has these items in
       their product list
       All the below information will be available in each controls
       [list type=decimal]
       [li]PRODUCT: should you wish to view that products entry double
       click the product name to open the product edit screen.[/li]
       [li]UNITS: These indecate what that item is expected to be
       delivered like I.E. A Drum of 100 meters of cable would be
       displayed as Drum (100), You can add or edit units on the
       products screen.[/li]
       [li]ORDER: This is the reorder level for that product Should the
       In Stock be less than that you could while adding items for a
       workorder also add stock items, This can only be edited on the
       products edit screen[/li]
       [li]ADD: this is the only field on this screen that you can
       edit, to move from one product to the next you can use the
       up/down arrows, Add the number of items you require for that
       product View TICK BUTTON: for more information[/li]
       [li]ESTIMATED: This is the total amount required for a given
       Work Order at the point of creating the purchase order, this
       amount may change should you be requested to carry out
       additional works Should you need to order more products after
       creating a purchase order you can use this screen with a new
       purchase order but it will not allow you you to edit one from
       this screen.  please view the work order topic or estimate topic
       for more information[/li]
       [li]ADDED: This shows the total amount added for all Purchase
       Orders related to the assigned work order [/li]
       [li]LAST ORDER: this is the date a purchase order was created
       for that product to view this information double click the
       [li]IN STOCK:[/li]
       [li]TICK BUTTON:[/li]
       [img width=600
  HTML https://databasedreams.createaforum.com/gallery/databasedreams/1-190720150426-1601896.png[/img]
       #Post#: 76--------------------------------------------------
       By: Michael Date: June 15, 2019, 2:34 pm
       Version 1 updates will be made to this object as the system is
       developed further.